View Full Version : Disconnect from Game every 2 or 3 minutes

07-17-2011, 10:41 AM

I keep getting Disconnected every 2 or 3 minutes of gameplay. Its so annoying. Especially if I got into MWar and disconnect. I go way at the bottom of waiting list. grrr.

Does anyone else have this issue? Or is it only me?

If I get DC after the Mwar just got over and before I received my alz and capsule. I can never get it. It does not allow me to go in to that channel.

If Cabal GM is reading this. Please do something about the disconnect problem I have!!.

I never had this issue before the new episode and all the good stuff that came with it. The day the episode was released... Playing Cabal is like wtf for me...

I have used Item Shop many times and spent a lot of money there. I don't want to stop playing now. However if this keeps up this week as well. I Quit. Go to Hell EST!!

GM/EST: Let me know if you are interested in correcting this issue for me.

07-17-2011, 09:16 PM
I had this EXACT same problem, found out it was my graphics card. Without the card, I could play but I'd be lagging BIG TIME. With the card, i'd disconnect every 2-3 minutes =\ not exactly sure why. Maybe Cabal bumped up their graphics or something? idk

07-17-2011, 09:37 PM
First, on your launcher hit the "Check files" button, make sure everything's alright there. When I had that issue doing that actually fixed it for me.

Second, if you suspect it's your video card, check their site and download their latest drivers/forceware since they might be having a problem with shaders (Happens usually with older cards. Personally had the problem on another game with shaders using an Nvidia 9600 GSO)

Obviously check your other device drivers for any updates, if it still continues after that well honestly I dunno what to suggest.

07-17-2011, 11:42 PM
First, on your launcher hit the "Check files" button, make sure everything's alright there. When I had that issue doing that actually fixed it for me.

Second, if you suspect it's your video card, check their site and download their latest drivers/forceware since they might be having a problem with shaders (Happens usually with older cards. Personally had the problem on another game with shaders using an Nvidia 9600 GSO)

Obviously check your other device drivers for any updates, if it still continues after that well honestly I dunno what to suggest.

+1 Good Advice =)

I'd add in also maybe check your router if broadband and at home, reseting or powering it down for 10 seconds like once a month can help. In a school or such will have trouble with that :/

07-18-2011, 01:50 AM
Thanks for the tips. I however did check files and updated my computer video drivers, motherboard drivers, all windows updates. Removed antivirus thinking it might be interfering. Did all that. No use.

>.< come on Cabal help out honest gamers. They dont even delete spammers for weeks together. I can only wish they would answer me any time soon.

If any of the players here have had similar issues and have got it working please share. Thank you very much in advance.

07-21-2011, 12:56 AM
Whats your computer specs? Not knowing what you are running can make it kinda tough to narrow down your problem or how old is your computer?