View Full Version : Need an opinion plz!

06-12-2011, 09:24 PM
I have a lvl 150 wiz. Right now i'm currently saving up for a new orb. What would be more effective. Getting a 30 cdi topaz orb? or a 26 or 27 cdi forcy orb? How much would it be costing me? I know at least 1b, depending on the plus or whether or not it's binding or not, etc.

06-12-2011, 09:25 PM
definatly the 26/27 forcy

06-12-2011, 09:27 PM

06-12-2011, 09:32 PM
The forcy will be better.
Just so you know, a Topaz (2 slot) +15 will have 181 magic attack whereas you'd only need a Forcy (2 slot) +10 to beat it - having 186 magic.

06-12-2011, 09:33 PM
How much would would that cost me? Like, if it was non +, slots weren't filled yet, and let's just assume it's character binding on equip

06-12-2011, 09:37 PM
Chances are if your asking about the 26/27% forci being better than 30% topaz you cant afford it.

06-12-2011, 09:37 PM
How much would would that cost me? Like, if it was non +, slots weren't filled yet, and let's just assume it's character binding on equip


Well the guy in this thread was selling a 2 slot Forcy with 7% CD, and he was getting offers up to 1.4b.
Also, I think all forcy DB orbs are character binding once equipped.

So most likely it'll cost over 2b just to make 1 of your orbs (fill both slots and upgrade).

06-12-2011, 09:40 PM
I think all forcy DB orbs are character binding once equipped.

unless its like matri's (gm crafted or not idc) but the crafted ones are 1 slot/non binding

06-12-2011, 09:40 PM
Chances are if your asking about the 26/27% forci being better than 30% topaz you cant afford it.

Obviously I can't afford it now >.< Hence why I said in the original post "I'm 'saving' up for a new orb" I can't afford either at the moment...

06-12-2011, 09:44 PM
There aren't many 2 slot forci orbs of deathblow running around and as expected they fetch a fairly high price. Given the rarity of the item id say once you get closer to a reasonable amount of alz start to search for one. More likely than not they will have become more common by that time and will have dropped in price some.

06-12-2011, 09:45 PM
Obviously I can't afford it now >.< Hence why I said in the original post "I'm 'saving' up for a new orb" I can't afford either at the moment...

Use this spreadsheet file (http://forum.cabalonline.com/showthread.php?184431-Cabal-Gear-Configurator) to configure your future item set-ups. The Gear Configurator also has Vamp set-up. Hope that helps.

06-12-2011, 09:45 PM
unless its like matri's (gm crafted or not idc) but the crafted ones are 1 slot/non binding

I'm assuming the CB ones are only from drops then?

06-12-2011, 09:46 PM
I'm assuming the CB ones are only from drops then?


06-12-2011, 10:17 PM
lol at 26/27 cd forci orb....gl finding one. the best i've seen so far, sanely priced, are 20cd (either 2slot or 10% crafted, yeah cb drop).

and that one in merc, if sold for just 2b is peanuts! u know how insane the prices are in venus, no?

just console urself to the fact that wiz's dont need forcis to break 1k mattk which is more than what I can say for fa's, sadly.

here, refersh urself (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?18958-Dearth)

06-13-2011, 12:02 AM
It takes a 40% topaz to be anywhere near as good as 26/27% forci on crit damage. Non crits forci will be better.

lol at 26/27 cd forci orb....gl finding one. the best i've seen so far, sanely priced, are 20cd (either 2slot or 10% crafted, yeah cb drop).

and that one in merc, if sold for just 2b is peanuts! u know how insane the prices are in venus, no?

just console urself to the fact that wiz's dont need forcis to break 1k mattk which is more than what I can say for fa's, sadly.

here, refersh urself (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?18958-Dearth)

FA can break 1k m.atk with crude orbs.

06-13-2011, 12:08 AM
FA can break 1k m.atk with crude orbs.

lol, if fa's can, what does he, a wi, need a topaz and forci for? he'd do well with the training orbs lol

06-13-2011, 12:10 AM
lol, if fa's can, what does he, a wi, need a topaz and forci for? he'd do well with the training orbs lol

He's only 150, gotta be around 180 to break 1k with those. :)