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View Full Version : Spectators in MWar (for those who are bored XD)

04-24-2010, 04:21 PM
Would it be nice to have spectators of all levels in MWars?

That's mean the spectators can go in the war field to watch 2 opposing nations fighting.

Those who participate/fighting in mwar can't see the spectators.

Spectators can't do anything else beside just for watching.

04-24-2010, 04:29 PM
That would actually be pretty cool. We could be like moving in a ghost type body with blink and dash and could go through walls D:

04-24-2010, 04:40 PM
If anything this should be implemented for the people on the waiting list.

04-24-2010, 06:27 PM
Suggested on EU and shot down for several reasons. By vent/shout people would simply locate all the opposing nations res builders/enemy numbers and give it to their teamates and so forth. It would create unfair advantages for helping teams win war.


04-24-2010, 07:10 PM
how about res builders are invisible for the spectators?

04-25-2010, 06:11 AM
i see the problem with the vent issue.. maybe if the video had a 5 minute delay?

04-26-2010, 11:39 AM
Or they could make it so you can't chat, only spectate.

04-26-2010, 12:30 PM
problem isn't chat.. its vent. [don't use it personally, but i know there are those who do]

04-26-2010, 12:34 PM
GuardianPat - That won't stop the spectators from giving constant updates on the other team's activities. Where they are going can be very useful information.
DVWizzy - I *think* that might cause some massive bandwidth issues, what with it having to be recorded and broadcasted and all.
EliteDragon17 - You should read the other responses. Disabling chat won't stop people from just talking outside of the game. Vent, instant messaging programs, etc.

As nice as it would be, it just can't work.

04-27-2010, 01:38 AM
Would it be nice to have spectators of all levels in MWars?

That's mean the spectators can go in the war field to watch 2 opposing nations fighting.

Those who participate/fighting in mwar can't see the spectators.

Spectators can't do anything else beside just for watching.

Dont you think that could lead of others Nations knowing ur plan

04-27-2010, 08:16 AM
GuardianPat - That won't stop the spectators from giving constant updates on the other team's activities. Where they are going can be very useful information.
DVWizzy - I *think* that might cause some massive bandwidth issues, what with it having to be recorded and broadcasted and all.
EliteDragon17 - You should read the other responses. Disabling chat won't stop people from just talking outside of the game. Vent, instant messaging programs, etc.

As nice as it would be, it just can't work.

guild wars manages to pull this off, although the delay is a good bit longer before its viewable

@campus: read lol.. your post has already been posted

04-27-2010, 09:10 AM
oops just notice that o.O

04-28-2010, 10:19 AM
I like that idea for the players who enter the mission war channels but cannot enter war due to the waiting list, but once your able to enter war it lets you enter war just as if your in the lobby.

04-30-2010, 07:44 AM
Lol i swear thats jus liek runescape..... hate that but nice idea i guess

05-04-2010, 12:15 AM
I think spectator should be implemented to people who are in the war, died, and are waiting to res. The spectator should only be able to see the viewpoints of other procs, kind of like in FPS games when you die and you see what your other team mates are doing.
I think it would be especially useful when there's a 40 second wait to res. I'd like know what's going on instead of look at my dead character on the ground. Or, in the case of the 40 second res, I'd like to at least pan around and see what's going on in the area I died in.