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05-23-2011, 01:03 PM
its been a while sinces i played cabal and i was considering getting the dimond or the plat serevice but i was wandering if some onew knew the diffrences between the 2 and which one would be better

05-23-2011, 01:20 PM
im not one for that i want to have more than just exp and skill exp and drop rate i want more thats y want more than just a few things

05-23-2011, 02:05 PM
plat 25% everything; 2 extra ah slots; warp; bonus beads; 1.4k ecoins

dia 50%; 3 extra ah slots; warp (2.8k) or non-warp (2.4)

05-23-2011, 03:00 PM
You can also buy some bb+ 30 days in game.. they are cheaper and have similar benefit as platinum minus storage space and auction house advantages. On the up side you get to accumulate T-points which you can trade to spam chaos lamp purple for fun.. or that training costume.

05-23-2011, 03:14 PM
You don't get ap bonus, but exp bonus = ap bonus. .

This is actually false.

A common misconception actually.

Your AXP is only gained through BASE exp(as in exp without any bonuses applied) So you will be getting much less AP per level than you would with say, diamond or platinum due to their AXP bonuses.

So for example, even if you were decked out in full level booster + exp bead + bb+, you would only gain AP as fast as with just platinum(due to BB+ having 25% axp bonus).

The most efficient way to get AP and level at the same time is Diamond and bb+. This gives you 75% axp bonus along with 75% exp bonus so your ratio remains in-tact.

05-23-2011, 03:14 PM
Last I seen platinum you could go 30, 60, 90, 180 days in prepayment, which the longer you bought the cheaper per 30 days it became, and so adding in a bb+ each month kinda put you over the top of what Diamond 30day did for around or a little above the Diamond subscription every 30 days.

Just have to basically ask yourself if you want the extra storage, inventory, and AH slots, AH number of identical items to sell at once is worth it.

Level booster really only helps out your higher level players in the long run also, 140 or so and higher if you looking to get up to 180 quicker.


05-24-2011, 04:01 PM
fuhk ur kweshtionz khunt balla all daii every daii