View Full Version : Cabals Economic Disaster

04-24-2010, 11:24 AM
Ok, I just have to say this.

Cabal's economy s major

Just look at the prices of equips in Bloody Ice. They are so far out of the realm of reality it's not funny.

There is absolutely no way in hell I can afford to buy equips priced in the billions. Its very discouraging to not have decent enough stuff to be able to actually run dungeons just to make the alzs I need to BUY better items.

Is this a QQ? Damn straight it is.

ESTsoft... the economy needs to be fixed. I know players that quit.... not because they didn't like the game any more.... they love the game....it's because they can't afford to buy what they need.

I started playing a different game because that game allowed you to earn rare equips by doing repeatable reputation quests. The players are actually able to get the the equips they need for each area of the game.

Instead of worrying about their gear, they actually can play the game, and.. get this.. the drop rates for stuff you can npc or use is actually very good.

We need more stat'd gear from mobs for magic amp and sword amp for the 100 - 170 level people.. This would bring down the extreme cost of these items...since this is what is priced so high.

I love this game. Don't let the focus of this game be just about marketing overpriced gear. 50 million people (I'm exaggerating oviously) with shops open in BL that no one can afford to buy.

Give us better drops and better drop rates; so we can enjoy actually playing the game.

04-24-2010, 11:35 AM
No offense Ceyenne, but that's just how much good items cost.

04-24-2010, 11:38 AM
Rehan... that's the problem... who can afford to buy it? Day in and day out I see the same people trying to sell this stuff at extremely inflated prices. My point was if stat'd equips dropped with S. amp and M. amp more often the prices would go down and everyone would benefit

Teisho Raizen
04-24-2010, 11:39 AM
+1. The economy s so much that if you don't have money to begin with it's going to be a pain to get money. Also, relying on things like core drops in dungeons as a source of income isn't always good considering the fact that the prices of cores are always fluctuating. I guess we can blame most of these retarded prices on the people who buy alz, and pay ridiculous prices for things that aren't worth what they're being sold for.

After ESTSoft nerfed Patren I now have one less way to make good money easily, making the game a b*tch for me. D:

04-24-2010, 11:42 AM
I finally finished the Patren, Patren quest because it wasn't worth it to me to go in there and get titanium drops. It used to be you could get 4 or 5 osm drops and make a little money.

04-24-2010, 11:47 AM
they really should of held out on this game and released it like in another four months to give them time to work on it completely, because there are alot of problems with this game now.

04-24-2010, 11:53 AM
I agree. I've been in market for weeks! Tireeeeeeed.....

04-24-2010, 11:55 AM
s>eos+6 500m; intrested?

04-24-2010, 11:56 AM
he must play in merc

04-24-2010, 11:58 AM
he must play in merc

oh i can get these on venus too, cuz i r pro nao.
its why i got my huggies on.

04-24-2010, 11:58 AM
really ceyenne merc is preety messed up, you should come to venus ^^

04-24-2010, 11:59 AM
Well Mercury's market must be messed up big time thanks to the Alz Glitch a few weeks back.
But my view on the osm amp is that ESTsoft made the MH Ring so that people would run EoD more. In turn, there would be Osmium Amp. pieces drop, as well as other things such as RW-3's, Blue Bikes, and those other things EoD drops.

04-24-2010, 11:59 AM
oh i can get these on venus too, cuz i r pro nao.
its why i got my huggies on.

was there a point to any of that?

04-24-2010, 11:59 AM
no my condolences for your lost time

04-24-2010, 11:59 AM
Well Mercury's market must be messed up big time thanks to the Alz Glitch a few weeks back.
But my view on the osm amp is that ESTsoft made the MH Ring so that people would run EoD more. In turn, there would be Osmium Amp. pieces drop, as well as other things such as RW-3's, Blue Bikes, and those other things EoD drops.

would rather waist my time gettnig osm amp from sod. lol

04-24-2010, 12:00 PM
no my condolences for your lost time

Rofl atleast u admit it

Incredibly Ill
04-24-2010, 12:06 PM
i support what this thread has to say.

04-24-2010, 12:11 PM
they really should of held out on this game and released it like in another four months to give them time to work on it completely, because there are alot of problems with this game now.

Cabals bad economic system is most of its problem. There was a huge debate on the EU forums about this and how to fix it that I might reference. Most everyone came to the same consensus that the design of the economy by EST was poor and it did not favor a more solid wage earning system.

Basically everything here has to be converted to alz by means of another player, even common drops such as FCH must be sold to other players in need before any gain can be made off the item because its npc value of 10k is impossible to profit off of. Not saying FCH's are profitable but just showing how even the most basic item must be sold to players before they gain any money. Players have no option to just npc a better item like an UCH for 500k or UCHH for 8m, the value of items is completely controlled by the players with no fixations on anything stable. The player must wait for these items to sell and in turn can not gain necessary profits that might be needed for other things closer in the future such as war or another dungeon run. Especially with NA's smaller population [at least under OGP], even rare items gained provided little use until they could be sold much, much later. Begs the question, if we're getting alz from someone else instead of by NPC, where is it really coming from and how is it being maintained?

Eod1/VC are spammed because they do not have this waiting penalty. They provide a nice supply of items that can be quickly npced and cover the cost of the dungeon and more with a very rare chance for a good drop. This is a much more logical way for a game's economy to function. A full inventory of osmium drops at 72k+ per piece was a decent living for awhile. One red osmium sword for 3 hours in PF is not and this is the essential problem to higher maps and dungeons, they failed to linearly progress in economics with the rest of the game. Drops did not keep consistent with difficulty, a full inventory of non-slot red osmium stuff or even mithril wouldn't unbalance the game in any way and would reward higher level players for actually fighting at their level. Seems silly the fastest profits for a 150 might be the same old VC/EOD we've had since level 85 instead of doing the harder 120+ level dungeons.

Drops that are of little function but are stable in price [like worthless craft materials being raised to 100-500k for being NPCed, more white mithril drops to npc] could help balance this by making these stable drops more common in harder dungeons. This way profit and difficulty keep consistent and players aren't penalized for doing something harder. As long as the price floors [the price they npc for] on 90% of our drops remain things like 10k, 15k, etc. players can not expect to succeed just by work alone. This is because EST keeps adding things which just saturate the same markets even more, making them closer to hitting these dirt cheap price floors no one can profit off of.

Someone on EU suggested they reference an economist for help as is becoming common for most newer games. They should've at least referenced someone who had taken a course in my opinion.

04-24-2010, 12:21 PM
Pray for a decent drop and sell uber high. :)

I wanna come to Venus!! Me n ceyenne will go together okies?

04-24-2010, 12:22 PM
Blame me and vokiem for the inflation XD

04-24-2010, 12:25 PM
Pray for a decent drop and sell uber high. :)

I wanna come to Venus!! Me n ceyenne will go together okies?

venus coo its funny at times ima buy a alienware comp so i can start playing again become top fs and WA my cabal doesnt work on this computer sadly :(

04-24-2010, 12:38 PM
True the economy is very unstable in Mecury especially sense the alz glitch. However the economy is as such on mecury due to the people and has been that way for over a year. If you want cheap prices i would say go to venus, However you will make less money as most entry items are higher price on average and core,amp drops and other rare items sell for less.
Mecury lost alot of crafters, rare items/equipment with those banned from the alz glitch so if you want the potential to earn more alz wether its thru dungeons, bosshunting or crafting I'd say stay on mecury. It also doesn't help that up until est took over we relied on bot alz farmers to provide many of our common crafting materials now everything is inflated, noones crafting SeL/SeM due to the lack of unknown circuits, RoX +9-10 and amulets of pain/vampire/battler are going up as amulet of guard+7's are providing less lvl 6 circuit jewels and basic crafting items on market, etc as they are all items provided to the community by zombots. if est wants to do away with botters/alz sellers then we need a materials merchant added or better materials drop rate and est to crack down on alz buyers as well.

Also there is a difference between what you " need " to play the game and what you " want " .
an example of this would be my wiz. Its not epicly geared in any way yet at lvl 160 I have no trouble soloing every boss in the game except for Quadra and pluma which are usually duo 2/4 bars using no pots aside from mana and HP. also soloing eod 1&2, FTb1f, SoD, LiD, DX dungeons, duo/Trio AoS's with no problem and without forcium/PC amp gear. If you dont know how to build your character ask someone. If you dont know how to play the character ask someone. many people in this game do some pretty epic stuff in less then epic gear. Like anything in this world its what you make of it.


04-24-2010, 12:56 PM
Pray for a decent drop and sell uber high. :)

I wanna come to Venus!! Me n ceyenne will go together okies?


Oh yeah, need the transfer thingy..... : (

We haz no transfer thingy!!! Dang!

04-24-2010, 01:02 PM
True the economy is very unstable in Mecury especially sense the alz glitch. However the economy is as such on mecury due to the people and has been that way for over a year. If you want cheap prices i would say go to venus, However you will make less money as most entry items are higher price on average and core,amp drops and other rare items sell for less.
Mecury lost alot of crafters, rare items/equipment with those banned from the alz glitch so if you want the potential to earn more alz wether its thru dungeons, bosshunting or crafting I'd say stay on mecury. It also doesn't help that up until est took over we relied on bot alz farmers to provide many of our common crafting materials now everything is inflated, noones crafting SeL/SeM due to the lack of unknown circuits, RoX +9-10 and amulets of pain/vampire/battler are going up as amulet of guard+7's are providing less lvl 6 circuit jewels and basic crafting items on market, etc as they are all items provided to the community by zombots. if est wants to do away with botters/alz sellers then we need a materials merchant added or better materials drop rate and est to crack down on alz buyers as well.

Also there is a difference between what you " need " to play the game and what you " want " .
an example of this would be my wiz. Its not epicly geared in any way yet at lvl 160 I have no trouble soloing every boss in the game except for Quadra and pluma which are usually duo 2/4 bars using no pots aside from mana and HP. also soloing eod 1&2, FTb1f, SoD, LiD, DX dungeons, duo/Trio AoS's with no problem and without forcium/PC amp gear. If you dont know how to build your character ask someone. If you dont know how to play the character ask someone. many people in this game do some pretty epic stuff in less then epic gear. Like anything in this world its what you make of it.


Very wise words... thank you

I guess I just at playing my FS, then. I put the crazy steamer dungeon on easy mode and still didn't get through it before the time ran out...
I spend all my time in EoD doing honor quests, and to get the ring.
I fail at NW cuz I don't know what the hell Im doing.. LOL

So yeah.. I

04-24-2010, 04:24 PM
Simple Economics 101 people. Supply and demand. The demand for epic gears is high. Everyone wants them. The supply is quite low. Thus when a high end gear is found/ crafted, it's gonna be hella expensive. Not sure why this is such a hard concept for people to understand.

04-24-2010, 04:35 PM
You are correct.

The reason that everyone wants them is that the game developers have planned the shortage; ie, low drop rates of npc-able and epic gears.

If the drop rates were adjusted then the demand would be less, hence lower prices. The state of the economy has been orchastrated by ESTSoft.

The answer is to adjust the drop rate. This will ease the inflation, put money in people's bank accounts and lower the demand for epic gears, thereby lowering the prices. A win-win situation for everyone. This is called check and balance. Also a basic economics concept.

The problem with Cabal economy is there is no check and balance. The inflation is rampant.

04-24-2010, 04:43 PM
Dont ban farm botters but only ban these ad spammers in town.

04-24-2010, 04:58 PM
Ok, I just have to say this.

Cabal's economy s major

Just look at the prices of equips in Bloody Ice. They are so far out of the realm of reality it's not funny.

There is absolutely no way in hell I can afford to buy equips priced in the billions. Its very discouraging to not have decent enough stuff to be able to actually run dungeons just to make the alzs I need to BUY better items.

Is this a QQ? Damn straight it is.

ESTsoft... the economy needs to be fixed. I know players that quit.... not because they didn't like the game any more.... they love the game....it's because they can't afford to buy what they need.

I started playing a different game because that game allowed you to earn rare equips by doing repeatable reputation quests. The players are actually able to get the the equips they need for each area of the game.

Instead of worrying about their gear, they actually can play the game, and.. get this.. the drop rates for stuff you can npc or use is actually very good.

We need more stat'd gear from mobs for magic amp and sword amp for the 100 - 170 level people.. This would bring down the extreme cost of these items...since this is what is priced so high.

I love this game. Don't let the focus of this game be just about marketing overpriced gear. 50 million people (I'm exaggerating oviously) with shops open in BL that no one can afford to buy.

Give us better drops and better drop rates; so we can enjoy actually playing the game.

I'm glad someone finally came out and ranted about this. I'm no economist but when I see UCH's going for 1.5mil EACH, something is wrong w/ the Cabal economy.

This is why I'm really working hard on getting my Martialsuit craft up on my Wiz, so I can somewhat help lower the price of w/e I have to make. Someone's gotta raise the drop chance of a lot of stuff, and someone also has to find a way to beat whoever is putting up such inflated prices senseless.

04-24-2010, 05:06 PM
Woo hoo.. a supporter for my economic stimulus plan!


04-24-2010, 05:13 PM
Be glad you guys didn't play this game two years ago.

04-24-2010, 05:15 PM
I was here two years ago

04-24-2010, 05:16 PM
and you still haven't got enough decent gears to run a good dungeon and get money from it? o.O

04-24-2010, 05:21 PM


04-24-2010, 05:40 PM
upping the drops rates would be good for the economy.. but if they upped the drop rate of the truly epic gear, all those who worked their butts off for their gear would feel like they are getting the shaft.. they should however up the drop rate of say, medium quality gear.. regular slotted osm/red osm w/e and double slotted. make crafting supplies more readily available (as in 2 slot tit stuff for example). don't hand the game to people, but there are plenty of ways to alleviate the stress on the economy. and hey, who wouldn't want more forcium on the market?[[[[[[[[at affordable levels for your average player]]]]]]]

04-24-2010, 05:48 PM
and you still haven't got enough decent gears to run a good dungeon and get money from it? o.O

I can run SoD, EoD, grind in MF or PF, and I get money... sure.. but no way am I getting the kind of money that is needed to buy a item worth hundreds of millions or billions of Alz. I don't know of many people who can harvest that kind of money from those places.

04-24-2010, 05:56 PM
I can run SoD, EoD, grind in MF or PF, and I get money... sure.. but no way am I getting the kind of money that is needed to buy a item worth hundreds of millions or billions of Alz. I don't know of many people who can harvest that kind of money from those places.

Start saving, I easily can manage 50m or more a day from CA and bossing. It may not be enough to get something that day, but in a few weeks or a month you can easily make something out of it.

Running dungeons may not be the best form of money, but you run it enough and you may eventually get an "epic" drop, simple and the same goes for crafting.

04-24-2010, 05:58 PM
I can run SoD, EoD, grind in MF or PF, and I get money... sure.. but no way am I getting the kind of money that is needed to buy a item worth hundreds of millions or billions of Alz. I don't know of many people who can harvest that kind of money from those places.
If ur detacated and u cant make 100m in a day ur in the wrong bidnezz man. Eod b1f u can make about 4m each run depending thats with no epic drops like amp/belt/bike. Do a 2 man eod b2f U get 10stacks of disks and lots of good stuff. Do a 2man FT b1f. 2 man penna. If u have prem farm the damn brannys u can make atleast 10m an hour at the brannys if u sell all the FT b1f / CA mats / Sod/ Illusion castle entrys. If you do the entrys u probly make more money but it takes more time. Farm lid for s.tit amp it only takes 10mins or less to run a lid. Farm RS it only takes like 10-15 mins take all the drops npc everything osm i have my 3rd title for sod and rs and thats not even counting all the ones i did befor the titles came out. Farm SOD sell all the uch brake all the tera/sg/mystic for redosm mats and sell them 127 stack 13m ea or something like that theres no way if u spend the time to do all the sod u wont make money. in the 100+ sod i have done i have gotten 3 2slot osm weapons and one osm amp gloves. Farm fgr bosses for uch/fch/blue bike ur allmost never guna get the bike but hey it takes like 2 or 3 mins to kill an fgr boss why not try? Daz my advice take it or leave it i gave u lots of options hope dis helps u.

P.S stay away from crafting is a waist unless u got a bil to blow leveling it up then another bil to blow getting pc's to make ur money back. Trust me im in forci gloves i know how much it takes.

stick to 2-3 man partys in ft b1f and eod b2f if u can. Only people you trust lol so u split everything even instead of rolling on a possible epic drop.

04-24-2010, 06:06 PM
Half of cabal if not more, is about working for better equips to perform better overall. People are fine with that and have been for years.

What exact inflation are you referring to? Most of the things that are higher priced are due to a high demand and moderate to low supply. That's an elementary concept, seriously. Don't QQ just because you can't go out and buy a m.amp orb. Every FA wants one and after the alz glitchers bought the supply of those amp forciums and other epics, obviously those prices would go up.

EDIT: Last time I checked, powering through LiD has always been a great way for cash if you do it fast enough. I've made a few billions off it definitely. So if you can't make 100m a day or at least every other day, you don't know how to make cash at all. Sorry but casual 1-1 1/2 hour a day players shouldn't be entitled to rare items, because those take many many hours.

04-24-2010, 06:23 PM
Be glad you guys didn't play this game two years ago.


UCH were 2.5m or so...UCHH 40m+ and RW3+0 was about the same price as +6 is today...things today are very tame compared to then. x.x

04-24-2010, 06:41 PM
Be glad you guys didn't play this game two years ago.
yea, the prices were way higher. 2 slot osm suits with 100 hp were like 20m+ easily

As for my input, I say dont change the item drop rates. Just simply change the amount of alz that drops. just 2x it all would help alot. or have an alz drop event with it being 2x amount and a higher bomb chance. because you gain alz everywhere and its what everyone is in need of.

04-24-2010, 06:46 PM
yea, the prices were way higher. 2 slot osm suits with 100 hp were like 20m+ easily

As for my input, I say dont change the item drop rates. Just simply change the amount of alz that drops. just 2x it all would help alot. or have an alz drop event with it being 2x amount and a higher bomb chance. because you gain alz everywhere and its what everyone is in need of.

Personally, I agree with that idea. But I wouldn't want them to over extend on that or do anything more. Things need to settle down on their own (if there truly is even a problem that isn't able to be economically explained) and perhaps a small adjustment in alz drops could aid slightly.

04-24-2010, 07:11 PM
Half of cabal if not more, is about working for better equips to perform better overall. People are fine with that and have been for years.

What exact inflation are you referring to? Most of the things that are higher priced are due to a high demand and moderate to low supply. That's an elementary concept, seriously. Don't QQ just because you can't go out and buy a m.amp orb. Every FA wants one and after the alz glitchers bought the supply of those amp forciums and other epics, obviously those prices would go up.

EDIT: Last time I checked, powering through LiD has always been a great way for cash if you do it fast enough. I've made a few billions off it definitely. So if you can't make 100m a day or at least every other day, you don't know how to make cash at all. Sorry but casual 1-1 1/2 hour a day players shouldn't be entitled to rare items, because those take many many hours.

No offense to you, because I know you are trying to give good advice, and I see that..

but some people, like myself, have a job and can't be at home playing Cabal all day long. I play on my days off, but not to the extent that other people do apparently.

04-24-2010, 07:16 PM
Personally, I agree with that idea. But I wouldn't want them to over extend on that or do anything more. Things need to settle down on their own (if there truly is even a problem that isn't able to be economically explained) and perhaps a small adjustment in alz drops could aid slightly.

2x 300=600. That's definitely not over extensive. And there was an event over one and a half years ago that had similar multipliers like the example I gave.

04-24-2010, 10:45 PM
No offense to you, because I know you are trying to give good advice, and I see that..

but some people, like myself, have a job and can't be at home playing Cabal all day long. I play on my days off, but not to the extent that other people do apparently.

Oh I totally get that man. I have 8 classes, a girlfriend, and I'm looking for a job so I'm definitely not on more than a few hours a day at most.

But at the same standpoint, the people that play more will have a higher chance to be better (gear wise) right? If we make drop prates higher, very active people will profit more than people who can't play cabal a lot. So either way, for you/people who can't play much, there will always appear to be some "inflation" right? If there wasn't, everybody would have the same gear and the game would get boring after a few months.

04-24-2010, 10:46 PM
2x 300=600. That's definitely not over extensive. And there was an event over one and a half years ago that had similar multipliers like the example I gave.

Yeah I didn't mean that would be a bad idea - I just wouldn't want it to turn into like a 6x alz event or have EST manipulate the market directly or indirectly in an aggressive way.

04-25-2010, 02:06 AM
Oh I totally get that man. I have 8 classes, a girlfriend, and I'm looking for a job so I'm definitely not on more than a few hours a day at most.

But at the same standpoint, the people that play more will have a higher chance to be better (gear wise) right? If we make drop prates higher, very active people will profit more than people who can't play cabal a lot. So either way, for you/people who can't play much, there will always appear to be some "inflation" right? If there wasn't, everybody would have the same gear and the game would get boring after a few months.

Tell that to the Euros who have 2000+ FT runs w/o real profit. The problem of the economy in dungeons is not player side it is developer side. Maps are much the same and with CA being taken out [the only real source of income for most people] temporarily in the next update or something, good luck making alz.

04-25-2010, 05:54 AM
if they tweaked the drop rates of 2slot gear and the higher end, but plain, gear, it would help everyone overall.. more 2 slot gear means the cost for crafters goes down and their profits go up. regular forcy dropping more means that the cost of it in the AH will decrease, and the players who are tied up with classes/work etc will be able to go to the higher level areas with a little less stress than before. also turning up the drop rate of cores would help alot.. i can't remember the last time i saw a uch in RS and they used to drop there OFTEN. plus est does not need to run another +9 or go home event x_x that one really screwed the economy for a while..

04-25-2010, 06:14 AM
Ok, I just have to say this.

Cabal's economy s major

Just look at the prices of equips in Bloody Ice. They are so far out of the realm of reality it's not funny.

There is absolutely no way in hell I can afford to buy equips priced in the billions. Its very discouraging to not have decent enough stuff to be able to actually run dungeons just to make the alzs I need to BUY better items.

Is this a QQ? Damn straight it is.

ESTsoft... the economy needs to be fixed. I know players that quit.... not because they didn't like the game any more.... they love the game....it's because they can't afford to buy what they need.

I started playing a different game because that game allowed you to earn rare equips by doing repeatable reputation quests. The players are actually able to get the the equips they need for each area of the game.

Instead of worrying about their gear, they actually can play the game, and.. get this.. the drop rates for stuff you can npc or use is actually very good.

We need more stat'd gear from mobs for magic amp and sword amp for the 100 - 170 level people.. This would bring down the extreme cost of these items...since this is what is priced so high.

I love this game. Don't let the focus of this game be just about marketing overpriced gear. 50 million people (I'm exaggerating oviously) with shops open in BL that no one can afford to buy.

Give us better drops and better drop rates; so we can enjoy actually playing the game.

Drop rate does such horrible, but as for want to get good or great items learn to run higher dunegons or run the new streamer DX.

04-25-2010, 06:46 AM
Oh my...did I see someone say that 100 HP OSM suits on Mercury were 20m+?!


04-25-2010, 07:05 AM
ceyenne u black?? stupid s go line up for ur food stamps

04-25-2010, 08:11 AM
the alz glitchers might have put alot of the alz in the economy but the banning of those top players also took alot of it back out. there isnt that much more alz in the economy now than there was b4 the glitching, the main thing we lost here is the epic items those banned players had. too many people here are looking for immediate results and expect med-high quality gear as being normal. ive ran around in aramid adept+2 till i was lvl 94 and that was considered normal more than 2 years ago. we all survived how can u guys now say u "need" osm,mystic or forcium? rather than u "want" it. as mentioned above if u cant solo it duo or trio it. its sad how the mentality now is if u cant solo ls or mf ure gear isnt good enough, we had to 7man ls , mf start thinking about that. getting one piece of good gear requires 1-2months worth of work, if everyone can work a day or two and get good gear wats gonna differentiate the weak and the strong?

04-25-2010, 08:37 AM
the alz glitchers might have put alot of the alz in the economy but the banning of those top players also took alot of it back out. there isnt that much more alz in the economy now than there was b4 the glitching, the main thing we lost here is the epic items those banned players had. too many people here are looking for immediate results and expect med-high quality gear as being normal. ive ran around in aramid adept+2 till i was lvl 94 and that was considered normal more than 2 years ago. we all survived how can u guys now say u "need" osm,mystic or forcium? rather than u "want" it. as mentioned above if u cant solo it duo or trio it. its sad how the mentality now is if u cant solo ls or mf ure gear isnt good enough, we had to 7man ls , mf start thinking about that. getting one piece of good gear requires 1-2months worth of work, if everyone can work a day or two and get good gear wats gonna differentiate the weak and the strong?

I have been playing this game for two years, not consistantly though, and I have spent a lot of time grinding and never have gotten the epic drops. I agree that everyone should work for what they get. There is no question about that. I just want to see better drops and a better drop rate so that people can actually have some hope of having better gears. It's not my mentality to get something for nothing, with no work involved. I believe in a strong work ethic in game and in real life.

However, I truly believe the economy suxs in game and that it can be adjusted by better drops and a better drop rate. I think a few tweeks would make a great difference. Let's see some stat'd drops more often. A better drop rate in MF and PF. Everyone knows the drop rate there is almost non existant.

I really understand people's hesitation about this because they have items priced in the billions and they want to see them sold.

(O^_^)===O (X_Xo)
04-25-2010, 10:03 AM
i might be wrong, but having the epic items drop rate increase would ruin the economy.....instead why not go and grind for it like the legit players do, then u can put that item in the billions like those other players do.
btw imo mf and pf have better drop rate than ls ever did....ls rarely drops anything for me

04-25-2010, 10:05 AM
I understand that "epic" stuff drops in the higher dungeons. I think regular drops should have more stats and drop more often. So yeah, I wouldn't expect epic stuff to drop as regular.

04-25-2010, 10:08 AM
i might be wrong, but having the epic items drop rate increase would ruin the economy.....instead why not go and buy alz like the legit players do, then u can put that item in the billions like those other players do.
btw imo mf and pf have better drop rate than ls ever did....ls rarely drops anything for me


The idea here with cabals economy is to make it less top heavy on droprates. Higher maps and dungeons are pretty much get an end-game item or go home with nothing in your pocket. We're not asking for a increase on epic drops, those should be left as is or even lowered. Personally I'd love to have a massive droprate increase on things we can NPC even if it comes at the cost of halving the current epic item droprates [eox +8, amp forci, etc.] I'm never going to get those items anyway so why would I care? :P What we want is the middle class market back, the medium drops that become non-existent in dungeons past VC and maps above FGR that are hurting many peoples' ability to enjoy the game and gain alz. The economy worked great in dungeons and maps until then, it just vanished for some reason when things were made more difficult.

04-25-2010, 10:19 AM
Agreed Drop rate is terrible, no excuse as to why the GM's can not fix this. OGP found out that the drop rate was way lower than what it should have been. All they have to do is make a normal character and run test on our normal servers. That will prove to them drop rate is way to low

04-25-2010, 10:50 AM
at least 3b+ for ONE piece of good equip, i think its overpriced, i agree wit this thread

04-25-2010, 12:09 PM
well said spur. but if I could see drop rates improve for something, it would be +7 jewelry. all the +7 accessories that found their way onto the market were from FTb2f hackers. there haven't been anymore new +7 accessories on the market for a long long time. Its something that I would hope to get someday =/

04-25-2010, 12:24 PM
simple solutions:

-increase drop rates of dungeons IMMENSELY
-allow npc that sells sod/eods to regulate market price

the best way IMO would be to get eod prices down by alot, all those osmium drops create huge amounts of money into the economy that we clearly need.

04-25-2010, 12:26 PM
I've been playing for a year and i finally have pretty much everything i want. the one bad thing about this game is how cliché and boring all the gear is.. everyone has the same gear. i was in BI the other day, and i was talking to about 5 WA's with the same sword as me -_-

04-25-2010, 12:39 PM
simple solutions:

-increase drop rates of dungeons IMMENSELY
-allow npc that sells sod/eods to regulate market price

the best way IMO would be to get eod prices down by alot, all those osmium drops create huge amounts of money into the economy that we clearly need.

The main reason EOD prices skyrocketed were because of the Megaherph Ring event. If that never happened than EOD wouldn't cost as much as it does today. I remember when Map Parts and Muster Cards cost more T_T.

04-25-2010, 12:45 PM
The main reason EOD prices skyrocketed were because of the Megaherph Ring event. If that never happened than EOD wouldn't cost as much as it does today. I remember when Map Parts and Muster Cards cost more T_T.

same.. it ed.. nonetheless, i vote for either increasing the amount that stuff is worth at the NPC's or upping the drop rate of 1 and 2 slot gear.. would help crafters (lower their costs) and would help regular people get some cash again.. maybe even up the uch drop rate in RS by a pinch

04-25-2010, 12:54 PM
I've been playing for a year and i finally have pretty much everything i want. the one bad thing about this game is how cliché and boring all the gear is.. everyone has the same gear. i was in BI the other day, and i was talking to about 5 WA's with the same sword as me -_-

I bet you 1bil that you don't have the same sword as me

04-25-2010, 12:57 PM
yea its failing atm but with all the people running eod1 for the ring prices on osm amp should drop a bit in the next few months or so.

04-25-2010, 01:17 PM
Ceyenne just because you're level 100 and can't afford your +5 99 class set doesn't mean you get to about it on forums.

04-25-2010, 01:37 PM
Is this your first MMORPG?
(private servers don't count)

04-25-2010, 03:32 PM
Ceyenne just because you're level 100 and can't afford your +5 99 class set doesn't mean you get to about it on forums.

Aww, someone didn't get a hug today from their mommy? In a nasty mood? It's ok, hun...I'll over look your usual smart ass attitude for now.

04-25-2010, 03:58 PM
Lawl, sounds like umad bro. It's social darwinism in Cabal, and if you can't keep up then leave.

04-25-2010, 04:13 PM
You didn't strain a brain cell coming up with that idea did you? An intelligent thought or one even slightly in that realm is quite a major leap for you isn't it?

Don't worry, no one expects an intelligent thought from you anyway.

04-25-2010, 04:58 PM
Comming from someone who misspells words and doesn't use proper grammar on 90% of topics? I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

04-25-2010, 05:00 PM
Comming from someone who misspells words and doesn't use proper grammar on 90% of topics? I can't tell if you're being serious or not.


04-25-2010, 07:33 PM
lol... you're funny. Show me the bad grammar and misspelled words in any of my posts.. I dare you.

How about you review your posts for.. say the last few weeks and take a look at your grammar and spelling. This is a classic example of redirection of the topic . lol. You are truly pathetic.

However, if you find my poor spelling and grammar, then I will concede that because of my "typo" I am not TRULY serious about the economic issues. LOL

You are a royal trip.

Teisho Raizen
04-25-2010, 07:37 PM
When I was walking over the bridge earlier today I figured something was missing..

Now I can see what it was.

04-25-2010, 07:37 PM
lol... you're funny. Show me the bad grammer and misspelled words in any of my posts.. I dare you.

You find it, then I will concede.

You ask and you shall receive.

Teisho Raizen
04-25-2010, 07:38 PM
I didn't think ceyenne would get caved in that quickly.. D:

04-25-2010, 07:46 PM
You ask and you shall receive.

You must be mistaken.. Check again... lol

04-25-2010, 07:47 PM
Last edited by ceyenne; 04-25-2010 at 08:45 PM.
Time FPS posted 04-25-2010 08:37 PM.

04-25-2010, 07:47 PM
Besides this is just between his Royal Jerkness BleedingSoul and me....So there


04-25-2010, 07:50 PM
You must be mistaken.. Check again... lol

lol... you're funny. Show me the bad grammar and misspelled words in any of my posts.. I dare you.

How about you review your posts for.. say the last few weeks and take a look at your grammer and spelling. This is a classic example of redirection of the topic . lol. You are truly pathetic.

However, if you find my poor spelling and grammer, then I will concede that because of my "typo" I am not TRULY serious about the economic issues. LOL

You are a royal trip.

Nice fail

04-25-2010, 07:52 PM
lol. I am pretty confident in myself not to let your opinion crush me. It will be hard but I think I can handle it.

04-25-2010, 07:53 PM
Opinion? It's a fact.

04-25-2010, 07:57 PM
If having typos made people a failure then the whole world would be failures; including you. Now that you defended your home boi, how about we return to the main topic, mkay?

04-25-2010, 08:03 PM

04-25-2010, 08:23 PM
Hint, firefox has a built in spell check.

I'm too lazy to read the thread, but I have to say that I find current prices ridiculous. 5 mil + for sod, 1.2 mil for FT b1f, PC amp battle suits selling for over a bil. All the prices have pretty much doubled.

04-25-2010, 08:28 PM
For a fact. The rich get richer and the poor just stay near the bottom so the rich can walk all over you :)
I logged on once to check out AH too.
Since it's just server transferred from OGP to ESTsoft now, it's actually not looking too bad. I think the economy is doing alright and sooner or later it should begin to die right down again.

04-25-2010, 08:43 PM
For a fact. The rich get richer and the poor just stay near the bottom so the rich can walk all over you :)
I logged on once to check out AH too.
Since it's just server transferred from OGP to ESTsoft now, it's actually not looking too bad. I think the economy is doing alright and sooner or later it should begin to die right down again.

That's because you're on venus, this issue is only on merc because of the several guilds that figured out how to glitch alz.

04-25-2010, 08:52 PM
Hmmm 5mil for sod...2 uch drops...I loose like 3mil every time I go sod.

04-25-2010, 09:53 PM
I have a few SoD's, like 10, but most of those are account bound. So I'm not really hurting right now. I have been spending my time in EoD trying to get that damn ring. I'm pretty fortunate in that I can buy the entry item in the cash shop. I sold 10 today and gathered up the ones I had on my alts to use this evening. I sold for 1 mill apiece. I figured given the price in AH was 1.3 and upwards, that was more than a fair price.

04-25-2010, 11:06 PM
ceyenne u black?? stupid s go line up for ur food stamps

you racist ass

04-25-2010, 11:12 PM
The economy all goes up and down, give it some time and maybe a good event. And things will prob even themselves out. =)

04-25-2010, 11:34 PM
you racist ass
+10000000000000, Well spoken

04-25-2010, 11:47 PM
Est should merg venus and merc lol. Mer..Nus lmao!

04-26-2010, 07:44 AM
sod is never a loss of money. sod are 5m cause UCH went up to 1.6m each, 3 of these and u break even. mystic plain pieces are up to 2m a piece i dun see how u can lose a thing

04-26-2010, 07:52 AM
ceyenne u black?? stupid s go line up for ur food stamps

You have been reported for your racist comments. I'm not black or on food stamps and I was still offended. You probably don't have the guts to show us all your email from Estsoft giving you an infraction warning. I'm sure you got one.

04-26-2010, 09:02 AM
You really think your the only one that can't afford good gears? If by chance they do inc. the drop rate and chances of better drops, won't it be unfair for players that spends hours earning alz to get the gears they have now?
Your right that the economy is messed up. People sells items for alot more then before, But that also help you earn more alz from selling your own stuff.

04-26-2010, 09:19 AM
people complain about the economy everytime. a few months ago there was a huge drop in prices and everyone complained they couldn't make money because they had to sell for so low. now, everyone's complaining they can't buy things cuz they're too expensive. seriously, learn how to adapt.

04-26-2010, 09:25 AM
people complain about the economy everytime. a few months ago there was a huge drop in prices and everyone complained they couldn't make money because they had to sell for so low. now, everyone's complaining they can't buy things cuz they're too expensive. seriously, learn how to adapt.

+1 cause thats sounds so much like wat i would say

04-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Shut the up stupid go pick more cotton and line up for welfare

04-26-2010, 09:50 AM
wow you are a very ignorant fool. saying such inmature things and acting this way is so uncalled for. learn to grow up and speak aritculately to get your world accross and not sound like an idiot when doing it.

now back to the topic at hand. i have notice drops are not as good as they used to be and prices have gone up. its part of the economy and things will always vary and changed like a rollercoaster. hopefully EST can change some things around to level things out.

04-26-2010, 09:56 AM
Shut the up stupid go pick more cotton and line up for welfare

shut the f up son

04-26-2010, 10:38 AM
Ceyenne heres a tip, Run inexpensive dungeons with good profit. I.E. EOD B2f and Ruina Station. Yes they are EXTREMELY BORING but if you need money, run them. =)

04-26-2010, 11:13 AM
lol. I am pretty confident in myself not to let your opinion crush me. It will be hard but I think I can handle it.

I lol'd.

Berserk ed you over bro. Next time you try to come at me use a little more force.

04-26-2010, 11:18 AM
Please keep your fantasies off the forum... it's very inappropriate... lol

04-26-2010, 11:21 AM
Ceyenne heres a tip, Run inexpensive dungeons with good profit. I.E. EOD B2f and Ruina Station. Yes they are EXTREMELY BORING but if you need money, run them. =)

Thank you.. I appreciate your advice.

04-26-2010, 11:27 AM
Please keep your fantasies off the forum... it's very inappropriate... lol

Yo, page ten is everyone taking a giant dump on you. You need to stop posting.

04-26-2010, 11:32 AM
lol you all are crraaaazyyy

04-26-2010, 11:37 AM
Yo, page ten is everyone taking a giant dump on you. You need to stop posting.


04-26-2010, 11:37 AM
Shut the up stupid go pick more cotton and line up for welfare
IP ban this fool.

04-26-2010, 11:40 AM

04-26-2010, 11:44 AM
o.o anyone want to buy a osm+6 gs with 52% damge, 1 slot., merc server.
possible trade with osm amp martial gluv +7% both s.amp or m.amp accepted, +6 along with a hundred mil,

04-26-2010, 12:13 PM
For a fact. The rich get richer and the poor just stay near the bottom so the rich can walk all over you :)
I logged on once to check out AH too.
Since it's just server transferred from OGP to ESTsoft now, it's actually not looking too bad. I think the economy is doing alright and sooner or later it should begin to die right down again.

If this is really what's going to happen to the Cabal economy, we're heading for a virtual Great Depression. History class actually pays off here! xD

04-26-2010, 12:19 PM
Spur is bailing us out with 100m each player. He said so.


04-26-2010, 12:35 PM
lol even if i bail u guys out with 100m each it means my government body(LethalHeart) will be forking out the money

04-26-2010, 12:47 PM
Are you saying I won't give equal shares? :D

04-26-2010, 12:48 PM
what if i live in canada?

04-26-2010, 12:57 PM
Are you saying I won't give equal shares? :D

not equal but all =) when do u see the pres giving out money? he makes the plan u carry it out ty

04-26-2010, 12:57 PM
what if i live in canada?

Touching kids is illegal everywhere :/

04-26-2010, 01:18 PM
Touching kids is illegal everywhere :/
Only if you get caught. All you need is a tree, a jar of pringles, and a towel.

04-26-2010, 01:44 PM
100mil for everyone from the Cabal government?!!?!?! Coooool D:

Incredibly Ill
04-26-2010, 02:27 PM
i support the idea of 100m per player.

04-26-2010, 04:34 PM
Touching kids is illegal everywhere :/


04-26-2010, 04:50 PM
Sweet so when we getting that 100mil xD

04-26-2010, 04:52 PM
Whenever Spur gives me the money. Once that happens i'll post about it, then you can pm me. Then we will utilize all the money given to form the greatest pvp contest in all history, and spend all money on amp pots, once again screwing the market.

12-10-2011, 02:25 PM
why gear soo expensive?!

12-10-2011, 03:36 PM
bump for bail out

12-10-2011, 03:51 PM
Stop whining.
Just work you're way up like everybody else.

12-10-2011, 03:55 PM
lids for 2.5m

12-10-2011, 06:27 PM
why gear soo expensive?!

y u gotta be necro'ing threads mang?!?!?!?!?!!

12-10-2011, 06:36 PM
blame ppl who glitch, they got too much alz to blow in the market and for sure anything will go up

12-10-2011, 06:39 PM
we need botters back in FR thats all we need lol

12-11-2011, 06:19 AM
y u gotta be necro'ing threads mang?!?!?!?!?!!
i was bored at work lol

12-11-2011, 08:30 AM