View Full Version : Cant buy Enchant Safeguard

06-29-2011, 11:20 AM
anyone know why ?

it just goes to shaded screen like bb+30 was doing for weeks

06-29-2011, 06:09 PM
ya, i was able to buy one yesterday and today i refilled ecoins and now i get the same problem you have. wont let me purchase item.

06-29-2011, 06:11 PM
screw safeguards, i aint no guinea pig damit! D:<

06-29-2011, 06:17 PM
You should try opening the cash shop from the web. I think it should be free of this problem.

06-29-2011, 10:02 PM
there are better things in CS for 10 bucks to buy than something that won't guarantee the results you're looking for

im looking for something that will prevent the plus of my item from dropping, isnt that the guarantee of the safeguards?

06-29-2011, 10:50 PM
i tried to hit 13 a few times on my gs
every time i ended up spending about a billion alz to get abck to 12


and ROFL @ PERFECT CORES i still havent seen one sence OGP gave them to us in events (EST YOU FAIL)

know what i have seen tho VOUCHERS adn vouchers = NO DOWNGRADE

06-29-2011, 11:08 PM
You'd have to buy 2 safeguards for any item over +6 and play the cabal upgrade slot machine and try and get lucky,that still doesn't mean your item is gonna upgrade,it can still fail and then your out 20 bucks,better to just buy a buttload of entries and farm w/e for DP

Use ech when upgrading so fail penalty is only 1 (saves 1k ecoin from losing extra safeguard and boost ur success chance!). Do not use these safeguard if you are below 10 since you can get +10 normally (even if you fail + the cost to return to 9 is rarely 100m). Btw be warned that you still need tremendous luck to upg in 11-14 range even with ech which will waste lots of safeguards due to series of fails.

The safeguards are great because you can take a stab at +15 now without the rage quit fail. Pch is very hard to come by and are costly when they are for sale. For the equivalent sum you could probably buy 10 of these safeguards to attempt more than just one +.

06-29-2011, 11:11 PM
Is it also worth 20 bucks to not succeed either?

Don't just assume people spend money to ecoin. Some of us buy in game vouchers for ecoin (ty est) XD

06-30-2011, 01:27 AM
......just don't get all mad when you do it and nothing happens

no one's mad ^^ ur the only one in a seeming crusade to dissuade people from using it, even if their questions are not whether or not to use it but something technical like they couldn't buy in-game. really, just let them do what they wanna do.

06-30-2011, 01:38 AM
Is it also worth 20 bucks to not succeed either?

rofl did you not read what i said

it cost me a billion als the last tiem i failed to get back to + 12
using enhancers of course

thats a billion alz to break even

so yes 200 mill to fail and not lose 12 is definatly worth it

and especialy if your at +14 because then if you fail it goes back to 0
not allways of course.. but with my luck it would

also if you succede you get to try again so i i hit +13 i get to try +14

adn if i hit +14 i get to try +15
adn if i hit 15 guess waht .. i get to use em on the next item

definatly worth the gamble wiht luck like mine

and yes im posative im going to fail adn waste the 200 m
but at least ill b able to try
and when i fail ill still ahve +12
+ my high from gambling
love my gambling rush win or fail, but especialy win :P

06-30-2011, 01:44 AM
also i tried every possable option for buying the protectors
in game 1st tiem it shows them
in game by selectign the category then the item
in web by clickign the cash shop link on bar, both ways as above
in web by clikign the cash shop link in drop down after hoverign over cash shop link on the bar, both ways

06-30-2011, 01:46 AM
im looking for something that will prevent the plus of my item from dropping, isnt that the guarantee of the safeguards?

lol i think rastan jst dont want me to get +15 :P

06-30-2011, 01:49 AM
I'm not saying don't use them,I'm saying it's retarded to waste so much for something that "might" work,I'm letting people do what they want in CS..........even though EST has blocked legit players for no reason and let botters and spammers run rampant like it's 2009 again,and not banning NW hackers or not banning alz sellers.....people can continue to give them money if they want,idc

I stopped right there......seek professional help
lol gambling is a powerfull addiction..

but i get my coin from vouchers

adn my alz from drops..

so its not hurting me irl

and i AM professional help

06-30-2011, 02:02 AM

lol i think rastan jst dont want me to get +15 :P

oh he's just another disgruntled customer, let him be

06-30-2011, 02:32 AM
thank you for wishing me luk rastan

and im not doing the same thign over and over

i tried it 3 times adn that was it

now im trying somethign different

its either that or give up

06-30-2011, 06:06 AM
Buy a costume with vouchers instead,at least it'll be permanent after farming for hours to get a couple hundred mil for 2x vouchers only to not succeed
just don't get all mad when you do it and nothing happens

Its not bad idea to get costumes but you can only use one at a time plus it does not make the character stronger in anyway.. Cant buy premium either because I work.

just don't get all mad when you do it and nothing happens

Something(s) really unexpected happened and the alz I spent is less than the price of one eof7 XD

06-30-2011, 12:35 PM
Still no word from help desk sence last teim

they said same thing someoen else did about tryign to use cash shop in web

but that was incorrect its definatly bloked like bb+30 was for weeks

06-30-2011, 02:15 PM


install Google Chrome and it will allow you to purchase enhancer safeguards


[GM] Snow
06-30-2011, 02:22 PM
There is no issue in regards with purchasing Safeguards, if you are having trouble purchasing them ingame please use the website. It seems internet explorer does not work, FireFox and Chrome has been confirmed to work.

If you are still having problems feel free to send in a help desk ticket so that we can further assist you.

[GM] Snow

[GM] DaisY
06-30-2011, 09:27 PM
Hello, this issue has been fixed. you can now buy Enchant Safeguards with the Internet Explorer.:)
Thank you.