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View Full Version : Hi from EU

06-23-2011, 04:55 AM
Hi i am from cabal EU, heard you got LOD patch today. So whats changes are good/ what bads? How is the new dung? Easy to upgrade bikes? Bike kit droprates? Lots of seh/sehh/pch/pchh from DP cubes? (I know lots of questions xD)

Thanks in advance xD

06-23-2011, 05:02 AM
You expect those questions answered a couple hours after we got the patch?

06-23-2011, 05:09 AM
hahaha hail NY.. Where's this EU forum i wanna check them out, see whats new on there cabal.

06-23-2011, 05:18 AM
dont help the enemy!!

06-23-2011, 05:22 AM
lol why they gotta be an enemy for if they from EU. Cabal is still cabal elviento =)

06-23-2011, 06:50 AM
hahaha hail NY.. Where's this EU forum i wanna check them out, see whats new on there cabal.

our forum is www.forum.cabalonline.com, visit us when you can xD.

We are getting the patch next week on the 29th. :(

06-23-2011, 06:54 AM
our forum is www.forum.cabalonline.com, visit us when you can xD.

We are getting the patch next wee on the 29th. :(

I visit there all the time. :P A great forum, you guys have.
Wish our forum's GM's interact more with us like yours do over there. :(
(I envy their Blog entries. QQ)

This update won't let you down. It's great so far to the majority of the users.

[GM] Kato
06-23-2011, 09:44 AM
So you're saying that if I made a blog, Chippo, that you'd read it? :D

06-23-2011, 10:18 AM
Kato;233532']So you're saying that if I made a blog, Chippo, that you'd read it? :D

Of course, Kato.
A blog is a must! ^.~

06-23-2011, 10:21 AM
in all honesty kato i would read your blog.

[GM] Kato
06-23-2011, 10:29 AM
Awesome, but honestly, if I ever made one I wouldn't be too excited. All I would probably blog about would be nyan cat and food. Possibly some CABAL.

Oh, also, I'm 2 hours in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D091idBiieY. You're more than welcome to join me in my 10 hour journey of Nyan.

06-23-2011, 10:32 AM
Kato;233547']Awesome, but honestly, if I ever made one I wouldn't be too excited. All I would probably blog about would be nyan cat and food. Possibly some CABAL.

Oh, also, I'm 2 hours in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D091idBiieY. You're more than welcome to join me in my 10 hour journey of Nyan.

Just 30 seconds of it and I already had a headache. Forget that >.>

[GM] Kato
06-23-2011, 10:34 AM
Awww only 30 seconds in? The best part kicks in at 1 hour 15 minutes.

06-23-2011, 10:35 AM
Hi i am from cabal EU, heard you got LOD patch today. So whats changes are good/ what bads? How is the new dung? Easy to upgrade bikes? Bike kit droprates? Lots of seh/sehh/pch/pchh from DP cubes? (I know lots of questions xD)

Thanks in advance xD

Ohai there , i miss my Eu community :)

06-23-2011, 02:09 PM
Kato;233549']Awww only 30 seconds in? The best part kicks in at 1 hour 15 minutes.

go check 1:32:06 it is soooooo awesome!!!!!!!

06-23-2011, 02:10 PM
x.x new dungeon is soooo dam hard.i lol at the ppl who sold most of their gear thinking the new dungeon would be kinda easy... loool =p

06-23-2011, 03:20 PM
rofl!!....wait,wait....you saying that sei can't finish it?.......even after all the you know what from the what from way back during what??

I am dissapoint

i am at work playing guilty gear xx dude i dont know if they have finished it yet.anyway why do u always have to jump into sei for anything?u need to let it gooooooooo and sei will probably be the only guild able to finish,i think...... o.o

06-23-2011, 05:46 PM

cry moar plox...pu**y

lol u still havent answer my question? why u always have to jump on sei for anything? cmon answer me ^^,u cant still let it go? o.0

06-23-2011, 05:53 PM
obviously you missed the meaning of the vid,now I get to rip on you for being dumb,HAHAHAHAHA

lol idc about a stupid vid,u r just sad for jumping to conclusions for every single thing about sei. i am sure u wake up thinking about sei and go to sleep thinking about it too lol.....

06-23-2011, 06:17 PM
ROFL!!!,you think just because I rip on you every time your guild comes up that you think I care THAT much?.....careful,mia's ego seems to be contagious

lol u r just sad man.

btw: u rlly though sei wouldnt finish the dungeon? lol ( idk cuz i am still at work i leave in 40 mins) but pretty sure they already did it.. ^_^

06-23-2011, 06:33 PM
lol quit arguing like kids you make us look bad in front of world XD

06-23-2011, 06:33 PM
I think maybe you just misunderstood my first post about this subject,but I guess I have to explain it since you're not getting it

I was just ripping on you for implying that the biggest guild full of questionable players with questionable gear couldn't finish the now hardest dungeon AS A JOKE and you got all butthurt

cry moar plox......your e-rage just fuels me even more

no lol but i see u 90% of the time not letting go of sei.... o.o ^_^

wut pisses me of is u saying the "u know wut,......." again keep me out of the guild shiz, but i didnt get the "joke" ^_~ =p

06-23-2011, 06:34 PM
lol quit arguing like kids you make us look bad in front of world XD

but but but he started >.< =p

06-23-2011, 06:36 PM
ROFL!!!,you think just because I rip on you every time your guild comes up that you think I care THAT much?.....careful,mia's ego seems to be contagious

Youre the one whos igniting the flame. Your response is not constructive, youre the one who has some ego going on in you. >.> Youre a pitiful loser who cant do anything in this game but start mess with other people.

The dungeon is not easy, there are no step by step guides out there that we can follow but just one youtube video that we used as reference for quests to move on with the dungeon and tbh its not even helpful.

The boss can deal 5-6k damage (literally can 1 shot you) even while youre in bm. They can be killed though its not impossible to destroy them if you have the right people to do the support and damage.

The most difficult part is keeping up with dungeon time, there are certain mobs/quests/boss that adds/subtract the time when you clear them. So yeah, were getting there.

06-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Youre the one whos igniting the flame. Your response is not constructive, youre the one who has some ego going on in you. >.> Youre a pitiful loser who cant do anything in this game but start mess with other people.

The dungeon is not easy, there are no step by step guides out there that we can follow but just one youtube video that we used as reference for quests to move on with the dungeon and tbh its not even helpful.

The boss can deal 5-6k damage (literally can 1 shot you) even while youre in bm. They can be killed though its not impossible to destroy them if you have the right people to do the support and damage.

The most difficult part is keeping up with dungeon time, there are certain mobs/quests/boss that adds/subtract the countdown when you clear them. So yeah, were getting there.

have u guys finished it yet? o.0

06-23-2011, 07:04 PM
rofl,i love it,I've just been crackin jokes and ripping on you guys for the past 9 months for fun and you guys take it to heart so seriously.......it's ok guys,the sun won't kill you,you can go outside and not have your e-rep affected

I just stated a fact. And were not taking it to heart so seriously, lol whats there to be taken seriously about you? I mean honestly xDDDD ....you?

06-23-2011, 07:27 PM
rofl,i love it,I've just been crackin jokes and ripping on you guys for the past 9 months for fun and you guys take it to heart so seriously.......it's ok guys,the sun won't kill you,you can go outside and not have your e-rep affected

Lol...isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? 9 months on their nuts is just as bad as their 9 months of playing the game.

Edit: And good job turning this thread from informative to inflammatory /facepalm

06-23-2011, 07:49 PM
Idk what you're talking about,I've always ripped on people in cabal who treated this imaginary world more important than the real world,sei was just and easy target cuz they grouped themselves up on their own

And your ripping on them does what exactly? Make you better than them lol? Your "importance" might not be with the game, but it looks like it's with ripping people who play the same game you do? That's just as bad imo.

06-23-2011, 08:04 PM
ic2 I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥z bawllz now!

06-23-2011, 08:05 PM
Maybe you don't know how trolling works?

EDIT: And the "ripping" only get directed to the people who take the same game I play to the psychotic next level

Do you hear me talkin smack about nep? or tracy?....no,thats cuz they play like I do......casual,they don't lose bangin hot GF's over this game drop tax returns for gear,that's just full retard imo

No, I know how trolling works, and I'm telling you that I find it ironic to say the least. To troll for THAT long, to me, is JUST as sad as the people who take the game so seriously.
Basically, just as you judge other people who take the game seriously, I'm judging you for trolling. See what I did thar? :rolleyes:

06-23-2011, 09:16 PM
hello again xD

Has any party finished the Maquinas dung yet? xD
Is it that hard...O.o
Some vid and/or screen will be welcome (for the eu community)


06-24-2011, 04:27 AM
hello again xD

Has any party finished the Maquinas dung yet? xD
Is it that hard...O.o
Some vid and/or screen will be welcome (for the eu community)



Thats how its like.

06-24-2011, 04:30 AM

Thats how its like.

yep, i saw this vid too. But i wanted to see how a 7man party of NORMAL players manage with it. xD

06-24-2011, 04:35 AM
Oh its coming soon. Just waiting for the guy who frapped our run yesterday.

06-24-2011, 06:31 AM
Well, I've found a walk-through (in Korean) with what to click and bosses to remove.
I'll try my best to translate it asap.

Check back in ~1 to 2 hours. :)

06-24-2011, 07:30 AM
Well, I've found a walk-through (in Korean) with what to click and bosses to remove.
I'll try my best to translate it asap.

Check back in ~1 to 2 hours. :)
Props to Chippo for being and awesome new stuff translator and tracker! He deserves all our appreciation ^_^
(aside from that, the server either isn't liking me and wont even say wrong password or it's down at the time of posting this post)

06-24-2011, 08:24 AM
The rough draft of the translated walk-through is completed.

Time to eat brunch....

06-24-2011, 09:03 AM
Can any1 of you guys comment on how easy or difficult it is to obtain valuable scrolls (rate, HP steal, 2slotdrop) through crushing of slotted?
Are there any of those on the market yet (as I understand they're tradable)

06-24-2011, 09:09 AM
EU? is that the place peter pan is from?

06-24-2011, 09:13 AM
Suf best blader on eu!!!

06-24-2011, 09:52 AM
Can any1 of you guys comment on how easy or difficult it is to obtain valuable scrolls (rate, HP steal, 2slotdrop) through crushing of slotted?
Are there any of those on the market yet (as I understand they're tradable)

In Venus, no crit rate and 2slotdrop (I think 2slotdrop hasn't been implemented in the options) scrolls are here yet. A few HP steal ones are out. Crit dmg is the most common one so far, followed by attack rate, defence rate, hp auto heal, and etc...

Every scroll is tradable; it has no binding of any manner.

06-24-2011, 11:21 AM
Hey i am from eu too ;)

Guys what about bike ? should i buy now rw3 +0 xD? i read that many upgrades bike drop^^
Chance to upgrade item is better now xD? ( in 99% no,but always good to ask ^.^)
U drop any good part from new set ?
And there is sens to do ft2 :) ? if we got new dung.
About economy in cabal,seh go up with price in your serv now ? same about bike,go up or down with price ?
And weapons mith (forcium) +11 2x slot 20cd,stay in normal price ?

I know that is just 1 day after your update,but maybe u can answer my few questions :p

Grettings from eu !!

06-24-2011, 11:50 AM
Hey i am from eu too ;)

Guys what about bike ? should i buy now rw3 +0 xD? i read that many upgrades bike drop^^
Chance to upgrade item is better now xD? ( in 99% no,but always good to ask ^.^)
U drop any good part from new set ?
And there is sens to do ft2 :) ? if we got new dung.
About economy in cabal,seh go up with price in your serv now ? same about bike,go up or down with price ?
And weapons mith (forcium) +11 2x slot 20cd,stay in normal price ?

I know that is just 1 day after your update,but maybe u can answer my few questions :p

Grettings from eu !!

It's really gloomy over here in NA. Many people are claiming they have been hacked. The remaining people have become a pack of dungeon zombies because of the new Dungeon Point system. Maybe 1 or 2 guilds of the two servers combined have the potential to beat the new dungeon. Probably there will be more soon. Luckily, we do know how to run it, thanks to my translation of the walkthrough found here (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?21207-Maquinas-Outpost-Walkthrough-Translated-by-Chippo). The economy is ok for now; people still can afford nice items. 2-slot mithril items are going to drop in price even more since they keep dropping commonly. NA version is going through a really hard time. Being optimistic is being tested to the max.

06-24-2011, 11:53 AM