View Full Version : Why are we still playing cabal 1 and spend money on it ?

06-09-2011, 01:58 AM
_As you can see a lot of better games are out on a nearly future and cabal 1 still don't have anything to hold its population back instead, it gets more hacker and bugs.
_Unfairness in game to some special group of people (everyone know who)
_This game is like 4 years old already time to move on ?
_Poor customer service, gm fail at everything
There are lots of reasons for us to quit cabal 1 even the gms doesnt care about it (lol at monday M/A) so guy why are we still playing cabal 1 (gimme some reason thx)

06-09-2011, 03:12 AM
cabal is an important part of my life.

06-09-2011, 04:03 AM
lol who spends money on cabal......who ever spent money on cabal****

06-09-2011, 06:13 AM
lmao you funny tho
any1 in this forum know y they still play cabal
cause we love this game
we have a lot fun when we on
every day try to do some dungeon
pvp in bi 8
and happy when some epic drops down
that fun with me
i think this fun for any1 love this game
some noob like u keep madeing us leave this game
y dont you get in you badroom and kill you self ?
I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ my forum and this sweet game ok

06-09-2011, 07:33 AM
Cabal is a mini sociaty:D

06-09-2011, 09:31 AM
waiting for Diablo3, else i find cabal still fun to play.

06-09-2011, 09:53 AM
i hope that isnt your real face in your avatar...ill give you 2b for cosmetic surgery

she look better then u bird face.

06-09-2011, 10:05 AM

06-09-2011, 10:20 AM
i hope that isnt your real face in your avatar...ill give you 2b for cosmetic surgery

nah she needs more than 2bil!

06-09-2011, 12:27 PM
you guy are becoming est's slave, look at the way they treat us. It is like you guy need the game more than est need you so they can do whatever they want to you.
Why don't we try a better game then ? who know what good those games have if u don't try. For cabal the most interesting thing to me is NW and it is ruining everyday by hacker, bugs....
I admit that combo system is creative but after a long time playing don't you guy feel it is normal ? And also beside NW cabal really boring, nothing else to do. Dungeon is just a repeatable boring activity, standing pvp in BI is worse, it is for the USD spending only where the rich can harass the poor and make them feel superior

06-09-2011, 12:59 PM
cuz for some ppl spending alz is not a big deal/ is nothing? =p

06-09-2011, 04:26 PM

06-09-2011, 04:31 PM
same let sexchange pics. s2r.

06-09-2011, 04:42 PM
_As you can see a lot of better games are out on a nearly future and cabal 1 still don't have anything to hold its population back instead, it gets more hacker and bugs.
_Unfairness in game to some special group of people (everyone know who)
_This game is like 4 years old already time to move on ?
_Poor customer service, gm fail at everything
There are lots of reasons for us to quit cabal 1 even the gms doesnt care about it (lol at monday M/A) so guy why are we still playing cabal 1 (gimme some reason thx)

Cabal's been out since 2005 when it was released in kr, so it's kinda older, which is even sadder lol

As to why ppl still play this? well, there are SOME players (Not all of them) that have invested ridiculously huge amnts of money here, either legally or illegally, so yeh, they don't wanna feel like it was all a waste (but sadly, it was)

Oh rite, i forgot to say, there's a LOT more companies/publisers out there hosting MMO's with a way, WAY, WAAAAYYYYYY better Customer service than EST. So yeh, why ppl still play this kinda baffles me. The forums on the other hand.... never seen a community with so much drama as this one, so i keep coming back for laughs.
Some other ppl still play it cus they have literally NO idea what's going on on the MMO market.
After playing a handul of F2P mmo's, i've come to the conclusion that spending some USD from time to time in a game to get certain somethings it's ok... but to invest the aforementioned ridiculous amnts of money some ppl have invested in a F2P mmo it's idiotic, since u're gonna wind up leaving it or moving to another game.

Some others, just like the game, but this kind of player will most likely quit or move if things keep going the way they are right now

lol can u imagine Cabal when only these high rollers -- the big USD spenders, c'mon i'm not saying names, but we all kno who they are, and if there's one that we don't know abt, he'll probably reply to this defending them, and justifying something... pay attention, it's bound to hppn lol -- are the only ones remaning in the server?

06-09-2011, 04:45 PM
The OP does have a point. I have no idea why I bother playing cabal, it is completely inferior to many other mmo's out there and ESTsoft is not doing a good job.

In saying that, there is just something so.... addictive about this game. Also girls in heavy armor are sexy (girls in heavy armor are more revealing then girls in martial suit... I don't get it lol :confused:)
I am the hottest girl who plays Cabal and the best FA, just ask my new boyfriend Hennessy. :)Hennessy is going to think im insane for saying this, but I like fark's look. She looks like a cute little mouse lmao :eek:

06-09-2011, 06:45 PM
what about the part where i spend 600 usd on this game and the block my account, even though i have never used a hack and bought vouchers every week. Good Job block your well paying customers

06-09-2011, 06:54 PM
inb4 same thread is posted on cabal II 5 years later

06-09-2011, 07:48 PM
lol bro,

you live with your parents
your a virgin
never kissed a girl
you ride a scooter have no car
you don't go on dates (well i guess your 2nd cousin counts)
have no social life

what else would your usd to go?

you have plenty to spend on cabal lol, thats where all your money, i mean your parents allowance that they give you, goes to

i have over 33 post showing and revealing that you alz buy, so come at me bra bra

and how's spending 100usd on a seh each week been treating you?

lol are u in love with me or something dude wtf lol

1 my parents didnt want me to work at the hospital since we(i) dont rlly need it, they dont give me allowance thats for poor ppl lol
2:i am Latin so for us u CANT be virgin after age 15 =p lol
3:my parents bought me a car since i was 18 lol and full paid.
4:i moved to a expensive neighborhood here in miami and all my friends live too far away from me now and i am not driving from my house to see my friends every single day,so i go out on weekends or during weeks cuz if theres an emergency were i work at i have to leave. ppl were i lived think they god cuz their house is bigger like regular stupid ppl lol.
5: i only spent 1 time 200 usd on seh cuz i got bored of shouting if any1 had a seh so i just felt lazy and just bought it from item shop =p and not doing it again cuz i couldnt use more ecoins for over 1 week and i am not used to that lol

and why u fail so much at being a troll anyway lol.. go get some troll lessons ^_^

PS: show me the posts of me saying "I BUY ALZ" with those words. i wouldnt risk my acc for a stupid amount of alz. again learn better about me before trying to troll me u nub :) ^_^

06-09-2011, 07:52 PM
Sorry, Cabal killed times at work... That's y I'm playing it

06-09-2011, 07:56 PM
Sorry, Cabal killed times at work... That's y I'm playing it

x.x IT blocked cabal at work .those I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ing bishes >.<

06-09-2011, 08:23 PM
Lots of good games out there for u to try to kill time tank.

06-09-2011, 09:14 PM
i hope you know, each post you make, just makes you look stupideR? EL CHANCHO? kekekekeke

Erm... no, each post U make makes u look more of a jealous loser... I'm not taking sides here, is just my point of view since i've seen a lot of ur posts lately.

And Fear bro, u latin, u kno better than to give in into ppls flaming $hit.... If u're latin this next words will speak by themselves "al vagazo poco caso y al mojón poca atención"

06-09-2011, 09:20 PM
lol so? being global doesn't make an animal... but saying stupid retarded stuff (pretty much like everything that comes from ur fingers) does... so now go climb a tree, C'ya

Oh and no OGPlayer can say <removed> abt global lol unless is just theory, speculation or flame.

06-09-2011, 09:23 PM
Ohh is that s'possed to make me say woooow! lol u fail even more since it's not ur fingers, u actually SAY this retarded stuff lol@u

06-09-2011, 09:26 PM
lol u're funny... ran out of retarded stuff to say so u had to go on racism? C? it's no me, u make urself fail, sorry man

06-09-2011, 09:29 PM
lol moron can't even write properly in roman numbers

06-09-2011, 09:31 PM
Reminds me of I'm not racist cuz i have a black friend.... LOL.. dude u're embarrasing urself.

06-09-2011, 09:34 PM
its for dramatic effect chancho chenche

lol C? u fail dude, u can't even insult someone properly in ur own language, don't go trying some other language, u OBVIOUSLY have no idea what just wrote

Anyways, i'm out, bsides being a retard, u're boring.

06-09-2011, 09:35 PM
Erm... no, each post U make makes u look more of a jealous loser... I'm not taking sides here, is just my point of view since i've seen a lot of ur posts lately.

And Fear bro, u latin, u kno better than to give in into ppls flaming $hit.... If u're latin this next words will speak by themselves "al vagazo poco caso y al mojón poca atención"

rofl +1.at least i dont hide my name on forum like him ^_^ =p

were are all the posts of me saying that i buy alz? i am still waiting ^_^

06-09-2011, 09:38 PM
use google translator some more? i know you stole the comp or internet connection you're using atm, how much alz for you to mow my lawn? it's getting bushy like your moms...oh wait this is a clean forum.

Gogle xlate? sorry, no no i kno better than that, sorry but u fail again. And i don't mow lawns sorry on that too, oh yeah, maybe ur "spanish" (whatever da heck that means) rommate can do it for ya.

And at last, the mom thingie... ran out of bullets didn't ya, c'mon don't u have something better? is that all ur fire power? c'mon man i'm freezing here lol

06-09-2011, 09:40 PM
rofl +1.at least i dont hide my name on forum like him ^_^ =p

were are all the posts of me saying that i buy alz? i am still waiting ^_^

lol think it's time to tell him what mojón means? or we let him drift a lil longer lol

Meh, got tired of playing with this 15 years old retard... C'ya!

06-09-2011, 09:51 PM
Lots of good games out there for u to try to kill time tank.

I'm too lazy to start again thou =P

06-10-2011, 08:15 AM
cabal has always been fun. only problem was all the hackers and scammers......

06-10-2011, 01:03 PM
Hacker and scammers are BIG problem, and Gm failure with their 6months response to help desk are what making this game going down. No game is good with hacker and fail customer service :<

06-10-2011, 08:16 PM
I LOL'ed at page 4 of this thread, almost the entire page is 1 person raging

06-10-2011, 10:48 PM
K for one miavii shut up..u annoy people beyond annoy people...second cabal has gotten better in some ways and bad in some ways...for one back in the day it was better community and the GMs held WAY better events. now a days in order to do anything effective on this game you have to spend money on it. Its simply seen as if u dont spend money on the game your drop rate will I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ your leveling super slow and the only way to get costumes and sht is to pay extreme prices instead of the machine like in OG times or events to give ya costumes. I understand yall need money for maintaining the server but come on most of the server gone to hell without the premium you guys sell. I actually ran 10 straight IC1 and maid as much as i could make from 10 sods -.-". Pathetic, and even worse is that the core system is WAY more fail than back in the day. I do believe that if they fixed the bugs and other things back in the day and added a few dungeons for entertainment the old school ways would have worked MUCH better. But i agree this game has gotten a bit overkill with the money to spend. And the only people that usually have good gear have spent a decent amount of USD on this game =/.

06-11-2011, 07:50 AM
I LOL'ed at page 4 of this thread, almost the entire page is 1 person raging

lol no, it was a "conversation" with a troll, guess he decided to delete his posts lol since he got rolled by a "global"

06-11-2011, 09:44 AM
there are many games out there but most arent as good as cabal. during these 3 years of cabal i tried 2moons,rohan,flyff,hon,last dynasty,jade dynasty,forsaken world,wx online,9dragons,sc2,eden eternal,runes of magic,12sky2,aika,aion,vindictus,ether saga online,atlantica. pretty much every time a new mmo came out i went and tried it but i kept coming back to cabal whether it be 1-2days or 1-2months later.

atlantica took a huge chunk of the cabal population back when it came out even more than aion did. so far as ive seen, every single time it takes a huge blow it slowly comes back up then a new mmo comes out and it takes another blow. it amazes me how it keeps reviving itself. to me i think its this forum that keeps the game alive. without all the rumor spreading and hating trolls lurking here the game mighta actually died so maybe they do serve a purpose

06-11-2011, 09:51 AM

06-11-2011, 10:22 AM
I play because of the Training Dummy's, alot of shiit has happen since I encountered the training dummy. It made me leave my pc on to skill at night... And forced me to gain 10 Levels every other day to where i Learned all the skills then told me about the combo system. One thing the training dummy didn't allow me to do... Was to Jump... Swim... or even Fly in Neverath. But it did teach me how to retarget and manage movements using 0-1, 1-2 skills.... Then after that I tried my first pvp as a force blader and met a player name vini who introduced me to a bunch of guilds. Then slowly everyone became a training dummy that I had to retarget on... Some even foughht back, but it was futile...
Then i'd logg off and get the urge to pound on the training dummies and break into a frenzy *viewers discretion advised.*


This is why I play cabal.


06-11-2011, 01:37 PM
Good stuff

06-11-2011, 04:53 PM
even if u quit for w/e reason u always come back to cabal =p ^_^

06-11-2011, 05:20 PM
money? who spends money on cabal >.> pssshhh

06-11-2011, 07:08 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about


06-11-2011, 07:34 PM
I think this thread is more suitable for my two cents.

From what I have been through so far, I see that people still play this game for a various number of reasons.

Experienced players find it satisfying beating inexperienced players.
Some experienced players have taken an even sadder approach. They make or buy "low-level" characters and use their main high-end gear to farm lower level wars. (very very sad)

Inexperienced players, who still haven't given up at this point, constantly (at their own individual pace) better themselves by attaining better gear and honor titles. Without any inexperienced players, the experienced players would become bored, lazy, and careless because there won't be anyone left to beat but themselves and each other.

If you ever have set foot in this game at any point, then you are pretty much eternally a part of this pecking order of experience. Currently the pecking order has changed a lot, but it still does exist.

Another reason why people still play this game is waiting for big content updates and hoping to give the game another shot before they get discouraged to play again because the updates still don't meet their high expectations.

One more reason why people still play this game is because their friends still play and the game has become a part of their daily routine that they can't just ditch in one day.

06-11-2011, 07:50 PM
I quit this game and I'm really glad I did. That being said, I can understand why people play this game and it's because the combo system makes this game not feel like "hurr durr clik sheep press one". Also, there aren't really any good MMO's out right now, which is why a lot of people are still playing.

06-12-2011, 01:58 PM
well this game owns every I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ing game out there right now..obviously on graphics and skill..that's why its hard to quit on this game!
go play some hello kitty online so you wont spend money!

06-12-2011, 09:42 PM
Experienced players find it satisfying beating inexperienced players.
Some experienced players have taken an even sadder approach. They make or buy "low-level" characters and use their main high-end gear to farm lower level wars. (very very sad)FINALLY! SOMEONE SPEAKS THE TRUTH! When I was a low level (T1) my noob charactor worked tirelessly long and hard saving up what I considered a futune! (50 mil lol) and used it to purchase some junk items in preparation for my first war. I was so excited, and compared to the average person my level I was pretty good I had 3% amp (lol)! War starts, I was buzzing with excitement!

The buzz ends 3 seconds later when I get owned by some super experienced players who have pimped out their charactor with several bil worth in USD baught items....................

What is the point of having a noob tier war when half the people in it are not noob? They should do something to drive the sad experienced farkers out of T1, perhaps MUCH less WEXP or auto kicking anyone with over 14% amp? I still do not get how the noob-killers can feel proud, congrats to those on your multi billion alz charactors who manage to kill someone who has +0amp npc baught bluestin armor... feel proud?

I won't mention any names (*cough cough* isurrender)

06-12-2011, 10:43 PM
I think this thread is more suitable for my two cents.

From what I have been through so far, I see that people still play this game for a various number of reasons.

Experienced players find it satisfying beating inexperienced players.
Some experienced players have taken an even sadder approach. They make or buy "low-level" characters and use their main high-end gear to farm lower level wars. (very very sad)

Inexperienced players, who still haven't given up at this point, constantly (at their own individual pace) better themselves by attaining better gear and honor titles. Without any inexperienced players, the experienced players would become bored, lazy, and careless because there won't be anyone left to beat but themselves and each other.

If you ever have set foot in this game at any point, then you are pretty much eternally a part of this pecking order of experience. Currently the pecking order has changed a lot, but it still does exist.

Another reason why people still play this game is waiting for big content updates and hoping to give the game another shot before they get discouraged to play again because the updates still don't meet their high expectations.

One more reason why people still play this game is because their friends still play and the game has become a part of their daily routine that they can't just ditch in one day.

Maybe I should add a point here, and there's no offense.
I think you should say those players who are not strong enough to handle higher tier like t4-t5, and they decide to make a new char farming weod for all those 40/7 weapon/helm, and show other new players that they are pro. Because if you do have decent gear and a skillful player, actually you dont even need to waste your time to make another char to prove you are strong in low lv tier. Even I have lots of char, I barely go to low tier war unless I need to farm certain honor rank for later on to use +6 accessories.

06-12-2011, 10:46 PM
Every game has its ups and downs, no matter what we stick through it all. Cabal is a fun game. Fact is there will always be hackers out there trying to destroy things for us. If it bothers you contact Est ====>>>>>>>


06-16-2011, 02:48 PM
ppl spend rl cash on cabal cause its enjoyment with the extra items they got in cash shop, an hell if you can afford it might as well enjoy it. I'll blow like 2-3 pay checks on game and not care if im poor or rich cause its all for fun and it actually helps out the server when ppl spend rl cash on video games..

06-16-2011, 03:05 PM
point made GM's arent doing anything bout it sei is paying GM's a good bit to keep the hacking involved did you not see what was posted earlier on this thread if you go down a sei member addimited to hacking and alz glitch, and a GM only edited the part where there was inappripiate launguage, not the part where it said he/she hacks and is telling members to join sei... That's what i dont get about this game why GM's let hackers stay, its bad bussiness and its gonna make alot of ppl quit..


06-16-2011, 03:12 PM
point made GM's arent doing anything bout it sei is paying GM's a good bit to keep the hacking involved did you not see what was posted earlier on this thread if you go down a sei member addimited to hacking and alz glitch, and a GM only edited the part where there was inappripiate launguage, not the part where it said he/she hacks and is telling members to join sei... That's what i dont get about this game why GM's let hackers stay, its bad bussiness and its gonna make alot of ppl quit..


lol i guess you are new here. if everyone made a fake forum account with someones ingame name and posted random junk then there will be no one left in game

06-16-2011, 03:21 PM
Why are all my videos so horrible?

Why am i trying to be a 30 year old kid.


06-16-2011, 03:25 PM
wow see wtf i mean hackers ^ someone making a fake acc above me, not you spur but this TM person here... No im only new on the forums, ive been playing cabal for long time bout 4 and a half yrs now if thats new to you.

I'll check how long off hand i dunno off hand when i log into cabal it should tell me how long ive been playing correct, i'll check that out now.

Sept. 19th 2009 - WA
March. 8th 2008 - FA
Nov. 14th 2008 - FS
June. 10th 2009 - WI
May 26th 2009 - FB

06-16-2011, 03:37 PM
I just realazied something came to mind spur you joined apr 10th of 2010, and so did this other person miavii if you zoom in closely... Oviously if someone is making fake accounts doesn't look too good on you're end js with the whole date thing. I don't have time for kiddy games he said she said bs. I just come on to play to enjoy cabal when i have free time - spend a few hundred bucks a week or so in cash shop. What i do with my rl money is my bussiness. If someone wants to blaime ppl for stuff, the GM's should look into war instead, lots of hackers there. Didn't adprediate it when i logged on this morning for 5mins after checking if anything sold in my auction house a few pms from friends saying supposly my youtube link is causing ppl to get hacked, & some person named percsion puting my name in his mouth when i don't even know the person from a whoel in the wall. That doesnt make any sence, ppl need to stop downloading p0rn maybe thats there issue right there. Just play the game and enjoy it to the fullest.

I'll check how long off hand i dunno off hand when i log into cabal it should tell me how long ive been playing correct, i'll check that out now.

Sept. 19th 2009 - WA
March. 8th 2008 - FA
Nov. 14th 2008 - FS
June. 10th 2009 - WI
May 26th 2009 - FB

06-16-2011, 03:39 PM
This guy is worst than me
Eat that hal!

06-16-2011, 03:41 PM
I just realazied something came to mind spur you joined apr 10th of 2010, and so did this other person miavii if you zoom in closely... Oviously if someone is making fake accounts doesn't look too good on you're end js with the whole date thing. I don't have time for kiddy games he said she said bs. I just come on to play to enjoy cabal when i have free time - spend a few hundred bucks a week or so in cash shop. What i do with my rl money is my bussiness. If someone wants to blaime ppl for stuff, the GM's should look into war instead, lots of hackers there. Didn't adprediate it when i logged on this morning for 5mins after checking if anything sold in my auction house a few pms from friends saying supposly my youtube link is causing ppl to get hacked, & some person named percsion puting my name in his mouth when i don't even know the person from a whoel in the wall. That doesnt make any sence, ppl need to stop downloading p0rn maybe thats there issue right there. Just play the game and enjoy it to the fullest.

lol u need to learn some history of cabal. it came out with ogp hosting feb of 08 which was just a bit over 3 years ago. then on april of 2010 est took the hosting back which is y everyones forum accounts should be on april of 2010 and no earlier

06-16-2011, 08:41 PM
Ohhhh big words , talking spank on a thread! Get vent an lets have a freestyle battle punk. Bring all you're friends too. Wei'll then see who's the :D

06-16-2011, 08:48 PM
It's a video game spur idk really bout history. I know bout est was always owners, an ogp did there game hosting, things went out of hand not enough money made and est took over with ogp left in the dirt. Walmart still has game cards with ogp signature on it. I'm the type of person if i read or see something and no one's doing anything bout it i'll step up to the plate and show my concern. I come on when i can to have fun. Can't be here all day, i dunno how old you ppl are. Gotta work 2 jobs, and help sibblings. I check when i can.

06-16-2011, 08:57 PM
yea i live in multi million dollar houses with my mom and sister, they are both elderly so i have to give them baths every 4 hours to prevent the rare skin disease rosacea. Heww dogg!

oh yea and i knew that cabal was from 2008, but ive still played over 4 years in millionaire time, so get at me, come at me bro, battle-rap freestyle 15 minutes each solo. Ok well i cant be here all day, only every few hours as i am very busy being a millionaire, time doesnt stop and wait for me do just lay around with my millions and mom n sister, (no incest) just saying...

pz spur your best wizard ever even though i never played WI or even have a clue what WI class is... i just buy stuff for my force barbarian.

06-16-2011, 09:08 PM
What's the point of making a clone of me anyhow? Oh by the way, thanks my mom passed away in dec. of 06 with cancer. Nice things you ppl say. You should jump off a FCUKING CL1FF.

06-16-2011, 09:14 PM
hey guys im a billionaire and live in a billionaire house screw the millionaire i to rich for this so i let all my buddies leech of my money and i like to spend all my money on a game that i hardly play cause i rich yo, i have best geek squad to make me awesome programs for this game so i 3rd programs 24/7 cause i rich and you ain't don't hate cause i rich yo.

06-16-2011, 09:27 PM
Ohhhh big words , talking spank on a thread! Get vent an lets have a freestyle battle punk. Bring all you're friends too. Wei'll then see who's the :D
Contradict urself more

06-16-2011, 09:32 PM
damn this guy is full of contradiction as shinji said, they change every single minute lawl it's funny.

06-16-2011, 09:38 PM
Dude i'm not some little kid. So ya can have you're fun on a forum all you's want. I'm done for the night. More entertainment for ya, enjoy.

06-16-2011, 10:00 PM
Dude i'm not some little kid. So ya can have you're fun on a forum all you's want. I'm done for the night. More entertainment for ya, enjoy.
Sup kid

06-16-2011, 10:06 PM
cuz cabal owns

06-16-2011, 11:06 PM
Now you guy can get me more serious. See what est do to us ? no explanation from GM yet and this is ridiculous.

06-17-2011, 04:12 AM
Contradict urself more

ily shin <3

oh and btw :

and it actually helps out the server when ppl spend rl cash on video games..

sei is paying GM's a good bit

07-31-2011, 07:52 AM
Cabal is a mini sociaty:D

Cabal is a small sociopathe.