View Full Version : Good News For Cabal Fans

06-03-2011, 12:08 AM
Cabal 2 Has Finally been officially Unveiled

Website: www.cabal2.com

Bad news for Bladers as they are no more in Cabal2. All other classes are still there with one new class " Priest "



06-03-2011, 12:20 AM
old news like 1 year old -.-

06-03-2011, 12:24 AM
I know but 1 year back there wasn't any website for cabal 2. And there was no official announcement from estSoft about this.

06-03-2011, 12:24 AM
and there will be bladers

06-03-2011, 02:51 PM
@Rastan check the webpage, there's no blader among the classes shown there (I doubt est simply forgot to upload the BL's animation) and there's no Priest in the Vid, yet there it is fanning arnd in the website... tho there's no official statement on the matter.

@poster the 2nd video was not made by est or anything, it was made by a freelance studio WAY before cabal 2 was even announced, probaly cuz Est was looking for a new look at the whole cabal concept, or cuz these dudes were fans. And yep, there's been like 300+ posts with this, with the video, the corncern with the blader and bla bla bla

@ 0.36 When the video was released the web page didn't have the classes on it, probably cuz they didn't have decided if they were gonna keep the bladers or make a new class. It's not that confusing actually, the show 1 sec of a blader in the vid moving one sword yet on the website there's no sign whatsoever of them. At the momment the Vid was made they just released the news that the game was in fact strting his development phase (reason why the graphics are not as good as they say it's gonna be since supposedly EST will be using the CryEngine 3, same gfx engine used in Crysis 2)

06-03-2011, 03:22 PM
page has been up for months, where you been?

06-03-2011, 07:12 PM
@ 0.36 no clue what that is, looks like a possible blader or could be a branch off of fb class.

wut sup with u and having me as part of ur sig.. o.0

06-03-2011, 08:15 PM
is that a real question? maybe you should read what you said in them LOL...

maybe cuz he/she/both changed wut i actually said LOL...
not the first 1 the 2nd =p