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02-19-2011, 10:11 AM
ok was going to make a fs based mostly around pvp any mind giving me a stat build for them ty

02-19-2011, 10:26 AM
Minimum in dex and int...all in str

02-19-2011, 10:38 AM
i was gonna say min in str and int and pump all in dex..

02-19-2011, 11:22 AM
perfect way to fail.....put all you stats in str it gives the most of all the stats you only gain less of everything by using dex

02-23-2011, 05:37 PM
The difference between DexFS and StrFS is only a very insignificant attack, and while DexFS isn't as fail as PSBeardy makes it sound, he is absolutely correct if you're talking about a dedicated PvP build. When it becomes a struggle for the best gear, you'll find it just that little bit harder to cross the 1000ATK line without tons of money.

02-23-2011, 05:52 PM
perfect way to fail.....put all you stats in str it gives the most of all the stats you only gain less of everything by using dex

you make it sound like a dex FS is a Terrible idea when it actually has its benefits, in at least pve. i did a little searching and i found the differences between str Fs and a dex Fs and heres what i found.

Strength Intelligence Dexterity
Attack: +0.25 +0.1 +0.23
Magic: +0.05 +0.286 +0.25
Defense: +0.25 +0 .111 +0.182
Attack rate: +0.4 +0.4 +1.75
Defense rate: +0.2 +0.1 +1.0
Recommended stat distribution
5 strength, 4 intelligence, 3 dexterity

these are what a force shielder gets for every point distributed. i found out how effective a strength Force shielder would be if you chose a strength build and its average came up to, (these arnt exact numbers but i just multiplied each stat distrubited in strength by 500 and came up with)

Attack- 125
Magic- 25
Defense- 125
attack rate- 200
defense rate- 100

and now compared to a dex shielder

attack- 115
magic- 125
defense- 91
attack rate- 875
defense rate- 500

so AyaM is right, the difference is truly only slight insignificant attack and defense but even with defense decreased by choosing dex build a force shielders defense is still better than any other class and only outclassed by other shielders who choose the strength build. but going dex is beneficial for pve plus following dex look at the massive increase in attack rate and def rate which would make pve easier for you. going dex build for the shielder would put your attack rate and defense rate 2nd to only the blader and thats surprising for a shielder but once again AyaM is right, go strength build if you a dedicated pvp build. dex shielder isnt as bad as beardy makes it seem.

02-24-2011, 08:02 PM
Very simple for a PvP build. Put your INT and DEX in the appropriate amount that allows you to use your weapons and armor, do not exceed. Once you've done that put the rest of your stat points into STR. /done.

02-24-2011, 08:44 PM
you make it sound like a dex FS is a Terrible idea when it actually has its benefits, in at least pve. i did a little searching and i found the differences between str Fs and a dex Fs and heres what i found.

Strength Intelligence Dexterity
Attack: +0.25 +0.1 +0.23
Magic: +0.05 +0.286 +0.25
Defense: +0.25 +0 .111 +0.182
Attack rate: +0.4 +0.4 +1.75
Defense rate: +0.2 +0.1 +1.0
Recommended stat distribution
5 strength, 4 intelligence, 3 dexterity

these are what a force shielder gets for every point distributed. i found out how effective a strength Force shielder would be if you chose a strength build and its average came up to, (these arnt exact numbers but i just multiplied each stat distrubited in strength by 500 and came up with)

Attack- 125Magic- 25
Defense- 125attack rate- 200
defense rate- 100

and now compared to a dex shielder

attack- 115magic- 125
defense- 91attack rate- 875
defense rate- 500

so AyaM is right, the difference is truly only slight insignificant attack and defense but even with defense decreased by choosing dex build a force shielders defense is still better than any other class and only outclassed by other shielders who choose the strength build. but going dex is beneficial for pve plus following dex look at the massive increase in attack rate and def rate which would make pve easier for you. going dex build for the shielder would put your attack rate and defense rate 2nd to only the blader and thats surprising for a shielder but once again AyaM is right, go strength build if you a dedicated pvp build. dex shielder isnt as bad as beardy makes it seem.

You are suggesting he nerf the 2 most important strengths of a fs for what some added def rate and att rate.....where are these people comming from...listen to them at your own cost of all the dex extracts you will need in the future....

02-25-2011, 04:49 AM
You are suggesting he nerf the 2 most important strengths of a fs for what some added def rate and att rate.....where are these people comming from...listen to them at your own cost of all the dex extracts you will need in the future....

my comment was just to prove to you that the dex fs isnt as bad as you say. but yea if you want a strong pvp go str fs. but im pretty just saying the dex fs has its benefits as well. a decrease in attack by 10 isnt really noticable and the with the right gear can be overlooked so that doesnt really matter. so the only problem is the 34points of defense loss by choosing dex buid. but even with 34 points lost the dex fs still has better defense then any other class except for the str fs. dex fs defense can still be improved with the proper gear.

02-25-2011, 12:41 PM
From my personal experiences and those that I've played with. There really is no point to going full dex. FS already have low def rate, the bit that you do increase it by doesn't help much at end game PVE anyways, but the attack and def helps.

And did people forgot about this thingy?

Edit: Haven't had the time to play since summer so I totally forgot all relevant numbers to any of the classes I've played.

02-25-2011, 12:59 PM
From my personal experiences and those that I've played with. There really is no point to going full dex. FS already have low def rate, the bit that you do increase it by doesn't help much at end game PVE anyways, but the attack and def helps.

And did people forgot about this thingy?

Edit: Haven't had the time to play since summer so I totally forgot all relevant numbers to any of the classes I've played.

i have to disagree, just like i said the only thing that happens with the dex fs is the few points lost in defense which can be overlooked with the proper gear. a dex fs will still have more def than any other classed being outmatched only by a str fs. but with the proper gear like i said that small problem can be overlooked. using your own link put a even number lower than 300 on dex and int and pump the rest into str. then reset and do the same with str and int and put the rest in dex. how can you say there def rate is still low? dex fs has the 2nd highest attack and defense rate in the game. imo it would probally benefit you better to become a dex fs than a str fs unless you want a pure pvp build.

02-25-2011, 01:13 PM
i have to disagree, just like i said the only thing that happens with the dex fs is the few points lost in defense which can be overlooked with the proper gear. a dex fs will still have more def than any other classed being outmatched only by a str fs. but with the proper gear like i said that small problem can be overlooked. using your own link put a even number lower than 300 on dex and int and pump the rest into str. then reset and do the same with str and int and put the rest in dex. how can you say there def rate is still low? dex fs has the 2nd highest attack and defense rate in the game. imo it would probally benefit you better to become a dex fs than a str fs unless you want a pure pvp build.

Unless things have changed in since summer, an equally geared a FS compared to other classes does not have either the 2nd best def or attack in the game. Like I said the def rate difference means nothing when actually playing if you can notice a difference in how often you get hit lucky you, I never found myself getting hit any less. (There's tons of calculations that you need to factor in + luck)

02-25-2011, 02:05 PM
Unless things have changed in since summer, an equally geared a FS compared to other classes does not have either the 2nd best def or attack in the game. Like I said the def rate difference means nothing when actually playing if you can notice a difference in how often you get hit lucky you, I never found myself getting hit any less. (There's tons of calculations that you need to factor in + luck)

yea things have changed since you've last played apparently. They do possess the 2nd Highest attack and defense rate now if the go full dex.

02-25-2011, 05:49 PM
yea things have changed since you've last played apparently. They do possess the 2nd Highest attack and defense rate now if the go full dex.

First off OP asked for what would be best for PVP, second Dex FS fails about as much as dex Wizzy, And we are not talking about a few points of def. 30 or so points is nothing to laugh at it would be like upgrading from Tit to Red Osm.....seriously do people even bother anymore to think before giving lousy advice?

02-26-2011, 09:26 AM
First off OP asked for what would be best for PVP, second Dex FS fails about as much as dex Wizzy, And we are not talking about a few points of def. 30 or so points is nothing to laugh at it would be like upgrading from Tit to Red Osm.....seriously do people even bother anymore to think before giving lousy advice?

i already said that if you wanted a pvp build go str fs, i was just explaining to you tht dex fs isnt fail. ive proved my point, how about you prove yours. if anyone is giving lousy advice its clearly you.

02-26-2011, 12:08 PM
Sure how should I prove it, how about vamping the extra damage in PVE from Str shielder is 100% more effective when combined with greater DEF they have then a bump in ATT Rate and DEF Rate, the ATT Rate is ridiculous when in combo you do not miss anyways, and DEF Rate vs DEF is an equal no brainier, DEF always greater then Rate, look at which buffs people use over which. Again to OP with SFS there is almost no difference in PVP vs PVE for our setup, change to a Force Absorb Ring and Vamp Earrings and Amulet....that is it. Now please tell me what your proof for how DEX build is viable as only thing I read is a boost in irrelevant stats and a large hit to the foundation stats for this class...

02-26-2011, 12:51 PM
Sure how should I prove it, how about vamping the extra damage in PVE from Str shielder is 100% more effective when combined with greater DEF they have then a bump in ATT Rate and DEF Rate, the ATT Rate is ridiculous when in combo you do not miss anyways, and DEF Rate vs DEF is an equal no brainier, DEF always greater then Rate, look at which buffs people use over which. Again to OP with SFS there is almost no difference in PVP vs PVE for our setup, change to a Force Absorb Ring and Vamp Earrings and Amulet....that is it. Now please tell me what your proof for how DEX build is viable as only thing I read is a boost in irrelevant stats and a large hit to the foundation stats for this class...

soo if i got about DEX 250-300 and STR 500-600 INT 150-200 will i be considered a fail o.o??

02-26-2011, 01:06 PM
you make it sound like a dex FS is a Terrible idea when it actually has its benefits, in at least pve. i did a little searching and i found the differences between str Fs and a dex Fs and heres what i found.

Strength Intelligence Dexterity
Attack: +0.25 +0.1 +0.23
Magic: +0.05 +0.286 +0.25
Defense: +0.25 +0 .111 +0.182
Attack rate: +0.4 +0.4 +1.75
Defense rate: +0.2 +0.1 +1.0
Recommended stat distribution
5 strength, 4 intelligence, 3 dexterity

these are what a force shielder gets for every point distributed. i found out how effective a strength Force shielder would be if you chose a strength build and its average came up to, (these arnt exact numbers but i just multiplied each stat distrubited in strength by 500 and came up with)

Attack- 125
Magic- 25
Defense- 125
attack rate- 200
defense rate- 100

and now compared to a dex shielder

attack- 115
magic- 125
defense- 91
attack rate- 875
defense rate- 500

so AyaM is right, the difference is truly only slight insignificant attack and defense but even with defense decreased by choosing dex build a force shielders defense is still better than any other class and only outclassed by other shielders who choose the strength build. but going dex is beneficial for pve plus following dex look at the massive increase in attack rate and def rate which would make pve easier for you. going dex build for the shielder would put your attack rate and defense rate 2nd to only the blader and thats surprising for a shielder but once again AyaM is right, go strength build if you a dedicated pvp build. dex shielder isnt as bad as beardy makes it seem.

I thought he said for PVP build?

02-26-2011, 04:55 PM
soo if i got about DEX 250-300 and STR 500-600 INT 150-200 will i be considered a fail o.o??

Tell me first why you would bother wasting 50-100 points in Dex.....

02-26-2011, 08:46 PM
I thought he said for PVP build?

he did, and i already said str fs for pvp but the dex fs was to explain to beardy that they arnt a bad way to build a fs.

02-26-2011, 08:49 PM
Sure how should I prove it, how about vamping the extra damage in PVE from Str shielder is 100% more effective when combined with greater DEF they have then a bump in ATT Rate and DEF Rate, the ATT Rate is ridiculous when in combo you do not miss anyways, and DEF Rate vs DEF is an equal no brainier, DEF always greater then Rate, look at which buffs people use over which. Again to OP with SFS there is almost no difference in PVP vs PVE for our setup, change to a Force Absorb Ring and Vamp Earrings and Amulet....that is it. Now please tell me what your proof for how DEX build is viable as only thing I read is a boost in irrelevant stats and a large hit to the foundation stats for this class...

you know what bro, theres no convincing you. do what you want.. if my computer was running properly id get my DEX FS and rape you in the ass. your lucky..

02-26-2011, 09:34 PM
Tell me first why you would bother wasting 50-100 points in Dex.....

if some one dont have money for a forcy crystal and have the money for a forcy orb should they pump that much dex in to be able to wear the orb ?

02-26-2011, 09:53 PM
Thats different situation, adjusting stats so you can use an item you have for now is one thing, but suggesting a full dex build or even just random amounts of dex above the minimum required to wear your gear because you believe it would be beneficial is another....the answer will always be put your stats so that they meet the minimum required stats of your gear then the rest in STR. As far as Young Super raping my shielder, not only would you get owned in any pvp or pk, but I would wager I can easily beat you in any dungeon.

03-02-2011, 12:33 PM
Thats different situation, adjusting stats so you can use an item you have for now is one thing, but suggesting a full dex build or even just random amounts of dex above the minimum required to wear your gear because you believe it would be beneficial is another....the answer will always be put your stats so that they meet the minimum required stats of your gear then the rest in STR. As far as Young Super raping my shielder, not only would you get owned in any pvp or pk, but I would wager I can easily beat you in any dungeon.

HIGHLY doubt that but since theres no actual way to prove any of this for the time being lets just drop it.

03-02-2011, 12:57 PM
HIGHLY doubt that but since theres no actual way to prove any of this for the time being lets just drop it.

It's actually really easy to prove, GOGOGO.

03-02-2011, 01:14 PM
It's actually really easy to prove, GOGOGO.

The computer i used to play cabal is down. Cant play atm.

03-02-2011, 01:45 PM
i use a modfied fs 500st 395 int and 400 dex
with a dex and st rune
at 168 i dont find much that i cant handle
btw i like my build

03-02-2011, 01:47 PM
i use a modfied fs 500st 395 int and 400 dex
with a dex and st rune
at 168 i dont find much that i cant handle
btw i like my build

what combo do you use? or what combo would you recommend for a FS to use?

03-02-2011, 01:47 PM
Thats different situation, adjusting stats so you can use an item you have for now is one thing, but suggesting a full dex build or even just random amounts of dex above the minimum required to wear your gear because you believe it would be beneficial is another....the answer will always be put your stats so that they meet the minimum required stats of your gear then the rest in STR. As far as Young Super raping my shielder, not only would you get owned in any pvp or pk, but I would wager I can easily beat you in any dungeon.

whats your FS combo?

03-02-2011, 01:50 PM
what combo do you use? or what combo would you recommend for a FS to use?

well sg lv 18 ss lv 18 then two outer lesser skills my combo set are 6 skills in all

but those are the 2 first skills

03-02-2011, 01:57 PM
No point in going dex fs
Str fs > dex fs in every essential way

03-02-2011, 04:38 PM
Hah, FS def rate is abysmally low anyway.

IMO, saying a dexFS fails is like saying a strFB fails but my dex is the bare minimum for a forci crystal.... so maybe I'm a hypocrite? o_O

03-02-2011, 06:25 PM
The computer i used to play cabal is down. Cant play atm.

Is that the problem, or is it that you don't have a FS that can compete with anyone?

03-02-2011, 06:38 PM
YoungSuper~ youve been here for a month. /thread

03-03-2011, 07:41 AM
Is that the problem, or is it that you don't have a FS that can compete with anyone?

my computer is literally down, im not making excuses???? i would pvp any of you right now but my computer is truthfully down. thats another reason why im on forums a little more often than usual. to keep up with things,and to get info on cabal 2.

03-03-2011, 01:29 PM
Hah, FS def rate is abysmally low anyway.

IMO, saying a dexFS fails is like saying a strFB fails but my dex is the bare minimum for a forci crystal.... so maybe I'm a hypocrite? o_O

get A def rate rune = problem solved

03-03-2011, 04:43 PM
get A def rate rune = problem solved

It's pointless... we are doomed to getting hit... all the time :D

03-03-2011, 06:19 PM
whats your FS combo?

For your Dex build.....2 shot SG, SS for other more worthy builds FK, IS, SG, SS, SC and if your still alive....SB. Pretty much standard DPS skills....