View Full Version : None of you have skill, cabal no longer requires skill

Admiral Sip
05-26-2011, 02:52 PM
LoL at you all for thinking you have skill, more like you haveyourmother'screditcard

It's funny seeing you guys throw hundreds into this dead game lol

The funniest thing is seeing kids who obviously alz buy get rolled by the local kid in a eox6 and stit(like when squishy wizzy beat silencepls)

In the old cabal, skilless noobs couldnt hide behind their gear and claim to be "pro"
now father handoi blessed alz buying rates and people are buying alz more than ever!

I mean just the other day a kid who has colony trainee title, forci amp +11 boot asked me how to dash in combo... <====Soclosebabe's brother?

The guilds vnpower, hailua, vnsanctuary, oOoKiemoOom, AntiChong, Chuknupao, Sekagnao, Thanehienzaopouano, Kukopao, Tropolopo, and Micheaoneuoseiti;

make me want to cry, freaking wearing +15 3 slot forci that are clearly hacked from global gms...and cant even score 30 points in war...

I witnessed one of these people hitting legacy barrier instead of the guard, yeah sometimes we hit and see the miss but this monkey extended, dashed, came back and aurad and was wondering why it wouldnt go down:eek:

War doesnt require skill anymore, in t5 yes we all have skill( aka the 2008 players), but all you lower tiers(aka alz buyers who get to lvl 16x and feel pro)? are jokes lol.

Its been tested, a 142 fa came into t4 and took bringer, the bringer farmed towers and the fa found the bringers tower farm and harvested the hell out of it:cool:

I mean its sad when farmers cant even farm anymore

t1-t2=5 year olds with running noses
t3=icantsoloeodrankupsountilihazfriendiwillstayher e

notice how the kids with no skill always refer to their gear? if your gear is so nice why do you get rolled lol?:confused: keke is good thread

anyway father handoi is watching and told me to send a message for you skilless noobs, use it or lose it! (as in learn to use ur gear and stop hiding behind it)

NOTICE:if you aren't from USA or Canada, don't post in my thread.

05-26-2011, 02:57 PM
hold it down for the stit wearing eox+6 brochachos grinding them skills exp meng.

we dont want to get rolled by forci wearing 3 slot global hackers which obtained thier items from global GMs(which were non existent Lol)

its all beginning to make sense now like vietcongo in the jungles of 'nam back in '67 where i lost my right hand so thas why most of us suk at cabal.

Admiral Sip
05-26-2011, 03:02 PM
hold it down for the stit wearing eox+6 brochachos grinding them skills exp meng.

we dont want to get rolled by forci wearing 3 slot global hackers which obtained thier items from global GMs(which were non existent Lol)

its all beginning to make sense now like vietcongo in the jungles of 'nam back in '67 where i lost my right hand so thas why most of us suk at cabal.

14% amp peice and 14s.amp/80hp boots let me find ss

05-26-2011, 03:05 PM
i use 2 be da pro-est t3er ever

05-26-2011, 03:05 PM
14% amp peice and 14s.amp/80hp boots let me find ss

ok im holding onto my chair

btw if you have ss's and its true, the help desk probably would have divinehonor'd him by now..Lol just sayin'

i dont wanna hear razor this or razor that im in merc i could care less bout his gear and how long hes had it after DH got his taken away ;)

05-26-2011, 03:34 PM
lawl O.o

05-26-2011, 03:40 PM
umm why take this game this seriously, games arent supposed to be treated like life, they are for fun. stop QQing and just play the game for fun. i.e. instead of complaining about how the alz buyers. enjoy killing them. they should be easy targets if they dont know how to use their gear.

05-26-2011, 03:42 PM
umm why take this game this seriously, games arent supposed to be treated like life, they are for fun. stop QQing and just play the game for fun. i.e. instead of complaining about how the alz buyers. enjoy killing them. they should be easy targets if they dont know how to use their gear.
some fail to see that so let them be lawl it'll be more fun that way :D

05-26-2011, 04:00 PM
umm why take this game this seriously, games arent supposed to be treated like life, they are for fun. stop QQing and just play the game for fun. i.e. instead of complaining about how the alz buyers. enjoy killing them. they should be easy targets if they dont know how to use their gear.

That's a bold statement coming from a member of the most corrupt guild ever

05-26-2011, 04:54 PM
so wat if im in seireitei, just b/c they have a past doesnt mean im the same way.

05-26-2011, 04:59 PM
so wat if im in seireitei, just b/c they have a past doesnt mean im the same way.

It's easy to claim innocence after all the damage has been done

05-26-2011, 05:27 PM
make me want to cry, freaking wearing +15 3 slot forci that are clearly hacked from global gms...Strong allegations... What proof do you have of this? Show an SS and I will believe it (and I will probebly quit too, tired of playing corrupt mmo's)

05-26-2011, 05:42 PM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZ43B_H-sX-HUehKIyy2aH5vh-TCcziyiCgjFqzjAVR88qFdB0http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSk_PnATHFRN2IklM6wtmCf8xFLcDIpU 4b_ZXZWdfWJLDjKDjU3lawl

05-26-2011, 06:11 PM
so wat if im in seireitei, just b/c they have a past doesnt mean im the same way.

Every sei member will forever be viewed as hacking alz buying trash. If you don't want to fall in that category, don't join that guild.

05-26-2011, 06:15 PM
Every sei member will forever be viewed as hacking alz buying trash. If you don't want to fall in that category, don't join that guild.

im in sei


05-26-2011, 06:34 PM
hmm Ok ppl, a global heere to make some clarifications.... First of all, how could someone have what this monkey claims to be a "Global GM hacked" gear piece since, well, GM's were like Cristian God in Global (no one knew if they existed, an no one ever saw one of them)... just wanted to make that clear... there were NO GM's WHATSOEVER in the Global server (reason why everyone "hacked" back in the day --- cheated using 3rd party progrmas which is not the same as real hacking) Plz at least if u're gonna ignite a flame, CHECK ur FACTS first... otherwise u end up like a monkey with a keyboard and really bad english skills (btw, is he hasn't posted an SS by now, he prolly doesn't have it)

2nd of all, since this is an open forum, ur warning means squat, i'm not from U.S or Canada, yet here i am posting, so ST--FU. Public forum = i can post whenever i want wherever i want

3rd of all, and this going to the main reason u posted (ppl no having skills) it's a point-and-click game, of course u don't need skills for this lol that's why most of EVERYTHING is determined by ur gear and how good u play with a team (which, with ppl in this game, teamplay is non-existing) So, stop whining and crying like a babyabout the obvious.... I bet the reason he's whining abt is because one of these "noobs" with no skills and USD-buyed gear rolled him good lol

05-26-2011, 06:59 PM
i stopped when you said you were a global. you guys single handedly killed your servers.
inb4youcall cabal na players rracist.

If u didn't read, then why bother posting? lol is that supposed to mean anything to me?

Btw, just so u kno, the ones that killed our servers were viets and peruvians... some of us had to suk it up and deal with it.... u didn't go thru it, so take that damn stick out of ur sorry a$$ and don't give me ur condescending crap... pff guess that shows how much of an ignorant u are

05-26-2011, 07:18 PM
do u guys take queer group photos like....5 times a week?

That0's one of the required conditions to join Sei lol

05-26-2011, 09:30 PM
go say something illegal i wanna see what happens to u lol

lol read again, i didn't say i can post WHATEVER i want... ppl should learn some reading comprehension, u kno, understand what they're ACTUALLY reading

05-26-2011, 09:43 PM
I witnessed one of these people hitting legacy barrier instead of the guard, yeah sometimes we hit and see the miss but this monkey extended, dashed, came back and aurad and was wondering why it wouldnt go down:eek:

lmfao. classic

05-26-2011, 10:02 PM
oh and idk about 14/80, but here is a nice peice of global hack gear

http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/3785/w2e222.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/861/w2e222.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
wtf...o.o i want lawl

05-26-2011, 10:10 PM
global binding item...sorry
damn i wish they share...i see no BoE or Acc bound O.o makes me want even more xD

05-27-2011, 09:14 AM
I don't rage lol and i'm certainly no ignorant, i'm merely clarifying (cuz apparently, some ppl don't kno how to read and needs things xplnd like lil kids).
Abt that item, i remember it, it wasn't "hacked" out of a GM... it was the item Jean somwhoe managed to get after hacking the cash shop (no, don't kno how that viet did it, and certainly don't kno what his name is here in NA-Global, which btw, is the official name of the server lol and certainly a lot of ppl will flare abt that, but he did it... what a shame)

05-27-2011, 09:49 AM
Nice screenshot. Why not show the whole thing? Why just a screenshot of an item stats?

Good thing they never invented photoshop...

05-27-2011, 10:09 AM
LoL at you all for thinking you have skill, more like you haveyourmother'screditcard

It's funny seeing you guys throw hundreds into this dead game lol

The funniest thing is seeing kids who obviously alz buy get rolled by the local kid in a eox6 and stit(like when squishy wizzy beat silencepls)

In the old cabal, skilless noobs couldnt hide behind their gear and claim to be "pro"
now father handoi blessed alz buying rates and people are buying alz more than ever!

I mean just the other day a kid who has colony trainee title, forci amp +11 boot asked me how to dash in combo... <====Soclosebabe's brother?

The guilds vnpower, hailua, vnsanctuary, oOoKiemoOom, AntiChong, Chuknupao, Sekagnao, Thanehienzaopouano, Kukopao, Tropolopo, and Micheaoneuoseiti;

make me want to cry, freaking wearing +15 3 slot forci that are clearly hacked from global gms...and cant even score 30 points in war...

I witnessed one of these people hitting legacy barrier instead of the guard, yeah sometimes we hit and see the miss but this monkey extended, dashed, came back and aurad and was wondering why it wouldnt go down:eek:

War doesnt require skill anymore, in t5 yes we all have skill( aka the 2008 players), but all you lower tiers(aka alz buyers who get to lvl 16x and feel pro)? are jokes lol.

Its been tested, a 142 fa came into t4 and took bringer, the bringer farmed towers and the fa found the bringers tower farm and harvested the hell out of it:cool:

I mean its sad when farmers cant even farm anymore

t1-t2=5 year olds with running noses
t3=icantsoloeodrankupsountilihazfriendiwillstayher e

notice how the kids with no skill always refer to their gear? if your gear is so nice why do you get rolled lol?:confused: keke is good thread

anyway father handoi is watching and told me to send a message for you skilless noobs, use it or lose it! (as in learn to use ur gear and stop hiding behind it)

NOTICE:if you aren't from USA or Canada, don't post in my thread.

I roll people with this bro
Will/Destruction gloves is how I roll.

http://i685.photobucket.com/albums/vv211/i259/ShineguardGauntletsofDestruiction7.png > 14 amp gloves

05-27-2011, 11:19 AM
oh and idk about 14/80, but here is a nice peice of global hack gear

http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/3785/w2e222.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/861/w2e222.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

Why is it everytime some random nobody comes to forums to post screenshots he cuts out half the screen? Is there really something there thats going to give away the fake ss, i mean sure you might get trolled for having a "useless" buff or skill in your bar, but a highly cut screen like that proves nothing, as we cant see other players, or anything... Its like taking a crime scene pic then cutting just the body out and leaving the whole room outta the pic. Cmon bro use your head.. posting that cut version just invites more questions then answers, do you want to complain about items but then not show who had or has them "supposedly". i smell troll :)

05-27-2011, 11:27 AM
pservers have a lot of cool stuff

05-27-2011, 11:28 AM
Why is it everytime some random nobody comes to forums to post screenshots he cuts out half the screen? Is there really something there thats going to give away the fake ss, i mean sure you might get trolled for having a "useless" buff or skill in your bar, but a highly cut screen like that proves nothing, as we cant see other players, or anything... Its like taking a crime scene pic then cutting just the body out and leaving the whole room outta the pic. Cmon bro use your head.. posting that cut version just invites more questions then answers, do you want to complain about items but then not show who had or has them "supposedly". i smell troll :)

I wonder why you cover your name and chat with a screenshot of yourself hacking, its not like their gna ban you! o.O its like taking an ugly girls face and covering it up with a pillow, c'mon kid that just invites me wondering who the fawk knows the bypass.

05-27-2011, 11:34 AM
oh and idk about 14/80, but here is a nice peice of global hack gear

http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/3785/w2e222.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/861/w2e222.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

<~~ not a global

UNedited screenshots or g.t.f.o. :D

05-27-2011, 11:38 AM
I wonder why you cover your name and chat with a screenshot of yourself hacking, its not like their gna ban you! o.O its like taking an ugly girls face and covering it up with a pillow, c'mon kid that just invites me wondering who the fawk knows the bypass.

What does a fail posting a small square screenshot have to do with a seperate time-frame and issue all together? two different things and not related; i know when you see lil square screenshots you tend to believe that as sufficient 100% proof the item exists on NA server in a normal players account. Your supposed to question sketchy screenshots when the context is not clear. Dont worry they are looking for a way to cure your down-syndrome.

05-27-2011, 11:51 AM
What does a fail posting a small square screenshot have to do with a seperate time-frame and issue all together? two different things and not related; i know when you see lil square screenshots you tend to believe that as sufficient 100% proof the item exists on NA server in a normal players account. Your supposed to question sketchy screenshots when the context is not clear. Dont worry they are looking for a way to cure your down-syndrome.

Hey guys,

I just came in here to clear up a few things.

First off, as surprising as this may sound, GM's are not here to corrupt the game or unfairly assist other players. We're here to help make the game fair and enjoyable for “everyone,” not just a selective few. I personally speak with the other GM's every day and trust me when I say this; “you” guys are our main priority. We wouldn't have this game around without you guys and we don't want to do anything to drive you away.

With that said, I know that there have been screenshots and different stories going around. All I can say is this: We “DO NOT” favor anyone. I ask that use your best judgment before you believe what's being said about us.

Second, when we ban a forum account, we always have a specific reason. If we find users bypassing their bans by creating new accounts, spamming, saying inappropriate things, or bashing on other people on a consistent basis, then we have to take action. Whether we give a warning or a ban depends on the severity of the thread/post. I'm sure as players, it's not very enjoyable to see some of the things being said here just floating around. Please just understand that we're not waving our ban hammer with our eyes closed just for fun or to cover anything up.

Last but not least, this goes with game accounts as well. We don't ban users for no reason. We also don't tolerate the use of third party programs. If your account has been banned for any reason at all and you want to find out why, please let us know via the HelpDesk. Please understand that we answer the tickets in the order we receive them and are based on the difficulty of the issue (some require more time to investigate than others). We really appreciate your consideration and patience; we will do our best to answer them as soon as possible.

My bad all I did was bold some words and what happen their lying, how? cause snowx got his account unbanned! Using third party programs! say what?

05-27-2011, 11:52 AM
My bad all I did was bold some words and what happen their lying, how? cause snowx got his account unbanned! Using third party programs! say what?

Nope, never hack on my main, happen to see me on level 1s any time lately ? Nope.

i agreed to stop for my main account unbanned, cry more please, is entertaining. :D

05-27-2011, 11:56 AM
Nope, never hack on my main, happen to see me on level 1s any time lately ? Nope.

I agreed to stop for my main account unbanned, cry more please, is entertaining. :D

ah!!!! you agree not to hack no more, so its gives you! the right to get unbanned, while others doesn't have that option? same thing as alz buying, same shiet...lets see how your gna reply to this one...btw entertaining? whats entertaining is how your a hypocrite who begs GMs for forgiveness using third party program....lmao

05-27-2011, 12:00 PM
ah!!!! you agree not to hack no more, so its gives you! the right to get unbanned, while others doesn't have that option? same thing as alz buying, same shiet...lets see how your gna reply to this one...btw entertaining? whats entertaining is how your a hypocrite who begs GMs for forgiveness using third party program....lmao

its entertaining because the people you refer to hack on their account in question. my account was not used with any 3rd party tools, and never gained items/alz from any account in question.

again i say, i know its hard to comprehend, i never hacked on my main account, because im not stupid. lvl 1-10s maybe a few 50-60s when they came from global, but they were all banned and i dont log into any of them anymore :). I already agreed to stop making new accounts and such even for "fun".

He has a point. Most people that buy alz will do it on a level 1 character. So should only their level 1 character get banned? Same thing applies to you, claiming you've only done it on level 1 characters. People don't use third party programs to just kill nipperlugs, they don't it for an unfair advantage which usually transfers to their main.

Thats irrelevant. Alz buying is different then using pk in town and knocking peolpe over or GMs. I never farmed dungs for profit at all, waste of time. was pure entertainment after running dungs all day, but i stopped after GM asked me to when Valentine suspended accounts related by IP, i know its hard for you to believe they used IP search on my accounts n suspended higher level even though i never did nething, but its simple concept really.

heres more simple concept for you to grasp:
random GM: lets suspend his main account untill we clean up this problem with him on alternate accounts fooling around in town.

edit: your failing a specific topics alltogether so you clump together all these different situations about global gms, corrupt gms, seireitei n even other events that are not related together at all, thinking something in there will justify your crying all day on forums. oh yeah hey throw in alz buying in there too bro, even though im rocking stit on my WA, are you implying i ever bought alz? my wi made 4 sigmetal pieces and hes banned, ive never had over 2b on my WA at once either dunno why you would imply alz buying with me or my alternates.

05-27-2011, 12:19 PM
1. Anyone can claim that.

2. Doesn't matter what it is used for. You intentionally broke the rules and EST specifically states they do not tollerate any use of third party programs.

Let me ask you this. If someone gets banned tomorrow and says, "I didn't benefit from it, and I didn't use it on my main," are you going to defend them? I know you are defending yourself because you want to play again. But anyone can "say" what you said, and it is impossible to prove if anyone used them in dungeons or not as well unless people are finishing the dungeons which most know not to.

wow i think snowxz got owned...idc how you do it bro, all i care is why isnt there an option button to have a 2nd chance o.O LIKE YOU!!!!!!!! but nonetheless you shouldve been banned for breaking the rules, clear

05-27-2011, 01:13 PM
1. Anyone can claim that.

2. Doesn't matter what it is used for. You intentionally broke the rules and EST specifically states they do not tollerate any use of third party programs.

Let me ask you this. If someone gets banned tomorrow and says, "I didn't benefit from it, and I didn't use it on my main," are you going to defend them? I know you are defending yourself because you wan't to play again. But anyone can "say" what you said, and it is impossible to prove if anyone used them in dungeons or not as well unless people are finishing the dungeons which most know not to.

Nope i would not defend someone who got banned and came back 180 with full forci amp, obviously EST is not going to ban someones new account even if they bought it, i think that was clear when players got banned for alz glitch and came back full 180 forci amp not long after being banned. however after i was banned on my wi for shop disconnection (not profiting just disconnecting shops)

i created WA, the wa never hacked, is wearing sub-par gear, and all the infractions occured on noob accounts low level. If i hacked on my main they would not have unbanned im assuming, but im not wearing epic gear, and i wasnt before i was banned, it was done to give me inscentive to not mess around on lvl 1s in town is how i viewed it, sorry im not DK bro, wrong guy.

wow i think snowxz got owned...idc how you do it bro, all i care is why isnt there an option button to have a 2nd chance o.O LIKE YOU!!!!!!!! but nonetheless you shouldve been banned for breaking the rules, clear

Your saying an account that has not hacked cant appeal the wrongful ban? Lol coolstory, i successfully appealed the ban and asked for proof of me hacking on WA, as there was no evidence and it was right after being on lvl 1 10 minutes earlier knocking gm down. What part is hard to understand? I was not farming, i never got banned for a dungeon hack; i was knockn gm around and others in auction house for a few weeks untill they started checking into IP and disconnected my main then blocked the account in what im assuming was retaliation for the level 1s. After i contacted them they made it clear i cant play on alternates for fun in town or else my main would be perm banned not just temp.

You got proof of me hacking on my main? i would love to see it broski, brb loling. :D

05-27-2011, 01:50 PM
You are arguing with yourself. The second quote proves my point in that your main will get banned for using 3rd party programs, so you were wrong and are aware you got a free pass.

I don't really care whether you are banned or not, but just because you "say" you didn't benefit from using them or use them on your main doesn't make it true. Noone really knows exactly what you did, the only thing the GM's and players know is that you were using them, which is a bannable offense regardless.

free pass? nope i never used any 3rd party tool on my main, clean account.
If i benefited from it i wouldnt be wearing stit gloves n boots, and im sure GM would beable to tell if someone benefited from a hack they are not stupid. I mean maybe you assume because they dont ban players coming back and buying all forci amp that they cant tell the difference between someone benefiting and someone not, but its not rocket science. everything i have on my WA the average WA has/or has had before they geard up.

05-27-2011, 02:00 PM
Whats the point? The condition was to stop playing on alternate accounts in return for my main which was not hacking but banned to prevent actions on alternate.

go on


05-27-2011, 02:17 PM
That's a free pass bud.

They already said your main will get banned if you ever do it again. I don't see how you are trying to argue your ban lift was justified, you yourself proved it wasn't.

oh its a free pass for people using auction house and in town, but as for me? no its just less entertainment and more dungeon runs now. i just proved myself i could resist making more accounts to mess around on town in.

as you were saying?

05-27-2011, 02:27 PM
yea free pass to continue playing on clean account, imagine that :D

glad you could bring your IQ up temporarily to comprehend. Thanks ^_^

05-27-2011, 02:36 PM
So you are saying you can still use third party applications on a different account from your main, and your main won't get banned? This is all you need to answer.

Dont need to answer anything bro, im unbanned and playing, lol umad? I answer what i want at my own choice.

i was banned for using it on alternate account. so in theory yes you will be banned for using it on alts, if your IP is matching and such like mine was, im assuming thats what it was that identified my main, well that and my forum accounts ect

:) i wouldnt recommend it though, unless you want to loose your acc.

oh and btw i made video and sent to gm daisy about that current "third party app" and it was patched during nprotect update...so now its taken care of, and the other current working one they already received from me and im assuming nprotect already has patch in the works for it. after that your looking at 0% public un-patched. ofc bots are a different story...

05-27-2011, 02:50 PM
it wasnt edited ss wat hennesy have ;o

05-27-2011, 02:55 PM
So from what I have gathered:

Your "clean" accounts will be banned for hacking.
If you do get banned, just send in video's how you did it and promise to never do it again.
Ban lift aka free pass.

k, thanks

your forgetting one main difference between me and others, i did not hack on the main account in question. therefore; i can be unbanned, i dont think the video would matter much, i mean its a good gesture to help prove to GM hey this is how its done, nprotect can patch this or that and its impossible after that. If you were to decide to continue on same path i would put unbann at alot lower chance, and also if you initially hacked on the main probably not even worth submitting ticket.

I lvld this up to 162 and was banned for the actions on lvl 1s and 10s in town. If the player was banned for alz glitch, i sure hope they would have found all accounts owned by the player and banned, but with ogp to est transfer and that whole alz glitch situation it was obvious they didnt square in on players like they did with me. Maybe they did and it was just that big that it still was able to affect the market, i mean uchh were not at 20m a pop for no reason.

has this main solod ft2? no. has it obtained unsual amounts of alz out of no where? no. They would have probably taken notice of some unsual activity on a banned account, but trying to compare what i have on my WA to an USD buyer or someone whos gained stuff via third party tools is two different contexts. saying a player who is banned for "3rd party tools" is also a very broad statement and leaves great discretion to GMs as what is best for the server and most fair to the player in question if they are abiding by rules and have a valid appeal.

05-27-2011, 03:05 PM
yes they can, but does that mean they are to stay banned if they are clean and all activity on alts has stopped, dont think so now huh? obviously gear wise my WA was clean, obviously dungeon run wise, hes clean. I never received error codes as result of 3rd party tools or exploits on it, no infractions besides messing round on low level alt accounts with other people in town. i dont know how many alz spammers i slayed i lost count after a few weeks(should have title for that), and stopped altogether when they communicated via help desk that they were intrested in giving second chance if i cooperated fully and stopped all activity. I havnt logged into alt noob account since i got my main back, so im still following through its never ending agreement, and i imagine at anytime it could be subject to review if they were to suspect me of carrying on or participating in that type of play.

05-27-2011, 09:56 PM
Lol, It was fun reading this argument. The bottom line is sn0wXz can be concerned as an tech-GM for Cabal. He's playing less Cabal but working hard on hacking projects to help EST developing anti cheat programs. He made a deal with EST so he is tolerated. Basically, sn0wXz is working non-payment for EST. And this is the way he enjoys his Cabal life in helping others. <3

05-27-2011, 10:25 PM

05-29-2011, 09:07 PM
the best skill and title among noobs --- MENDICANT.


beg for a living (leveling) lol

05-29-2011, 10:37 PM
The same reason your post count is now 1

05-30-2011, 12:10 AM
Just thought id let the original poster know..SoCloseBabe can fade/dash/short/debuff in combo lol....i know for a fact because i taught them how xD

05-30-2011, 12:23 AM
i can do a threesome while playing cabal o.O

Then you're doing it wrong

05-30-2011, 12:29 AM
this fool jealous, im for real...im in action right now

lol,jealous?...obviously the girls aren't even that attractive to keep your attention on them so why bother?...........Or is it the evil kind of threesome with 2 dudes a 1 chick,if so........ew

05-30-2011, 12:33 AM
its one chick on my ballz sack, the other chick on my nipples...
oh yea brb gotta finish what i started lmao

fapping to a threesome google vid doesn't make it a foursome

05-30-2011, 12:37 AM
fapping to a threesome google vid doesn't make it a foursome

i just...freakin died