View Full Version : Weak EOD Daily Quest

05-11-2011, 10:49 AM
What happened to the WEOD daily quests?

I know they existed back in February because I ran one daily quest per day on my first character until I got to level 71. Now I am starting a new character, now level 59, and the daily quest does not exist. All I have is the WRS daily.

What happened?

05-11-2011, 01:59 PM
maybe that explains insane prices?

05-12-2011, 07:21 AM
Believe the case is that wEoD entries can drop so easily in FR, what the use of giving someone a free entry for it. Now wLiD and wRS, the entries are so few and far between dropping, they give you an entry on top of the guild help daily quest. 3rd point being, the drops in wEoD are significantly pretty good at that level, imagine everyone parking their newb character at that level range and farming once a day for top end gear for their level and then farming their NW tier day in and day out. Just a couple things to consider, on top of you need only 10 runs per weak dungeon to get the 3rd title for them also.

weak dungeons were put in place to get people over the slow leveling and skilling humps at certain level ranges to get them practiced in the 3 pretty profitable regular dungeons and get them addicted to the game. Still doesn't mean you can't go out and farm weak entries on another character all day to use on another, oh wait, this a Korean designed game, guess what, get used to the grind or move on.
