View Full Version : The Devil Behind the Curtain: Part 1

04-08-2011, 02:01 PM
Pluribus Uno

CHARACTERS (in order of arbitrary appearance)

Supreme Ruler
David Kan
Burning Raven
Max Payne
Seventh Son


North: Ophir
South: Barbados
East: Apathia
West: Bourdeaux
Center: Luna


Scene 1. (Monday morning in the Supreme Court.)

A world in the far distant future with corruption as its background, rebels itself for self-correction to eliminate oppression. With the voice of the people and the pensions they've signed to get attention, resurrection of true justice begins its presentation in the land that continues violating other nation's culture and identity. Ophir, the North nation despised by many, its authorities ignores its people, and engages war policies to wage war against other nations.

Supreme Ruler. War! War brings fear, death, and incomprehension! The people seek correction of this corrupted nation, yet there is no direction to that path.
Eurus (furiously). Well, what do you expect? Ophir is not what it is anymore! The nations are against us! Why? We are no longer a nation of its word! That's why! (Takes a deep breath to calm down.) Listen, I'm not here to add fire to the topic, but we are in a serious deep hole; moreover, people are gonna die.
Supreme Ruler. You've served our military, our nation, and most importantly, yourself, Eurus. Barbados of the south is our main target. We've been in the process of being diplomatic with them, but they've always at the end refused peace with us.
Eurus. Sigh, refusal? More like refusal to our treaty because we've always attempted to implement a centralized government that is not by the people, but itself. (The people in the Supreme Court applaud.) Ha ha ha! You hear that, Supreme? The people's applause tells us I'm right.
Supreme Ruler (annoyed). This case is dismissed! Next section will continue on Wednesday. You may all leave.
Eurus. I guess I—
Supreme Ruler. You stay. I need to have a word with you (looking at Eurus irritated).
Eurus. Heh, I wonder what you have to say. You heard'em. They applauded, so they agree.
Supreme Ruler. Please don't make me outrage, Eurus. Look, tomorrow I'll meet you outside our Nation's borders. There is a convention in the afternoon. Don't disappoint me, my apprentice.

(Tuesday morning in Barbados.)

The weather was perfect. The play continues in Barbados, the South. Rastan, the South's elite trooper of the Barbados' forces, visits the market.

Rastan. Man oh man, today is gonna be a long day. Crap! What does it take to keep a blade clean? (Takes out a napkin to clean his blade.) There we go. Much, much better, my shiny blade.
Anonymous Shouter. Hey! Wait up!
Rastan. Huh, who said that?
Xiju. I did, Rastan! (Stops to take a deep breath). Jesus, you walk fast.
Rastan. (Laughs out loud.) What brings you here? Weren't you supposed to be in camp training completing your objectives?
Xiju (hyper). Well, yeah, but I decided to take a break for today.
Rastan. You seem excited. Where's all that hyper energy coming from?
Xiju. I'm just like that because I might get promoted to a higher rank if I keep up the good progress. Watch this! (Does a triple back-flip in midair.)
Rastan (amazed). Take it easy there, big boy. I heard Ophir is having a convention this Wednesday.
Xiju. Where did you hear that?
Rastan. People, people rumor, obviously, my dear friend. Where else? The Supreme Ruler will be there. Man, I can't wait to hear what he has to say.
Xiju. Yeah, probably more garbage coming from his mouth, eh?

A few hours passed. Silence spoke throughout the streets and cities. The path of each Nation was still undecided and unspoken among authorities. As the day progresses, many questions ravel its answers along the way.


This was just a small sample of the play. If you find this good so far, please let me know with a comment and rating.

1 - Bad
2 - Poor
3 - Fair
4 - Good
5 - Excellent

04-08-2011, 02:33 PM

04-08-2011, 04:02 PM

C'mon, man. You know this is a good start for a sample play.
You give it -22
I give it 27, so the answer is 5!

04-08-2011, 04:30 PM
1 - Bad

no suspence and i dont't like opening for another episode, bad choice of roles ..

but boredom kills

04-08-2011, 04:39 PM
no suspence and i dont't like opening for another episode, bad choice of roles ..

but boredom kills

Wow! Was it that bad? Jesus, I guess there isn't no future for me to be a writer then :(

04-08-2011, 07:46 PM
Pluribus Uno

CHARACTERS (in order of arbitrary appearance)

Supreme Ruler
David Kan
Burning Raven
Max Payne

o.o whos the "Hobo" o.o