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07-17-2011, 10:06 PM
Character name: GaurdianX (Yes its not spelled right, but thats how it is ingame)
Level: 105
Class: Force Blader

Infraction: Pking in non pk channel via war maps' map-code

screenshots not relevant, because these client side exploits are easy to identify when investigating the account logs, and error codes as result of disconnection flags. (war filter chat on his end in some instances suggests it was through use of map code switched to war map, i.e. forgotten ruins and up because he was in bloody ice but all you could see in his text was filtered war text.)

this character may have main accounts as the name suggests, im not asking for unnecessary actions, just that the IP be thoroughly investigated in relation to main accounts. I believe this may have been a character behind the video framing another player just recently without going off-topic...

07-17-2011, 10:09 PM
Character name: GaurdianX (Yes its not spelled right, but thats how it is ingame)
Level: 105
Class: Force Blader

Infraction: Pking in non pk channel via war maps' map-code

screenshots not relevant, because these client side exploits are easy to identify when investigating the account logs, and error codes as result of disconnection flags. (war filter chat on his end in some instances suggests it was through use of map code switched to war map, i.e. forgotten ruins and up because he was in bloody ice but all you could see in his text was filtered war text.)

this character may have main accounts as the name suggests, im not asking for unnecessary actions, just that the IP be thoroughly investigated in relation to main accounts. I believe this may have been a character behind the video framing another player just recently without going off-topic...

lol... you sure know alot about the hack... you sure you aint using it to?

07-17-2011, 10:11 PM
character name: Gaurdianx (yes its not spelled right, but thats how it is ingame)
level: 105
class: Force blader

infraction: Pking in non pk channel via war maps' map-code

screenshots not relevant, because these client side exploits are easy to identify when investigating the account logs, and error codes as result of disconnection flags. (war filter chat on his end in some instances suggests it was through use of map code switched to war map, i.e. Forgotten ruins and up because he was in bloody ice but all you could see in his text was filtered war text.)

this character may have main accounts as the name suggests, im not asking for unnecessary actions, just that the ip be thoroughly investigated in relation to main accounts. I believe this may have been a character behind the video framing another player just recently without going off-topic...


07-17-2011, 10:44 PM
Hold your balls bro, let me step in here before you go all newegg™ (ducking the infraction from lorkan) and triple post, first of all i dont know if your aware, but ill enlighten you. My wizard lv 163 was banned after transfer, my lvl 166 warrior was banned after finding alternate accounts were involved with 3rd party programs, then unbanned. i've quit after last patch so its irrelevant now anyway. The accounts i logged into are free for EST to do as they decide, ultimately no different then when we all originally sign up. Not only do i know what actions were taken to get the desired effects, i know what limitations are in place by the servers and how that relates to the account eventually getting blocked because of too many disconnection flags on the account.

I asked to investigate the IP, because the lv 175 warrior with similar name logs in after the lvl 105 leaves, whoever it is playing on alternates will be jelly when they find all that lost time for their mistakes :D

Obviously it could be meer coincidence that the lv 105 was playing off the 175s name, (XGuardian) but thats not even relevant, thas why i did not include his name at all, and just asked for the IP to be checked for all IPs logged into that account, and search for related accounts from there, if they desired.

regardless of the main account, the lv 105 will be blocked, because I have video as well, and will upload if i feel the correct action was not taken for the character in question at the very least, as i have him using debuffs and attacks in non pk/war zone, via war map codes.

Hope you or whoever leveld it or any related accounts the best of luck, EST dont take too kindly to pking in non pk chan, guess how i know? check my links down low bro if you want to know dumb-ass.

07-17-2011, 10:48 PM
Snow don't pay him any mind bro... Guardian is prolly this same hacker talkin crap... Trust me I kno him now when u find out something bout him he just starts to rage out of nowhere like he is now :)

07-18-2011, 02:45 PM
Snow don't pay him any mind bro... Guardian is prolly this same hacker talkin crap... Trust me I kno him now when u find out something bout him he just starts to rage out of nowhere like he is now :)

This Stacker guy basically just admitted it was him

07-18-2011, 03:11 PM
This Stacker guy basically just admitted it was him

I kno it's prolly him... I've studied his behavior and this is what he does when he's found out.. No wonder they bann him 1987 warrior char not sure bout his 172 fb tho... Bish still hackin somewhere

07-19-2011, 07:06 AM
Wassup Snow aka zeke =] good to know that you still playing ^^