View Full Version : Bonus war

06-08-2011, 02:19 AM
Should we have handicap in bonus war, make the game more fair since proc got flag like 4 months. Why normal war has handicap but bonus war does not. more people want free warp and bonus so they change to proc side and left punch of noobs on cap.

06-08-2011, 02:40 AM
Nation bonus shouldn't be decided by just 1 war out of 40 (minus 2 for M/A),all winning nation wars from all tiers should be counted for the week and the bonus should be decided that way

06-08-2011, 04:14 AM
Lol even if we had a handicap we'd still lose.

06-08-2011, 06:14 AM
LMAO! Poor Caps! But I do like the idea of NW being decided by all tiers. I always wanted everyone from lvl 1 to lvl 180 to be in same NW. It would match reality more where everyone, no matter how weak they are, get to fight for their respective nation in the same war. Would be funny to see bunch lvl ones running for their lives from a lvl 180...................

06-08-2011, 06:18 AM
hmm run for their life ? u just need to look at a level 1 they would die just like that LOL

06-08-2011, 08:05 AM
There's only 200+ wars that take place in the 5 tiers for the week,How hard would it be to record which nation won the most out of them all?

06-08-2011, 10:10 AM
If you let other tiers decided outcome of the war (so 5 tiers matters now) then high tier players will tend to use low tier char with high end gear since now those wars are easier (and cheaper!). Surely the honest and aspiring player do not want to meet more enemies that outright outgear them.

Also imagine if some tiers have hacking players..
It is unfair to justify bonus from altered results (10 wars won by hax, now the opposite side need to win 10 more somehow).
Even if GM care to investigate, they will not have the man power to visit all 200 x 2 (both servers) wars. (FYI u need 10 GMs because there will be 10 wars happening at once!)

Furthermore, imagine the drama and tense situation if every war counts instead of just one.
More afk players, more spies, arguments and possibly new problem.. dispute between tiers.

06-08-2011, 10:17 AM
imagine the drama and tense situation if every war counts instead of just one.


06-08-2011, 10:28 AM
worst idea ever, we want to promote players moving up to the top tier not promote more players to play in lower tiers.

06-08-2011, 10:38 AM
Leveling up to T5 is a personal choice that not too many players can afford to do since most have schedules and appointments,besides,there are more active T1 players than T5,and the majority of the community is T3 and T4,1 special 12v12 war shouldn't dictate the winning bonus for the entire community

06-08-2011, 11:57 AM
T5 should hold the bonus war, i mean we are the higher ups and no little lvl 52's should be deciding who gets warps or not. It's enough that they get their own bringers thats enough motivation to go to war.

06-08-2011, 12:15 PM
guys leave the t5 alone with their poor 4vs4 war alone, lol.

06-08-2011, 12:34 PM
It is still unfair for those player that is in lower tier even when they move up to t5 it is not gonna change the situation because bonus war doesnt has handicap so let t5 decide for all nation is not a good idea also
How about we do it in ratio :D, t5 bonus war worth like 5 pts, t4 worth 3 .....
Or we can do bonus war in each tier ^^

06-08-2011, 01:13 PM
It is still unfair for those player that is in lower tier even when they move up to t5 it is not gonna change the situation because bonus war doesnt has handicap so let t5 decide for all nation is not a good idea also
How about we do it in ratio :D, t5 bonus war worth like 5 pts, t4 worth 3 .....
Or we can do bonus war in each tier ^^

If you want to help decide who gets bonus just level into t5.

06-08-2011, 01:16 PM

06-08-2011, 01:17 PM

06-08-2011, 01:41 PM

06-08-2011, 02:44 PM
shocking.....the ones defending keeping bonus war in T5 are in fact...in T5

06-08-2011, 03:43 PM
just combine all tiers into one big war that way everyone can contribute and shut up.

06-08-2011, 03:57 PM
hey pus sies how about u come fight in T5 rather than bit.ching. no one cares about your lower tiers and no one cares if ur a bad ass mofo in them.

06-08-2011, 04:21 PM
easy, each tier has it's own bonus(t1 5% all maps and so one till 15% for t5), everyone will fight for his own nation flag, not only t5 for all the tiers..

06-08-2011, 04:48 PM
easy, each tier has it's own bonus(t1 5% all maps and so one till 15% for t5), everyone will fight for his own nation flag, not only t5 for all the tiers..

or better yet keep it the way it is. u gotta remember this game originated in korea and their t5 wars are 100vs100. just cause the NA population is "lazy" and dont wanna lvl up doesnt mean the game has to adjust itself to u.

think about the military u t1-t4s are like infantry, tho u might make up most of the war whether u win it or not the t5 generals are the ones getting the credit for winning

06-08-2011, 04:58 PM
then u got the frigging NAVY Seals infiltrating enemy base and taking out Res/Warps like me :D

06-08-2011, 05:05 PM
then u got the frigging NAVY Seals infiltrating enemy base and taking out Res/Warps like me :D

then u got an annoying blader to chase forever until u call for back-up to root him. lol ^.~

06-08-2011, 05:39 PM
then u got an annoying blader to chase forever until u call for back-up to root him. lol ^.~

Ahahah Brolic is my favorite blader to root ^.~

06-08-2011, 05:53 PM
LOL @ ppl who think it take "skill" for t5.

06-08-2011, 05:55 PM
i thought ur race arent allowed in the army

umm, okay... and navy seals arent part of the army btw.

then u got an annoying blader to chase forever until u call for back-up to root him. lol ^.~

Who chases u til back-up arrives? o.o

Ahahah Brolic is my favorite blader to root ^.~

U havent been able to root me in so long tho ):

06-08-2011, 06:12 PM
shocking.....the ones defending keeping bonus war in T5 are in fact...in T5Lol that is exactly what I was thinking

worst idea ever, we want to promote players moving up to the top tier not promote more players to play in lower tiers.As for encouraging people to be T5.... the best way would be to make leveling MUCH easier.

Lets face it, if you have a life it is pretty damn hard to hit T5 (Even with level booster + BB, I seriously can't be farked hitting T4 max level... yet alone T5).

06-08-2011, 06:33 PM
wow, i just want bonus war has handicap so we wont let 1 side get flag all the time. cap should have 50% handicap now. imagine 30 procs vs 45 caps do you still think proc gonna win.

06-08-2011, 07:17 PM
imagine 30 procs vs 45 caps do you still think proc gonna win.

You misunderstand the unimaginable fake power you achieve with USD and cheats,we all know why merc hasn't seen cap winning bonus in over 4 months.....it's what happens when a group of people drop ten's of thousands of RLC on 1's and 0's instead of doing the smart thing like using that money to open up a few coffee franchises,hell even an olive garden......but I guess some people would rather have e-rep rather than real wealth.

06-08-2011, 08:01 PM
You misunderstand the unimaginable fake power you achieve with USD and cheats,we all know why merc hasn't seen cap winning bonus in over 4 months.....it's what happens when a group of people drop ten's of thousands of RLC on 1's and 0's instead of doing the smart thing like using that money to open up a few coffee franchises,hell even an olive garden......but I guess some people would rather have e-rep rather than real wealth.

its been way over 4 months. just calculate the time when i changed from cap to proc and ull get a pretty close estimate. if u wanna blame people go blame the caps that dont know how to war and refuse to listen

06-08-2011, 08:15 PM
Actually I would like no handicaps. Whats the point in giving handicap when one side doesn't even show up to war...*cough you know what nation. XD

06-08-2011, 08:28 PM

06-08-2011, 08:46 PM
Lol that is exactly what I was thinking

As for encouraging people to be T5.... the best way would be to make leveling MUCH easier.

Lets face it, if you have a life it is pretty damn hard to hit T5 (Even with level booster + BB, I seriously can't be farked hitting T4 max level... yet alone T5).


Under 170 the maximum amount of time it takes to get 1 level grinding the middle of PI is somewhere around 10-15 hours with no exp boosting items. People are just lazy. From 140-159 in pf you get almost 1 level per hour, about 1 level every 2-4 hours in the LATE LATE 150s. 160-165 in pi only takes a few hours each level too.

1 hour of grinding a day for a month or 2 would get most people 170+.

06-08-2011, 09:46 PM
if u wanna blame people go blame the caps that dont know how to war and refuse to listen

I blame the people with ty best buy pc's

06-08-2011, 09:51 PM
I blame the people with ty best buy pc's

My 9 y/o $300 back then emachine runs this game perfectly lol.

06-08-2011, 10:31 PM
its been way over 4 months. just calculate the time when i changed from cap to proc and ull get a pretty close estimate. if u wanna blame people go blame the caps that dont know how to war and refuse to listen

You just want an easy win, dont you?

06-08-2011, 10:51 PM
You just want an easy win, dont you?

i fought for the caps and i left cause caps didnt care. winning bonus war gives me no benefits

06-09-2011, 01:45 AM
This game has never changed that is why it is dying, letting 10 people on t5 decide the whole nation bonus isn't fair at all. If they keep this going, I am sure half of the population of cabal will get tired and don't spend money which lead to cabal 2 :D

06-09-2011, 02:10 AM
If EST want this game dead they will keep this going on, if u want this game to die soon you can defend for t5 bonus only

06-09-2011, 05:03 PM
Under 170 the maximum amount of time it takes to get 1 level grinding the middle of PI is somewhere around 10-15 hours with no exp boosting items. People are just lazy. From 140-159 in pf you get almost 1 level per hour, about 1 level every 2-4 hours in the LATE LATE 150s. 160-165 in pi only takes a few hours each level too.

1 hour of grinding a day for a month or 2 would get most people 170+.
"Just sacrifice XXX hours of your life in a boring grind and you will be in T5!" .........FARK THAT!

Yes I will admit that cabal is MUCH less grinding then your average Korean MMO. That does not make grinding any more exciting though. I regret going above level 139, cause now I have to do a ton of grinding to be a decent player in war (right now most people are over 20 levels higher then me... not cool). If you are like me and you want multiple charactors, it is even more frustrating and pointless to hit T5.

EST soft made a huge mistake increasing the level cap to 180 IMHO.

06-09-2011, 05:06 PM
"Just sacrifice XXX boring hours everyday and you will be in T5" .........FARK THAT!

Yes I will admit that cabal is MUCH less grinding then your average Korean MMO. That does not make grinding any more exciting though. I regret going above level 139, cause now I have to do a ton of grinding to be a decent player in war (right now most people are over 20 levels higher then me... not cool). If you are like me and you want multiple charactors, it is even more frustrating and pointless to hit T5.

EST soft made a huge mistake increasing the level cap to 180 IMHO.

If you're to lazy to grind just buy a 160-170, people sell them cheap all the time.

06-10-2011, 08:09 AM
LOL @ ppl who think it take "skill" for t5.

Well t5 does have more skilled players, but that's still secondary to the vast experience of each player in t5. Everyone can play chess but only some people are actually good. So you loling is pointless because "skill" isn't as important as understanding the strategy to winning NW. We all know when it comes to experience t5 has way more than all you noobs below t5. So you should still I love you s t f u and lvl up!

06-10-2011, 08:13 AM
i fought for the caps and i left cause caps didnt care. winning bonus war gives me no benefits

LMAO, fought for the caps! HAHAHAHAHAHA.......

06-10-2011, 06:55 PM
LOL @ ppl who think it take "skill" for t5.

You're right, it takes gear... that's why I'm only 3rd-5th place every week instead of Bringer :)

Kids in lower tiers can earn their bonus i'm cool with that, but I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ letting you scrubs get an advantage I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ you I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ :)

06-11-2011, 06:53 PM
well t5 does have more skilled players, but that's still secondary to the vast experience of each player in t5. Everyone can play chess but only some people are actually good. So you loling is pointless because "skill" isn't as important as understanding the strategy to winning nw. We all know when it comes to experience t5 has way more than all you noobs below t5. So you should still i love you s t f u and lvl up!


06-11-2011, 07:11 PM
Well t5 does have more skilled players, but that's still secondary to the vast experience of each player in t5. Everyone can play chess but only some people are actually good. So you loling is pointless because "skill" isn't as important as understanding the strategy to winning NW. We all know when it comes to experience t5 has way more than all you noobs below t5. So you should still I love you s t f u and lvl up!

this is the reason y every single person that turns 170 gets yelled at, i got no idea wat they get taught in t1-t4. XI who was praised in t3 is just above avg in t5

06-11-2011, 07:14 PM
t4>t5 =p

06-11-2011, 07:17 PM
t4>t5 =p

we can give u a 50% 10v20 handicap and still smash u guys

06-11-2011, 07:22 PM
we can give u a 50% 10v20 handicap and still smash u guys

lol who cares about winning? lol t4 is way more fun than t5.ppl gives a crap about who wins and loses,every1 just go have fun and try to kill the more they can.not like some no life that when they lose,they rage.. =p

06-11-2011, 07:28 PM
lol who cares about winning? lol t4 is way more fun than t5.ppl gives a crap about who wins and loses,every1 just go have fun and try to kill the more they can.not like some no life that when they lose,they rage.. =p

you realize this threads purpose was T4 players raging that they have influence over bonus right?

06-11-2011, 07:33 PM
you realize this threads purpose was T4 players raging that they have influence over bonus right?

o.o nu thread is too long so i dont read =p but wut i said is true tho =p

some ppl rage for every single thing at war and others dont o.o

06-11-2011, 07:39 PM
not saying who hacks and who doesnt but at t4 some procs actually hack.but anyway war is a free ticket to hacking lol untill u get caught on a vid and gms actually decide to do their "job" and ban u

06-11-2011, 08:31 PM
lol who cares about winning? lol t4 is way more fun than t5.ppl gives a crap about who wins and loses,every1 just go have fun and try to kill the more they can.not like some no life that when they lose,they rage.. =p

Have you been to t4 lately? So much crying even if we're winning. (proc side anyway)

t4>t5 =p


06-11-2011, 08:48 PM
Have you been to t4 lately? So much crying even if we're winning.

lol yea i am in t4.but yea i do agree that caps cry all the time lol

06-11-2011, 08:56 PM
I can't tell,I don't speak mexican

o.0 huh? me no comprende!! wut is yu saying!!! o.o

06-12-2011, 12:25 AM
this is the reason y every single person that turns 170 gets yelled at, i got no idea wat they get taught in t1-t4. XI who was praised in t3 is just above avg in t5

have you consider your gears/VU/majority of t5 sei against xi's gear? Seriously how hard can it be to war? you push, you def, you spam sp gear. War lay out for T4 is the same as T5, the only differences are gears/levels.

06-12-2011, 06:20 AM
Who cares about t3, its all about t4!

06-12-2011, 07:38 AM
have you consider your gears/VU/majority of t5 sei against xi's gear? Seriously how hard can it be to war? you push, you def, you spam sp gear. War lay out for T4 is the same as T5, the only differences are gears/levels.

T5 takes tactics to win the harder wars. Gotta think as a group on the fly.

06-12-2011, 09:32 AM
T5 takes tactics to win the harder wars. Gotta think as a group on the fly.

Again, gears/level >>> skill, tactic in t5.

Case in point, anyone moving up from t4 - t5 can learn how to war properly if they are inclined enough. But how many can afford to get gears like yours and yours friends?

Now go put on some stita amps/eof 6/tita gs, and see how well you do in war. Yea, i thought so.

06-12-2011, 09:46 AM
Again, gears/level >>> skill, tactic in t5.

Case in point, anyone moving up from t4 - t5 can learn how to war properly if they are inclined enough. But how many can afford to get gears like yours and yours friends?

Now go put on some stita amps/eof 6/tita gs, and see how well you do in war. Yea, i thought so.

u make it seem like i was never in a full set of titanium and pheries. when top players on proc side like jus2ez,mytank and sera were full forcy i was still in pheries and titanium. skill + knowing how to war has always been greater than gear. i didnt start having decent gear till early 2010 so wat u gotta say? yea, i thought so

06-12-2011, 10:06 AM
u make it seem like i was never in a full set of titanium and pheries. when top players on proc side like jus2ez,mytank and sera were full forcy i was still in pheries and titanium. skill + knowing how to war has always been greater than gear. i didnt start having decent gear till early 2010 so wat u gotta say? yea, i thought so

back in late 2009/early 2010, or whenever it was you still had tita will/stita amp set on. Let's see;

there were a good number of war participants
you were among the few 170s
the majority of the player base were in stita, tita will, or less
there were a few exception of people with forci gears like jus2ez, mytank
i could beat the majority of people 1v1 pvp/war on my wa with tita gs, bof 4, and tita armor boots.

let's look at t4 now

there are a good number of war participants
there majority of the player base still in stita, tita, osm
there are a few exception of people with forci gears/sig gears i.e myself
wiz in stita amp in t4 can still score amazingly well

one more time, let's put on your tita will set and see how well u do in t5 now, yea i thought so.

06-12-2011, 10:11 AM
back in late 2009/early 2010, or whenever it was you still had tita will/stita amp set on. Let's see;

there were a good number of war participants
you were among the few 170s
the majority of the player base were in stita, tita will, or less
there were a few exception of people with forci gears like jus2ez, mytank
i could beat the majority of people 1v1 pvp/war on my wa with tita gs, bof 4, and tita armor boots.

let's look at t4 now

there are a good number of war participants
there majority of the player base still in stita, tita, osm
there are a few exception of people with forci gears/sig gears i.e myself
wiz in stita amp in t4 can still score amazingly well

one more time, let's put on your tita will set and see how well u do in t5 now, yea i thought so.

(.)(.) smelly

06-12-2011, 10:26 AM
back in late 2009/early 2010, or whenever it was you still had tita will/stita amp set on. Let's see;

there were a good number of war participants
you were among the few 170s
the majority of the player base were in stita, tita will, or less
there were a few exception of people with forci gears like jus2ez, mytank
i could beat the majority of people 1v1 pvp/war on my wa with tita gs, bof 4, and tita armor boots.

let's look at t4 now

there are a good number of war participants
there majority of the player base still in stita, tita, osm
there are a few exception of people with forci gears/sig gears i.e myself
wiz in stita amp in t4 can still score amazingly well

one more time, let's put on your tita will set and see how well u do in t5 now, yea i thought so.

maybe u should look at crybebes set and tell me u cant do well in t5 with junk

06-12-2011, 10:48 AM
maybe u should look at crybebes set and tell me u cant do well in t5 with junk

Cry has forci suit amp/hp and sig glove at least, I sold her the glove. They aren't tita/stita now are they?

IMO, bebe can war better than the most of t5 players. But then again, you don't see Cry as t5 bringers, further proof gears/level >>> skill/tactic.

06-12-2011, 10:50 AM
T5 takes tactics to win the harder wars. Gotta think as a group on the fly.

Lol I agree with that, but being in t5 doesn't mean you're good/smart.....I see so many people who only hit guards, although there are enemy players right next to them. Also, caps only have a few players actually defending...most of them just go farming south guards when procs start pushing.

Seriously, skill does > gear, but someone with only skill can't do anything against someone who has both. It happens too much that people like me(level 171 btw) have to end up facing people like spur/romp/BR because everyone else is too busy thinking about points.

06-12-2011, 11:11 AM
Cry has forci suit amp/hp and sig glove at least, I sold her the glove. They aren't tita/stita now are they?

IMO, bebe can war better than the most of t5 players. But then again, you don't see Cry as t5 bringers, further proof gears/level >>> skill/tactic.

so all your basing this on is tit/stit? so if a stit glove+15 has more def than a sig glove+10 its still ok? or if a +15 tit suit has more def than her +6 forcy suit its also ok?

20-40def isnt gonna change the fact whether u can war or not. stit +9 gloves vs sig +9 gloves isnt as diff as u think. i dont care if u got a +15 forcy 14/80GS if your soloing a small guardian your useless

06-12-2011, 11:47 AM
hi spur baby ily

hi miavii but in case u didnt know u hate me

06-12-2011, 01:00 PM
The people in t4 to t5 got yelled at is because they aren't use to the new war. If they spend some time in T5 I am sure they gonna do well.
Lots of differences between those 2 tiers, your tactic, harder guard, harder opponents... and + that t4 gear is not as good as t5 and all the people in t5 are actually strong not like t4 we can tank 4,5 person at a time. All these take time to adjust to.
Question: how musefui and bebe doing in t5 (their point avg and skill)

06-12-2011, 02:25 PM
The people in t4 to t5 got yelled at is because they aren't use to the new war. If they spend some time in T5 I am sure they gonna do well.
Lots of differences between those 2 tiers, your tactic, harder guard, harder opponents... and + that t4 gear is not as good as t5 and all the people in t5 are actually strong not like t4 we can tank 4,5 person at a time. All these take time to adjust to.
Question: how musefui and bebe doing in t5 (their point avg and skill)

museifu avges out at 170-220 while bebe does 270-370 but thats not wat war is about. u can be a really high scorer but still be less important than someone who does 50-100 points lower than u. if your importance in war was ranked by the score u got then DaSmexy would be the most important person in war building towers up to 600 score

06-12-2011, 03:51 PM
That is why i asked for the skill too ^^
Wait are u saying that bebe is a farmer ? o.o
I just wanna see how they do on t5 because I know what gear museifu is wearing

06-12-2011, 04:11 PM
(.)(.) smelly

smelly boobs? ewwww

06-12-2011, 04:17 PM
smelly boobs? ewwww

smelly melly's belly covered in jelly

06-12-2011, 04:41 PM
That is why i asked for the skill too ^^
Wait are u saying that bebe is a farmer ? o.o
I just wanna see how they do on t5 because I know what gear museifu is wearing

she is helpful in war but yes i am calling her a farmer even tho many people fall in this category. i see them as the more advanced people in war but they go out of hand. they see caps and they go straight for them which is good but.. after they kill the caps instead of finishing the guardian they were on they continue to find more caps to kill. im like wats the point? were trying to take the guardian, they are supposed to come defend y are we wasting our time to find caps to kill. they cant prioritize, i find bebes only goal in war is to find caps to kill but as i said shes way better than the ones that go from guardian to guardian playing connect the dots like a 5year old

06-12-2011, 05:39 PM
smelly melly's belly covered in jelly

thats sounding pretty hawt

06-13-2011, 12:10 AM
Haha, guess what, bebe is a girl so she is selfish, she only wants to pvp in war.

06-13-2011, 01:46 AM
so all your basing this on is tit/stit? so if a stit glove+15 has more def than a sig glove+10 its still ok? or if a +15 tit suit has more def than her +6 forcy suit its also ok?

20-40def isnt gonna change the fact whether u can war or notstit +9 gloves vs sig +9 gloves isnt as diff as u think. i dont care if u got a +15 forcy 14/80GS if your soloing a small guardian your useless

My point is pretty clear, next time try reading the other post leading to this before replying to it.

Anyone with half a brain can learn to war in this game, it's not rocket science. The only differences that separate a t4 "regular" from t5 is gears/level/title.

06-13-2011, 06:13 AM

As you stated, isn't bebe trying to waste your opponent's time?

read my paragraph. i stated she goes out of her way to hunt for caps. shes spending unnecessary time traveling to the caps when she coulda taken the guard right next to her. when your taking a base the opponent comes to u u dont go to the opponent, thats wasting her own time in exchange for opponents time.

06-13-2011, 12:16 PM
I think what spur is saying is that bebe try find enemy everywhere even when she isn't sure if that area has any enemy.
Well war is for selfish people to entertain you can't tell people what to do noone ever care about their whole nation haha even this thread's purpose is "bonus war" but not how to win war.

06-14-2011, 06:44 PM
u all su.ck and should uninstall and stop wasting ur time on this dead game kthx

06-14-2011, 06:48 PM
uninstall please u make my eyes hurt from the lack of swag

06-14-2011, 06:51 PM
i has max swag goml nab

07-08-2011, 04:57 PM
I war to kill caps not to hit guards whole 50 mins. I do 1k to 2.5 k on guards. As to 3k on mobs. What's better? Me trying to stall caps from taking bases or spending 15 mins on one M guard? I only go for 1 to 4 guards in the beginning to get lw and pots to help myself so I can face caps. If I'm a char who can not take on 2 to 5 caps, then ya. I'll hide behind guards like the 70% of all procs. I do what I do because I'm good at it. If I kill avg of 70 caps per war in t5, that's avg of 10 sec spawn time plus another 30sec for them to buff up and get back to where they were. That's 40 secs times by 70 caps. I just wasted 46 mins and 40 secs of caps time. How is that a waste? And do you really think, me playing for over 2 years going to war almost everyday I don't know where caps go? Lol. I don't waste my time looking for caps. I go where caps are. I know where caps are from common sense. Think about it. We just wiped them out at omega and took omega. Where do you think caps will go next? Back to omega? No! They will go north. Same if they pushed all the way down to w8 and we killed them off. Do you really think they will go back to w8? No! They will go omega. Do your math. Its not that hard to read what their next move is. How many times have I got called haxer, cheater, etc etc. Common sense tells me if they just took omega, you wait 40sec before you go check to see if they are building. Common sense tells me if they just took alpha, they will either head mid or w10. Not hard to guess where they go next. Yes, sometimes I spend 5 mins chasing one caps. Mostly its cause they have a lw I need. Or they are someone like wula or someone strong where its worth my time chasing them rather then them owning all our asses. Some of you call me a farmer. I farm caps! That's about all I do 90% of wars. How do you think I score high? Point farmers are those who give 2 to 3mil dmg and gets only 200k to 600k dmg taken. Next time you should put your mouse over those who gets high score, look at dmg given and taken and ask yourself who are the real farmers.

07-08-2011, 05:24 PM

Lol you know what I mean! If you don't x.x I lazy to explain =P

07-08-2011, 07:24 PM
ppl farmers and guard farmers r both FARMERS

07-08-2011, 09:01 PM
why flame a thread for war?? why not just change sides? go caps if u want to get into war for honor fast.or go proc if you want to be onw aiting list(not recommended for people with slow pc).

07-08-2011, 09:05 PM
why flame a thread for war?? why not just change sides? go caps if u want to get into war for honor fast.or go proc if you want to be onw aiting list(not recommended for people with slow pc).

t4 caps is more fun than procs =p ^_^

07-09-2011, 03:39 AM
T5 should hold the bonus war, i mean we are the higher ups and no little lvl 52's should be deciding who gets warps or not. It's enough that they get their own bringers thats enough motivation to go to war.

Why shouldnt they? They're affected by the war too.

07-09-2011, 05:27 AM
Why shouldnt they? They're affected by the war too.

divide your lvl by 10 and thats your age. you cant vote till your 18 sry

07-09-2011, 02:18 PM
Lol wow, math.