View Full Version : TRoLL RAGE

05-22-2011, 10:07 PM
OK i Know we r all bored cuz of M/A so i will make something special for all the trolls.

I will make a list of Nooby statements that u all can Troll and burn.

#1 I found a voucher in BI on the floor

#2 I have 5 slot Tit gear, all the slots have 8 amp

#3 My pet is lvl 11

#4 I became bringer, but i NPCed the title

#5 I have eof+9 but i am afraid if i link it, i will be hacked

#6 GM sky begged to buy my char and gear

#7 i got Pc Red osm of deathblow from Chaos lamp

#8 i killed a mob and it dropped 500m

#9 One time i made a FB mana Freeze himself

#10 I have Faello as my merc, but i cant find a summon stone to call him

#11 I solo ft b2f

#12 I go to war naked and rank first

#13 My blade failed +16 and went to +6

May the best Troll burn this thread


05-22-2011, 10:20 PM
every time i hear anything like #5 i face palm

a message for all you stupid people, you can't be hacked unless you're f.u.c.k.i.n.g stupid enough to give someone your info or you go on some site that says 'type in your username and password and we'll put 39.9b into your account!'


05-22-2011, 10:23 PM
ahhahahaahahah nice one and yes, I always say the same to ppl.

Also, the funniest Account scam i heard was

a lvl 100 came to me out of no where and said

Excuse me sir, may i have access to your account, because i am doing a survey on Bladers...


05-22-2011, 10:54 PM

05-22-2011, 11:30 PM
bring it up

05-23-2011, 12:16 AM
funny this post has 70 views already, many of us r trolls, but we just dont like to admit it. hahahahahaah

and yes I am a big hairy troll when i want to be one.

The troll disease is contagous, once u encounter one, u r at risk of becoming one.

05-23-2011, 12:24 AM
one of the scamming schemes i heard, and also a fairly convincing and tempting one to those greedy ppl, was...
this guy comes up to me and asks to see my lyc gs, and after begging for like 5 mins, i got tired of him so i linked it, then we started talking, and i dun remember how, but he eventually brought up the fact that his old acct got banned for hacking or something, and that hes a computer science major, and he can change the coding of uchh and make them into pchh, and he was telling me that i should +13 my lycanus, not 15 cuz itll be too obvious, so im like ok, tell me how to change codes, ill do it myself, and hes like its too complicated, takes a lot of work, but if i tell him my user name and pw, i can "wake up to a +12 lycanus gs tmr morning" (cuz thats the + we supposedly agreed to lol), its at this point that i realized hes a scammer, so then i asked him, why cant u just make ur own uchh into pchh, and ill compensate for ur uchh when u gimme the pchh, and then he goes hold on, afk for sec, and then logged, ROFL...the funny part is the whole time he was shouting "B>lv 100+ fs pm me" and keep telling me that fs is the only class he wants to play...

hahahahahahah Yea the real only way of being hacked in Cabal is to actually hand out ur Acc info, Nothing more, Ur either Banned from GM or stabbed in the back from a trusted one or a professional scammer

05-23-2011, 12:28 AM
there was a noob who called himself [GM] Korean and he would enter guilds

and say I am a GM

U want free e-coins? give me ur acc info and i will put the coins in ur account.

He said that in my guild; i was like, ur a GM, u r soppose to have my info!? haha just put it in the way they direct the e-coins hahahah, he was like, if u dont belive me, then dont. U want e-coins, let me enter ur acc

My guild is Spartans, so when we Expel Someone

We kick him in the hole hahahahahah

So i was like THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the whole guild was spamming AHOO AHOO

EXPELED hahahahahahh

05-23-2011, 12:47 AM
trolling atm

05-23-2011, 12:59 AM
i did say I can be a troll when i want to be and now this thread is dedicated to Trolls, So i am Now the Troll lord ahhahahaha

05-23-2011, 01:08 AM
whats trollin :P

05-23-2011, 01:17 AM
Trolling is to spam messages that do not relate, critisizes, a korny Joke, a grudge from the past, or egoist replies which all just bury the subject or makes it look bad.

Trolling also is a type of negative driving ur inner emotions of Failure in action to violence on Forums. PPL who cant do much out there come and spam ppl here to make them look bad. For example, Chippo made a guide for the new update. The GMs themselves have not provided us with info on that, but he took the effort of doing it himself to benefit us all. and then some noob who maybe he one time beat in a pvp or refused to sell an item for a cheap price sees this post and just writes anythin negative just to make him look like his info is wrong, Fail, useless or of no interest... That is how it got its name.

05-23-2011, 01:20 AM
nice but trollin is to hard...like going from 40 post to almost 100 in 10min...

05-23-2011, 01:20 AM
Also Troll takin from Patrol (Pa-trol) Which is to moniter and follow up with a negative issue.

Like if i made this thread, i am allowed to moniter it. which that is teh positive trolling system, because i am following up with my own interest, question or what ever.
when a person is interested and post his opinion and awaits to hear what other ppl think is also a normal moniter case.

But when a person Negativly attacks a thread Non stop around teh clock and keeps on throwing depressing facts to bomb the thread... That is called TROLLING

05-23-2011, 01:23 AM
guess so i bet my rw3 +15 is beast lawl if i have one...

05-23-2011, 01:23 AM
bro, its easy, Just click Whats New and ATTACk what ever posts new or search old posts and RAID them.... Old posts have most Fail info, so ppl always pick on them

05-23-2011, 01:25 AM
bro, its easy, Just click Whats New and ATTACk what ever posts new or search old posts and RAID them.... Old posts have most Fail info, so ppl always pick on them
thats what i've been doing :P

05-23-2011, 01:28 AM
Then u r a Certified Troll, Just like I hahahaa

But u only do this on the M/A. that is why in ur case, ur not a Troll, ur just Bored...and dying to log in Cabal

05-23-2011, 01:29 AM
i stop playing cabal 8 month ago lol the forum is where all the action is at the game is like full of afker

05-23-2011, 01:31 AM
hahahahahahhhahaha nice one. I do forums when i am at work, cuz i cant Facebook, Stupid Server blocked it and i can simply bypass the server, but they will detect that i have done so.
M/A+work = Forums

05-23-2011, 01:33 AM
well forum isnt laggy so i think its pretty fun lawl..we even have pvp call"angry flaming"

05-23-2011, 01:52 AM
hahahhahahahahhahahahha Chris7 on Chippos update post is requesting one with me now

05-23-2011, 01:55 AM
lawl he have a big ego as ppl might call it