View Full Version : Cabal 2 - why it is a good idea

07-03-2011, 11:48 PM
I haven't played Cabal for over a year now and at the time I quit (because I had to take care of my family) I distributed my gears. At that time I had semi - decent items (which you will see in my signature) and while playing this game, despite many odds I really enjoyed this game.

So here is the thing, when Cabal started in NA it looked promising, made a lot of noise. Players enjoyed it, the feel of the game, awesome graphics etc. But over time Cabal started to lose players. In 2008 people were comparing this game to World of Warcraft and the potential to compete against it. In 2011, it is not listed as anywhere near the top 10 mmorpg, in fact it is no longer an mmo. The community is too small.

So what happened ? Bad management and largely by OGP. Else where such as EU and South East Asia the game was reasonably successful. But for any game to become big and well known the core has always been North America. Bad management in the past such as OGP GMs giving off FREE gears to favorites, alz abuse and resetting dungeons for failing to + item in b2f (and even crashing the server) , botting ( I double checked if it works, it still does) and alz buying were examples of common abusive practices, the items still remain today. Those players have gained / benefited and they don't need to look back , the rest of the community has suffered. Players lost interest and left.

It is true, efforts had been made to repair a lot of damage. But it is already too late.

So I was thinking, why not Cabal 2 ?AAdd around four more classes, some extra map a little tweak in the graphics and turn around the upgrading system to a bit how wow is doing it (more effort based instead of luck based). Reset EVERYTHING. I know a lot of you had worked for your gears, so have I in my past (my gears are in my screen shot) and I was not afraid to give them up before quitting. But I would love to come back and may be many players feel the same, just a redesign in the system. Guild Wars for example is making Guild Wars 2, complete redesign and is expected to take the number 2 spot after WoW. So why not Cabal 2 ? EST can say, we have learned from our past and we can all give them a second shot - despite past bad management and abuses, the feel for game play for Cabal is just awesome. Perhaps EST should give it some serious consideration.

Make a list of items, or changes you would like to see if there was a Cabal 2 in BOLD. I would love it, if this thread gets popular and EST gets to think about it.

07-03-2011, 11:57 PM
bump for a great idea!

07-03-2011, 11:58 PM

07-04-2011, 12:00 AM

07-04-2011, 12:15 AM
son, you talk a lot <Removed>

07-04-2011, 12:38 AM
wb 'ol timer...but yeah, hate to say it, cabal2 is in the drawing board. est beats u to it and i have the impression it will never be anything like this which still has a blader u ditched as a character a long time ago, like matrimoney did. lol btw +r.i.p. too that and his wiz, at least in venus. enjoy it in merc.

07-04-2011, 01:09 AM
Your class name is Muhammed, where r u from dude? Hilal from Egypt asking.

07-04-2011, 02:52 AM
Drew long time no see ! I kind of know how he feels. Before quitting I hit higher gears both on my fb and fs but nothing gave me more thrill than my low geared blader. I should have just stuck to it. But, oh well :)

Hilal, assalamualikum, I am originally from Bangladesh but live in the U.S with my beautiful wife :), this version of Cabal is for NA only.

Cabal2 sounds great! Has anyone see the gameplay yet ? When is the beta / release date ? And what happened to Blader ? I see Est Soft isn't doing this alone. I am thinking they are good at making anti hack system and a lot of network based lag free service programs. Why does the music sound so retarded ?

07-04-2011, 03:57 AM
i like it ><

07-04-2011, 04:40 PM
blader became priest lol so 3 magic now, 2 hybrid, and a lone sword class, call it balance lol.

No idea yet...just seen the teaser.

07-04-2011, 07:45 PM
There is a blader, and are probably designing it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCtNhiWKrwI&feature=related 0:36 to 0:37. :) and from another trailer it seems there might be some sort of beast summoning class. It's too early to say anything ...

07-04-2011, 08:43 PM
gonna I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ as long as we continue to get no support. blaming the recent hackings on the players when people that have been inactive for months are getting hacked... banning a ton of people and giving them all the same autoresponse and no clear reasoning. ya... im probably gonna pass, D3 is around the corner anyways, im ready to get back into the diablo games.

07-04-2011, 08:53 PM
some people on a ps that look up info said that warrior may be able to use 2 swords as well

07-05-2011, 02:13 AM
To be honest I don't think Blizzard is doing that much better either. End level WoW is too boring, imbalanced classes, etc. and bugs at game play. almost nothing to do where as Cabal, it gets more interesting. But the tight thing blizzard did is they have a strong security system and an active GM staff. Yeah I mean, it's hard to get rid of abusers etc. but you can make their life harder. The other thing bad about Cabal is poor programming or slow server (not sure which one) on their network service giving a lag server. If D3 is done by the same team, I wonder how much better its going to get - wow users are going down after Cata release like no one's business. For me its going to be one of these, Guild Wars2 , D3, Cabal 2 or Eve Online. I haven't decided yet. I am going to wait a bit.

IRaid, thanks for the info. That makes things interesting. My guess is Str vs Dex build ?

gonna I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ as long as we continue to get no support. blaming the recent hackings on the players when people that have been inactive for months are getting hacked... banning a ton of people and giving them all the same autoresponse and no clear reasoning. ya... im probably gonna pass, D3 is around the corner anyways, im ready to get back into the diablo games.

07-05-2011, 08:31 AM
well im not entirely sure , but they might make bladers a sub class if its is true
a fighter with a 2 handed weapon or a fighter with 2 1 handed weapons
they chose or they might add a catch
you start out as a warrior and later turn out to be a blader
and vice versa

07-05-2011, 04:41 PM
Play styles are great as long as its balanced. I wonder how they are going to distribute the gears - i.e. make it same as current setup, higher drop rates ? If that's the case they are making it go more PvE oriented than PvP. That's just a guess, I could be wrong. The other day I re-installed Cabal , no gears of course since I distributed gears to all my friends before quitting ... but I was surprised to see some +11 40% cd lapis at 400m. I was like o.O and then I saw 2 slot forcium blades at 500m. A year ago one of these would have an astronomical price. From as far as I can remember the +11 lapis is same as the previous +7. I think they are juggling around to see how the community reacts. Cabal has always been about upgrading your gears ... but this is a drastic shift. This is great as long as they keep producing higher dungeons with more epic gears - idk.

07-05-2011, 06:50 PM
lol. Diablo 3 FTW. im sick of mismanaged games. In saying that, if i can play this until D3 comes out i will, if not ill just take a break and wait for a game that will have the proper support mechanisms in place to ensure that there is a somewhat level playing field and that bugs/glitches/botters/spammers are all fixed in a timely fashion.
I have watched this game unfold since just after closed beta, and its sad to see that this is all that amounted from a game with high potential.

07-06-2011, 11:10 AM
Honestly they should let the EU cabal team manage this. They did a decent job ... or have a mixture of EU management play a big role in helping us out. tehnical issues , reporting bugs are one issue but player interactions and problems, abuses are a different matter. The two can divide the role or something ... not sure if I am clear in what I am trying to say.

07-06-2011, 12:12 PM
gonna I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ as long as we continue to get no support. blaming the recent hackings on the players when people that have been inactive for months are getting hacked... banning a ton of people and giving them all the same autoresponse and no clear reasoning. ya... im probably gonna pass, D3 is around the corner anyways, im ready to get back into the diablo games.

when is D3 coming out!?? yea D3 FTW!!! thats beast graphics!!! perfect for my beast gaming comp. \m/

07-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Drew long time no see ! I kind of know how he feels. Before quitting I hit higher gears both on my fb and fs but nothing gave me more thrill than my low geared blader. I should have just stuck to it. But, oh well :)

Hilal, assalamualikum, I am originally from Bangladesh but live in the U.S with my beautiful wife :), this version of Cabal is for NA only.

Cabal2 sounds great! Has anyone see the gameplay yet ? When is the beta / release date ? And what happened to Blader ? I see Est Soft isn't doing this alone. I am thinking they are good at making anti hack system and a lot of network based lag free service programs. Why does the music sound so retarded ?

imuhammad, Hilal, assalamualikum, keif halik?

shokran sadik,

07-06-2011, 02:58 PM
Walikumassalam Hilal, Al-Hamdullilah I am great and may Allah bless you and every human and all creatures in heaven and earth. But let's respect the language of the people on this forum. You can always message me in private :)


For anyone else : anyone has an idea when cabal 2 will be released ? I heard some rumor they are starting in korea soon ... true ?