View Full Version : M/A is a bummer

05-22-2011, 09:55 PM
I dont play much as I use to, but i play like 1 hour now and then.

I always get pissed off when i open Cabal, connect to the server, loading and Smack in the face

Can not connect at the moment...

for the Trolls; i know M/A is good for the health like milk and cookies.
and it keeps our server running like Always Extra (daily cottox), fresh and with Joy.
and it makes us all run up the green hill on the sunrise holding hands and spinning, dancing and singing... (HAPPY TREE FRIENDS FTW) hahaha

05-22-2011, 10:55 PM

05-22-2011, 11:01 PM
M/A is pretty useless.....why can't it be bi weekly.

M/A just to switch some items around??? what??? lol

05-22-2011, 11:24 PM
M/A=nothing done :/

05-22-2011, 11:40 PM
Most M/A comes out with Fail outcomes
it is like a they r trying to fix one leak in the pipe and when they do, 4 new leaks pop up on them

like they ban 2 bots, screw some ppl too

Nerf the drops to 0.0000000000001% so we can buy from item shop, now they made a prepaid Card
sooner or later, we will end up paying like WOW.

they do some stuff, but i feel that it is rare when they do.

My favorite glitch was when they glitched the BL stats to BEAST mode, Scud and LS owned anyone regardless of stats. hahahahaha GJ GMs keep it up, wish u guys do that again... the only mistake we benefited from hahahhaha

05-22-2011, 11:51 PM
When Will the M/A end if anyone knows, I am at the end of teh year in my workplace, and we have nothing to do but wait for summer...

Surveys and Evalutions hahhaha, to keep us occupied. I was planning on Cabal all the way hahaha

Ty M/A for making today so boring

05-23-2011, 12:10 AM
haha Yeah, SUX like hell

Makes no sense, on the long run.

But if they r workin on the new update for armors and dung, that would be fair

05-23-2011, 12:18 AM
but the merc idea was fail

they made all that fuss about the Playing with the NPC chars like Yuan, Skalid, ..etc. but instead, we got 3 bosses, Perts is the only epic looking one and 6 SOD bosses.

I was kind of hoping that they would add more mercs, or at least choose more kool ones, I mean bhaa and Bricry look so Corny esp. Bricry

05-23-2011, 12:31 AM
haha, I just like to have them around as decoration, like Pertz with a char using the Haloween suit looks kool

05-23-2011, 12:39 AM
ahahhahahah i have encountered such problems hahahah not only they r useless but they can block the screen with their usless big a s s e s ahhaaha

05-23-2011, 12:48 AM
gm eat cup noodle that is pro

05-23-2011, 12:50 AM
gm eat cup noodle that is pro

After that is a smoke break

05-23-2011, 12:52 AM
After that is a smoke break
then back to loling at the forum

05-23-2011, 12:53 AM
then back to loling at the forum

or using a dual monitor watching I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥o

05-23-2011, 12:55 AM
or using a dual monitor watching I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥o
or counting money smiling and laughing

05-23-2011, 01:00 AM

05-23-2011, 01:08 AM
1 thing is for sure they are reading forum nonstop thats why they afk 90% time ingame invisable

05-23-2011, 01:33 AM
yea, i see that alot in BI in ch1 and ch2

05-23-2011, 01:34 AM
yea, i see that alot in BI in ch1 and ch2

most afk ch. is...5 lol obvious

05-23-2011, 04:55 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpHysx9bo9Tvp2F_lHP609hsDMepPYd T5fAkB03rqlVm6fSSTY

05-24-2011, 03:59 PM
eshayy'z bAk in diz mah fukn hauz, gazR oneR