View Full Version : FB Over Powered in NW?

03-26-2011, 03:28 PM
Seriously, when they bm1 and aura, I can't kill them. They seem to have more def and HP than WA with bm1 and aura. At least thats how it feels. Anyone else think they are overpowered in T5? With root if I can't kill them, then you can guess what the result is every time. At least I can get away from WA, but seriously with crazy def, fast attack and root, there is no chance against FB in NW, in T5.

03-26-2011, 04:08 PM
They do have more HP, def, and atk, but the rates from buffs are all canceled out. They can become tankers while in bm1+aura, only problem is the rates from buffs not allowing fb's to crit, but that is also where hard luck comes into full use if you don't have high rate after bm1.

03-26-2011, 04:28 PM
They do have more HP, def, and atk, but the rates from buffs are all canceled out. They can become tankers while in bm1+aura, only problem is the rates from buffs not allowing fb's to crit, but that is also where hard luck comes into full use if you don't have high rate after bm1.

With my merg and a legacy I have 51 rate in BM1, and 53 (Q_Q maxrate) with aura.

03-26-2011, 04:34 PM
With my merg and a legacy I have 51 rate in BM1, and 53 (Q_Q maxrate) with aura.

Assuming you do, with no loss of cdi?

03-26-2011, 04:38 PM
who cares about crit damage when u have godmode attack, def and hp

03-26-2011, 04:55 PM
just make an FB

03-26-2011, 05:02 PM
who cares about crit damage when u have godmode attack, def and hp

Sounds like you don't even know what godmode is.........

sacrificing dmg for rate on an fb, seems like you don't have enough knowledge to be saying that, just as I am lacking the ability to provide correct answers now.

03-26-2011, 05:04 PM
Sounds like you don't even know what godmode is.........

sacrificing dmg for rate on an fb, seems like you don't have enough knowledge to be saying that, just as I am lacking the ability to provide correct answers now.

Apparently you don't really know how OP'd BM1+Aura FB's are.

03-26-2011, 05:07 PM
after 1 1/2 years someone finally realized it

03-26-2011, 05:11 PM
Apparently you don't really know how OP'd BM1+Aura FB's are.

Your point is?

Hold on....... ????


I don't understand.....

I know how op'd they are but I couldn't quite catch it.

03-26-2011, 05:42 PM
just make an FB

im so thinkking that. its either that or fs i had a fs before so it may be fb

03-26-2011, 05:46 PM
well i dont wanna throw in wa in conversation but u said bm1+aura is oped bm2 and aura and istent imunnity can kill a mob of 4 or more

03-26-2011, 09:14 PM
Sounds like you don't even know what godmode is.........

sacrificing dmg for rate on an fb, seems like you don't have enough knowledge to be saying that, just as I am lacking the ability to provide correct answers now.

Taking off 15% CD for a 500+ attack/def bonus w/ 50+ rate sounds like a fair trade off.

03-26-2011, 09:19 PM
So is cabal gonna do anything about this ridiculous combination of def+hp+root+fast skills? Only a few players can come out of this alive against top FBs. This is why it doesn't make any sense: I had leg+bm1+aura with m.amp pots and m.attack pots; I was all out and normally even spur would run from me in these situations, yet I get killed and my opponent has 85% health. Now think of this situation carefully, 85% health and I was all out. That shouldn't happen. We are the same lvl too sadly.

03-26-2011, 09:51 PM
So is cabal gonna do anything about this ridiculous combination of def+hp+root+fast skills? Only a few players can come out of this alive against top FBs. This is why it doesn't make any sense: I had leg+bm1+aura with m.amp pots and m.attack pots; I was all out and normally even spur would run from me in these situations, yet I get killed and my opponent has 85% health. Now think of this situation carefully, 85% health and I was all out. That shouldn't happen. We are the same lvl too sadly.


bringer's are good,and even when they got gears like what's his name **** and in bm2 also.....and how did you manage to lose in bm1+aura??? i normally get 30k hp in war NOTE: use aura first for the extra stat boost ) and first off you don't attack right away...root fade to break their combo(not for WA or BL) then root some more then combo an kill em that easy man....and in war aim for CD build :) always yield more

03-26-2011, 10:07 PM

bringer's are good,and even when they got gears like what's his name **** and in bm2 also.....and how did you manage to lose in bm1+aura??? i normally get 30k hp in war NOTE: use aura first for the extra stat boost ) and first off you don't attack right away...root fade to break their combo(not for WA or BL) then root some more then combo an kill em that easy man....and in war aim for CD build :) always yield more

Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I'm vs. FB in that scenerio and he is the one with HP 30k+ crazy def+root+leg. Idk if he had pots, but still I know for sure if I was fighting a WA all out, I would've taken easily more than 50% of their HP. Normally, I kill everyone when I am all out. Only FB I can't kill it seems.

03-26-2011, 10:18 PM
lol the 30k hp part is me lol? in 170 war

well first off when ur vs a FB use fade keep fading back and fourth,so he/she has trouble clicking on you then MF fade bind and you kill,that easy even with leg, and if he in aura+bm1 all you do is bind,fade (if ur not in aura+bm1 then you're done for, use aura and bm) or just root him til his bm is done( will never happen he will already be dead by other ppl) root fade root bm+aura

03-26-2011, 10:23 PM
so he/she has trouble clicking on you

Nubs only click the power of the "z" on the keyboard

03-26-2011, 10:45 PM
lol? most of us has our way of doing things.... i find clicking for me is easy,if he/she fades easy for me to find an kill that's all

03-26-2011, 11:21 PM
Expecting Cabal classes to be balanced? lol


03-27-2011, 12:34 AM
Your point is?

Hold on....... ????


I don't understand.....

I know how op'd they are but I couldn't quite catch it.

In BM1 with legacy I have 51 rate and 217 CD and BM1 / Aura I have 53 rate and 236 CD.


lol the 30k hp part is me lol? in 170 war

well first off when ur vs a FB use fade keep fading back and fourth,so he/she has trouble clicking on you then MF fade bind and you kill,that easy even with leg, and if he in aura+bm1 all you do is bind,fade (if ur not in aura+bm1 then you're done for, use aura and bm) or just root him til his bm is done( will never happen he will already be dead by other ppl) root fade root bm+aura

He's not an FB obviously, lol.

03-27-2011, 07:57 AM
Apparently you don't really know how OP'd BM1+Aura FB's are.

apparently you don't really know how under powered fb really are

03-27-2011, 08:17 AM
apparently you don't really know how under powered fb really are

lol what?

03-27-2011, 08:37 AM
lol what?

>mana freeze works on two classes(not even all the time)
>the classes without ii have enough range to you up anyway

03-27-2011, 09:26 AM
>mana freeze works on two classes(not even all the time)
>the classes without ii have enough range to you up anyway

I didn't even mention MF. Without MF FBs are overpowered, and when MF works (and sometimes it does work) you are totally fked. An all out FB in NW can easily kill anyone anytime. I mean there should always be an escape route for any class in any situation. Storm guardian was key against FB. Now there is nothing! They have to add a weakness when FB is in BM1+Aura, like the decrease of defense WA gets in bloody spirit.

03-27-2011, 09:29 AM
apparently you don't really know how under powered fb really are

ahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahah ahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaah ahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahah hahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahah ahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahha haahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahah ahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhaha ahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahah ahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaah ahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahah hahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahah ahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahha haahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahah ahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhaha hhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaaha hahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahh ahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahaha hahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhah aahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahaahahaha 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03-27-2011, 09:39 AM
You Call that OP try running into a blader in bm2 you fall your as isnt getting back up :/

03-27-2011, 09:41 AM
You Call that OP try running into a blader in bm2 you fall your as isnt getting back up :/

someone doesnt know that clicking the ground gets you up 10x faster

03-27-2011, 12:09 PM
lol i wonder if this people know about the relation of cannons(magic) and bm1... I'm a FB and yea bm1 with aura is overpowered, you could have a shtty gear but with 100% cdi atleast and cannons, FB can be annoying.

03-27-2011, 12:38 PM
>mana freeze works on two classes(not even all the time)
>the classes without ii have enough range to you up anyway

b*ch dunno about my field of enervation

root>darkness>fade out of range>darkness>field of enervation>mana freeze>hard luck

03-27-2011, 01:22 PM
lol i wonder if this people know about the relation of cannons(magic) and bm1... I'm a FB and yea bm1 with aura is overpowered, you could have a shtty gear but with 100% cdi atleast and cannons, FB can be annoying.

Everyone knows, it's common knowledge, not some secret.

03-27-2011, 01:32 PM
b*ch dunno about my field of enervation

root>darkness>fade out of range>darkness>field of enervation>mana freeze>hard luck

B*ch dunno about FA range

>oot(Take two lances) >darkness (Take two lances) > fade out of range (FA heals, your debuffs are losing time while you pot up) >darkness(take two lances)>Field of ener- (dead)

03-27-2011, 01:49 PM
Fb's can easily be run over by a group of anything in Nation war.
The biggest anti FB is a wizard in aura/Bm2, or leg/aura/bm1, or an FA with the same combo. With an FA's long range, using darkness is nearly useless on them. Yeah sure there's root, fade, darkness, but a lot of times by the time you're done debuffing the range character, they have you at half your life. Nation war lag and tight map space makes it so that lances hit me while I'm rooting, fading, and debuffing with darkness.
Another anti FB? Wa in Bm2 with instant immunity. Yeah sure you can MF them, but if they have the slightest amount of MP left over, they're easily mf proof in BM2 (like BamBam). Even if they arent MF proof, they can just run, come back and wtf own you with a scythe.
More people have been investing in MP items such as runes and accessories, so yeah, that makes MF pretty useless. Root isn't all that useful on a class that can out DPS an FB (again, range classes).
So uh playing an FB in nation war, no I don't feel OP. Aura/BM1 is powerful, but it's not exactly "walking AOD." I can't run into a huge group of caps and tank them all like an FS can. Fb's have their strengths but even in aura/BM1 Fb's can be beat.

03-27-2011, 02:03 PM
why would the FA heal when by the time youve hit the fb 4 times the fb hasnt dealt any damage whatsoever. aos or unroot and kill that
Because it's miavii

03-27-2011, 02:15 PM
Yeah sure you can MF them, but if they have the slightest amount of MP left over, they're easily mf proof in BM2 (like BamBam). Even if they arent MF proof, they can just run, come back and wtf own you with a scythe.

Im actually not mf proof, I had to switch to a vamp eppy i was borrowing every time i got mfed =D

03-27-2011, 05:06 PM
i wouldnt care about their bm2 if the nubs didnt mass root and just sit there and farm for like 13 seconds...

03-27-2011, 05:09 PM
Im actually not mf proof, I had to switch to a vamp eppy i was borrowing every time i got mfed =D

Time it takes you to switch to vamp = time it takes to cast MF

Your combo should be starting sooner than theirs, too.

03-27-2011, 05:33 PM
xi: hey i see a fb
fb: whoa its xi better root
-fb roots xi-
xi: dam fb always roots me
fb: hmm
-fb goes aura bm1-
xi: come onnn only 5 more sec of root left
-fb field roots, darkness, foe, hl-
xi: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo
-fb starts combo and proceeds to pwning xi-
fb: ahahahahaahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahah xi so weak with bringer and panda and si still die to me kakakakakakakakakakak kakakakakakakakakaka
-fb uses taunt emoticon-
xi: fb bm1 op br0

03-27-2011, 05:37 PM
fb: ahahahahaahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahah xi so weak kakakakakakakakakakak kakakakakakakakakaka

That must be the part where you showed her your .

03-27-2011, 05:57 PM
I play fb just to root you in war i dont care if i die i know someone went I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥IN FBS tyvm but i still go to war on my wa if I want some points since im a broke back bich who cant afford to be awesomesauce fb like iunno who is one but yeah mannnnnnnnn

03-27-2011, 06:10 PM
I play fb just to root you in war i dont care if i die i know someone went I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥IN FBS tyvm but i still go to war on my wa if I want some points since im a broke back bich who cant afford to be awesomesauce fb like iunno who is one but yeah mannnnnnnnn

Alpha as .

03-27-2011, 08:52 PM
Here is your solution;

1st get to be buddy buddy with the fb,

then ask him to leave you alone in war,

and proceed to pwn every other class w/ impunity.


get a fb with you to root his ass.

03-27-2011, 08:54 PM
fb worst class ever

o.o fb is a pretty fun class.i gave my fb away and trying to buy my friends with alz or w/e since that bich isnt playing anymore. >.> but fb is pretty fun even tho at war i find wiz the best class ever so.. idk

03-27-2011, 08:55 PM
I'm the best class ever. Billionaires for the win, talkin' real life stylez broskis.

03-27-2011, 09:55 PM
Im actually not mf proof, I had to switch to a vamp eppy i was borrowing every time i got mfed =D
Oh I know it was an ammy, but I couldn't MF you in Bm2. That was annoying.

03-27-2011, 10:12 PM
I don't mind root. =) Most of the time, that is. But getting root 6times in a role isn't funny. -.- Just leave me there wasting my time. -.- Least kill me or something. Don't just ROOT run then wait till my root finish then root again!! SO BS!!

03-28-2011, 01:35 AM
I don't mind root. =) Most of the time, that is. But getting root 6times in a role isn't funny. -.- Just leave me there wasting my time. -.- Least kill me or something. Don't just ROOT run then wait till my root finish then root again!! SO BS!!

hahaha, there is a blue haired fb that is notorious for ""RNR"" root and run on t4 proc side, even if its one on one he roots and runs...

03-28-2011, 04:52 AM
my root is cool down all war if its not i waste it on a fa or something oh yeah baby

03-28-2011, 06:12 AM
Spam root like a pro nuff said.

03-28-2011, 08:26 AM
If ur a Blader, bm2 and hit them in bm1+leg -.- without shorts u gonna do 7-14per claw LOL!!!

03-28-2011, 09:35 AM
xi: hey i see a fb
fb: whoa its xi better root
-fb roots xi-
xi: dam fb always roots me
fb: hmm
-fb goes aura bm1-
xi: come onnn only 5 more sec of root left
-fb field roots, darkness, foe, hl-
xi: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo
-fb starts combo and proceeds to pwning xi-
fb: ahahahahaahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahah xi so weak with bringer and panda and si still die to me kakakakakakakakakakak kakakakakakakakakaka
-fb uses taunt emoticon-
xi: fb bm1 op br0

Sounds like what I used to do to you when my FB was your level way back. Except I didn't need to be in bm1/aura. <3 It just made it more fun. ;)

<3 Xylium.

03-28-2011, 11:16 AM
hahaha, there is a blue haired fb that is notorious for ""RNR"" root and run on t4 proc side, even if its one on one he roots and runs...

Hehe, I'm sure they are on both sides. ^^

03-28-2011, 11:31 AM
root a fa or wiz .. lol lmao u still geting shot at

03-28-2011, 12:19 PM
Check it. I find a cap who owns the hell out of me... Ill root him /sit where he cant hit me wait till he comes for more root again clap and go waste some time somewhere else whats up son

03-28-2011, 12:26 PM
Check it. I find a cap who owns the hell out of me... Ill root him /sit where he cant hit me wait till he comes for more root again clap and go waste some time somewhere else whats up son

Only root me once, okay? =) lol

03-28-2011, 02:01 PM
>mana freeze works on two classes(not even all the time)
>the classes without ii have enough range to you up anyway

lol only real good fb i no thats like super strong is jalrah raseck and reborn other than that i see the low def hp and attack in most fbs in war and pvp

03-28-2011, 02:13 PM
lol only real good fb i no thats like super strong is jalrah raseck and reborn other than that i see the low def hp and attack in most fbs in war and pvp

r u new here? XD...coming from a guy who war in t3 lol.

03-28-2011, 02:50 PM
LOL. nice job listing fb who su.ck and who's raseck?

reborn was good and raseck was super strong .. go to my freind list and click on his name and go to his posts he was epic and lol t3 tough to and i pvp t4 ppl Iamalive lol and jalrah hmm i want u to see him for your self but he on vacation he epic

03-28-2011, 02:51 PM
and another thign about jalrah he super good in pvp idk how wel i do but he good at switching up his combos at the right time

03-28-2011, 03:14 PM
You know what? FB is more stronger than ever. Think about it. No Storm Guardian makes rooting a breeze and now with these new dorsin earrings with epic hp and def and no extra MP are again an advantage only an FB is enjoying. What's up EST? Get off FBalls already! I mean what would you rather wear? Dorsin earring with 35 def and 50HP or +60 HP +60 MP vamp/fr earring?

03-28-2011, 05:36 PM
brb loling at who you think is good and raseck doesn't ring a bell.

His a old player. Go t5 and you will see all the old players.

03-28-2011, 05:46 PM
reborn was good and raseck was super strong .. go to my freind list and click on his name and go to his posts he was epic and lol t3 tough to and i pvp t4 ppl Iamalive lol and jalrah hmm i want u to see him for your self but he on vacation he epic

.................................................. ..............................lol............im out b4 this kid says anything about his pro fbs

03-28-2011, 06:25 PM
Fb's can easily be run over by a group of anything in Nation war.
The biggest anti FB is a wizard in aura/Bm2, or leg/aura/bm1, or an FA with the same combo. With an FA's long range, using darkness is nearly useless on them. Yeah sure there's root, fade, darkness, but a lot of times by the time you're done debuffing the range character, they have you at half your life. Nation war lag and tight map space makes it so that lances hit me while I'm rooting, fading, and debuffing with darkness.
Another anti FB? Wa in Bm2 with instant immunity. Yeah sure you can MF them, but if they have the slightest amount of MP left over, they're easily mf proof in BM2 (like BamBam). Even if they arent MF proof, they can just run, come back and wtf own you with a scythe.
More people have been investing in MP items such as runes and accessories, so yeah, that makes MF pretty useless. Root isn't all that useful on a class that can out DPS an FB (again, range classes).
So uh playing an FB in nation war, no I don't feel OP. Aura/BM1 is powerful, but it's not exactly "walking AOD." I can't run into a huge group of caps and tank them all like an FS can. Fb's have their strengths but even in aura/BM1 Fb's can be beat.

well ur obv not a very good fb if u cant tank a mob of people in aura/leg/bm1 with pots...of course they can be beat, but theyre the most annoying class to play against in war and pk, especially since their bm1 is the most op out of all classes, and they can render you helpless via debuffs. what exactly can an fs do? aod? ok, so stand right out of his range...simple...

03-28-2011, 06:51 PM
Give me AOD! =D

03-28-2011, 07:04 PM
Not overpowered for me, but they are the cause of my deaths most of time.
FA: Attacks fb
FB: Notices fa and execrates
FA: Unroots
FB: Uses Field of execration

= GAME OVER FA! Thats the toughest situation I could ever get in war.
Same applies outside of nw, even in ch 20 a smart fb will utilize those unmove debuffs along with the lvl, crit dmge/rate and range down debuffs.

So what more going against a bm1 fb with all these debuffs on you? -.-

03-28-2011, 08:12 PM
weeeee another retarded post about a class being overpowered heres an idea stop crying about it and learn to play your class better and really why are you trying to kill solo dont you know you should always attack in a group.

03-28-2011, 08:28 PM
Not overpowered for me, but they are the cause of my deaths most of time.
FA: Attacks fb
FB: Notices fa and execrates
FA: Unroots
FB: Uses Field of execration

= GAME OVER FA! Thats the toughest situation I could ever get in war.
Same applies outside of nw, even in ch 20 a smart fb will utilize those unmove debuffs along with the lvl, crit dmge/rate and range down debuffs.

So what more going against a bm1 fb with all these debuffs on you? -.-

It's still a waste of a field root on a single person, also your single root. I'm more concerned about a fb using debuff/dash in combo...

03-28-2011, 08:40 PM

lolololol I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ that always happens to me in like a corner -.-

03-28-2011, 09:12 PM
Nice grammar, and no doesn't ring a bell are you illiterate gots spelling the name wrong?

FB number 1 class getting stuck.
Bm1/aura is 90secs(not counting extending) and cd is every 5mins, just root that fker and be on your way.

My grammar? =O. "are you illiterate gots" !?!?! You is one person. ^^
I didn't spell the name. =) Do you need a hug babe?

03-28-2011, 10:26 PM
Do some research before you flame me. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/you Maybe you're just naturally retarded.
Oh god, a hug from someone like you. I'd rather be g.ay.

tl;dr: You're an idiot.

Where's the flame? =D I wanna see. Lets go watch together. ^_^

If I remember right, tl;dr means=too long, didn't read?
Aww. We should go on a date. =) I think we were meant to be!!!!

03-29-2011, 04:24 AM
Nice grammar, and no doesn't ring a bell are you illiterate gots spelling the name wrong?

FB number 1 class getting stuck.
Bm1/aura is 90secs(not counting extending) and cd is every 5mins, just root that fker and be on your way.

kinda contradictory huh? after all that talk about FB this and that your solution is use another FB to root them.

and i think they all mean Rasecx even i dont remember how to spell his name

03-29-2011, 04:58 AM
kinda contradictory huh? After all that talk about fb this and that your solution is use another fb to root them.

And i think they all mean rasecx even i dont remember how to spell his name

+1 wb!

03-29-2011, 06:23 AM
I love it in T4 when i get rooted debuffed and still destroy the silly FB that thought they could take me 1v1. Then I just have to stand there waiting...makes me feel kinda like an FS that goes AOD and everyone just runs by them. Dum dee dooo.

Note: Yeah its fun beating up on t4 scrubs...if i ever decide to hit 170 things will get more interesting.

03-29-2011, 06:27 AM
So is cabal gonna do anything about this ridiculous combination of def+hp+root+fast skills? Only a few players can come out of this alive against top FBs. This is why it doesn't make any sense: I had leg+bm1+aura with m.amp pots and m.attack pots; I was all out and normally even spur would run from me in these situations, yet I get killed and my opponent has 85% health. Now think of this situation carefully, 85% health and I was all out. That shouldn't happen. We are the same lvl too sadly.
lol fast skills lol,. You ever actually looked at the combo cast times of most classes? BL has more skills that are faster than FB. Yes FB are usually pretty fast, but in combo they're average not that much different than most other classes other than FS+WA.

<3 BM1, if you knockdown/stun the FB b4 he combo's it helps you beat his tank-mode. Also one thing ppl fail to really comprehend is that NW is supposed to be a teamwork thing, so you shouldn't be going 1v1 vs FB in bm1 anyways. You have to react fast vs other ppl's skill they're using. Say you're a WI, and you're with a WA or something, the FB will probably try to root one of yall so the other person should start combo while he's using the root, so as soon as he recovers from the 1.5 secs of casting root he's already getting stunned/ knockdown /down. It's all fast paced, which is where a good computer+connection goes a long way. Knowing all the classes to a degree helps with fast decisions. It's where the differnce btwn luck and skill plays part :) (which I am lacking in the skill department still haha)

03-29-2011, 06:49 AM
lol fast skills lol,. You ever actually looked at the combo cast times of most classes? BL has more skills that are faster than FB. Yes FB are usually pretty fast, but in combo they're average not that much different than most other classes other than FS+WA.

<3 BM1, if you knockdown/stun the FB b4 he combo's it helps you beat his tank-mode. Also one thing ppl fail to really comprehend is that NW is supposed to be a teamwork thing, so you shouldn't be going 1v1 vs FB in bm1 anyways. You have to react fast vs other ppl's skill they're using. Say you're a WI, and you're with a WA or something, the FB will probably try to root one of yall so the other person should start combo while he's using the root, so as soon as he recovers from the 1.5 secs of casting root he's already getting stunned/ knockdown /down. It's all fast paced, which is where a good computer+connection goes a long way. Knowing all the classes to a degree helps with fast decisions. It's where the differnce btwn luck and skill plays part :) (which I am lacking in the skill department still haha)

Doesn't matter how fast your reaction time is against an FB, you still get rooted no matter what. Root only takes 1.5 secs to cast, meaning the FB's combo bar is already up before most stun/knockdown skills are done being cast.

03-29-2011, 07:17 AM
lol fast skills lol,. You ever actually looked at the combo cast times of most classes? BL has more skills that are faster than FB. Yes FB are usually pretty fast, but in combo they're average not that much different than most other classes other than FS+WA.

<3 BM1, if you knockdown/stun the FB b4 he combo's it helps you beat his tank-mode. Also one thing ppl fail to really comprehend is that NW is supposed to be a teamwork thing, so you shouldn't be going 1v1 vs FB in bm1 anyways. You have to react fast vs other ppl's skill they're using. Say you're a WI, and you're with a WA or something, the FB will probably try to root one of yall so the other person should start combo while he's using the root, so as soon as he recovers from the 1.5 secs of casting root he's already getting stunned/ knockdown /down. It's all fast paced, which is where a good computer+connection goes a long way. Knowing all the classes to a degree helps with fast decisions. It's where the differnce btwn luck and skill plays part :) (which I am lacking in the skill department still haha)
There is no luck in a fb, fb is more like an assassin finish ur enemy quick or your hopeless.
Contributed time for luck.

03-29-2011, 07:58 AM
Fb's can easily be run over by a group of anything in Nation war.
Another anti FB? Wa in Bm2 with instant immunity. Yeah sure you can MF them, but if they have the slightest amount of MP left over, they're easily mf proof in BM2 (like BamBam). Even if they arent MF proof, they can just run, come back and wtf own you with a scythe.
More people have been investing in MP items such as runes and accessories, so yeah, that makes MF pretty useless. Root isn't all that useful on a class that can out DPS an FB (again, range classes).
So uh playing an FB in nation war, no I don't feel OP. Aura/BM1 is powerful, but it's not exactly "walking AOD." I can't run into a huge group of caps and tank them all like an FS can. Fb's have their strengths but even in aura/BM1 Fb's can be beat.

'ello, my lovely porkyon ^.^
don't feel too bad if i evade and survive your roots~

Im actually not mf proof, I had to switch to a vamp eppy i was borrowing every time i got mfed =D
i use a vamp eppy too when i get or am about to be mf-ed!! XD

03-29-2011, 05:01 PM
brb loling at who you think is good and raseck doesn't ring a bell.

raseck quited along time ago and i told u he in my buddy list look at his page and posts and hmmm ill pm u when jalrah get on ill have u bring any body in t4 to pvp and we will see who will be loling

03-29-2011, 05:03 PM
.................................................. ..............................lol............im out b4 this kid says anything about his pro fbs

lol to u can pvp jalrah or freestyle if u want and rasack quited

03-30-2011, 12:06 AM
You're fking illiterate I fking swear. It's Rasecx. Anyone in t4? Bro, I raped jalrah on my fb end of story, 12345 combo pvp was crit luck but freestyle was easy.

woah jalrah was good in war? wtf O.O

03-30-2011, 12:27 AM
to the multiple retards saying.. "oh you shouldn't be fighting fb bm1 aura 1v1 anyway! teamwork cures breast cancer! D:"

what makes you think the fb is traveling alone

03-30-2011, 03:26 AM
to the multiple retards saying.. "oh you shouldn't be fighting fb bm1 aura 1v1 anyway! teamwork cures breast cancer! D:"

what makes you think the fb is traveling alone


03-30-2011, 04:01 AM
to the multiple retards saying.. "oh you shouldn't be fighting fb bm1 aura 1v1 anyway! teamwork cures breast cancer! D:"

what makes you think the fb is traveling alone

oh hes not, he'll be there to rush in like I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥in rambo, gather up 10 people ontop of him, dip out and field root, then lol while theyre all dying to the ranged classes

cuz fb's aren't op der

03-30-2011, 07:23 AM
FBs are WI worse nightmare
once you got rooted then gangbng next thing know your dead
this prolly the reason why ppl can pwn WI bringers
no flawless pots = dead

03-30-2011, 12:51 PM
You're fking illiterate I fking swear. It's Rasecx. Anyone in t4? Bro, I raped jalrah on my fb end of story, 12345 combo pvp was crit luck but freestyle was easy.

so u saying u won by luck

03-30-2011, 02:09 PM
everyone reroll templar and spam nez shield to avoid root

03-30-2011, 02:26 PM
He won half the time, I won half the time, in a stand off 12345 combo pvp, fb vs fb(basically any class vs any class), whoever crit wins. Freestyle was easy 5-0.

i dunno how wrong u can be. if it was anywhere remotely close to 50/50 WIs wouldnt be complaining in 12345 pvp

03-30-2011, 02:28 PM
FB arent that OP but they can really piss ppl off ;o

03-30-2011, 04:56 PM
FBs r op in freestyle and in BM compared to most other classes, but in stand-up pvp they r average

03-30-2011, 05:58 PM
FBs r op in freestyle


03-30-2011, 06:14 PM
brb loling at who you think is good and raseck doesn't ring a bell.

he meant rasecx lol

03-31-2011, 03:34 AM
he meant rasecx lol
Meng you deserve a cookie hahahaha

03-31-2011, 01:01 PM
i dunno how wrong u can be. if it was anywhere remotely close to 50/50 WIs wouldnt be complaining in 12345 pvp

exactly but idk when he said 12345 combo ....if u crit or if i crit ..... u want have to go to 12345 more like 1234 or 123 like u said depending if u crit

03-31-2011, 05:02 PM
are you permanently stuck on stupid?

im guessing hes doing it on purpose, u know how I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥in big of a downer u gotta be to be on his level of stupid?

03-31-2011, 05:19 PM
exactly but idk when he said 12345 combo ....if u crit or if i crit ..... u want have to go to 12345 more like 1234 or 123 like u said depending if u crit

LOL. what is this i dont even

04-01-2011, 01:08 PM
LOL. what is this i dont even
lol i typed it wrong was trying to get of computer for my mom i tryed to say is u want have to go through 5 combos to win pvps if u crit alot like a fb should lol at my self

04-01-2011, 01:10 PM
im guessing hes doing it on purpose, u know how I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥in big of a downer u gotta be to be on his level of stupid?

and lol but i bet your lame in real life sense u got so much time to be on a computer all day flameing kids 40 year old vergin

04-01-2011, 07:01 PM
maybe you should be on the forums less and spend a bit more time in school since you obviously dont know how to spell for sh!t

lol still flameing and i dont be on forum much more like 3 posts or less but thats not the topic of this thread is it even though u forgot your ' in dont (don't) but lol sense u peep that out lol on a forum dont think gms are banein ppl for spelling things wrong

04-01-2011, 10:56 PM
god ur grammar is so bad it makes me wanna go and burn down a library

but but were and how is he gonna learn o.o

04-02-2011, 12:57 AM
but if you notice he spelled your and want to wrong, that what mat do when he mad lol

04-02-2011, 01:00 AM
why would he be mad o.o no comprende!!!!!!

04-02-2011, 01:21 AM
lol still flaming and i don't be on forum much more like 3 posts or less, but that's not the topic of this thread is it even though u forgot your ' in dont (don't) but lol since u peep that out lol on a forum dont think gms are banning ppl for spelling things wrong

I'm the grammar Nazi, bro. You better start spelling things correctly and use correct grammar, k?

04-02-2011, 04:37 AM
why would he be mad o.o no comprende!!!!!!

idk but when he start correcting me on my spelling and his spelling is wrong to .. that mean he mad i think wheni called him lame in real life and 40 year old virgin

04-02-2011, 04:38 AM
... and we are missing this guy thread up

04-02-2011, 12:24 PM
too* when i* and a*

my spelling wasn't wrong, i chose to say ur instead of your, moron

learn the differences


04-02-2011, 01:01 PM


04-05-2011, 04:25 PM

a fb from 79 gets only 300 atk while my higher fb gets almost 500. what makes the dif?

yes i know about the cannons.

04-06-2011, 11:43 AM
Syndrah, Base Magic Attack also increases it by a noticeable amount. For a really obvious difference next time you go to AoS on the last boss after he super buffs ou, bm1 and you'll see a major difference. (mine got up to 2.7k atk stacked and 1.7k after his mega buff disappeared)

04-06-2011, 12:46 PM
too* when i* and a*

my spelling wasn't wrong, i chose to say ur instead of your, moron

learn the differences

alright mat lol

04-06-2011, 04:15 PM
Syndrah, Base Magic Attack also increases it by a noticeable amount. For a really obvious difference next time you go to AoS on the last boss after he super buffs ou, bm1 and you'll see a major difference. (mine got up to 2.7k atk stacked and 1.7k after his mega buff disappeared)

aura and battle modes level up as you style up also.

04-13-2011, 02:08 PM
Hey did anyone hear, I think FBs are over powered......

04-13-2011, 03:13 PM