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View Full Version : FA vs FA [PK Discussion]

03-26-2011, 07:14 AM
Picture you as FA vs another FA w/ same gears and level - same damage. What will you do???

I'll share my own mindset when it comes to FA movement.
Healing FA = Submissive state.
Solution: Best time for an offense/kill move in combo
Attacking FA = Aggresive state. Dangerous, especially to those who couldnt tell if FA target is in combo mode
Solution: Cast KD skills to check if FA target is on combo or not. FA target gets knocked down for a period of seconds = FA not in combo (best time for offense) , FA quickly recovers from down and continues to attack = FA target is in combo, best to stay away from target if the damage being inflicted to you is severe or break it as soon as possible if youre able to withstand damage.
FA on Range = FA target is thinking either one of two moves -
OFFENSE: FA target attempts to attack in and out of combo. In combo = dangerous if FA knows how to retarget and dash on combo. Out of combo, should be countered quickly with offense/kill move on combo.
Solution: Prepare to move back or stay away as target approaches. Allow first hit but DONT fade before target cast the first skill, [this first skill is usually crit shot and shadow] to prevent down.
OR DEFENSE: FA target continues to move away from you and heal.
Solution: Approach and attack out of combo. FA heals = as stated above.

What will you do if you cant outheal a FA?

03-26-2011, 09:14 AM
y would u even be standing there healing urself when ur getting pounded by hard crits? a fa shouldnt even be spam healing in the first place. the closest a fa should be to spam healing is while trying to run from a wi blink dash chasing them in combo. if the other fa is just going again another fa, the easiest solution is to fade dash out of range until you can see the other fa is out of combo, THEN use heal. unless your FA is completely outgeared or outleveled, there is no reason why another fa can't outheal a fa not in combo mode.

:D <3

03-26-2011, 10:55 AM
This whole FA vs FA situation is more like, you fighting yourself. If I would fight against myself - a duplicate me, same experience, same control, what would I do? Weird thread but Im sure this is going to give some readers an idea. xD Because if i will go against Miavii, I know for sure that she is going to stay away and heal at every possible chance and I as a FA dont have any sort of unmove debuff to stop her from moving. so what will I do?

Now given that "stay away and find the right moment for heal" solution response from XI and that "run" advice from my friend NOPE, what solutions can we come up with if our target FA DOES run/move away from us as we try to kill it?

Here is what I thought.
I would not let my target FA go further, I will stay close while at the same time hitting it with 1.3 dps spells out (or even in if possible w/ dash on combo) of combo? I have the range so it wont be as hard as melee.
and I'd use faster casting (crit, shadow, lances) skills over comp trans skills? since a series of 1.3 dps skills spammed might seem like youre still in combo to your enemy's screen to keep it confused and remained in a submissive state until you get a good knockdown - AN OPENING- and initiate offense strike on combo.


03-26-2011, 11:42 AM
well theoretically if you vs yourself it would be a stalemate. in pk there only thing that matters is 70% if u can outsmart the person (aka you're just better) and 30% gear. but anyways in a fa v fa, you're right that you should be doing the occasional crit shot/ shadow shot/ ice lance.... but u gotta make sure.

if i was fighting against miavi as an fa, id probably bait her into chasing me first. first thing i'd do would be to run around making miavi chase after me. the next thing i'd do would be to go behind a building while fading (she'd have to either go around the building to z retarget or manually click) while i'd have my target on her since when she's chasing she's obviously not fading. this is already a huge advantage right here and i'd be able to simply pop out and have a 2-3 skill advantage on miavi already - and since i'm pretty confident of my retargetting abilities i don't think she'd be able to run away. but if i don't do enough dps, then i'd just repeat the process until she eventually gets impatient and messes up.

03-27-2011, 05:09 AM
ty sensei

03-27-2011, 03:51 PM
if xi hides behind a building i would run and hide behind another building and call her a nub :)

haha that just made me laugh tho its the right thing to do. but then in the end your both gonna be standing there for 3minutes each

03-27-2011, 09:01 PM
if you fail to spam heal, click the relog button.

03-29-2011, 05:33 PM
use mith amp set make u feel confortable to chase another FA..... seriusly u didn run if u using dat...... FA chasing another FA is all about u can beat him o not..... if u can beat him sure u go chase him the whole map.....

03-29-2011, 06:11 PM
I'd get on my WA.