View Full Version : No More Quests?

07-04-2011, 03:30 PM
I am lv105 and the only quests i have available to do are Hidden Helper T Quests. There are no highlighted lv106 Quests if I lv.Will there be more Quests or are Helper T's the only ones left ? How do I lv from 105+?

07-04-2011, 04:56 PM
With the new update will come new quests... just wait^^

07-05-2011, 04:15 AM
Just quit,you're only hope of leveling any higher is to become cash shop reliant and grind non-stop for the next 9 months

Is he being serious or just hate the Game? The game was so good up intill now

07-05-2011, 06:24 AM
No More Quests?
I am lv105 and the only quests i have available to do are Hidden Helper T Quests. There are no highlighted lv106 Quests if I lv.Will there be more Quests or are Helper T's the only ones left ? How do I lv from 105+?

every 10 lvls u have quests.. get ready for doungens and grind

07-05-2011, 06:27 AM
Is he being serious or just hate the Game? The game was so good up intill now

He's being a that's mad because he didn't get any of the new epic drops so he rage quit and crys on the forums all day telling others to quit.

07-05-2011, 08:18 AM
Think you also have your Daily Quests to help the guild and such, think there like 5 of those every midnight it resets to do again. After that, you get your new dungeon quests as you level and meet reqs for the higher dungeons, then your Rank up quests every 10 levels. By level 100, probably earlier you should already know enough of the game mechanics to know how to level up on your own without quests giving you experience as dungeon running and grinding will produce more money than quests in the long, will as well.