View Full Version : Execution of Illegals [Part 8] XI VERSION

02-25-2011, 07:27 PM
Part 7 found here:

---Part 8---

XI's eyes widened. "3azn? You actually know him?"

Nicole replied back with a bit of happiness. "Yes, he's a part of my Procyon faction - Ares."

"Whoaaa wait! You're part of Ares?"

"Huh? Yeah."

"You never told me you joined them... they're so famous after all."

Nicole ignored the comment and went on "Come, let's go pass by 3azn's place."


Nicole and XI stopped by a huge mansion about 3 kilometers away from town. The mansion was surrounded with majestic fences with a decorated lion handle on the fence entrance. Outside the house one could see the rarest models of bikes and boards, including the RW-3 7 series.

XI stared in awe. "Wow... so this is where the richest man in Cabal lives."

"Let's go." Waved Nicole.

XI waddled behind. "Jeez, I still need to get some clothes for the winter."

Nicole and XI entered the mansion gates and rang the doorbell. A woman opened the door. She had red hair and had a tone body build.
The red haired woman looked at Nicole and XI. "Oh hello Nicole."

"Ah...AllyShielder, is 3azn here?"

"No... he left early this morning for town."

XI frowned and asked "Should we just wait here until he comes back?"

Nicole turned to XI "Nah, I know where he probably is. Let's go. Thanks Ally."

"No problem." AllyShielder closed the door.

XI looked confused.

"Ah right, I forgot to tell you. 3azn is a very peculiar person. Do you know why he's called 3azn?"

"Nope, how come?"

"Because he has 3 split personalities."


"Yes, it's true. His first personality is a player type of personality, one that would fit his richness. His second personality is his aggressive personality - the one that clears dungeons with ease to build his physical power more than it already is. His last and final personality is his businessman one. Ally said he went to town today, which means his businessman personality has taken over him right now. We can probably find him at the Auction House."

XI seemed to have understood. "I see... but ah!" XI's face turned into happiness. "YAY WE CAN GO SHOPPING AT THE WORLD AUCTION HOUSE!!!"

Nicole did her trademark sigh. "Fine... let's go shopping for you and then look for 3azn."

"Yay!" XI squealed in happiness.


XI and Nicole arrived at the auction house. It was crowded. Everyone from every nation was there trying to buy supplies and other goods.

"Nicole, Nicole!" XI waved. "Look at this!"

Nicole went over to the window.

"This dress is so pretty!" XI said.

"Hmmm let me read the description... [Osmium Martialsuit Intensified with Magic - Also gives more stamina.] Wow, this isn't bad!" Nicole said. ".... Except for the price."

"Yeah, 800 million alz... I don't think I'll ever see an amount that big in my lifetime hehe. But it's sooo pretty!"

"Hey XI, there's a huge crowd over there." Nicole pointed. "Let's go see what it's about."

There was a man standing on the podium shouting out bids. "100million alz starting price! I'm at 200million, anyone wan 300 million, the man with the armorhelm 500million, 600 million, 750 million, 1 billion..."

XI was jumping up trying to see what was happening. Nicole turned to someone in the crowd. "What's being auctioned right now?"

The man answered "It's the big item of the day, and boy is it a catch! It's Forcium Battleboots intensified with magic for Force Archer with an included stamina boost!

"I see..." Nicole said and started to look around.

The man on the podium continued shouting. "3 billion! 3.5 billion anyone? 3.5 billion anyone? 4 billion from the woman with the blue robe! 4 billion is the current price, 4.5 billion anyone? 4.5 billion from the man with the glasses! 4.5 billion!"

XI nudged Nicole "Hey maybe I can sell mine for that much... -"

XI was cut off by a huge yellow glow. A golden sparkling shield flew threw the air, destroying the podium.

The crowd started whispering in discussion asking themselves what was happening. All of a sudden there was a huge scream from a man.


There were 2 people beside Handoi.

The security team stepped foward. "Handoi! You know this is a neutral town, there is no fighting allowed here, even moreso trying to steal items."

One of the people beside Handoi started talking. It was a female with short white hair as bright as the sky. "Kekeke, those boots will look so nice on me" She said.

The other person beside Handoi looked at the girl who just spoke and smiled.

Handoi began talking again. "KAKAKAKAKA You all can eat my shoes son!" Handoi's shield started to glow again.

Another voice came from afar.
"Handoi, SweetHealer, LeMinh!" A woman with short black hair jumped down. "As leader of the Bloody Ice Security Team (BIST), I will not allow you to take a step further. Although your position as Capella's current bringer doesn't allow us to kill you, you will not get away with these boots unscratched."

"KAKAKA Issuinoyume...YOU CANT STOP ME!" Handoi laughed.

"I suggest you leave. Now." Another girl said in a quiet voice. "Don't move." The voice was standing behind Handoi, a Forcium Blade was at his neck.

XI looked at Nicole. "Wow who are they?! They have Handoi cornered already!"

Nicole responded while looking at the scene before them still. "Those 2 are the leaders of the BIST, Issuinoyume and Mizumi. They're quite the masochist and sadist ones to be honest..."


Another man from the security team stepped out. He had a name tag on his chest reading "Manov". "Handoi! Put your hands up! We're going to take you and your crew into custody until this auction ends."

Handoi slowly raised his hand.

"Mizu, cut him!" Issuinoyume shouted.

It was too late, Handoi went into the ultimate Force Shielder state, the Art of Defense. Mizumi's blade could not cut his iron skin.

"KAKAKA SWEETHEALER GO!" Handoi shouted.

LeMinh quickly used a spell on the security team, making them stuck to the ground.
SweetHealer then proceeded to jump to the broken podium, at the same time moving at an incredible speed while shooting arrows of green, red, and blue.

"Crap... she's in sonic shooter mode! XI! Get down!" Nicole shouted.
XI quickly ducked.

SweetHealer arrived where the boots were being held. "Kekeke... these boots mine now... I will wear the -" She was cut off. "Eh...?"

There was a glowing Forcium Katana through her stomach. "Nobody touches my items without paying." The man holding the katana said.

Nicole put on a big smile. "XI! XI! Look! It's 3azn!"

XI looked up to see a man wearing a suit with his weapon through someone's abdominal area. She gasped a bit.

Handoi looked at LeMinh and shouted "WE LEAVE KEKE!"

LeMinh quickly used a spell that surrounded everyone with darkness and ran for it.
One of the wizards in the crowd cast a fire cannon into the air to light up the area. Handoi was casually walking through the crowd to the exit.

"Everyone! Don't let him get away!" Manov shouted.

About 10 member of the crowd tried to gang up on Handoi. It didn't work.

"What?! He can move while in the Art of Defense state?!" Said Issuinoyume in shock.

"KAKAKA UNTIL NEXT TIME SONS" Handoi and Leminh disappeared into the darkness.

"Feh, they got away. Ah well." 3azn sighed. "Ah well, I got one of the thiefs." His katana still through SweetHealer. He pulled it out and proceeded to wipe the katana. SweetHealer fell to the ground. "Hey, auctioneer, we're not done here yet." 3azn handed the downed auctioneer his microphone back.

The auctioneer stood back up and dusted himself off and looked at the crowd. There were multiple people injured from the barrage of arrows from SweetHealer or the shock of Handoi's glowing shield - but nobody was seriously injured or in critical condition. "Let the auction, continue!" The auctioneer said.

[To be continued]

Part 9:

02-25-2011, 09:09 PM
more plz!

02-25-2011, 09:28 PM
Did SweetHealer just die? LOL....

02-25-2011, 09:28 PM
Did SweetHealer just die? LOL....

ya she died from an impact stab from 3azn :(

02-25-2011, 09:38 PM
so many cameos ^-^

02-25-2011, 09:40 PM
ahahah moving aod. classic.

02-25-2011, 10:28 PM
Ew Ares... haha this one was actually entertianing

02-25-2011, 11:44 PM


02-26-2011, 12:27 AM
LOLOL epic! more more!

02-26-2011, 12:32 AM
Rofl Best one yet

02-26-2011, 06:12 AM

02-26-2011, 10:36 PM
Part 9 gogogo.

02-27-2011, 09:55 PM
Bump, part 9 coming soon. [Like 1 hrish maybe]