View Full Version : Chinese Prisoners Forced to Gold Farming

05-30-2011, 12:59 PM
lol poor dudes, who would expect their punishment for their crimes would be playing MMO's lol


05-30-2011, 01:02 PM

05-30-2011, 01:19 PM
lol poor dudes, who would expect their punishment for their crimes would be playing MMO's lol


Backbreaking labor during the day and forced to play mmo by gathering/mining and such till they can hardly see at night with hardly any sleep i don't think its a laughing matter but it seems some find it amusing to see other suffer, the Chinese government is corrupted who knows how many of those prisoner have actually commit any crime, just for protesting can land you behind bar in china or jay walking if they see even a little law breaking act you will end up there breaking rock during day and playing till you can barely see at night, looking at some of the comments at mmosite i can tell that those guy who love to laugh at others misery won't know how hard it is till they have been there themselves.

05-30-2011, 03:44 PM
Prisonner: *collect golds and turn it into money* Here, im paying to bail myself...
Prison: ... hmmm ok you are free
Prisonner: ... i still got golds in my pocket... muhahahahahhaa!

05-30-2011, 06:05 PM
Backbreaking labor during the day and forced to play mmo by gathering/mining and such till they can hardly see at night with hardly any sleep i don't think its a laughing matter but it seems some find it amusing to see other suffer, the Chinese government is corrupted who knows how many of those prisoner have actually commit any crime, just for protesting can land you behind bar in china or jay walking if they see even a little law breaking act you will end up there breaking rock during day and playing till you can barely see at night, looking at some of the comments at mmosite i can tell that those guy who love to laugh at others misery won't know how hard it is till they have been there themselves.

I totally agree with u on this, The socialist China is an unfair regime where ppl are almost brainwashed with ideas that their leader is some sort of god, these ppl have been abused for so long that they don't have the ability to discern that there's something else bsides what they've been taught for so many generations. Chinese goverment have made ppl complascent with their current state, millions living in poberty and analphabetism while the "upper" (the emperor or whatever he's called, can't quite recall his title) lives in such wealthyness that is plain absurd.
The system works in such a way that killing is allowed, while the mere fact of not agreeing with the goverment can land u either in jail (if u're lucky) or a grave, and not only u, but ur whole family. It's just not fair... Ppl have to kneel down (literally) to worship this fat dude that thinks himself of some sort of deity. Plain Wrong.

And yeh, comment in MMOsite are some of the most retarded, stupid, ignorant comments i've seen.

Stil, thinking of a gamer being punished by making him play games is kinda, funny (removing the China context of course)

Judge: I hereby sentence u to 50 years of forced MMO gaming!
Convicted Gamer: Yay!