View Full Version : new to FB

03-07-2011, 11:04 AM
hi, i post this cuz i was wondering if any good FB can help me with deciding which are good gears please,ill start by posting my gears.. I'm lvl 167

osm armor suit(7/50) +9) forcium crystal +6(10% crit dmg)
osm battle boots+9(7% s amp) osm battle gloves+9(7% s amp)
epaulet of fighter+6(BOF+3 slotted 8% s ampx1 BOF+5x1
forcium blade of destruction +150 atk rate +3 10% crit dmg) osm battle helm of DB+6 30% crit dmg
2 ring of luck +1 1Crit ring+1 1 crit ring+2 180 days
my stats are
crit dmg and rate 100/50
hp 3052
pet:MOLEY:5 atk5, 1% s.amp ,1% m.amp .
i was also thinking which would be good( redosm blade character bind +30crit dmg or forcium blade character bind 20crit dmg?? and what gears should i aim for... please post you're comments i need help :) thanks!!

03-07-2011, 03:14 PM
anyone please help?

03-07-2011, 03:44 PM
scrap the crystal and blade. if your THAT tight for alz which you probably arent (your most likely going to buy alz with usd seeing as your metioning 30dmg redosm and 20dmg forc) but, forc samp blade +8 or higher with pc dmg crystal is good. if thats out of your range, 27dmg lapis and osm, its always a good starter combination for fb and gets decent crits. and just so you know, you can sell your osm gloves and boots for 900m altogether, buy +9 stit for 200m each and have 500m left over which in your case which will do you ALOT more good then the 16 defense youll get from osm pieces.

03-07-2011, 05:11 PM
change class to WA seems like a good solution

03-07-2011, 06:35 PM
scrap the crystal and blade. if your THAT tight for alz which you probably arent (your most likely going to buy alz with usd seeing as your metioning 30dmg redosm and 20dmg forc) but, forc samp blade +8 or higher with pc dmg crystal is good. if thats out of your range, 27dmg lapis and osm, its always a good starter combination for fb and gets decent crits. and just so you know, you can sell your osm gloves and boots for 900m altogether, buy +9 stit for 200m each and have 500m left over which in your case which will do you ALOT more good then the 16 defense youll get from osm pieces.

ummm... no i just farm eodbf2 a lot and duo IC1 with a lvl 166 FS and go IC2 with guild since their all lvl 170+ i get drops

03-07-2011, 06:37 PM
scrap the crystal and blade. if your THAT tight for alz which you probably arent (your most likely going to buy alz with usd seeing as your metioning 30dmg redosm and 20dmg forc) but, forc samp blade +8 or higher with pc dmg crystal is good. if thats out of your range, 27dmg lapis and osm, its always a good starter combination for fb and gets decent crits. and just so you know, you can sell your osm gloves and boots for 900m altogether, buy +9 stit for 200m each and have 500m left over which in your case which will do you ALOT more good then the 16 defense youll get from osm pieces.

and i need all the def i can get... and its cuz i saw forcy blade 20dmg and red osm 30dmg character bind selling in AH by darkillusion so i was asking which is better....and isn't forcy 2 slot better than amp?

03-07-2011, 06:55 PM
every high level FB and their grandma will tell you that forc amp +pcdmg cry is better than 20dmg forc, HOWEVER the exception is +11 2 slot forc or higher.

03-09-2011, 06:28 AM
i seen people with 11 amp blade and they change.... so i dont think ur a good person to listen to for advice...)YOU S)UCK)

03-09-2011, 07:43 AM
i seen people with 11 amp blade and they change.... so i dont think ur a good person to listen to for advice...)YOU S)UCK)

I'm not sure if this is true for everyone, but when I put my stats into a damage calculator my forcium s.amp +11 katana and lapis 40 dmg +10 crystal provided me with better overall dps than using 20 dmg weapons (even mixing 20 dmg sword and 40 dmg crystal was worse). So the only way to get a sword that's hands down better than forcium s.amp is to get over 20 dmg forcium. That is unless you can get 40/7 osm/redosm.

03-10-2011, 01:25 PM
wha??? 40/7 red osm or osm u mean rate??) i guess so,, idk i see xdranzer Xellor and many of them idk why..just need someone to show or tell me which is better

03-10-2011, 02:23 PM
just because you see a high profile player using specific items doesn't mean they are ideal.

03-10-2011, 07:11 PM
idk? what about you don't you use amp?

03-10-2011, 09:00 PM
idk? what about you don't you use amp?

he does use an amp o.O notice the 50+ amp! O.O

03-10-2011, 10:22 PM
i saw, just looking for someone who can tell me what to get or the discussion of my question on forcium 20dmg and amp.

03-12-2011, 06:54 AM
get more damage for yourself while keeping your amp high .. go for cr2 and aop6