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Hariz Akram
03-16-2011, 08:25 AM
is tita +9 cd40, atk5 or redos+9 cd27 better at higher level?..

currently i am using that tita..

thank you ~

03-16-2011, 02:11 PM
It depends....

If you are going to boss hunt, then ditch the tit for a forcy + osm/redosm combo or a dual forcy combo. Use a forcy + lyc if you find a good lycanus weapon. With tit, it is much harder to solo bosses toward the late game, unless you +15 that stuff (GL with that).

If you really want to keep the tit and boss hunt, get a forcy to pair with it, probably amp, and preferably +9 or better.

If you want to focus more on pvp, might keep the tit and use either a redosm, lyc, or forcy offhand, probably forcy. But you could also use forcy + redosm too.

You need a decent base attack and amp to help break the opponent's def and it's hard to do that with, say, dual tit weps or tit + osm.

03-16-2011, 02:41 PM
between those two .. redosm 27cd ... but for lvl 140+ ... dual forcy is what you strive at

Hariz Akram
03-18-2011, 03:18 AM
i want to focus my bl on pvp/war.. hehe