View Full Version : Hello there, potential new player trying to get some information

04-30-2010, 04:21 AM
Hi there everyone on the Cabal Forums. Im a new player who just signed up last night, trying to feel around for a new MMO to keep me occupied til the next big retail game and had some questions I was hoping someone here could answer for me. Just trying to get a feel for the game in the long term before I devote hours upon hours to level and possibly decide to leave at that point.

Also before I begin, I'v played about 20 diffirent MMOs, Seen all the different play systems, and after the bomb that Aion turned out to be am looking for a game with some solid PVP to play around in with some friends. Looking into Cabal because in the little I found about the game, it seems rated very highly for its PVP. So without further ado, heres my questions which hopefully one of you will take the time to answerf or me.

First is hows the progression in the game. Basically, Is the game like alot of korean games where its just grind grind grind, or does it give some some minor goals like bonus Xp if you kill 50 mobs, or is it something retarded like WoW where theres quests out the wazoo and your most likely not even going to have to fight more then 5 mobs to hit cap. Also does it wall out? Like you'll be flying til level 50, then it takes a week to level up one level or something, dont mind a grind myself as long as the game stays consistent with it and doesnt out of the blue decide that 3 days for a level was too short and we need to make them grind for 2 weeks lol.

Secondly, Hows endgame, does the game run Instances, World Bosses, Is it strictly PVP when it comes to endgame. I'v watched some videos in which people fought bosses, just wasnt sure f that was a quest or mid game content. Or does it turn into one gaint chat room with nothing to do but duel at endgame.

Last question is how is the carrot on the stick. Where do you obtain some of the top end gear? Is it world drops or is it pvp rewards or is it out of raids and instances? And is the drop rate retardedly low where its like playing the lottery to get the gear? or Is it a reasonable goal?

Thanks in advance for the replies, just trying to feel out the game on the information I couldn't find elsewhere.

04-30-2010, 04:40 AM
end game s nothing to do but 3-4 bosses that are basically soloable, pvp s ... very unbalanced. leveling isn't that hard at all. most top end gear is pure luck (hard work doesn't get you that far in terms of gear) yes drop rate is stupid low uhhh theres quite a few bit of quests but they basically end once you get to 100 ish. if u relly wanted to u cud get to max lvl in like 3-4 months

04-30-2010, 04:46 AM
Wow, that's ...a wall of text and I can't believe I decided to read it at 5:33 am ... But I'll try to touch on a couple of points, since I can't really say anything about all of them.

Grind/Quests/Boss Monsters The grind is not as bad as it use to be. It's much easier to level than it was 2 years ago. I'd say the most difficult parts of leveling in this game would be from 60-65, 120-125 (I think? Someone else comment on this) and from 165-170. There are no rewards for killing regular mobs, however, there are the title rewards for killing particular Boss monsters in higher level maps, which you have probably seen. There is most likely a thread somewhere explaining the titles and their rewards which pertain to these boss monsters. Going on to questing; The quests in game will more or less get you through your first 100 or so levels. After that, it's mostly grinding on mobs and doing dungeons with friends.

Endgame It's mostly PVP, Dungeons, Boss hunting, Nation War, that sort of thing. Most people who have reached endgame more or less run dungeons with their guild and do Nation War. There is a thread about Nation War where you can read up about it or someone can be nice enough to explain what it is, since I don't do it.

Gear Gear can be crafted in this game. Success rate of a very good item is...questionable. Top end gear can also be dropped from mobs in the higher maps or in dungeons. The drop rate is unfortunately ridiculously low, however, people have still gotten rather good drops.

This is very brief and I hope it helps to clear up a few things. And more likely than not, someone will go more in depth about your particular concerns. Hope to see you in Cabal.

04-30-2010, 07:19 AM
jesus your all pumping out paragraph after paragraph O.O

04-30-2010, 09:11 AM
end game s nothing to do but 3-4 bosses that are basically soloable, pvp s ... very unbalanced. leveling isn't that hard at all. most top end gear is pure luck (hard work doesn't get you that far in terms of gear) yes drop rate is stupid low uhhh theres quite a few bit of quests but they basically end once you get to 100 ish. if u relly wanted to u cud get to max lvl in like 3-4 months

You just made me depressed.

02-18-2011, 01:51 PM
About the only thing that would make this game more fun is having more boss monsters outside the dungeons on the lower level maps, i think it would be pretty sweet if a bunch of low levels could go and party on a giant skeleton or something like that.....something that isn't completely un-soloable but very hard to....also if they increased the number of spawns....this would also help with spawn rates, make the game harder late game and easier to level. thats about all I can add to this discussion.

02-18-2011, 01:59 PM
say he started May last year, that's been almost 9 months since. Current forum post count: 1, granted he didn't change name, in-game or forums. i guess zet scared him huh lol

02-18-2011, 06:20 PM
so my only question for you Suzaku is, what nation are you lol! your signature makes it impossible to tell =)

02-18-2011, 06:25 PM
it seems more like an interview than a question. i think this guy is taking this way to seriously lol. just play and enjoy and if you dont like it find something else. =)

02-19-2011, 05:42 AM
so my only question for you Suzaku is, what nation are you lol! your signature makes it impossible to tell =)

Doesn't really matter, want to say she was Capella but she retired months ago I believe, remember NW with her a lot, last time remember seeing her in Merc outside of NW was right after they added the lvl cap to 180.

Anywho, long dead thread shoots inseminate for resurrecting it :P