View Full Version : GJ for RUINING the game!

06-28-2011, 02:30 AM
SO! my main rants.

non-char bound drops as well as Perfect craft char-bound drops = ruined crafters!! GG

People who had to work their arses off to get their crafts up are now worthless. 2 slot forcium amp drops when you can only craft 1 slot? Good Job!~

Enchant Protecter (high) - absoloute rubbish and cash whor-eing to the max.

You managed to turn a game that went from being challenging, fun, and somewhat enjoyable, into a game where the deepest pockets can have the highest +gears! GOOD JOB.
Yes, we all had to work for our gears, and most people have, but +15 was supposed to be rare, and now everyone who can afford it can +15 all their gears in one night. I dont think ill be playing again.

All in all this is probably just preparation to ruin this game so people play cabal 2 when it comes out.

Anyone can feel free to hate on this post if you want, but if you do, remember not to blow your whole trust fund on an online game.

06-28-2011, 02:31 AM
+1 tai

06-28-2011, 03:02 AM
Agreed,game is too easy now.......I made a wiz to play the new story quests and I've gone from lvl 1 to 51 in 1 day and 20m richer just from the story quests and they're mostly just dialogue,I remember when I was a lvl 5x on my FB and had to farm FOREVER for alz for my skills......now everything is just handed to new players on a silver platter.

i remember starting back in 08 when the game was actually Fun and challenging. Lets just hope with the extra money they make they can afford to employ more GM's to get rid of the spammers and the bots off of channels, especially premium channels. Hope you enjoy the feedback

06-28-2011, 05:01 AM
+1 game got to easy,found 2 forcy orb +4 2 slot +7 all skill amp up funny huh?

stuff are to easy to get,game getting boring.

06-28-2011, 05:31 AM
i have nothing to contribute

06-28-2011, 05:55 AM
None of this is that big of a deal. I mean half of Cabal is either hacked or blocked right now anyways....

06-28-2011, 07:03 AM
I like the upgrade thingys. xD got my 40 dmg mystic helm to +15

06-28-2011, 07:24 AM
Crafting has been ruined since day one. Garbage rates and low demand made the whole thing nothing but an alz dump.

06-28-2011, 08:57 AM
u are a big fail ESTsoft u dont know how to manage cabal. OGP was much better.

06-28-2011, 09:02 AM
I like the upgrade thingys. xD got my 40 dmg mystic helm to +15

grats :)

06-28-2011, 09:16 AM
I tried using 3 enchant safeguard in my upgrade and I can say that enhanced cores does work well at higher+.

06-28-2011, 09:28 AM
None of this is that big of a deal. I mean half of Cabal is either hacked or blocked right now anyways....


06-28-2011, 10:41 AM
How do the safeguards work. 1 try for + for each safeguard?
and game is screwed
Would be more fair to have that system they had in OGP where its random but this...gone to far. this going to be like COBR

06-28-2011, 10:52 AM
I bought one safeguard to try this and i tried to + my blade up, then guess what? yeah i had the safeguard in my inventory and my blade failed to upgrade and it downgraded 3 levels...mhm, and in the description of the safeguard says, While in the inventory it AUTOMATICALLY activates upon item failed to upgrade. Yeah so i just got shat on, wasted money in the process, and btw my blade was redosm so no excuse y it didnt work... sigh.

06-28-2011, 10:54 AM
How do the safeguards work. 1 try for + for each safeguard?
and game is screwed
Would be more fair to have that system they had in OGP where its random but this...gone to far. this going to be like COBR

You just upgrade as usual. Each time you fail, the safeguard will be consumed and you are spared from the + degrading.

06-28-2011, 10:56 AM
I bought one safeguard to try this and i tried to + my blade up, then guess what? yeah i had the safeguard in my inventory and my blade failed to upgrade and it downgraded 3 levels...mhm, and in the description of the safeguard says, While in the inventory it AUTOMATICALLY activates upon item failed to upgrade. Yeah so i just got shat on, wasted money in the process, and btw my blade was redosm so no excuse y it didnt work... sigh.

Dam that really sux o.o Send ticket to help desk. It activated for me..

06-28-2011, 10:59 AM
You just upgrade as usual. Each time you fail, the safeguard will be consumed and you are spared from the + degrading.
how many do u get for the $10?

06-28-2011, 11:01 AM
Dam that really sux o.o Send ticket to help desk. It activated for me..

i did already, but they just gonna tell me sorry for ur loss. ): ..

06-28-2011, 11:02 AM
you get 1 per 10 usd. if i were you id wait to use them though since they seem to not be working perfectly yet...

06-28-2011, 11:05 AM
how many do u get for the $10?

Its 999 ecoin basically 1 voucher for each. I didnt pay USD just bought vouchers in game with alz.

06-28-2011, 11:07 AM
Restore my blade back kato! i know u be lurking round these forums. D:<

06-28-2011, 12:06 PM
Restore my blade back kato! i know u be lurking round these forums. D:<

I think if you fail it consumes the amount of pluses it would take...Say from +10-11 it drops you down to +7 well in your case you had 1 in inventory so you dropped -2 instead of -3.

06-28-2011, 12:08 PM
no thats BS...it didnt say that in the description, if that was the case, i wouldnt have tried or even buy one...it only says that if u would fail the to plus the item is would save it from downgrading...nevertheless, restore my blade back kato please. thanks.

06-28-2011, 12:10 PM
no thats BS...it didnt say that in the description, if that was the case, i wouldnt have tried or even buy one...it only says that if u would fail the to plus the item is would save it from downgrading...nevertheless, restore my blade back kato please. thanks.

I hear ya buddy, the only reason I know that is because I read about them on EU forums a few weeks ago.

06-28-2011, 12:14 PM
I hear ya buddy, the only reason I know that is because I read about them on EU forums a few weeks ago.

Ah you beat me to it. I did not realize that's the case too until I read eu forum minutes ago.
I used ech on all my upgrades so maybe thats why I only lose one + and hence only lost 1 safeguard per fail. I thought it just consume safeguard per fail instead of the number of + lost.

06-28-2011, 12:14 PM
I think if you fail it consumes the amount of pluses it would take...Say from +10-11 it drops you down to +7 well in your case you had 1 in inventory so you dropped -2 instead of -3.

and it cant be, cuz i still have the safeguard in my inventory...it didnt take effect...so thats invalid.

06-28-2011, 12:19 PM
and it cant be, cuz i still have the safeguard in my inventory...it didnt take effect...so thats invalid.

Maybe it could not contain the downgrade so it did not get consumed at all ? :(

06-28-2011, 12:25 PM
here's the thing, it does not say that u need X amount of safeguards for X amount of levels it downgrades if item is failed. Or that it's more beneficial to only use the safeguards with ECH...False advertising at its finest.

06-28-2011, 12:28 PM
here's the thing, it does not say that u need X amount of safeguards for X amount of levels it downgrades if item is failed. Or that it's more beneficial to only use the safeguards with ECH...False advertising at its finest.

I agree :( Insufficient information. At the least you did not downgrade from higher + (like 12 above) that would be real downer.. Lets see what the help desk says about this..

06-28-2011, 12:32 PM
lol, thats IF my ticket get answered.

06-28-2011, 04:39 PM
yeah that notices is only a few hours late after some ppl got screwed lol. and est isnt gonna do anything, like always.

06-28-2011, 09:04 PM
None of this is that big of a deal. I mean half of Cabal is either hacked or blocked right now anyways....


06-28-2011, 09:13 PM
lol GG - +15 items increased exponentially overnight. I suggest that if anyone finds a pch, save it til xmas

06-28-2011, 10:26 PM
they were expecting u guys to consult the eu first before rushing in, lol..

oh boy, good thing i needed to level up the acct anyways^^ would've hated it if I became the guinea pig 'cuz of haste...which makes waste.

oh btw, gm

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3062/enchantsafeguard.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/enchantsafeguard.jpg/)

stit and aqua are considered mediums now, yes?

and that screenie is outdated...it now has an addendum : seems like 3 safeties and echs, the ideal way to go.

06-28-2011, 10:58 PM

06-29-2011, 10:38 PM
I think if you fail it consumes the amount of pluses it would take...Say from +10-11 it drops you down to +7 well in your case you had 1 in inventory so you dropped -2 instead of -3.

Nope. If you fail 10-11 and it drops you down to 7 and you only have 1 safe guard. It consumes the guard, and drops it to 7 anyway. Having not enough is the same as having none at all. Lol be careful

06-30-2011, 01:59 AM
999 is abit too much

if they coded it such that u need 2 each time for it to be effective. wonder how much highest would cost? lol

hope this gets the attention that hangers did...say 499?

06-30-2011, 10:55 AM
lol check the notice they put up, 999 ecoin and theyre at a DISCOUNT! 999ecoin isnt even the original price D:<

06-30-2011, 12:25 PM
This is probably because cabal 2 is coming out and they want people to play that so they make everything in cabal 1 much easier so you get bored faster....lol

True that this game is becoming too easy....so easy in fact that using AH is slowly becoming unnecessary because you can go grind and find things free (other than the most truly rare of items) that cost hundreds of millions in AH.....

And if I see another bike upgrade kit drop I just might go crazy.....sad when you get nothing but bike kit lows from FT chests.....I've started npcing them because I get so many. Plus I'm running out of inventory and warehouse space (all 6 characters..lol) with all these 2 slot items dropping left and right. Just a week or so ago I couldn't afford 2 slot PC amp gear, now I'm getting rate, amp and everything in between on every 4th or 5th drop so it seems. I can't even sell them fast enough....so I just have to break them down and that leaves me with loads of scrolls....half of which are useless....

So I've decided to npc everything I own except for what my characters are wearing....

OH and I made a new character....my god it's so darn easy....your first 3 skills are free, they give you VM1, they give you all kinds of amp, cr and cd gear..they give you free gps warp and premium account for 14 days....they even changed the battle style level up quest to something you can finish in 2 minutes (1 quest instead of the old 2 + dungeon)..they even teleport you to the dungeon now....how lame is that.

it all just reminds me of other games that were on the brink of shutting down....this always happens when a sequel of a game comes out or when they plan to make a game more attractive for the noobs.

07-02-2011, 04:31 PM
As many of you would know, when upgrading items of +6 or above, the item may be downgraded by 2 levels.
On such occasion, you should have at least two Enchant Safeguards in your inventory to prevent the downgrade.
If you have only 1 Safeguard item in the inventory, you will NOT receive any protection from the item, and your equipment will be downgraded by two levels.

they also added:

"if you are short of safeguards, upgrading only with enhanced cores keeps you from downgrading by 2 levels..."

so it doesn't have to be BOTH 2x safeties and ech's? (this is overkill though seeing as you could fail 3x in a row even with ech's!)


To recap : to upgrade beyond +6 ---

if u use regular uch, u could possibly degrade -2 (or more?), therefore it's a good idea to use 2 (or more?) enchantment safeguard (high) to avoid all the possible degrade in the event of a fail.

or u could use ech ONLY to lock-in on a -1 degrade if it fails, and in such case you only need 1 enchant safety (high) per try.


Is this the accurate mechanics now?

PS: EST really needs to fully test and come up with a not so vague announcement of HOW THEY REALLY WORK. They owe it to their customers NOT to make them feel ripped-off and taken advantage of.