View Full Version : Aika Online Thoughts?

04-26-2011, 11:33 AM
Well with this downfall of CABAL that i don't need to go into detail with, I was wondering if anyone has tried Aika Online?

Its by gPotato, which has been the host of some other games i played and enjoyed.
So anyone have any First look thoughts or if you played for a while any Endgame thoughts?


~Gm's i didn't think you'd mind me posting this i mean let's be real: fail game is fail.

04-26-2011, 11:41 AM
dont see how this is relevant to general discussion of cabal; but i hav lv 34 warlock; the cap is 70 atm; the game is quite a bit bigger in terms of map size, and number of nations (4 or more i think).

the gameplay having no combo system is kinda lame; overall being lv 34 and not interested in leveling anymore or dungs/quests jst pretty much use it for testing stuff with x-trap, about it.

i think cabal is probably better gameplay then aika for sure, aika has a few things i like; but couldnt see myself playing it alot.. the temple raids are intresting where you port to another nation, from a crossroad map and can raid thier temples ect to steal relics (which give your nation bonus %ages ect..)

04-26-2011, 11:52 AM
dont see how this is relevant to general discussion of cabal

oh thats just cause 90% of forum viewers go on general discussion and the other topics have been abandoned.

04-26-2011, 12:23 PM
I have every class 55-70 in it, not that fun. EXTREMELY cash shop reliant if you want higher than +4-6 gear.

04-26-2011, 01:12 PM
Try out Sun Online graphics are a bit more up to par, and it has a chain system native to that of cabal and aions combat system. its up at webzen. Aika is a struggling shaiya combined with the last chaos.