View Full Version : High Dungeon Entry Prices

05-11-2011, 02:00 PM
Very High

05-11-2011, 02:45 PM
no bots farming?

05-11-2011, 04:01 PM
Stop reporting the bots if you want low price dungeon entries, simple as that.

05-11-2011, 04:16 PM
its been over a month since a bot was reported in the bad user report section; its either the GMs are stepping up more active role patrolling, or they have found other means to prevent botters from fusing maps and using AOE on all mobs like they were, i think 95% i seen were using map modifications instead of just normal macro bot killing mobs. that could be the result of the decrease, i ran through auto cannons in fort ruina, and there is none in mercury botting; i went through channel 1-10; not one bot when 3 months ago there would have been 2-5 if not more every chan.. something has changed for sure.

05-12-2011, 05:52 AM
its been over a month since a bot was reported in the bad user report section; its either the GMs are stepping up more active role patrolling, or they have found other means to prevent botters from fusing maps and using AOE on all mobs like they were, i think 95% i seen were using map modifications instead of just normal macro bot killing mobs. that could be the result of the decrease, i ran through auto cannons in fort ruina, and there is none in mercury botting; i went through channel 1-10; not one bot when 3 months ago there would have been 2-5 if not more every chan.. something has changed for sure.

i saw 2 bots in MF and 1 in PF

05-12-2011, 07:51 AM
i saw 2 bots in MF and 1 in PF

grats? theres still none in fort ruina farming the weak dungs, or lower dung entries, hence why they are higher then usual, atleast yesterday when i went through chans @ auto cannons where there would be 2-3+ per chan a few months ago.

05-12-2011, 08:07 AM
Good hackers don't get caught. It means they are getting better.

botters and hackers are two different things, and nobody has "hacked" in cabal, sorry to break your heart.

you seem to say alot of misguided, retarded statements whenever you post so ill let you finish your forum visit, not trolling just sayin'.

05-12-2011, 08:27 AM
you went and looked for that?

05-12-2011, 08:29 AM
you went and looked for that?

You can never underestimate what someone will say or do on here

05-12-2011, 08:29 AM
Global server had no gameguard protection, and was free to spam no skill delays ect without disconnect, and its not hacking bro, even if i typed "hack" 5 months ago, its a slang term, calling someone a "hacker" and saying they used a "hack" are two different, and ambiguous statements.

and yes i typed "hack" to the GMs on that post, the correct term would have been "memory editing" or modification of the games logic. either way nobody is "hacking" cabal, Lol. I like your style though, scouring through old posts for the word hack to justify your earlier statement which is not reality.

ontopic: stroll through fort ruina auto cannons yourself, Lol.

05-12-2011, 08:48 AM

You saying hack = correct
Others saying hack = wrong

vary naise

if i was to call it "no skill delay trick" would that make your statement correct? No its been coined "hack" i cant change what people call things. "good hackers dont get caught" i think your referring to actual hackers not people in a mmo using memory editors or debuggers to gain advantages in a game.

same with "dmg hack", its been coined as "hack" but its not really a hack per say, its more of a exploit in the games design. Do you think someone who could gain server side access to things would be playing around on cabal online instead of out there in the real world with much more important real life projects - this is just a video game bro.

any game you play they will refer to exploits as "hacks" but that doesnt mean the person who learned it is now "hacking" the server...lol? i guess it would be hard to understand if you just scour through old posts to find a word to prove yourself right. Yes i used the word "hack" but no there is not hackers hacking the mainframe(LOL?) oh meng better hide yo wife, hide yo kids.

05-12-2011, 08:56 AM
You can never underestimate what someone will say or do on here


I have no more faith in cheese now.

BTW> Using a hack doesn't make you a hacker.
It's like saying using a program makes you a programer.

You're a user.
You're not the true creator.

05-12-2011, 09:23 AM
I would suggest that EST should add all sort of dungeon entry into T-Point Shop :)

05-12-2011, 09:24 AM

I have no more faith in cheese now.

BTW> Using a hack doesn't make you a hacker.
It's like saying using a program makes you a programer.

You're a user.
You're not the true creator.

Are you drunk? Coz I can smell you through the internets

Using a hack program "DOES" make you a hacker. What it doesn't make you is a hack programmer.

05-12-2011, 09:31 AM
Are you drunk? Coz I can smell you through the internets

Using a hack program "DOES" make you a hacker. What it doesn't make you is a hack programmer.

lol, they are script kiddies about it. link all the dictonary references you want; im telling you noone is "hacking" cabal lol.

Because they both don't imply that a hack was used? Your logic is ON today.

People that play games aren't gamers.
People that lie aren't liars.
People that.... golf aren't golfers

on and on

I'm learning a lot from you today.

Why are you dragging the thread off topic? i said i used the word "hack" previously, but that is a coined term, a slang word. Its true meaning is misconstrued by people like you, who cant understand how the term is symmetrical.

ontopic was about dungeon prices, and they are up on lower grade dungs because the botters are not in the channels all through the lower maps. First people complain when there is bots, then complain when there is none cuz of prices; another common attribute of people like you.

05-12-2011, 09:49 AM
-er is just a suffix added to the end of a verb to make that noun.

Program has two definitions. One is a verb and one is a noun. The program you are talking about is a noun, not the verb form which means to program. Which is why programmer means a person that programs.

Hack is a verb which means a hacker is someone that hacks. Which is why snowxz originally said noone hacks, and changed the word hack to something else (which would be considered a noun). I was just pointing out him calling others out for saying the wrong term but he uses it himself.

You implied the statement as if "they dont get caught". Im assuming you know the implications very well when you made that comment. you were not talking about the average script kiddie playing mmos, your trying to imply actual attempts on ests database, or serverside values which is not true at all. nobody will waste thier time carrying out illegal actions or ruining the stability of a service if they dont feel they could adequately protect themselves.

the term is used alot but its thrown around unjustly, just like this topic as i said the cost of lower dung entry prices is direct result of no botters in fort ruina at this moment. what is so hard to understand about that? your comment in this thread was the irrelevant statement that took it off topic. try reading again.

next time you read my post about me referring to "hack" try to take it in a less literal sense, as its common to be slang in any mmo.
The word probably could be replaced with exploit very easily, but it doesnt sound right to a 12 year old posting on a forum "how this work man teach me hack"; whats so hard to understand about how the word is used, and shared meanings. None of it is literal for cabal.

05-12-2011, 09:53 AM

If you want to pretend you're a hacker, do it.
tbh you guys need to get out and do something, or at least play the game. rofl

05-12-2011, 09:59 AM

If you want to pretend you're a hacker, do it.
tbh you guys need to get out and do something, or at least play the game. rofl

only grinded 34 bars in the last 3ish days since i got unbanned.

You fail to comprehend my post. It says we both used the term wrong, I used the "slanged" form just like you did. I only called you out for doing the exact same thing when you tried to bash me and sound "smart." Try reading again.

it is used as slang, thats why im using it here, to relate to the readers. when implying a hacker gets into something and gets out without being caught, thats irrelevant to cabal online. its not a matter of being smart or dumb, im telling you nobody is "hacking" cabal. any exploit was probably the result of game design flaws; and probably 99% patched after devs find them.

Good hackers don't get caught. It means they are getting better.

look i quote ur old posts to prove my relevance later in the thread. Thats cool now.

translation of that quote:
We all getting better when hacking in a game where no hacking is taking place because we dont get caught.

Jesus, and your talking about my logic?

05-12-2011, 10:10 AM
lol, they are script kiddies about it. link all the dictonary references you want; im telling you noone is "hacking" cabal lol.

Script users or data packet manipulators is considered as hackers. You cant use these programs without bypassing the security of each game. In this case bypassing GameGuard. It may not be in the same grade as bypassing an iPhones security or PSN security. But it is the same, the difference is the magnitude of the hack.

Script writing and data packet manipulating is like the lowest form of hacking. Just because it's the lowest form, it doesn't make it not a hack.

Video game companies, consider such activity as hacking. That by itself counts anyone who uses such programs or scripts as a hacker.

05-12-2011, 10:11 AM
(which isn't hacking and I admitted).

lol, ok bro.

ill let you finish your english class lesson, Lmfao.

05-12-2011, 10:16 AM
Script users or data packet manipulators is considered as hacking. You can use these programs without bypassing the security of each game. In this case bypassing GameGuard. It may not be in the same grade as bypassing an iPhones security or PSN security. But it is the same, the difference is the magnitude of the hack.

Script writing and data packet manipulating is like the lowest form of hacking. Just because it's the lowest form, it doesn't make it not a hack.

Video game companies, consider such activity as hacking. That by itself counts anyone who uses such programs or scripts as a hacker.

I would like to see anyone who has successfully manipulated a packet. you wont find it bro, anyone could be given the decryption algorithm and still not know what to do with it. Like i said its irrelevant for the script kiddies of cabal, and i used the term "hack" in past threads as slang, to refer to people abusing a well known design flaw in cabal. Im not 100% sure what in the games logic prevents devs from proactive approaches to specific memory regions but i can guarantee you nobody is manipulating packets in cabal na. the only well known reverser is not even in cabal na, and he doesnt advocate ruining cabal online, which is what something of that magnitude would do. The guy has a outside job that allows him to carry debugging knowledge, he doesnt abuse it for personal gain, or to put himself in legal jeopardy, anything released to public anywheres is for educational uses only, and the users are the ones who take full responsibility for the actions and consequences of such use. not to mention anything released developers have direct access to, thus always the upperhand when talking about public exploits. They have their own protocol i guess, when it comes to identifying abusers.

blackberry if your not a troll you did a pretty good job gettin the thread off topic, as it was about bots causing inflation on dung prices.

05-12-2011, 10:24 AM
really? thats all? just misquoting now...gee ok back to pf grinding bro.

Good hackers don't get caught. It means they are getting better.

^ slang for down syndrome probably.

05-12-2011, 10:34 AM
nice quoting abilities? i hack my candybar wrapper open, you want to quote that too?

05-12-2011, 10:39 AM
So, you are a hacker in cabal. I knew it.

nope, im grinding legit, farming legit. ^_^ its a fun game.

your confusing literal terms with slang terms, and then trying to pass off a whole comment of yours you kno the first one you made in this thead, as slang as well. im done, you already admitted it is slang, so leave it at that; there is no real "hacking" in cabal going on, the servers are stable; alz in general is stable even with sellers, because its real world efforts to gain that alz, not just a program where they click "money" and then sell it kid, try learning something for once.

05-12-2011, 10:49 AM
I would like to see anyone who has successfully manipulated a packet. you wont find it bro, anyone could be given the decryption algorithm and still not know what to do with it. Like i said its irrelevant for the script kiddies of cabal, and i used the term "hack" in past threads as slang, to refer to people abusing a well known design flaw in cabal. Im not 100% sure what in the games logic prevents devs from proactive approaches to specific memory regions but i can guarantee you nobody is manipulating packets in cabal na. the only well known reverser is not even in cabal na, and he doesnt advocate ruining cabal online, which is what something of that magnitude would do. The guy has a outside job that allows him to carry debugging knowledge, he doesnt abuse it for personal gain, or to put himself in legal jeopardy, anything released to public anywheres is for educational uses only, and the users are the ones who take full responsibility for the actions and consequences of such use. not to mention anything released developers have direct access to, thus always the upperhand when talking about public exploits. They have their own protocol i guess, when it comes to identifying abusers.

Thanks for proving me right?

You don't need to be able to learn how to manipulate packets or create scripts. You just need to learn how to use the ones that are being provided.

Third Party Programs, bots in general uses multiple scripts/data packet manipulation that will allow them to bypass not only the Gameguard but how the system works. Being able to send a packet that is not usually sent by using the regular game function is considered as data packet manipulation. Example: Regular FA's cannot use a full area attack(Non-targeted, not in general area of attack), however a bot/scripted FA is able to full area attack. That is a simple script that manipulates data.

It's not the same as attacking the server and causing it to crash or stealing account information or any of that type of magnitude. But it is hacking.

05-12-2011, 10:55 AM
prove you wrong, lmfao.

you can call me a hypocrite for using the word hack but i already stated its not in a literal sense.

the first comment you made in this thread was literal, i dont feel the need to prove that you were not using slang; thats impossible over the internet. hackers dont exist in cabal, you can call script kiddies hackers all you want, dont bother me. have fun doing it bro nobody cares about your opinion but you. i could care less if the word "hack" is a verb; this is not english class. miss out on raising your hand in school much bro?

Thanks for proving me right?

You don't need to be able to learn how to manipulate packets or create scripts. You just need to learn how to use the ones that are being provided.

Third Party Programs, bots in general uses multiple scripts/data packet manipulation that will allow them to bypass not only the Gameguard but how the system works. Being able to send a packet that is not usually sent by using the regular game function is considered as data packet manipulation. Example: Regular FA's cannot use a full area attack(Non-targeted, not in general area of attack), however a bot/scripted FA is able to full area attack. That is a simple script that manipulates data.

It's not the same as attacking the server and causing it to crash or stealing account information or any of that type of magnitude. But it is hacking.

Lmao, i cant believe you waste your time typing that. you seriously are going to debate what is hacking and what is not with me? Lmfao. Script kiddies being called "hackers" is why you generalize anything as a hack. Your pretty igonrant to the facts. nobody has manipulated any packets in cabal, nobody hacked cabals servers; wrong wrong.

keep generalizing terms, teach a couple english lessons like blackberry here please, lol. go google some techincal definitions and try to apply them to cabal onlines exploit realm which you have clue about. i mean your talking on a public level not even private underground access - its hilarious how general terms are up there.

o look FR empty no bots, they must have figured a way to disrupt the bots progresses in the lower level maps more effectively in result causing inflation on the lower lvl dungs; well no thats not the case because bots never get caught, why? because botting is a hack, and if a script kiddie uses a hack, hes hacking according to the speds. Lmfao thats great stuff im entertained, keep em coming trollharder.jpg

loollol the fact im even responding to your troll attempts is pretty bad, goin to pf for couple hours. ill respond to your other retard comments later bro.

05-12-2011, 11:19 AM
prove you wrong, lmfao.

you can call me a hypocrite for using the word hack but i already stated its not in a literal sense.

the first comment you made in this thread was literal, i dont feel the need to prove that you were not using slang; thats impossible over the internet. hackers dont exist in cabal, you can call script kiddies hackers all you want, dont bother me. have fun doing it bro nobody cares about your opinion but you. i could care less if the word "hack" is a verb; this is not english class. miss out on raising your hand in school much bro?

Lmao, i cant believe you waste your time typing that. you seriously are going to debate what is hacking and what is not with me? Lmfao. Script kiddies being called "hackers" is why you generalize anything as a hack. Your pretty igonrant to the facts. nobody has manipulated any packets in cabal, nobody hacked cabals servers; wrong wrong.

keep generalizing terms, teach a couple english lessons like blackberry here please, lol. go google some techincal definitions and try to apply them to cabal onlines exploit realm which you have clue about. i mean your talking on a public level not even private underground access - its hilarious how general terms are up there.

o look FR empty no bots, they must have figured a way to disrupt the bots progresses in the lower level maps more effectively in result causing inflation on the lower lvl dungs; well no thats not the case because bots never get caught, why? because botting is a hack, and if a script kiddie uses a hack, hes hacking according to the speds. Lmfao thats great stuff im entertained, keep em coming trollharder.jpg

loollol the fact im even responding to your troll attempts is pretty bad, goin to pf for couple hours. ill respond to your other retard comments later bro.

Selective reading. That will get you far.

Let me guess your a professional hacker who knows everything and anyone who's involve in the hacking community. You also work for ESTSoft because apparently you know that no one has ever tried to hack their game or their servers.

When you're done playing around on your high horse may be you can get down and actually manage to debate something without having to go on a rant about how cool you are. You're so cool on the internets bro!

Where's your data about CABAL has never been hacked? Where's your info about scripts can't be considered as a hack? All you've done is say no coz you've said so. Good job!

05-12-2011, 11:47 AM
Selective reading. That will get you far.

Let me guess your a professional hacker who knows everything and anyone who's involve in the hacking community. You also work for ESTSoft because apparently you know that no one has ever tried to hack their game or their servers.

When you're done playing around on your high horse may be you can get down and actually manage to debate something without having to go on a rant about how cool you are. You're so cool on the internets bro!

look at the title of the thread. it says high dung prices, you have anything intelligent to add to this topic? judging by your posts trying to debate things that your opinions, probably not. when did i say i was cool? you really think cabal onlines servers' integrity as been compromised at some point? by law anytime your private confidential information was compromised you would have to be notified, im talking about reality of a server/databases integrity is i can safely assume its never been "hacked". o gee i said the word again, o meng better type another paragraph the definition and meaning, share your irrelevant knowledge in a thread bout dung entry prices. cool

05-12-2011, 12:16 PM
its nice to see you can construct your posts by editing quotes and making scenarios up, but like i said; the word hack is used as slang in many mmos as well as in my posts about globals that you quoted earlier. do you really believe they hacked something?

probably couldnt hack their way outta a wet paper bag.

see what i did there? its ambiguous phrase, if you cant wrap your head around it then theres not much else to debate.

im sure all the botters and script kiddies love being called hackers, their faces light up with joy everytime idiots like you entertain them. i reported bots and globals pre transfer for a reason: to protect the server and the community. otherwise my actions messing with level 1s and pking people in town was not hacking, was just playing around with flaws in the games design, i dont know why you would care so much when you know nothing about it. wow someone was a hypocrite to you, amazing the world is such a bad place woob doobs, Lol.

big deal i used the word "hack" when referring to globals 5 months ago, which it may well have been considering they didnt have any way to purchase prem or cash items related to CC info, there was no nation war, there was no GM interaction or bans, no gameguard protection; then said nobody has actually "hacked" the servers of cabal NA which is exactly the opposite. Amazing to believe it? ikr poor kid someone was a hyprocrit to you; wa, wa, wa, all the way home.

i cant say for sure the global server was secure, there was noticeable changes in the way the server -> client packet interaction was, not on gameguard protected client with episode IV its much more secure.

05-12-2011, 12:45 PM
you just went on for 4 pages about hypocrisy in a online mmo, but the facts remain the same, and ive said the truth.

keyboard warrior lives to fight another day, searching for injustice and hypocrisy online, nice bro. nice

05-12-2011, 01:16 PM
look at the title of the thread. it says high dung prices, you have anything intelligent to add to this topic? judging by your posts trying to debate things that your opinions, probably not. when did i say i was cool? you really think cabal onlines servers' integrity as been compromised at some point? by law anytime your private confidential information was compromised you would have to be notified, im talking about reality of a server/databases integrity is i can safely assume its never been "hacked". o gee i said the word again, o meng better type another paragraph the definition and meaning, share your irrelevant knowledge in a thread bout dung entry prices. cool

I love how you are able to de-rail a topic and still consider it as intelligently adding to the topic. FYI, I'm adding something regarding this topic, since you de-railed it to "what is the definition of hacking."

When did you say you're cool? You don't need to, your "Your wrong, I'm right coz I said so" attitude clearly states that.

Hacking doesn't "only" pertain to the actions of acquiring secured account information(Credit Card/Personal/Monetary information).

A company doesn't need to disclose all information regarding hacking incidents. A hacker could've just caused a video game server to crash and causing some "roll back" doesn't need to disclose they were hacked. They only need to disclose information regarding other clients information being stolen.

I'll let you finish passing your opinion as a fact, you're high and mighty.

I don't care about your argument with blackberry. Nor do I care how you used hacked as a word. I only care about your attempt to discredit my attempt to correct Infi.

05-12-2011, 01:25 PM
only grinded 34 bars in the last 3ish days since i got unbanned.

it is used as slang, thats why im using it here, to relate to the readers. when implying a hacker gets into something and gets out without being caught, thats irrelevant to cabal online. its not a matter of being smart or dumb, im telling you nobody is "hacking" cabal. any exploit was probably the result of game design flaws; and probably 99% patched after devs find them.

look i quote ur old posts to prove my relevance later in the thread. Thats cool now.

translation of that quote:
We all getting better when hacking in a game where no hacking is taking place because we dont get caught.

Jesus, and your talking about my logic?

I'm definitely not talking about you. lol

HI. :D How much are dungeon entries on both servers, anyways? /on topic?

05-12-2011, 01:27 PM
its been over a month since a bot was reported in the bad user report section; its either the GMs are stepping up more active role patrolling, or they have found other means to prevent botters from fusing maps and using AOE on all mobs like they were, i think 95% i seen were using map modifications instead of just normal macro bot killing mobs. that could be the result of the decrease, i ran through auto cannons in fort ruina, and there is none in mercury botting; i went through channel 1-10; not one bot when 3 months ago there would have been 2-5 if not more every chan.. something has changed for sure.

yea, but they should atleast make a way to control entries.

05-12-2011, 01:42 PM
I love how you are able to de-rail a topic and still consider it as intelligently adding to the topic. FYI, I'm adding something regarding this topic, since you de-railed it to "what is the definition of hacking."

When did you say you're cool? You don't need to, your "Your wrong, I'm right coz I said so" attitude clearly states that.

Hacking doesn't "only" pertain to the actions of acquiring secured account information(Credit Card/Personal/Monetary information).

A company doesn't need to disclose all information regarding hacking incidents. A hacker could've just caused a video game server to crash and causing some "roll back" doesn't need to disclose they were hacked. They only need to disclose information regarding other clients information being stolen.

I'll let you finish passing your opinion as a fact, you're high and mighty.

I don't care about your argument with blackberry. Nor do I care how you used hacked as a word. I only care about your attempt to discredit my attempt to correct Infi.

I stated the truth; bots are reduced dramatically ingame, that is true. then all the sudden blackberry posts about "good hackers dont get caught blah blah"; when this thread was about botters not "hackers". there is the impasse of the debate he invoked; trying to define hackers as botters which is what the topic is about, ive already ended the debate with the other kid cuz he has nothing else to say besides editin quotes.

its fine if you want to define hackers as anyone who plays with progs, or script kiddies who plug in scripts after asking how 20 times on all the forums in existence. i have no problem with that, and i was stating to your original post that packet manipulation is not even a factor, are you kidding me? define hackers as anyone who uses any modifications/3rd party programs if you want, its your mistake not mine.

my opinion is they are not and i dont really care how many definitions of hacking you would like to write, im still loling at bots not even being in server right now let alone "hackers" "causing rollbacks" LOLing still, and "manipulating packets".

you realize those are pretty heavy security breaches and wouldnt just go over and another day at the office? most likely any event would have notice posted in main website about the problems/server restarts/rollbacks or attempted hacks, ive seen everyone and know the specific about what happend and when. Care to explain something i dont know? or just explain your definition of what you consider hacking..thats cool too i mean anything to further derail this topic right?

tl;dr? bots decreased significantly in lower lvl maps -> dung prices for lower lvl dungs were inflated as a result.

05-12-2011, 01:46 PM
I'm definitely not talking about you. lol

HI. :D How much are dungeon entries on both servers, anyways? /on topic?

wlid - 740k
weod 2.8m
lid 1m
eod - 2m


yea, but they should atleast make a way to control entries.

i agree like for the beginners especially, i dont care much for the epic drops from weod quest situation, but with that being "gone" apparently, i wouldnt mind giving the noobs some more stable prices, and also relieve some eod prices for the mid levels who are just breaking 100, 2m a pop is nuts.

its certainly not impossible to deal with, but for noobs just starting with only 4-5m plus skillbooks ect prolly lil annoying to even get more then a couple runs in, mostly the weak dungs i guess, by the time thier eod they should be relativley ok, considering ucm are like 700k so u can make the price back from lid pretty ez - thinking they inflating bcuz of the coming update where ucm can be used for stit

05-12-2011, 01:53 PM
wlid - 740k
weod 2.8m
lid 1m
eod - 2m


i agree like for the beginners especially, i dont care much for the epic drops from weod quest situation, but with that being "gone" apparently, i wouldnt mind giving the noobs some more stable prices, and also relieve some eod prices for the mid levels who are just breaking 100, 2m a pop is nuts.

its certainly not impossible to deal with, but for noobs just starting with only 4-5m plus skillbooks ect prolly lil annoying to even get more then a couple runs in, mostly the weak dungs i guess, by the time thier eod they should be relativley ok, considering ucm are like 700k so u can make the price back from lid pretty ez - thinking they inflating bcuz of the coming update where ucm can be used for stit


:D Price ceiling for dungeon entry items?

05-12-2011, 02:45 PM
hjmmm maybe i can help snowx make his point (i'm with u on this one)
Ppl that use a so-called "hack" in game, letting them take advance of an exploit = cheaters
Ppl who go into the server info, syphon all the info in the accounts and manage to wipe out the entire server = hacker

Hmm hope that helps?

05-12-2011, 02:51 PM
I'm definitely not talking about you. lol

HI. :D How much are dungeon entries on both servers, anyways? /on topic?

wlid 700k
wrs 650k
weod 3.1m
lid 1m
rs 685k
eod 1.9m
sod 4.2m
eod2 1.25m

wlid 1M
wrs 2M
weod 1.5M
lid 925k
rs 600k
eod 1.3m
sod 4.8m
eod2 2.8m

05-12-2011, 03:59 PM
wlid - 740k
weod 2.8m
lid 1m
eod - 2m


i agree like for the beginners especially, i dont care much for the epic drops from weod quest situation, but with that being "gone" apparently, i wouldnt mind giving the noobs some more stable prices, and also relieve some eod prices for the mid levels who are just breaking 100, 2m a pop is nuts.

its certainly not impossible to deal with, but for noobs just starting with only 4-5m plus skillbooks ect prolly lil annoying to even get more then a couple runs in, mostly the weak dungs i guess, by the time thier eod they should be relativley ok, considering ucm are like 700k so u can make the price back from lid pretty ez - thinking they inflating bcuz of the coming update where ucm can be used for stit

yea but weods are high, and eods are unprofitable mostly and need mergy

05-12-2011, 04:31 PM
yea but weods are high, and eods are unprofitable mostly and need mergy

true true

05-12-2011, 06:32 PM
We need an NPC that sells maps lol or Dungeons that automatically deducts alz when you enter. Excluding IC1-2, probably would be best if there is a map needed.