View Full Version : NPC seller for Dungeon Entry Items

02-10-2011, 09:08 PM
Quote from Beserk_Fury in may of 2010.......

"I somewhat agree with having an NPC sell dungeon cards, but all your other ideas are horrible because they will not fix anything."

I think it is a great idea. At least then dungeon entry items, unlike other items, won't be stupidly overpriced.


02-10-2011, 09:25 PM
+1 i agree, cant even make profit off EoD anymore T_T

02-10-2011, 09:29 PM
Ok, let's give this a few minutes thought, what determines the prices of the enteries?

Supply/demand and the value of the items you find in the dungeon. At the moment some enteries are high due to the fact that you're leveling quite fast and drop rates aren't high enough for you to cover the supply, and many players tend to go to dungeons as they will eventually drop something of value.

If you do introduce such an NPC, not only you'll be cutting off the farmers income, but you'll be also making everything in the game coming from the dungeons remarkably cheaper.

At the moment you don't want to have all the alz stacked and only a fraction of it is used for trading, you need to have all the stacked alz injected into the circulation and distributed to an extent between the players then reduced generally.

02-10-2011, 09:41 PM
they should just unban those ug bots, they were helpful to leach off the free osm gear and cheap eod entry : >

02-10-2011, 10:37 PM

02-11-2011, 04:45 AM
Oh boy, you're turning me into a legendary forumer.

02-11-2011, 06:47 AM
Bots ftw

02-11-2011, 07:13 AM
Ok, let's give this a few minutes thought, what determines the prices of the enteries?

The amount of botters botting.

due to the fact that you're leveling quite fast


you'll be also making everything in the game coming from the dungeons remarkably cheaper.

Not entirely true. Prices are going to be set upon mostly the amount or rarity of the item that is currently in circulation. People still have to run the dungeons, and people would still have to buy the entries, so I don't see items going down in price because of it. Even if they handed out free entries, it doesn't mean that people would run more dungeons. However, I do agree that putting an npc in game would cause alz to be destroyed, which kills the economy further. I also think that putting a bigger selection of daily quest entries would be a good idea.

02-11-2011, 07:41 AM
Ok, let's give this a few minutes thought, what determines the prices of the enteries?

Supply/demand and the value of the items you find in the dungeon. At the moment some enteries are high due to the fact that you're leveling quite fast and drop rates aren't high enough for you to cover the supply, and many players tend to go to dungeons as they will eventually drop something of value.

If you do introduce such an NPC, not only you'll be cutting off the farmers income, but you'll be also making everything in the game coming from the dungeons remarkably cheaper.

At the moment you don't want to have all the alz stacked and only a fraction of it is used for trading, you need to have all the stacked alz injected into the circulation and distributed to an extent between the players then reduced generally.

People who's incomes are supplied by selling upgrade cores and dungeon entries are the people that are level 16x wearing less than a bil in gear. The only way to progress in this game is to save all of your cores, then spend whatever other alz you have on dungeons. More specifically, IC1, IC2, AoS1, FI, and FT2. If these dungeon entries were supplied at 500K / entry by an NPC, then players would be able to actually run these dungeons. Even a character with 500m in gear can run IC1 with 2 - 3 other people. Once those group of people have ran about 100 IC1's you can be certain that they will have made more profit than individually running a bunch of low level dungeons. This game is becoming stale because there isn't enough high quality drops (i.e. Forcium FB Amp Gloves +11).

02-11-2011, 07:52 AM
People who's incomes are supplied by selling upgrade cores and dungeon entries are the people that are level 16x wearing less than a bil in gear. The only way to progress in this game is to save all of your cores, then spend whatever other alz you have on dungeons. More specifically, IC1, IC2, AoS1, FI, and FT2. If these dungeon entries were supplied at 500K / entry by an NPC, then players would be able to actually run these dungeons. Even a character with 500m in gear can run IC1 with 2 - 3 other people. Once those group of people have ran about 100 IC1's you can be certain that they will have made more profit than individually running a bunch of low level dungeons. This game is becoming stale because there isn't enough high quality drops (i.e. Forcium FB Amp Gloves +11).

lol i agree with the npc dungeon keys seller ... about the "game becoming stale because there isnt enough high quality drops(forcy amp)" just think about it forcy amp dropping is same as having a amp transmuter it would mess up economy ..... forcy amp drop rate is good how it is.why the best drop would drop more often?only the ppl who spam dungeons or are lucky enough can get it. if u want to have forcy amp move ur ass and spam the hell out of dungeons.

02-11-2011, 08:21 AM
lol i agree with the npc dungeon keys seller ... about the "game becoming stale because there isnt enough high quality drops(forcy amp)" just think about it forcy amp dropping is same as having a amp transmuter it would mess up economy ..... forcy amp drop rate is good how it is.why the best drop would drop more often?only the ppl who spam dungeons or are lucky enough can get it. if u want to have forcy amp move ur ass and spam the hell out of dungeons.

Let me know when the last time you saw FB forcium amp gloves were for sale. I never said anything about increasing the drop rate of forcium amp, I simply suggested allowing cheaper dungeons may result in more dungeons being run which will inevitably yield more high-end drops. Having an NPC that sells dungeon entries is just one of a long list of changes to cabal that I would make if it were up to me.

02-11-2011, 08:27 AM
just use the daily quest free entries lol

when they used to sell eod b2f back in FR, yeah, it affected the price of that entry; it became practically worthless lol or buy from cs, what can i say, i'ma su.cker for when it comes to donating epoints to EST lol...stupid really

02-11-2011, 08:45 AM
Let me know when the last time you saw FB forcium amp gloves were for sale. I never said anything about increasing the drop rate of forcium amp, I simply suggested allowing cheaper dungeons may result in more dungeons being run which will inevitably yield more high-end drops. Having an NPC that sells dungeon entries is just one of a long list of changes to cabal that I would make if it were up to me.

no i havent seen a forcy amp gloves for sell,anyway this is what u said "This game is becoming stale because there isn't enough high quality drops (i.e. Forcium FB Amp Gloves +11)." hmmm quick question would u like every1 in cabal using forcy amp? o.0

02-11-2011, 09:35 AM
no i havent seen a forcy amp gloves for sell,anyway this is what u said "This game is becoming stale because there isn't enough high quality drops (i.e. Forcium FB Amp Gloves +11)." hmmm quick question would u like every1 in cabal using forcy amp? o.0

sure, then we'd all be on the same level and it comes down to who can play better than the other, i.e. skill with your character

02-11-2011, 09:38 AM
sure, then we'd all be on the same level and it comes down to who can play better than the other, i.e. skill with your character

nah, its kind of a sense of accomplishment when u get some nice gear that isnt very common. and if they wanted a game highly based on skill the lvl cap would be as low as Guilds War's lvl cap.

02-11-2011, 09:55 AM
nah, its kind of a sense of accomplishment when u get some nice gear that isnt very common. and if they wanted a game highly based on skill the lvl cap would be as low as Guilds War's lvl cap.

yep.the point of getting good gears is by working hard it is just stupid that forcy amp would drop easy ...increasing drops rate(forcy amp) is stupid lol

02-11-2011, 10:39 AM
no i havent seen a forcy amp gloves for sell,anyway this is what u said "This game is becoming stale because there isn't enough high quality drops (i.e. Forcium FB Amp Gloves +11)." hmmm quick question would u like every1 in cabal using forcy amp? o.0

So according to you it's either nobody has the gear or everyone has it.


02-11-2011, 11:07 AM
So according to you it's either nobody has the gear or everyone has it.


im assuming blade means to say leave forci amp drop rate as is... and i agree rather not flood the market

02-11-2011, 11:30 AM
So according to you it's either nobody has the gear or everyone has it.


nope it is leave forc amp drop as it is only the ppl who spam dungeons/work hard should get it SINCE it is the best drop on game .. like shouldnt be like hat?^_^