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07-02-2011, 10:58 AM




damnz only in america can this happen

1st story
a teenager is suspended for removing a mexican flag from an AMERICAN SCHOOL
he has to buy the replacement flag after wards
mexicans want respect at an AMERICAN SCHOOL and want their flag over the american one, and disrespect it by putting it up upside down
3rd story
kids get booted from school for having the american flag on their cloths
kid is told to take down his american flag he rides with to school every day, and is told to take it down on veterans week


the rally cody made
from 4th story

07-02-2011, 12:11 PM




damnz only in america can this happen

1st story
a teenager is suspended for removing a mexican flag from an AMERICAN SCHOOL
he has to buy the replacement flag after wards
mexicans want respect at an AMERICAN SCHOOL and want their flag over the american one, and disrespect it by putting it up upside down
3rd story
kids get booted from school for having the american flag on their cloths
kid is told to take down his american flag he rides with to school every day, and is told to take it down on veterans week


the rally cody made
from 4th story

gotta love a free country...:-)

07-02-2011, 12:43 PM




damnz only in america can this happen

1st story
a teenager is suspended for removing a mexican flag from an AMERICAN SCHOOL
he has to buy the replacement flag after wards
mexicans want respect at an AMERICAN SCHOOL and want their flag over the american one, and disrespect it by putting it up upside down
3rd story
kids get booted from school for having the american flag on their cloths
kid is told to take down his american flag he rides with to school every day, and is told to take it down on veterans week


the rally cody made
from 4th story

I was born in russia, moved to the US when I was 11. Reading this articles made me feel insulted by people's disrespect for this country. Who the hell cares if it's a mexican holiday? They're not living in mexico, and if they're so offended by Americans, then what the hell are they doing here?

07-02-2011, 12:45 PM
Things like this really tick me off. This is america, ok sure we take in a lot of cultures but THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! not mexico. Its so retarted that schools have turned there back on this country and force kids who wanted to be proud and display it to be ashamed. This is just sad. Btw I wasnt event born in the U.S. so no trolling pls ^.^ but yes I live in the united states and I speak proper english. I was brought here when I was young for a chance at a better life. I changed to stay in the U.S, the U.S. does not need to change to keep people here. w/e im ranting now >.>

Have a nice day! ^.^

07-02-2011, 12:53 PM


inb4gobacktomexicobeaner trolls. k imma stop.

07-02-2011, 01:12 PM
I was born in russia, moved to the US when I was 11. Reading this articles made me feel insulted by people's disrespect for this country. Who the hell cares if it's a mexican holiday? They're not living in mexico, and if they're so offended by Americans, then what the hell are they doing here?
i know what you mean
but its split my family big time because of things liek this
me and my cousins hate the fact that these type of hispanics give us all a bad name >.>

Things like this really tick me off. This is america, ok sure we take in a lot of cultures but THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! not mexico. Its so retarted that schools have turned there back on this country and force kids who wanted to be proud and display it to be ashamed. This is just sad. Btw I wasnt event born in the U.S. so no trolling pls ^.^ but yes I live in the united states and I speak proper english. I was brought here when I was young for a chance at a better life. I changed to stay in the U.S, the U.S. does not need to change to keep people here. w/e im ranting now >.>

Have a nice day! ^.^
yea my mom is completly retarted when it comes to things like this
your in America yet she says her culture should be dominant
like you came to this country for their chances
and not only comming here illegally disrespects the country but to push it further and making the country humiliate itself is just pure out wrong

oh and to be completely honest i hate the fact that i have to turn the page over just to read it in English
cause spanish is either the 1st or 2nd language a school paper comes in -.-
and yes i am hispanic but i prefer english cause simply i speak more english than spanish due to the fact that i was raised in AMERICA

07-02-2011, 05:54 PM
just because you were raised in America DOES NOT mean u should forget ur roots, smfh so ashamed of hispanics who act like u and are a disgrace to the heritage

07-02-2011, 06:10 PM
things like this really tick me off. This is america, ok sure we take in a lot of cultures but this is the united states of america!! Not mexico. Its so retarted that schools have turned there back on this country and force kids who wanted to be proud and display it to be ashamed. This is just sad. Btw i wasnt event born in the u.s. So no trolling pls ^.^ but yes i live in the united states and i speak proper english. I was brought here when i was young for a chance at a better life. I changed to stay in the u.s, the u.s. Does not need to change to keep people here. W/e im ranting now >.>

have a nice day! ^.^no this is sparta!!!!

07-02-2011, 06:10 PM
just because you were raised in America DOES NOT mean u should forget ur roots, smfh so ashamed of hispanics who act like u and are a disgrace to the heritage

If you're so proud of your roots and heritage, and are ashamed by those who follow American traditions instead, then what the hell are you doing in this country?

07-02-2011, 06:24 PM
um i was born here? My roots and heritage ARE american/hispanic, yet i dont turn my back to them. i embrace BOTH of them. And fyi i never said i was ashamed of those who follow american traditions, but who forget their heritage, ie: acting like they're ashamed to even speak a word of spanish.

07-02-2011, 06:56 PM
inb4gobacktomexicobeaner trolls. k imma stop.

go back to mexico you god dam beaner.

07-02-2011, 07:10 PM
let them know michy, let them know! >; D

go back to mexico you god dam beaner.

eff u I love you su cka >;O

su.ck is filtered? QUE DIABLOS ES ESTO!?

07-02-2011, 07:13 PM
Tu madre en so tomba!!!!!!!

07-02-2011, 07:18 PM
wth did u just say?

07-02-2011, 07:21 PM
-.- your not a real mexican -.-

07-02-2011, 07:21 PM
-.- your not a real mexican -.-

i am, just cant make out what u just tried to say...broken spanish ftl.

07-02-2011, 07:24 PM
su madre está en una tumba* apparantly google translate is smarter than my spanish friend -.-

07-02-2011, 07:25 PM
su madre está en una tumba* apparantly google translate is smarter than my spanish friend -.-

tsk tsk...smh >.>

07-02-2011, 08:03 PM
just because you were raised in America DOES NOT mean u should forget ur roots, smfh so ashamed of hispanics who act like u and are a disgrace to the heritage

no i never said i will ever forget my roots , nor do i hate my heritage
what im pissed off about is that these people do not even think what so ever
im not sure where you live
but here hispanics look and sound retarted when you even talk to them
like really ? these so call gangster Mexicans says others aren't mexican yet they are saying it in english, are crossing the boarder illegally and not only give themselves a bad name but the whole mexican population
and they are proud of what they do

mexicans in my area are really retarted, with the exception of some
but im just gettign freakin tired of all this shiet happening.
i mean its bad enough i make fun of my own race cause i find them extremely stupid , but the fact that these people are making the mexican race look bad just makes me want to deport their asses , illegal or not -.-

they also make you "respect" the army but guess who your beloved army is killing?
innocent people in the middle east. families, friends, imagine if your wife or girlfriend or brother, etc was shot right outside his/her house

they dont want u 2 kno bout this stuff..
read the damn article he was paying respect to his grandfather who was more likely in ww2 or Vietnam or both

07-02-2011, 09:24 PM


inb4gobacktomexicobeaner trolls. k imma stop.

Go back to Mexico beaner. kthx

07-02-2011, 10:36 PM
eff u beandip, get dipped.

07-02-2011, 10:52 PM
Not hating on U.S.A. or anything but didn't weren't the first Americans want their culture to be dominant as well even though they just barged in and took over? I mean, the immigrants had english speaking, german, etc.. from other countries and all wanted their culture and religion to be the best. English just won is all =]

On another note, yeah it's bad that Mexicans are crossing the borders illegally but it is to make a better future for themselves, so I guess they would not care about what other people thing. Kinda reminds of why Europeans went to the United States in the first place....oh yeah...freedom and better life =] No ones talking as much crap about them as these illegal Mexicans. I'm pretty sure taking jobs is still better than taking lives xD

Just saying :)

07-03-2011, 01:08 AM
no i never said i will ever forget my roots , nor do i hate my heritage
what im pissed off about is that these people do not even think what so ever
im not sure where you live
but here hispanics look and sound retarted when you even talk to them
like really ? these so call gangster Mexicans says others aren't mexican yet they are saying it in english, are crossing the boarder illegally and not only give themselves a bad name but the whole mexican population
and they are proud of what they do

mexicans in my area are really retarted, with the exception of some
but im just gettign freakin tired of all this shiet happening.
i mean its bad enough i make fun of my own race cause i find them extremely stupid , but the fact that these people are making the mexican race look bad just makes me want to deport their asses , illegal or not -.-

read the damn article he was paying respect to his grandfather who was more likely in ww2 or Vietnam or both

my fault for insinuating then but to me it did sound like u were ashamed ._. and yea ur right about many mexicans putting a bad name but its not to the point where just becuase they're roudy doesnt mean they cant stay here >.> unless they murder someone,then by all means be my guest, but eventually they grow up? thats what im hoping for.

07-03-2011, 01:09 AM
Not hating on U.S.A. or anything but didn't weren't the first Americans want their culture to be dominant as well even though they just barged in and took over? I mean, the immigrants had english speaking, german, etc.. from other countries and all wanted their culture and religion to be the best. English just won is all =]

On another note, yeah it's bad that Mexicans are crossing the borders illegally but it is to make a better future for themselves, so I guess they would not care about what other people thing. Kinda reminds of why Europeans went to the United States in the first place....oh yeah...freedom and better life =] No ones talking as much crap about them as these illegal Mexicans. I'm pretty sure taking jobs is still better than taking lives xD

Just saying :)

common sense ftw! :]

07-03-2011, 02:51 AM
I love how half the Hispanics in high school took part of the walk out yet didn't even know what they were walking out for.

07-03-2011, 03:44 AM
gotta love a free country...:-)

Im born and raised in Venezuela so i dont really care about whats happening in USA but, i should tell u guys this, first the mexican ppl that lives there in California, ( California was once part of mexico), that have alot of time living in the country, and now by the laws of the nation, they are considered nationals, as nationals they have as many right as every american do.

The origins of Cinco de mayo:
Over 100 years ago, France started a war with Mexico. In the Mexican city of Puebla, two forts blocked the advance of the French troops. There were about 6,000 French and 2,000 Mexican soldiers. The Mexicans were under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza.

On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the two forts. Before the day was over, one of the forts was destroyed and more than 1,000 French soldiers were killed. The Mexicans had won the battle. This battle is known as the Battle of Puebla.

Knowing this and looking in a lot of web pages i saw that is a matter of tradition in USA not Mexico cuz in mexico they didnt celebrate it there as they do in their own country, is a celebration with parades and food, the problem is as americans respect mexicans celebrations, mexicans should respect amercans, the idea of putting an upside down flag is a serious case, this is a great great unrespectfull act, and should be punish by law, but also the idea of wearing a t shirt with the american flags is showing off the fact of a Xenophobic reaction.

The main idea is live with respect, if things like this keep happening, "Americans" Hating foreing ppl for their ways, and "Not Americans" hating ppl for the facts of the past, at this point never will be peace, even in the states there´s still a confrontation between the ppl that support the ppl who crossed the border, and the "native" americans, that will be an issue of discussion for long long time, so discuss this here, its actually pointless, but what i can say is, dont raise your minds with Xenophobic feelings but also, make them respect america, cuz as u guys are letting them have their celebrations, they in that celebration cant offend the pride and the patriot simbol as it is the american flag, and schools all around amercia should make tolerance workshops in order to stop that.

Have a nice day bye.

07-03-2011, 07:04 AM
Im born and raised in Venezuela so i dont really care about whats happening in USA but, i should tell u guys this, first the mexican ppl that lives there in California, ( California was once part of mexico), that have alot of time living in the country, and now by the laws of the nation, they are considered nationals, as nationals they have as many right as every american do.

The origins of Cinco de mayo:
Over 100 years ago, France started a war with Mexico. In the Mexican city of Puebla, two forts blocked the advance of the French troops. There were about 6,000 French and 2,000 Mexican soldiers. The Mexicans were under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza.

On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the two forts. Before the day was over, one of the forts was destroyed and more than 1,000 French soldiers were killed. The Mexicans had won the battle. This battle is known as the Battle of Puebla.

Knowing this and looking in a lot of web pages i saw that is a matter of tradition in USA not Mexico cuz in mexico they didnt celebrate it there as they do in their own country, is a celebration with parades and food, the problem is as americans respect mexicans celebrations, mexicans should respect amercans, the idea of putting an upside down flag is a serious case, this is a great great unrespectfull act, and should be punish by law, but also the idea of wearing a t shirt with the american flags is showing off the fact of a Xenophobic reaction.

The main idea is live with respect, if things like this keep happening, "Americans" Hating foreing ppl for their ways, and "Not Americans" hating ppl for the facts of the past, at this point never will be peace, even in the states there´s still a confrontation between the ppl that support the ppl who crossed the border, and the "native" americans, that will be an issue of discussion for long long time, so discuss this here, its actually pointless, but what i can say is, dont raise your minds with Xenophobic feelings but also, make them respect america, cuz as u guys are letting them have their celebrations, they in that celebration cant offend the pride and the patriot simbol as it is the american flag, and schools all around amercia should make tolerance workshops in order to stop that.

Have a nice day bye.
Hey what year are we on?

07-03-2011, 08:27 AM
Im born and raised in Venezuela so i dont really care about whats happening in USA but, i should tell u guys this, first the mexican ppl that lives there in California, ( California was once part of mexico), that have alot of time living in the country, and now by the laws of the nation, they are considered nationals, as nationals they have as many right as every american do.

The origins of Cinco de mayo:
Over 100 years ago, France started a war with Mexico. In the Mexican city of Puebla, two forts blocked the advance of the French troops. There were about 6,000 French and 2,000 Mexican soldiers. The Mexicans were under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza.

On May 5, 1862, the French attacked the two forts. Before the day was over, one of the forts was destroyed and more than 1,000 French soldiers were killed. The Mexicans had won the battle. This battle is known as the Battle of Puebla.

Knowing this and looking in a lot of web pages i saw that is a matter of tradition in USA not Mexico cuz in mexico they didnt celebrate it there as they do in their own country, is a celebration with parades and food, the problem is as americans respect mexicans celebrations, mexicans should respect amercans, the idea of putting an upside down flag is a serious case, this is a great great unrespectfull act, and should be punish by law, but also the idea of wearing a t shirt with the american flags is showing off the fact of a Xenophobic reaction.

The main idea is live with respect, if things like this keep happening, "Americans" Hating foreing ppl for their ways, and "Not Americans" hating ppl for the facts of the past, at this point never will be peace, even in the states there´s still a confrontation between the ppl that support the ppl who crossed the border, and the "native" americans, that will be an issue of discussion for long long time, so discuss this here, its actually pointless, but what i can say is, dont raise your minds with Xenophobic feelings but also, make them respect america, cuz as u guys are letting them have their celebrations, they in that celebration cant offend the pride and the patriot simbol as it is the american flag, and schools all around amercia should make tolerance workshops in order to stop that.

Have a nice day bye.

my family's from puebla they celebrate it like crazy over in mexico
my mom sent me and my sister over to mexico just too see the celebration and it was indeed nothing i have ever seen before, in a good way.
but either way
5 de mayo is a mexican thing not USA thing and should not be celebrated in school

and 95% of the time that respect your talking about does not have a presence in a Hispanic's mind. they blast their music , have parties like crazy and keep crossing the boarder illegally