View Full Version : Buy characters ?

05-25-2011, 08:58 AM
1 ) is it even legal in this game ?
2 ) and how ?

thank you

05-25-2011, 10:23 AM
It is legal only by use of the cash shop item, Character transfer via E-coins.
You can't legally buy player to player with USD via paypal ect, your also not allowed to buy the whole account just the character. ( I think someone verify)

05-25-2011, 10:58 AM
yes there is an item in the item shop called Character transfer.. people use that item to transfer a character on to someones account...

05-25-2011, 11:27 AM
i c. ty all

05-25-2011, 12:16 PM
Only way I would transfer a character/account to anyone (or money) is in person with a baseball bat nearby. I don't trust anyone in this game to follow through with their end of the bargain. Someone's going to end up losing their money or their Toon through a scam. Half the scams I hear of are from people " that I've known and played with for years and I can trust" Maybe we can start a thread called "List of people scammed by friends in Cabal" just to see how long it is.

05-25-2011, 02:18 PM
yes i just bought 3 accounts