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04-29-2010, 05:49 PM
I don't understand why blink is not is available to the force archers. It makes it unfair(for players who aren't wizards) that the wizards are the only class to have this skill. Both force archers and wizards are the two magic classes, so why does the wizard have blink and not the force archer? It says in the class description(within the first sentence)when you're creating a force archer "They originated from a wizard faction". I think there is no reason why the force archers should be devoid of the blink skill.

My suggestion is to give the Archers the Blink Skill.

04-29-2010, 06:18 PM
more than likely they don't give them the blink because of FA's long range, there is no point, but if it is as you says that FA originated from a Wiz then that means it will most likely have magic to use like their lances and cannons but it's what separates them as a different class entirely, as in skills mainly

04-29-2010, 06:24 PM
FA with Blink = most OP class in game.

04-29-2010, 06:31 PM
I don't understand why blink is not is available to the force archers. It makes it unfair(for players who aren't wizards) that the wizards are the only class to have this skill. Both force archers and wizards are the two magic classes, so why does the wizard have blink and not the force archer? It says in the class description(within the first sentence)when you're creating a force archer "They originated from a wizard faction". I think there is no reason why the force archers should be devoid of the blink skill.

My suggestion is to give the Archers the Blink Skill.

my suggestion is to take it away from wiz. all they do is spam it so they dont get raped by the person fighting them, lol. give it to everyone or take it away completely? or atleast give it a cooldown... i hate when wiz spam it + fade like crazy.

04-29-2010, 06:58 PM
my suggestion is to take it away from wiz. all they do is spam it so they dont get raped by the person fighting them, lol. give it to everyone or take it away completely? or atleast give it a cooldown... i hate when wiz spam it + fade like crazy.

@topic starter: They originated from wiz so they should have all of a wizard's abilities + their own unique ones? Ya real fair.

Have you played a wizard? FYI theres a class called FB with this amazing thing called root that makes all movement NULL. Theres a system of checks and balances in other such ways created by similar examples. A good wiz blinking + fade can be annoying but as long as their within range of auto re-target for war theres nothing to complain about and it just hurts them more.

A FA is more suited to 1 v 1 than wizard [non-bms] b/c of their skill modifiers along with having higher HP. They also have hax out of combo cast times, what good is blink when you have to sit for 2+ seconds to cast any skill? Did I mention the insane knockback and range? FA would also become near immortal in guns with blink b/c of the imba range.

Out of all the other classes' abilities wizards have 3 things that make their class playable and not garbage, blink, bm2 and sp buff. No other class should be asking for any of those.

This thread also appears at the same time the evolution of FA seems to be reversing from martial back to battle, go figure.

-1 for complete nonsense

04-29-2010, 07:25 PM
FAs have an OP lance (crit shot), an OP cannon with the casting time of a lance(shadow shot), a +1 range skill, a super good dps/ ranged bm2, and the most epic finisher ever (drill shot LOLOLOLOL). what more could you ask?

04-29-2010, 08:47 PM
FAs have an OP lance (crit shot), an OP cannon with the casting time of a lance(shadow shot), a +1 range skill, a super good dps/ ranged bm2, and the most epic finisher ever (drill shot LOLOLOLOL). what more could you ask?

Idk... a usable BM1 would be nice

04-30-2010, 04:43 AM
Idk... a usable BM1 would be nice

Ya thats a legitimate suggestion and I would agree to that, but this one is complete nonsense. FA's in no way need blink and the suggestion is obviously coming from people who clearly don't understand how to use the classes advantages.

05-02-2010, 06:42 AM
thats super bull since more kills can gather easily off of blink if its in the hands of force archers.

05-02-2010, 04:21 PM
thats super bull since more kills can gather easily off of blink if its in the hands of force archers.

the thing is if you know how to play the FA right and have the right combo u dont need blink becuase you got all those other spells that have knock back along with the thrusting arrow so why would u need to blink when u can knock them over and fade/dash away to get your range on them you will pwn them over and over you just got to have the right knowlege of the character and knowing how not to fail on top of that

05-03-2010, 07:05 PM
how bout theyy give it to melee classes, Wi and FA alrdy atk from range and chasing them down is hard enuf withought blink, so I'd say the melee classes should have someform of blink. Hence why wizzies do better in war, because they can attack from outside the mob and run like superman wen low hp.

05-03-2010, 08:12 PM
how bout theyy give it to melee classes, Wi and FA alrdy atk from range and chasing them down is hard enuf withought blink, so I'd say the melee classes should have someform of blink. Hence why wizzies do better in war, because they can attack from outside the mob and run like superman wen low hp.

B/c Melee don't raep ranged enough already amirite?

05-04-2010, 03:50 AM