View Full Version : Server Connection problem :\

Bar Dribben
07-03-2011, 09:23 AM
Hello GMs and everyone else who can help me ...

It's been 7 hours already (first time it happens to me) that I'm trying to log in the game
and its just loading and loading.. and loading.. till the bar get's full..
and then after 2 sec i get messege..
"Youe have failed to connect the server Please try again later"
... I Know it tells me to try again "Later"...
but im waiting for like 7 hours >_> and i have a feeling im the only one..
anyone knows whats wrong ?

some times it works, and the server list is shows up.. then im choosing a server, and I press
"Connect server"
but... yeah... nothing happens.. :{

tryed to turn computer off and back on
tryed to make sure everything with the internet connection is good and its all good.. :\