View Full Version : Noob Facts that drive me Crazy

05-23-2011, 12:58 AM
At first

It is not wrong to be nooby, everyone starts that way, some ppl even stay like that forever

First of all

If u can not find ROL+1 or can not buy ROL+1 then buy ring of champion +4 from NPC in Port lux. it gives 5 crit Rate, not much but enough to give u some rate. better then using ring of fighter +4 or what ever.

When it comes to Hp steal, U have to have increased max Hp absorb limit. So if u wanna use Vampiric. u need to use a life steal ring or a Force absorb ring, or an epic gloves of vampiric with Hp Steal.

Do not use more then 1 Absorb Ring, 3% is enough to cover up the hp u can absorb based on ur limit at lower lvls ofcourse. when u reach higher lvls, and u can use vampiric earring, u would have to aim for 5% hp steal to cover the max hp.

Do not waste the alz u gain from questing on Crafting, Crafting is exciting but bank robbery even for high lvl players who can simply obtain the alz. Use those alz on skills.because at ur low lvl, Alz will be hard to come around if u dont buy the right skills

If u need Honer and ur a low lvl, go to war and build TOWERS Non stop, many will call u nooby but the hell with it, u are already a noob. Just do that and exchange Wexp for honor, in 10 wars, u will have class 6 honor.

If U wanna slot weapons and helms, USE GS and DK as ur catalyst.

05-23-2011, 01:00 AM
lawl 10 war for hr6 xD i got it in like 3 :P

05-23-2011, 01:01 AM
we r talking abt new players, with Basic Quest items and epic Copy of X items :P

05-23-2011, 01:06 AM
yup but lets keep it that way rill they ask >.>

05-23-2011, 01:08 AM
At first

It is not wrong to be nooby, everyone starts that way, some ppl even stay like that forever

First of all

If u can not find ROL+1 or can not buy ROL+1 then buy ring of champion +4 from NPC in Port lux. it gives 5 crit Rate, not much but enough to give u some rate. better then using ring of fighter +4 or what ever.

When it comes to Hp steal, U have to have increased max Hp absorb limit. So if u wanna use Vampiric. u need to use a life steal ring or a Force absorb ring, or an epic gloves of vampiric with Hp Steal.

Do not use more then 1 Absorb Ring, 3% is enough to cover up the hp u can absorb based on ur limit at lower lvls ofcourse. when u reach higher lvls, and u can use vampiric earring, u would have to aim for 5% hp steal to cover the max hp.

Do not waste the alz u gain from questing on Crafting, Crafting is exciting but bank robbery even for high lvl players who can simply obtain the alz. Use those alz on skills.because at ur low lvl, Alz will be hard to come around if u dont buy the right skills

If u need Honer and ur a low lvl, go to war and build TOWERS Non stop, many will call u nooby but the hell with it, u are already a noob. Just do that and exchange Wexp for honor, in 10 wars, u will have class 6 honor.

If U wanna slot weapons and helms, USE GS and DK as ur catalyst.

I had to login just to tell you to shut the f*** up.

05-23-2011, 01:09 AM
lawl someone dont want noob to know

05-23-2011, 01:11 AM
Yeah so true!!!, i go nutz when ppl tell me that they have like 20% hp absorb using 4 life absorb ring+3 and one vampiric amulets given them like ma hp steal limit up +30 +35 +40 lol... I usually like to help new player. I always have to explain this, EVERYTIME..

05-23-2011, 01:14 AM
lawl i remember trying to explain how vamp work to a guildie all i can say is that it was hard cuz they dont understand difference between a steal per hit and a steal %

05-23-2011, 01:26 AM
hahahahahhaa they usually dont find teh HP limit until u have to explain it like u were explaining to a child.that is why they usually dont understand

05-23-2011, 01:28 AM
well all i know is that i had to make a guide explaining it in guild menu even than they fail to understand and ask in guild chat >.>

05-23-2011, 01:32 AM
ahahhahahahahhaahaha in taht case, u were dealing with 100% original Noobs

05-23-2011, 01:36 AM
ahahhahahahahhaahaha in taht case, u were dealing with 100% original Noobs
yea but even 100% original noob must have some concept of how vamp work after reading a guide just for them :/

05-23-2011, 01:38 AM
ye it happens alot... i even bought some1 the complete vamp set and i told him to just use these all when u want to have Vampire abilties. and he was like ok, viewed his equipment after like 2 days, and he had the amulet and earring but no Ring -.-

05-23-2011, 01:42 AM
lawl...no ring...well he can blame himself for dying alot for not having epic absorb ring lawl

05-23-2011, 02:47 AM
i also have to explain how slotting works every time...which catalyst for wat...i mean its really not that complicated, iuno why some ppl just dun get it
its cuz they dont want to think and hurt what remain of their braincell i guess :/

05-23-2011, 04:31 AM
At first

It is not wrong to be nooby, everyone starts that way, some ppl even stay like that forever

First of all

If u can not find ROL+1 or can not buy ROL+1 then buy ring of champion +4 from NPC in Port lux. it gives 5 crit Rate, not much but enough to give u some rate. better then using ring of fighter +4 or what ever.

When it comes to Hp steal, U have to have increased max Hp absorb limit. So if u wanna use Vampiric. u need to use a life steal ring or a Force absorb ring, or an epic gloves of vampiric with Hp Steal.

Do not use more then 1 Absorb Ring, 3% is enough to cover up the hp u can absorb based on ur limit at lower lvls ofcourse. when u reach higher lvls, and u can use vampiric earring, u would have to aim for 5% hp steal to cover the max hp.

Do not waste the alz u gain from questing on Crafting, Crafting is exciting but bank robbery even for high lvl players who can simply obtain the alz. Use those alz on skills.because at ur low lvl, Alz will be hard to come around if u dont buy the right skills

If u need Honer and ur a low lvl, go to war and build TOWERS Non stop, many will call u nooby but the hell with it, u are already a noob. Just do that and exchange Wexp for honor, in 10 wars, u will have class 6 honor.

If U wanna slot weapons and helms, USE GS and DK as ur catalyst.

+1 big help for new player =D

05-23-2011, 04:55 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpHysx9bo9Tvp2F_lHP609hsDMepPYd T5fAkB03rqlVm6fSSTY

05-24-2011, 04:00 PM
i'z be ah n00bz wut of it khunt

05-24-2011, 11:14 PM
1st.... haters will be haters, so just ignore them xD trolls will go back to their bridge if they feel nobody notices them
2nd... helping someone understand the game is cool, i kno, sometimes ppl don't get it, so a quick tip to make them understand is to simplyfy things, or showing by examples xD
3rd... Great help Jull, ppl don't realize that, but new players are important for a game... too sad ppl arnd this game feel like in some kind of old feudalism where only they can be at the top (until some of the übbers shows up and 1 shots them lol)

Keep up the good work! helping the community is great!
Btw, pm some time on FB, gotta tell ya something i found out!

buttered pickle
05-25-2011, 03:06 PM
hahahahahhaa they usually dont find teh HP limit until u have to explain it like u were explaining to a child.that is why they usually dont understand

I dont even play this game and I understand it from your posts, so gj i guess? XD

25 hp steal limit, 20% vamp, 200 dmg. 20% of 200 = 40; limit is 25 thus u heal for 25. simple ^^

05-27-2011, 02:48 AM
classic, when they lose lol against a squishy archer hahaha


u really expect them mage classes to stand their ground BEFORE pvps start? That'd be suicide
when we go up against melees who can cast their trans without delay (and usually, that's all they need ^^ lol) up close and personal.

We thrive on range so while you're crowding us BEFORE the timer gets to 0, u don't mind us backing up a bit, do u? And that wasn't even fade or dash, just tiny hops backwards lol, yet the qq.

Another fs who qq's against movement before pvp is Valentin3...lol


PS: why don't u guys just learn to fk lol...oh it breaks u? well, I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s for u

05-27-2011, 03:42 AM
classic, when they lose lol against a squishy archer hahaha


u really expect them mage classes to stand their ground BEFORE pvps start? That'd be suicide
when we go up against melees who can cast their trans without delay (and usually, that's all they need ^^ lol) up close and personal.

We thrive on range so while you're crowding us BEFORE the timer gets to 0, u don't mind us backing up a bit, do u? And that wasn't even fade or dash, just tiny hops backwards lol, yet the qq.

Another fs who qq's against movement before pvp is Valentin3...lol


PS: why don't u guys just learn to fk lol...oh it breaks u? well, I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s for u

*cough* wrong thread u post in drew :p

05-27-2011, 03:57 AM
*cough* wrong thread u post in drew :p

no, i meant it here cuz i consider anyone who gg's against all form of movements before pvps a noob thing to expect. Ok, i can give the fade thingee cuz that will break target, but don't rage and shout unfair against dash and hops and positioning. lemme rephrase:

Noob fact (and it drives me nuts too lol):

In pvp, both parties are not supposed to move anymore when the timer starts. They are expected to stand their grounds.

05-27-2011, 04:00 AM
no, i meant it here cuz i consider anyone who gg's against all form of movements before pvps a noob thing to expect. Ok, i can give the fade thingee cuz that will break target, but don't rage and shout unfair against dash and hops and positioning. lemme rephrase:

Noob fact (and it drives me nuts too lol):

In pvp, both parties are not supposed to move anymore when the timer starts. They are expected to stand their grounds.

but drew this thread isnt bout noob pvp n such lol its about noob not knowing vamp n how hard to explain to them xD read the first page lol its all about explaining how vamp work :P

05-27-2011, 04:06 AM
ok nvm i forgot bout ibath talking bout war cuz the rest of the post was about vamp and such lol

05-27-2011, 04:08 AM
i did, read the op's post. It's not just about vamp. it had mentions on rol's and catalyst and others. You guys just belabored the vamp issue; the thread turned out it seemed to be JUST about vamp when it really isn't.

I'm just contributing and adding to a common misconception which is not entirely on accessory, and yeah, on an aspect in pvp. Because not everyone who loses in pvp loses graciously. All sort of excuses crop out lol...oh well

05-27-2011, 04:21 AM
i did, read the op's post. It's not just about vamp. it had mentions on rol's and catalyst and others. You guys just belabored the vamp issue; the thread turned out it seemed to be JUST about vamp when it really isn't.

I'm just contributing and adding to a common misconception which is not entirely on accessory, and yeah, on an aspect in pvp. Because not everyone who loses in pvp loses graciously. All sort of excuses crop out lol...oh well

but you gotta love the music of them Q.Qing it makes you feel awesome.

05-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Someone seems to forget he was once a noob, or still is a noob (dunno the guy to say he is or not)... Just sayin' everyone was noob once, and EVERYONE who calls or thinks himself as "pro" is very well deserved of the title "pro-noob"

06-13-2011, 01:16 AM
hahahaha nice one Zeon. this turned out to be a nice thread...

If ur a Noob helper and u have advice for noobs

Post it here...

As Zeon said, we all started as Noobs, its like our childhood in cabal hahahaha

06-13-2011, 01:17 AM

Another iritating fact.

Please for all low lvls out there, Do not use Upgarde cores on NPC items...

06-13-2011, 05:37 AM
i like pvping with people with no excuses. It's better for people to quit complaining about not getting a crit. I use to complain but i try not to now. And protecting your ego over an online game isn't worth it.

As for slotting, what options can you get on an extended slot? I'd like to know my chances of getting rate on 3rd slot. I know rate, cd or fail are three of the options what other ones can you get?

06-13-2011, 06:14 AM
i like pvping with people with no excuses. It's better for people to quit complaining about not getting a crit. I use to complain but i try not to now. And protecting your ego over an online game isn't worth it.

As for slotting, what options can you get on an extended slot? I'd like to know my chances of getting rate on 3rd slot. I know rate, cd or fail are three of the options what other ones can you get?

If you're trying to get rate into a slot, you must random it
So your outcomes can be rate, critical damage, fail, or any other level 2 upgrade