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05-19-2011, 02:50 AM
Ok, I finally finished the major bulk of the guide. I still need more specifics for the classes which I will add onto it via edit. Thanks for the help those who have.
Need: Class spec for WA, WI, BL, and FA
More mid game tactics for various strategies.
Need to update in next update.
Need BM3 stuff.

NW Tips and Strategies

By Valdoroth
Help from:
EterNity (ET) – http://eternitydia.blogspot.com/2009/09/nation-war-techniques.html <<<< (Very good, but outdated)

Goal – To have the most points before time expires or capture all bases on the map.

Scoring---------- Each Team starts with 5000 points.
[P] 5000 <--- build points (these do NOT count towards your score)
[S] 5000 <--- Your nation's score
[S] 5000 <--- Their nation's score

Bases --- 5000 ~~~~~~~~~~ Ensign --- 0
Large --- 3000 ~~~~~~~~~~ Guardian(L) --- 500
Medium --- 2000 ~~~~~~~~~ Guardian(M) --- 300
Small --- 1000 ~~~~~~~~~~ Guardian(S) --- 100

Players --- 10

Res/ Warp --- 500
All other Towers --- 300

Every 3 minutes your team will earn x points per base you have combined:
Large: 500
Medium: 200 <---- See why medium bases are more important than small?
Small: 100

Building costs vary as do build time. (costs differ per war tier)(t4/t5)
Res/warp are 500 point or 750k/1m alz
Lrg Twrs = 200 pts or 500k/750k alz
Med Twrs = 150 pts or 350k/500k alz
Sm Twrs = 100 pts or 200k/250k alz

If you build with points, your team gains the respective points spent to build it.
Tower's Ranges vary by size as well. I'm not sure on actual ranges, but if I were to guess:

Large - Range 16
Medium - Range 14
Small - Range 11
Note: Portable Towers only last for 180 seconds (3 minutes) so it is NOT worth attacking them. They only act as useful aids taking bases or fighting large groups or heated areas of combat.
Towers also only give this highest tower in the area's stats. They do NOT stack. (If you build a small tower next to a medium tower, it will only give you the medium tower's stats)

Use the retarget key 'z' (default) to re-select an opponent that fades. A good suggestion is altering the default key mapping to one that allows you to do all the same functions in less area so that you can react faster and not have your hands flying all over the keyboard or have to let go of the mouse.
Being a good player also entails in the user utilizing the custom key mappings to the greatest ease and benefit for faster reaction timing.

Don't over build Resurrection towers though. Be a smart builder.

Personal Scoring
You earn 1 point for every 10k dmg you do to players and 20k dmg you do to NPC targets ( I.e towers, guards, gates)
Each Kill you do will auto give you 10k dmg as well ( a player with 15k HP that you kill will give you 25k dmg worth +/- any HP he loses(hp down or other players)/recovers during that combat session)

You need 30 points in order to receive your reward bonus after the war ends. Every 5 points you gain in war, you'll gain x Wexp up to 155 points. After you get 155+ points, you will NOT gain extra Wexp. For a complete list check the main website under the About> Nation War> Reward tab. Or click This (http://www.cabal.com/AboutCabal/About/MissionWar_Reward_Reward)
Note: If you have x% wexp increase, it applies to the base wexp you would gain without bonus.

Tactics for Parties --- NW is not a solo war. You're part of a nation, so help each other out.
First: Have a party with more than 2 types of classes.
Second: Try to have 1 wiz in every party if possible. Don't have all your wiz in 1 party.
Why? Because Spirit Intention is 1/2 of Bringer's title for cd/rate resist and should be given out as often as possible so that your nation dies less.
Third: Stay with your party and follow your party leader's (PL) directions.
This will help with coordination and allow your nation to take points or defend more effectively.
Fourth: PL's need to communicate with each other. You are supposed to be the leaders, so take charge of your party.
Fifth: Try to party with the same people after you find a party that works well each war you go to.
You learn how they play/ cope in combat and can adapt from them.
Sixth: When taking out a Large base or Medium base where an enemy Res is near, if you can time your bm2's you should be able to take it out very quickly allowing for capture of the Base Much faster and safer. Sometimes you have to ignore being hit by enemies to take it or the guardian out.

Class Specific Strategies/ Tips - Class : Primary role

Warrior: Heavy Tanks
WA are great for tanking and dealing lots of brute dmg as well as dishing it out. The should also give MS out when they see someone in party near that need's it (if combat allows for it) and learn when to use Fury or PC at the right times (primarily before attacking large enemy groups or bases).

Wizard: Mobility, SP, and Ranged Support
WI are very mobile with blink+dash, but vulnerable to Execration (root). They should use SI on any party member that does not have it (if combat allows for time). The benefits from SI are too great for fellow party members not to have it as well (Help your nation out. You want to win right?). Also, because WI are fast they're prime builder hunters. Their BM2 has a good auto attack rate that allows them to have a pretty good dps provided they have a a decent rate.
The WI are able to attack both w8+w9 or e3+e2 at the same time

Blader: Medium Tanks, Anti-debuff
With the addition of Curse Dodge, a BL can make his party dodge 2 debuffs for 60 seconds allowing them to continue attacking your opponents unmolested. BL have a fairly large array of skills, but are limited to only keeping a few due to a buff skill type issue, however, they can still be versatile and quick with a decent close ranged AoE. Fatality Increase should be used in tandem with Fury or PC for maximum effect. Their naturally high defense rates allows them to be missed by guards, towers and players not using combo a lot more often than other classes.

Blader and Wizard are the two fastest classes for taking out towers because of their damage output in bm2 per hit sequence.

The "Godzilla" Mode or "Beast Mode"
An MF-Proof Blader in BM2/Aura with 'raiding shorts' (Instant Immunity, Intuition, Art of Fierceness, and Intense Blade) is virtually unstoppable when they start demolishing an enemy Resurrection Tower (or Warp). There is absolutely nothing to stop this except engaging in combo and hope your FB uses hard luck often. By the time the Blader's 'raiding shorts' run out, the tower should be damaged or destroyed and the enemies distracted enoughto buy your nation time elsewhere. This always provides that tipping-the-scale effect to regain or keep your nation's lead. The BL either could choose to sacrifice one life and do as much damage as possible or run away with a dozen enemies chasing him/her (which also adds to the distraction factor)

A similar "Godzilla/Beast Mode" strategy is possible for Warriors, but with shorts being: Instant Immunity, Cat's Recovery and/or Bear's Vitality.

Force Archer: Ranged Support, DPS
FA are quick and longer ranged classes. Their bm2 is by far the highest dps especially in conjunction with AoS. The FA are able to attack both w8+w9 or e3+e2 at the same time, which is very difficult in the start and can use the aid of other's to assist at each of the two bases. FA are also healers, but this isn't used in war that often save for themselves in lue of HP pots (not vital potions though). FA have some good party buffs and apply them when combat sees fit to party members who do not have them.

Force Shielder: Heavy Tanks
FS are similar to WA but instead of high base atk, they have a higher base def. Their AoD allows them to be able to withstand a lot of dmg. Their range however is limited in AoD and should be thought about b4 using it. Their bm2 is similar to WA's, and though it's slightly slower, it has more amp. SS should be used to save party members that are about to die if possible.

FS are tanks, so they need to be where they’re most useful: defending against largest mob of opponent, which also gets most pts.

If caps take 2 south bases and a bunch of procs go south to take them back, FS needs to know that north bases lacking support and should run there immediately.

Learn to start combo outside mob, dash in for 1-2 early hits, sometimes with mortal bane. surprise/getting in a few hits before they hit u is huge advantage.
Positioning: if an FS is going against a mob of 5 caps, he needs to hit all 5 caps with AoE, so position is important, sometimes off to the side outside line of fire.
Know when to attack and when to back off.

If a group of 20 caps just took w10 and is going to e2, don't engage them right away by yourself, wait till they start attacking the guardian, then initiate combo and dash in (maybe half wont attack u at all, and the rest might break combo/get knockdown, and will already be lower HP than u). Mortal bane for the first couple hits and then cancel is an option, but beware other FS that target you.

Chase in combo: requires practice, need force kick and shield charge at front of skill bar.
Have multiple skill bars for every situation: large AoE skills for mobs of opponents, dps skills for guards or 1v1, full range skill for when rooted or if u want to stay outside of mob (SG/SS/SR/earth divide).
Since t4 has larger wars and less 1v1's, Use bm1 more than bm2 for full AoE effect, and use aura most of the war.
The best time to use MB is when attacking a guard or fleeing enemies ( DPS skills for guards). It is also very effective on towers in bm2, but watch out for other FS as they can 2 shot you.
If you are in a mob of maybe 4 caps and more join in from any angle, reposition yourself.

(In combo) You can click a far away opponent, click an out-of-range skill, then dash into a better position so that you can 'get hit less' and 'hit more people'. So after dashing, you must re-target a close enemy while still in combo, and continue attacking.

Try not to AoD beside other teammates in AoD, and try to AoD in spots that are clustered, like in a base.

AoD-ing between w10 and e2 doesn't usually work as well because its a linear piece of land, and people just walk by you.

FS in AoD are vulnerable to MF, Darkness, and -HP attacks. - HP attacks even if they hit only 1's will do the full -x HP as long as they hit.

Force Blader: Debuffer, Light Tanks
FB are the kings of debuffing, however, if not used wisely, they're weak. Most FB tend to only use root, hl and MF, however, they shouldn't dismiss def down and darkness (range -2). An FS in AoD should be darkened (-2 rng) if MF is not available. Their strength in AoD is their 1-5 range with SS+SG, otherwise they're just a brick sitting there. Field of Enervation (FoEner) or Field of Exertion (FoX) should usually be used on large groups of caps of at least 4. HL should be used as often as possible, especially on WA to take them out faster.
Root should be used on WI first, FA second, and anyone else trying to flee last. Don't root an AoD FS. Don't root the NPCs (gates, towers, guardians), it's useless and makes you look stupid (no offense).
FB have a decent AoE as well that allows them to do decent dmg in groups since they have a high rate, but don't commit suicide for a few points.
Do NOT MF a FB in bm1. When MF-ing, if you think they have around 1500 mp, use Field of Enervation to lower it's base enough that MF will work on them.

Individual Tips:

SP packs may cost a bit, but if you plan on gaining a lot of points, they are your best friend.

With SP packs you can generally be in aura or BM almost non-stop.

It's better to go for a forcium item +6 or higher than a 3% amp item, unless that is also forcium.

If 4% amp, I would only use redosmium +7 at the minimum.

MF proof is important. Being able to run or use skills is better than standing and dying.

But if you are not MF proof, you can buy 140mp boots (or suit) or you can sacrifice max rate and some cd from an AoP+x for an AoBttl+8-10.

Backing off when low hp is huge, need to dash/fade away while in combo (click far person, then click skill, then dash opposite direction/ or fade then dash).
Re-targeting in combo when enemy dies or flees. This is really effective to kill faster and to stay alive.

especially when being hit by lots of people and you don't have time to cancel combo.
If next enemy is far away, its best to dash in combo to them, otherwise you're likely to get knocked down and cancel combo.
Note: This takes a very lot of practice.

If hitting 1 cap from close range, use dps skills as much as possible, and learn to switch quickly between skill bars so when more enemies come in range, u use aoe skills

Balance of War:
A balance of pushing, building, scouting, defending, distracting, and communicating often determines a war's outcome.

1. Pushing
This part is what everyone likes to do, but many players start with no solid plan and split up trying to capture as many bases as they can first.
A more seasoned approach to this would be: pick one or two medium bases or a large one and swarm it with full force.

2. Building
In order to ensure a steady and swift flow of reinforcements, one must start building a Resurrection Tower asap.
Make sure a couple of party members of the builder stays with the builder in case the other side's scouts find the builder.

3. Scouting
Any class could be a scout, but a wiz is the best choice because of the high mobility.
Consistently interrupt the other side's builder or builders until your side's bases have been established.

4. Defending
Keep in mind where key res or warps are located and defend those.
Repair any damaged towers by selecting one and pressing R. (R key is the default repair button.)

5. Distracting
When the war is any side's game, send a couple of decoys to enemy's empty areas, such as their ensign or bases without res towers.
Also keep trying to take down the other side's res towers to reduce its number of reinforcements.

6. Communicating
Check the war map (press M or hold Tab key) regularly, at least every 5 seconds at the most.
Notify your side to ignore decoys and help defend or push.

Location of spots to attack guards for more than 1 base at a time.
Note: w9/w8 and e3/e2 are towards each other so that FA and WI can bm2 and hit both.


Common War Strategies (courtesy of Sigh)
1. The Normal Push (Normally start of game, but is flexible for any time during the war, Most often used)

Capella: The N1+ N12 guards a lured together and killed. Then, the N11+10 guards are lured together and killed. The group of Capellans then goes and captures E2+3 and eventually reaches the Center. ( If enough players do both at same time and meet at center)

Procyon: The S7+ S6 guards a lured together and killed. Then, the S5+E4 guards are lured together and killed. The group of Procyons then goes and captures W8+W9 and eventually reaches the Center. ( If enough players do both at same time and meet at center)

2. The E3/W9 Approach ( Start of battle or only base and maybe S/N bases left)
Capella: From start, go to Omega Front and head towards Center but take the path towards E3 and take E3.
Procyon: From start, go to Alpha Front and head towards Center but take the path towards W9 and take W9.

3. The Alpha/Omega Approach (typically from start, but can be from losing) *Note: With the addition of BM3, this is not as effective anymore

Capella: Starting from the Main Base, head south until you reach the Omega Front. From there take the Omega base and following that, you can either go stop the Procyons at the S bases or E4 depending on how fast you take Omega or, another option would be to go straight to Center after taking Omega. Note- the route to Omega is shorter than the route to Alpha because of the winding path to Alpha so taking over Omega would be faster.

Procyon: Starting from the Main Base, head north until you reach the Alpha Front. From there take the Alpha base and following that, you can either go stop the Capellans at the N bases or W10 depending on how fast you take Alpha or, another option would be to go straight to Center after taking Alpha. Note- the route to Alpha is shorter than the route to Omega because of the winding path to Omega so taking over Alpha would be faster.

4. The N Rush/ S Rush (typically a diversion technique to slow opponents at start)

Capella: Using only some of the Capellans, starting from the Main Base, head south until you reach Omega. Skip Omega and head to the S bases. Attack the Procyons and try to break up their luring. The main objective is to stall the Procyons while your fellow Capellans can take over bases starting from the N bases through the medium bases.

Procyon: Using only some of the Procyons, starting from the Main Base, head north until you reach Alpha. Skip Alpha and head to the N bases. Attack the Capellans and try to break up their luring. The main objective is to stall the Capellans while your fellow Procyons can take over bases starting from the S bases through the medium bases.

5. The Base Rush ( not usually done, but if coordinated fast, can greatly slow opponents down by removing their only resurrection tower) *Note: With the addition of BM3, this is not as effective anymore, however, it is easier to do.

Capella: Go through the N bases and head towards Alpha. Skip Alpha and head straight down south towards the Procyon main base. Attack the side gate and after you’re in, your first objective is to cripple the Procyon’s res, so in case you aren’t able to take the Procyon base, you can at least take out the res. You can also send a small diversion party from #4 strategy to allow for your main task force to reach base unhindered or discovered.

Procyon: Go through the S bases and head towards Omega. Skip Omega and head straight north towards the Capella main base. Attack the side gate and after you’re in, your first objective is to cripple the Capella’s res, so in case you aren’t able to take the Capella base, you can at least take out the res. You can also send a small diversion party from #4 strategy to allow for your main task force to reach base unhindered or discovered.

6. Miscellaneous Info

Some common resurrection locations as bases are being taken are:
Capella: Having a second res in the Main Base that’s closer to the fighting rather than walking around. A res at N12. A res at N1 is not worth it because it’s already close enough to the main base. A res at N11 is too exposed to enemy attacks. The same could be said about a res at W10 because Procyons could go through Alpha and attack it. Either have a res at E2 or E3.
Procyon: Having a second res in the Main Base that’s closer to the fighting rather than walking around. A res at S6. A res at S7 is not worth it because it’s already close enough to the main base. A res at S5 is too exposed to enemy attacks. The same could be said about a res at E4 because Capellans could go through Omega and attack it. Either have a res at W8 or W9.

Don't dismiss Legs and share with your nation. Here's the stats i pulled from the main website:

Legacy Weapon Stats


Battle Style




































Force Archer









Force Shielder









Force Blader









With the addition of BM3, came also stronger guards and a drastic change in HP and Defence mulipliers.
Previously you got x1.5 defense and x5 HP. Now it is determined by which teir you are in. T1-3 are still x5 HP and x1.5 Defense. T4 is now x6 HP and 1.75 defense. T5 is now x7 HP and x2.0 Defense. Keep this in mind if you use a dmg calculator for war (example, to test dmg vs someone in BM3 you have to put 2x their defense, usually around 2.8k-3.4k).

*GAT(General Assault Tactic)- WA go in first followed by FS. FB+BL follow right behind them with FA+ WI taking the range positions last. This should all be done within 5-6 seconds and takes practice with your nation members each war. It's best to try to be in the same parties on a consistant basis so you all get familiar with each other's strengths.

Reaction time is very useful for spur-of-the-moment decisions like what debuff to use, or what person to click for dash/fade combo, or continuation of your current combo after you killed a player.

NW Rewarding System

As you know, you need 30 score minimum to get your nation reward. Every 5 points you score in war increases your Wexp and AXP earned. 150 is the highest score you need to get maxium Wexp, but AXP is a bit different. Every 1 score in war = 100,000 AXP. 10,000,000 AXP = 1 AP, so every 100 points in war = 1 AP. ** After 150 points, you gain 200k AXP per 1 point.

- The base Wexp you get is 80 with 30 points. Premium benefits can increase this, and are based off the base value for calculating, so a 25% wexp bonus = 25% of 80 = 20.

- Players who scored 180 points or higher additionally receives a certain % of alz used
for buying vital gears(HP, SP).

- Those who score in the top 30% receive 10% extra WEXP. (usually 1st-10th place if 30v30+ war)
- WEXP given per score and wexp % bonus

























































































































































































































































































































Here's a breakdown of the war report:
(link to pic if too small: http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu224/hofflers/BreakdownofNWreport.jpg )


This is all I have for now. Hope it helps you understand some more about war. The best way to get better is to get more experience.

05-19-2011, 04:14 AM
your yellow text cant be readable..@_@

good guide btw. >.<

05-19-2011, 04:46 AM
your yellow text cant be readable..@_@

good guide btw. >.<
I made it with the Darkvision skin for the website. Try that one out perhaps? Its at the very bottom of the page on the left.

05-19-2011, 08:27 AM
Masterfully done, Val.
I have some Individual Tips for the Class Specific Strategies/ Tips - Class : Primary role section

From my shorter than most elite players' war experience (idling at honor rank 15, but this shows I've been to about 500 wars and I try in every war possible and rarely go afk), I noticed Bladers' true strength in wars is distracting enemies.

Why did the developers make BL's BM2 (Grappler) into a single target battle mode (except for certain aoe skills like double rising, a few more low rank skills, vital interfere, blade scud, and death tempest)? To me, this is because BL's are made to destroy towers in wars.

The "Godzilla" Mode
An MF-Proof Blader in BM2/Aura with raiding shorts (Instant Immunity, Intuition, Art of Fierceness, and Intense Blade) is virtually unstoppable when he/she starts demolishing an enemy Resurrection Tower. There is absolutely nothing to stop this except engaging in combo attacks. By the time the Blader's raiding shorts run out, the tower should be damaged and enemies distracted enough. This always provides that tipping-the-scale effect and the BL's side can regain or keep its lead. The BL either could choose to sacrifice one life and do as much damage as possible or run away with a dozen enemies chasing him/her.

A similar "Godzilla" strategy is possible for Warriors, but with shorts being: Instant Immunity, Cat's Recovery and/or Bear's Vitality.


05-19-2011, 09:15 AM
Great job val really intuitive guide. looks like you put alot of time and thought into this. Might want to add something about minimum damage regarding to AoD. some new fs seem to think anytime they take more than 1 damage while using AoD in nw its cause of "hackers" and not from an aspect of the game they obviously overlooked. and hopefully they will all learn from your guide. :D

05-19-2011, 01:26 PM
This thread deserves a sticky imo.

Good stuff :)

EDIT: I will add though that in smaller wars generally Center is ignored (especially in T5) due to the huge amount of resourses required to take it; it can often be skipped for medium bases. Aside from the main bases, Center is arguably the hardest base to take, with the incredible amount of competition it can generate. Alpha and Omega however can be targets sometimes as they are good places to launch 'backdoor' attacks from.

Don't discount the occasional Alpha/Omega opening rush (depending on which side you are). If you see that your side is taking smalls/meds and the other side isn't, it is advisable to send a small portion of your force (1-5 depending on how many people you have) to check your side's Alpha (Capella) or Omega (Procyon) for a mob of enemies. An unchecked Alpha or Omega can wreak havoc on your side, especially with a resurrection or warp tower there.

The main danger of rushing Alpha and/or Omega lies in the risk of the enemy gaining too strong a hold on the medium bases, or even Center in larger wars. But if you can afford the risk it can be a viable strategy, assuming the enemy doesn't stop your rush cold.

If someone knows better than me feel free to correct me, but that's some of what I've gathered over the course of my war experience.

05-20-2011, 11:39 AM
This should be strictly a tier 4 guide seeing as how it mainly pertains to tier 4 wars.

[GM] Kato
05-20-2011, 11:41 AM
Very nice! Great job on the guide, Valdoroth :)

~ [GM] Kato

05-21-2011, 04:20 AM
Great job val really intuitive guide. looks like you put alot of time and thought into this. Might want to add something about minimum damage regarding to AoD. some new fs seem to think anytime they take more than 1 damage while using AoD in nw its cause of "hackers" and not from an aspect of the game they obviously overlooked. and hopefully they will all learn from your guide. :D
Yea I know. I've hit 12's with SoD in bam1 +leg +amp pot. It's not auto 1 hp, it's +2000 defense. Big difference. -HP still has it's full effect though, which is the only way to really kill them in aod.

Thanks for the support. I can add that in Chippo. You probabably noticed where I put most your previous notes. Others from other people I combined with similar tips/ stuff. I still need class specific for FA, WI, and WA. :)

05-22-2011, 08:01 AM
I disagree with the map saying what you should build and where. Imo you should have a res at every point on every base. So that's 52 res's. If you can't win with 52 res's then I don't know what to say.

05-22-2011, 08:11 AM
I disagree with the map saying what you should build and where. Imo you should have a res at every point on every base. So that's 52 res's. If you can't win with 52 res's then I don't know what to say.
If you can't protect even 1 res, why should you build 2 more? Warps are extremely useful for traveling across the map, just underused. Debuff towers aid in killing faster or dieing slower. (in game files are some icons for SP towers, both buff and debuff. too bad those don't exist. :P)

05-22-2011, 12:36 PM
Just have one or two spies on the other side and start building nonsense thing on their panel (use point) until all is fill. This is a spy tactic, easy to get point easy to limit their builder ^^

05-22-2011, 08:31 PM
I disagree with your tower map. As a builder, (and having been a dedicated builder since old T1) I have some different opinions as to what to build where. S bases should not be littered with useless support towers. They're small bases after all, meaning the support towers on them do little to nothing anyway. The old system of building up small bases used to be s7 res, s6 warp, s5 res. The reason for s7 res was to have a res up at the very beginning of war that served as a slight boost for anyone dying on the initial rush. War isn't like that anymore, and in t4 the general res recommendation goes s6/n12 res in beginning of war. Then, in a farming or called war, when either cap or proc has captured bases up to S or N, build res at first n11/s5 and then n1/s7.

Second, Home base SHOULD NEVER have just ONE res. EVER. ESPECIALLY when it comes to T4. ALWAYS make a second res on the bottom and add any type of support tower that helps defend against intruders trying to take ensign (never the same ones though).

Third, there should be a res on every base and at least two resses on every big base. A warp built on every big base and a warp especially on w8 and e2 in the places you said.
Come to think of it, Center can have three resses. The initial res on the w9 or e3 side (depends on if you're cap or proc). The second res at w8/e2 side for extra support, and then the third one for pushing the opposite side's e2 or w8 base. Especially when a war is based around claiming center, it's important to fortify it with those three resses and a support tower next to each res.
Resses are usually more important than support towers. Again, a long time ago warps would be built on every base just like resses (this was unnecessary), but many people don't understand the use of warps anymore. It's easier to tell someone to build a res than to explain to them why and where they should build a warp. Not to mention, building a res is harder nowadays with res hunters, so taking the time to build a warp instead of a res is a waste of time that causes casualties.
I don't agree with two resses on a medium base unless the specific war calls for it, but generally, I build Res > Attack Down> HP Down. It's important that noobs never build two of the same tower next to each other.
Also, recommending which support tower to place where is subject to change and debate depending on the specific war. Again, I use downs on medium bases because of res hunters. I'll usually make attack up, defense up, Heal towers with portable FTs next to a res builder or during base push.

I was going to PM you this info but got caught up with other things. Didn't know you were already going to put out this guide.

Edit: Most people use the normal skin, which means light colored fonts are unreadable to them. Try making the brightly colored fonts bold instead? =3
It's a really good guide btw!

Oh yeah and I see someone mentioned Alpha and Omega strat (mainly speaking from T5 experience).
I think you should touch on alpha and omega but to mention that depending on the tier, it is hard to maintain two opposite sides of the map.
Unless it's a one sided war, trying to keep up with two sides of the map can fail miserably and cause a big struggle.
Also, it is true that small wars have a different dynamic than big wars.
From what I've experienced, small wars can be highly unpredictable and anything goes.
The guide has already mentioned that as a rule of thumb medium>large>small. Though, in smaller wars (10 or less) taking small bases can be beneficial for legacies and large bases are skipped. Meaning it's about taking control of the most small and medium bases. However, I have seen wars where one side takes alpha or omega and stops the other at smalls, and controls the war just by doing that. But, I dont think the guide should go into specific strategies, just general knowledge for players that don't otherwise understand how to war.

05-23-2011, 03:20 AM
Some1 has too much spared time huh?
I've already told you once that I'm deployed. Of course I have alot of free time. Go read up on Operation New Dawn. It's what I'm a part of.

I disagree with your tower map. As a builder, (and having been a dedicated builder since old T1) I have some different opinions as to what to build where. S bases should not be littered with useless support towers. They're small bases after all, meaning the support towers on them do little to nothing anyway. The old system of building up small bases used to be s7 res, s6 warp, s5 res. The reason for s7 res was to have a res up at the very beginning of war that served as a slight boost for anyone dying on the initial rush. War isn't like that anymore, and in t4 the general res recommendation goes s6/n12 res in beginning of war. Then, in a farming or called war, when either cap or proc has captured bases up to S or N, build res at first n11/s5 and then n1/s7.

Second, Home base SHOULD NEVER have just ONE res. EVER. ESPECIALLY when it comes to T4. ALWAYS make a second res on the bottom and add any type of support tower that helps defend against intruders trying to take ensign (never the same ones though).

Third, there should be a res on every base and at least two resses on every big base. A warp built on every big base and a warp especially on w8 and e2 in the places you said.
Come to think of it, Center can have three resses. The initial res on the w9 or e3 side (depends on if you're cap or proc). The second res at w8/e2 side for extra support, and then the third one for pushing the opposite side's e2 or w8 base. Especially when a war is based around claiming center, it's important to fortify it with those three resses and a support tower next to each res.
Resses are usually more important than support towers. Again, a long time ago warps would be built on every base just like resses (this was unnecessary), but many people don't understand the use of warps anymore. It's easier to tell someone to build a res than to explain to them why and where they should build a warp. Not to mention, building a res is harder nowadays with res hunters, so taking the time to build a warp instead of a res is a waste of time that causes casualties.
I don't agree with two resses on a medium base unless the specific war calls for it, but generally, I build Res > Attack Down> HP Down. It's important that noobs never build two of the same tower next to each other.
Also, recommending which support tower to place where is subject to change and debate depending on the specific war. Again, I use downs on medium bases because of res hunters. I'll usually make attack up, defense up, Heal towers with portable FTs next to a res builder or during base push.

I was going to PM you this info but got caught up with other things. Didn't know you were already going to put out this guide.

Edit: Most people use the normal skin, which means light colored fonts are unreadable to them. Try making the brightly colored fonts bold instead? =3
It's a really good guide btw!

Oh yeah and I see someone mentioned Alpha and Omega strat (mainly speaking from T5 experience).
I think you should touch on alpha and omega but to mention that depending on the tier, it is hard to maintain two opposite sides of the map.
Unless it's a one sided war, trying to keep up with two sides of the map can fail miserably and cause a big struggle.
Also, it is true that small wars have a different dynamic than big wars.
From what I've experienced, small wars can be highly unpredictable and anything goes.
The guide has already mentioned that as a rule of thumb medium>large>small. Though, in smaller wars (10 or less) taking small bases can be beneficial for legacies and large bases are skipped. Meaning it's about taking control of the most small and medium bases. However, I have seen wars where one side takes alpha or omega and stops the other at smalls, and controls the war just by doing that. But, I dont think the guide should go into specific strategies, just general knowledge for players that don't otherwise understand how to war.
Yes you make some good points, but with small bases it's sorta a toss up. You don't need res at small if you have a medium nearby. And you also have to keep in mind how much faster it is to kill a small base than a medium, so a res won't last as long. The building pic was not originally my design, i just created an actual image of it. Some of it is good, and most the res/ warp locations are good.
Don't under value support towers. A small is like +/- 40 def/ 50atk/ etc which is basically like wearing another epaulet +7 without the amp. If the average amp of all players is 30% then they'll lose 15 atk + the 50 from a small tower (65 total). A large makes them lose about 130.

AS for individual tactics, I plan to get input/ ideas to add more. It's to kinda standardize ppl so they don't go off random solo because they have a general idea of where the fight is going on.

05-23-2011, 10:02 AM
I've already told you once that I'm deployed. Of course I have alot of free time. Go read up on Operation New Dawn. It's what I'm a part of.

Yes you make some good points, but with small bases it's sorta a toss up. You don't need res at small if you have a medium nearby. And you also have to keep in mind how much faster it is to kill a small base than a medium, so a res won't last as long. The building pic was not originally my design, i just created an actual image of it. Some of it is good, and most the res/ warp locations are good.
Don't under value support towers. A small is like +/- 40 def/ 50atk/ etc which is basically like wearing another epaulet +7 without the amp. If the average amp of all players is 30% then they'll lose 15 atk + the 50 from a small tower (65 total). A large makes them lose about 130.

AS for individual tactics, I plan to get input/ ideas to add more. It's to kinda standardize ppl so they don't go off random solo because they have a general idea of where the fight is going on.

That's exactly the point, small bases get taken easily, so the type of tower on them, in a way, does not matter. If it's not being defended, it's going to get taken regardless if a support tower is on it or not. If it is defended, killing or not killing the few flies trying to take it is not that big of a deal.
However, the reason why certain small bases need resses is for pushing purposes. S5 used to be an ideal res location for taking omega and like I said, in current t4, n12/s6 is a res location because it serves as the first res that isn't in home base. It's also easy to make because most res hunters don't hunt there. Meaning, if you haven't been able to make a res at a medium base, you at least have SOME type of res somewhere on the map.
Making resses on small bases is basically a pushing strategy for certain situations. I really cannot stand when someone has made a support tower on a small base when we're trying to push or really needed a res somewhere close. Let's say one nation pushes the other all the way to small bases and the losing nation is at least trying to push back at small bases (putting up a fight to get more points and not get farmed at least). You can't defend small bases when they have support towers on them because you have to spawn all the way from base. The time it takes to run back from base, you've already lost all the bases. What you need is a res so that you can push them back. If a support tower is really needed at a small base, then use a portable. They are perfect for an extra boost, especially because they can be placed anywhere. Towers on a base aren't as flexible though, once someone builds a tower on a base, it can't be undone. So if you needed a res there, oh well it's too late now.

05-23-2011, 03:36 PM
Couple things you should add:

If you are about to die with Leg's - relog
If you get rooted - relog
If you see Bumba - relog

Good tip XD
Sometimes when I get rooted I automatically dc. Sometimes I also get invisible root that doesn't go away! is this an fb advantage that we should be aware of :)?

05-24-2011, 04:20 AM
very good guide val. nuttin else really much to it then to describe super specific strategies, but that would ruin the fun of making your own for the war ^^. this guide is what nations need but unfortunetely everyone only cares about themselves for points just so they can shout to every channel and get pwned with their title stats anyways...good luck with ur military stuff too
Thanks Mat. It's going well here in this desert :)

Couple things you should add:

If you are about to die with Leg's - relog
If you get rooted - relog
If you see Bumba - relog
Bleck, leg i can see, but root meh, I suppose only if you have a relatively fast connection, but then again you shouldn't be alone when rooted.

That's exactly the point, small bases get taken easily, so the type of tower on them, in a way, does not matter. If it's not being defended, it's going to get taken regardless if a support tower is on it or not. If it is defended, killing or not killing the few flies trying to take it is not that big of a deal.
However, the reason why certain small bases need resses is for pushing purposes. S5 used to be an ideal res location for taking omega and like I said, in current t4, n12/s6 is a res location because it serves as the first res that isn't in home base. It's also easy to make because most res hunters don't hunt there. Meaning, if you haven't been able to make a res at a medium base, you at least have SOME type of res somewhere on the map.
Making resses on small bases is basically a pushing strategy for certain situations. I really cannot stand when someone has made a support tower on a small base when we're trying to push or really needed a res somewhere close. Let's say one nation pushes the other all the way to small bases and the losing nation is at least trying to push back at small bases (putting up a fight to get more points and not get farmed at least). You can't defend small bases when they have support towers on them because you have to spawn all the way from base. The time it takes to run back from base, you've already lost all the bases. What you need is a res so that you can push them back. If a support tower is really needed at a small base, then use a portable. They are perfect for an extra boost, especially because they can be placed anywhere. Towers on a base aren't as flexible though, once someone builds a tower on a base, it can't be undone. So if you needed a res there, oh well it's too late now.
A. Yes I can understand pushing, and yes that is an instance where you alter building plans (they need to allow you to sell towers)
B. Portable towers are only 180 seconds, and only should be used during larger fights, not to defend a base if someone is attacking it while the ret of your nation is away.
C. It's just a guide and I'd say the building map is a recommendation for a winning war more-so than a losing one. I would love to add an alternate map as another guide too. If you want to msg me the locations and stuff I'll add it.

Good tip XD
Sometimes when I get rooted I automatically dc. Sometimes I also get invisible root that doesn't go away! is this an fb advantage that we should be aware of :)?
Yea that happens to me sometimes and i can't even attack. That's a game glitch. It's happened to me with no one near.

05-24-2011, 03:00 PM
u dont get points for killing ensign because when u kill ensign u capture base,

you will be alone if u are wizard and hunting builders or res >:|

people dont normally build a support tower on all the smalls...if they do then LOL.
building attack downs can help slow the enemy team from proceeding, nation war is all about time and power.

"FA are also healers, but this isn't used in war that often save for themselves in lue of HP pots (not vital potions though)."
----you should take this out because you are going to confuse people, we only use mass heal because if we constantly use through war we get 1-2 points :3 other than that you are going to confuse people and next war everyoen will ask me for heals

05-24-2011, 03:30 PM
def down and atk ups are pretty useless no matter where u plan to place them. an atk tower does a way better job and is the most overlooked tower in war. u also need way more res than stated on that map, base needs a minimum of 2 and up to 4 if u want it to be decently safe while larges also need a minimum of 2 and up to 3. taking out a rez takes less than 15-20sec and no matter how many support towers u have there u wont save it unless u have a decent amount of people there defending.

war is all about saving yourself time while wasting your opponents time. ive written a guide about it during ogp but its prolly long gone.

05-25-2011, 01:53 AM
I quite disagree on the 2-4 res on the battlefield, there's a warp in main base has any one notice that? each nation start with a res and warp, realize how many people don't usually attack warps that are placed on the battlefield? its quite an advantage to the strategy because it allows you to warp anywhere there's a warp portal and less likely have I seen any nation willing to spend their time hitting one.

05-25-2011, 04:04 AM
Have you ever tried warping? It takes foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It's the same randomness of res, however, one thing you can do with a warp is buff/BM/aura/ etc before you use it. For example, you know the fight is at center, and you have a warp there. Spawn at base buff up and whatever and then go into combat.

Spur, one thing you forget about atk up towers is also how much additional attack the users will gain from their amp (a large tower is +100 so that's auto + x % amp). I agree that attack towers are good (they used to be useless) since they changed them with the new tier system. You shouldn't need to have 2 res per base if you know how to war properly.

05-25-2011, 05:11 AM
You shouldn't need to have 2 res per base if you know how to war properly.

the problem is they dont so u need 2+

05-25-2011, 08:58 AM
i know >_>. Which is exactly what this guide is supposed to teach. I just need more assistance in adding to it effective things to eliminate those that which shouldn't have to be.

05-25-2011, 10:33 AM
i know >_>. Which is exactly what this guide is supposed to teach. I just need more assistance in adding to it effective things to eliminate those that which shouldn't have to be.

Regardless, there will still be noobs that don't read the guide and refuse to learn how to war correctly. So because of that, I think it's better to create a guide that doesn't talk about a "perfect world" scenario where all the stars aligned and nothing went wrong. It's better to form the guide on the current day trends (like you're already doing).
That's why I was making my suggestion of towers. Tower placement has changed over the years like I had already mentioned. People aren't familiar with certain towers anymore, especially warps, and they don't know where to place towers. So the easiest thing to do is convey a message that makes it easy for people to understand what type of tower is most important in the types of wars that occur current day, not some type of perfect scenario where everyone in war is an actual good player.

05-25-2011, 10:45 AM
Venus T4 players are like babies.
They need respected and approachable model players for the sake of emulation. I remember feeling proud of T4 Porkyons when there was a lot of rez's in one war. My only message for T4 was: build rez's for the win.


05-25-2011, 11:41 PM
lol chippo. But if you want me to make another war tower build suggestion, just send me a pm of all the towers and where and i'll make another map to add. You can send more than one suggestion if you have a couple. I can add as many as we want and even make scenarios of where winning and losing should build. Not that hard :) Screen shots from in game of the map could be used too.
As for noobs that don't get on forums to read this, tell them in war that there is a guide that helps that they should read. At least a couple will look. And maybe that'll spread and influence others to too.

06-13-2011, 12:08 PM
"Each Kill you do will auto give you 10k dmg as well"
Are you sure about this ? because when i get in late and kill 1 enemy it doesn't seem so

06-24-2011, 07:18 AM
"Each Kill you do will auto give you 10k dmg as well"
Are you sure about this ? because when i get in late and kill 1 enemy it doesn't seem so
It's the only thing that seems to account for how you will get 1 point per kill and the dmg to other and self = the score you got. If I do 1m dmg exact and had 500k dmg to myself, and didn't build, my score would be 150. If I got 12 kills during that war, my score isn't 162, it's still 150, but 1 kill gives you 1 point. I've seen it update when i only did a last hit kill with FK. So I figured out that killing a character has to give 10k dmg in order to have the score display correctly. I should try myself or someone to double check this. Shouldn't be too hard.

06-29-2011, 12:31 PM
So you are saying that if i have 1m dmg and 500k dmg to myself and kill 100 enemies therefore my score is 250? It just doesn't seem so @@ my score is always exactly what my dmg deal + dmg taken is.

06-29-2011, 10:32 PM
So you are saying that if i have 1m dmg and 500k dmg to myself and kill 100 enemies therefore my score is 250? It just doesn't seem so @@ my score is always exactly what my dmg deal + dmg taken is.
No what you're saying is exactly what I'm saying. If you get a kill you get 1 point. The only way for your score to match up to your dmg give+ dmg taken is that it will give you an auto 10k dmg given every kill.

06-30-2011, 06:07 PM
So ur saying if I ks I will get a point lols

07-03-2011, 06:50 AM
So ur saying if I ks I will get a point lols

08-31-2011, 03:39 AM
bump. I'd be glad to add more info and tips. Just post on here or pm me so i can add it and credit your name on it. :)

09-22-2011, 05:02 AM
bump. Need ppl's suggestions as I cannot get on until I get home from this deployment to study the wars. Thanks!

Lord Kronius
11-04-2011, 07:57 PM
Nice war tactics. I like that order lol

11-04-2011, 08:43 PM
nice guide
i just care about kicking the more ass i can and clear to way for builders. ^^

11-28-2011, 12:23 AM
And what about FB specific strategy?

12-03-2011, 04:30 AM
And what about FB specific strategy? I should add to this section i guess, but FB are pretty straight forward from what's already posted.

12-03-2011, 08:54 AM
I should add to this section i guess, but FB are pretty straight forward from what's already posted.
you should have your guide and eternitys stickyd

01-06-2012, 12:00 AM
you should have your guide and eternitys stickyd ikr, though I probably gotta make more changes.

01-12-2012, 04:46 AM
bump, removed a couple things.

01-12-2012, 08:42 AM
Uh what.

01-18-2012, 03:09 AM
bump bcs this thread is more useful to all players reguardless of teirs than that fail thread of "highest T1 score" which isn't even a tip or guide in the slightest. It's bragging rights which is general section.

I had help with this guide from many sources of players to give people an understanding on how some of the minor details work in war or an understanding of classes' roles in war.

01-18-2012, 03:48 AM

01-20-2012, 12:10 AM
feedback!! I need feedback on how wars are fought effectively these days so this can be updated often to keep with newer standards and procedures.

01-20-2012, 09:03 AM
Tips for blader: MUST KNOW how to retarget with and without mouse. U can't retarget towers without mouse but u can with ppl, guards, and gates. Retargetting a player is similar to root + manafreeze them because they'll lie on the ground the whole time (90% of the time). Many time i have killed players in about 15s-20s without recieving a single damage. IN addition, u get massive point if u can retarget guards and gates for the whole bm2 duration, if u use aura at the end of bm2, you can get at least 20 points (with semi-decent gears) Usually when there's about 3-4 mins b4 the war end, i run to some empty base and get my 30+ points (if i feel that whatever i do can't change the result of the war). Intuition for some reason isn't that great (although it does help), also don't use mirage step, save the buff slot for instant immunity, spirit intension, offensive bless. A bl in t4 only need iron skin, aura barrier, and soul blade, u can use resist intension too but i prefer the slot for morale shout, furry shout, intuition, and sp buff. Always try to get Iron skin, aura barrier, soul blade, hardness, offensive bless at all time. And one final thing, u should be flexible with your rings. If u have a leg, u can remove one cr ring and change it to one cd ring or rof. If u have a leg and aura, u dont need any cr rings, same for bm1.

That's all there is for me. Hope u can use some of these inf4 to upadate ur guide.
From a t4 bl

01-20-2012, 07:12 PM
if u want to score high defend the whole war

01-21-2012, 11:10 AM
Nice guide...but could you add more details about building....such as what to build, where to build it and most importantly when to build it...

I didn't know you don't get points for building with points when your not party leader...at least I've never got any points for building like this. I assume you have to be party leader to get those points or just build with alz to get points...but sorry I can't afford to use alz for building...I'm too broke for that LOL!

Most importantly though, when I do build rez tower, I'm stumped as to what to build next and even if I figure what to build, I'm not sure exactly when I should build it and where the best placement should be.

so does a builder "have" to be a party leader to earn points and do they need to just continuosly build non-stop or just pick times to build certain things?

More information about that could help encourage better building in war and maybe more people wanting to build....right building seems to be terrible in the past 3 months...IDK, maybe it's just certain teirs that build badly or not at all....I certainly don't see any lack of building in T4....lower teirs seem to I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ for building.

01-21-2012, 12:02 PM
Nice guide...but could you add more details about building....such as what to build, where to build it and most importantly when to build it...

I didn't know you don't get points for building with points when your not party leader...at least I've never got any points for building like this. I assume you have to be party leader to get those points or just build with alz to get points...but sorry I can't afford to use alz for building...I'm too broke for that LOL!

Most importantly though, when I do build rez tower, I'm stumped as to what to build next and even if I figure what to build, I'm not sure exactly when I should build it and where the best placement should be.

so does a builder "have" to be a party leader to earn points and do they need to just continuosly build non-stop or just pick times to build certain things?

More information about that could help encourage better building in war and maybe more people wanting to build....right building seems to be terrible in the past 3 months...IDK, maybe it's just certain teirs that build badly or not at all....I certainly don't see any lack of building in T4....lower teirs seem to I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ for building.

Resurrection towers, everywhere, all the time

04-26-2012, 07:54 AM
I think I need to update this including notions about bm3. Timing is everything in a war.

04-26-2012, 08:06 AM
I think I need to update this including notions about bm3. Timing is everything in a war.

Let caps waste bm3 on north smalls, while you save your bm3 > bm3 at w10 whlie they're in their silly bm2's > win

05-18-2012, 01:56 PM
i added a full wexp listing. Also added a couple notes about bm3. And removed a section that's more or less obsolete.

05-18-2012, 04:00 PM
Let caps waste bm3 on north smalls, while you save your bm3 > bm3 at w10 whlie they're in their silly bm2's > win

So many of them just relog for bm3!

05-18-2012, 06:05 PM
nice skin

06-13-2012, 02:47 PM
Any new ideas/ input? Please and thanks!

01-17-2013, 09:35 AM
I finally got around to reading this - Press R to heal res please =))

01-17-2013, 01:31 PM
I finally got around to reading this - Press R to heal res please =)) I used Alt+T. My T was FK ad R was abysal crystal :P

01-18-2013, 03:33 AM
W8 - w9 can't be lured together o.o

01-18-2013, 09:12 AM
they can be lured but only experts can do that e2 and e3 can also be lured

01-18-2013, 10:57 AM
You ever heard the name Eternity before? Commonly known as ET. He was good at luring both. If you noticed I said that only FA can do it (though not sure if wi bm2 can or not)

01-18-2013, 12:34 PM
Yea u can use wiz I've done it

01-18-2013, 12:44 PM
Yea u can use wiz I've done it Sweet. I'll add that n the notes. Thanks!

01-22-2013, 04:31 AM
Fa are only able to lure e2 e3. w8 w9 or w/e doesn't work or at least for me someone else try lul

01-22-2013, 05:50 PM
nha thong minh (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/178/nha-thong-minh.html), may in (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/2/may-in-cac-loai.html), may fax (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/19/may-fax.html), may fax panasonic (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/149/may-fax-panasonic.html), may tinh (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/4/may-tinh-dong-bo.html), thiet bi nha thong minh (http://www.dvn.vn/san-pham/179/thiet-bi-nha-thong-minh.html)hay den dvn.vn

01-23-2013, 01:36 PM
Well since this is a t4/t5 war guide I'd leave out the w9 w8 as it would take too long to accomplish if you gonna use fa bm2 and wiz bm2 it just seems like a waste of time and sp to do in t4 t5 imo.

01-23-2013, 04:58 PM
Well since this is a t4/t5 war guide I'd leave out the w9 w8 as it would take too long to accomplish if you gonna use fa bm2 and wiz bm2 it just seems like a waste of time and sp to do in t4 t5 imo.They were notes from an older notes I derived from ET's guide which I linked @ the top. Yes with the arrival of bm3, it's less practical now.

01-27-2013, 07:57 PM
Has anybody else noticed that there are quotes that aren't in the topic? >.<

02-02-2013, 06:16 AM
mbtシューズ (http://www.mtboutletjpkodo.com/#114599) mbt ブーツ (http://www.mbtshoesasakura.com/#288459) mbt (http://www.mtbsalejpsakai.com/#365549) You have remarked very interesting details! ps nice internet site.Thanks for another magnificent post. Simply wanna input on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the articles is real excellent : D.What's up to every body, it's my first pay a visit of this webpage; this blog consists of awesome and genuinely good data in support of readers.
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ゴローズ ネックレス (http://www.gorosonlines-jp.com/#170907) mbt 通販 (http://www.mbtshoesasakura.org/#479146) mbt 靴 (http://www.mtboutletjpkodo.com/#491345) Wilson, who's in his fifth period together with the Steelers, had been planning for Sunday's first-round playoff recreation against the Broncos. He is not going to journey with the team to Denver, based on numerous reports.Thank you so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally terrific chance to check tips from this site.All the time follow your heart. "The point of quotations is that one can use another's words to be insulting." by Amanda Cross.From your air, a single house seemed similar to a dollhouse that experienced had its roof lifted off. Looking down, the dining room table as well as other contents could possibly be observed, moist in lingering rain.

02-12-2013, 04:39 PM
mbtシューズ (http://www.mtboutletjpkodo.com/#114599) mbt ブーツ (http://www.mbtshoesasakura.com/#288459) mbt (http://www.mtbsalejpsakai.com/#365549) You have remarked very interesting details! ps nice internet site.Thanks for another magnificent post. Simply wanna input on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the articles is real excellent : D.What's up to every body, it's my first pay a visit of this webpage; this blog consists of awesome and genuinely good data in support of readers.
ゴローズ (http://www.gorosonlines-jp.com/#39989) ゴローズ 通販 (http://www.goros-jp.com/#41929) ゴローズ 指輪 (http://www.gorosoutletsalejp.com/#939717) The third monster is change.I¡¦ve been exploring for a little for any high-quality articles or weblog posts on this sort of space .Mini UGG BootsWell I truly liked reading it.
ゴローズ ネックレス (http://www.gorosonlines-jp.com/#170907) mbt 通販 (http://www.mbtshoesasakura.org/#479146) mbt 靴 (http://www.mtboutletjpkodo.com/#491345) Wilson, who's in his fifth period together with the Steelers, had been planning for Sunday's first-round playoff recreation against the Broncos. He is not going to journey with the team to Denver, based on numerous reports.Thank you so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally terrific chance to check tips from this site.All the time follow your heart. "The point of quotations is that one can use another's words to be insulting." by Amanda Cross.From your air, a single house seemed similar to a dollhouse that experienced had its roof lifted off. Looking down, the dining room table as well as other contents could possibly be observed, moist in lingering rain.

Definitely not spam.

05-01-2013, 01:01 AM
Soo...What All in this guide do I need to update?

05-01-2013, 02:14 AM
Soo...What All in this guide do I need to update?

New skill arrangements. For instance, BL don't appear to have much of "use it all at once" problem anymore. ;o

07-04-2013, 01:30 AM
I'm interested (from a cap point of reference) why you say going Omega to E4 is a bad plan for T4. That's often the plan that was used until recently.

Also, the N1/N12 to N11/W10 plan is inferior to rushing Omega in my opinion. Guards are weak and the full cap force can take out Omega quicker than the time it takes to stack up guards/take N1/N12. Also it means you start building up a large base quicker and an Omega res is much more helpful/easier to defend than an N12 res.

Having one party get DPS on Center while the rest of the force takes Omega works well as long as Procyon doesn't attempt to block Capella at Omega and overwhelm them.

But what do I know? I'm noobish. :P

07-04-2013, 07:23 PM
I'm interested (from a cap point of reference) why you say going Omega to E4 is a bad plan for T4. That's often the plan that was used until recently.

Also, the N1/N12 to N11/W10 plan is inferior to rushing Omega in my opinion. Guards are weak and the full cap force can take out Omega quicker than the time it takes to stack up guards/take N1/N12. Also it means you start building up a large base quicker and an Omega res is much more helpful/easier to defend than an N12 res.

Having one party get DPS on Center while the rest of the force takes Omega works well as long as Procyon doesn't attempt to block Capella at Omega and overwhelm them.

But what do I know? I'm noobish. :P

You are right here though. And actually I think you could take both Omega and Center before you could take E4 with the old plan. In T4 for either Procyon or Capella it's better to go Alpha or Omega respectively and push from there. This plan is the best (atleast is was a few weeks ago, haven't been on much lately.

07-05-2013, 12:17 AM
You are right here though. And actually I think you could take both Omega and Center before you could take E4 with the old plan. In T4 for either Procyon or Capella it's better to go Alpha or Omega respectively and push from there. This plan is the best (atleast is was a few weeks ago, haven't been on much lately.

It's changed recently because of the extreme handicaps in T4. (I just was in a 36 proc vs 25 cap war.)

Procs send a force the size of cap's force to Omega to block, and then send the rest to Alpha. Unless ALL caps are at Omega, it either falls to proc, or is extremely delayed. And by the point that's taken, E2 and E3 are proc and they have DPS on mid. At that point, because procs have the advantage, if they build at all, they can just essentially throw their weight around taking bases/defending wherever cap goes, it takes a lot of focused effort from cap to counter handicaps like that.

07-05-2013, 03:46 PM
It's changed recently because of the extreme handicaps in T4. (I just was in a 36 proc vs 25 cap war.)

Procs send a force the size of cap's force to Omega to block, and then send the rest to Alpha. Unless ALL caps are at Omega, it either falls to proc, or is extremely delayed. And by the point that's taken, E2 and E3 are proc and they have DPS on mid. At that point, because procs have the advantage, if they build at all, they can just essentially throw their weight around taking bases/defending wherever cap goes, it takes a lot of focused effort from cap to counter handicaps like that.

I've been on both sides of like a fifteen player handicap, but the thing is that Caps have a huge advantage with the big players and that you have a lot of cooperation. And last time I logged you had a good force that focused mainly on throwing Procs off guard by stopping their push or taking HQ or a large base. Whereas Procs have their only advantage in hige numbers.
All in all, however, it goes down to leadership and each nation's ability to tackle obstacles. (But leadership doesn't go anywhere if people don't follow orders.

07-06-2013, 03:51 PM
All in all, however, it goes down to leadership and each nation's ability to tackle obstacles. (But leadership doesn't go anywhere if people don't follow orders).This is number one winner in wars. I've said time and time again that war is a team game. Even with OP players from t5, a well teamed group is still very effective. I've seen it many times over the years and changes and it still holds true.

07-07-2013, 09:36 AM
The key to winning war: Wise leaders, and obedient soldiers.