View Full Version : War Moderators

Deviant Sonata
07-26-2011, 11:38 PM
With the increasing amount of hackers in wars, wouldn't it be nice to have moderators within the wars that consistently look for hackers? I'm sure many players would agree.

07-27-2011, 01:01 AM
We have like 3 months with out even watch a GM online and u want them to give us moderators? itll be cool but dont even dream about it

07-27-2011, 01:13 AM
We have like 3 months with out even watch a GM online and u want them to give us moderators? itll be cool but dont even dream about it

in april we seen alot of GM interaction with that GM knockdown event, and such. Although we have had quite a bit of content update since then so we cant really expect them to be everywheres at once. I think normal players can do effective job at moderating their own wars if they really want to, You see this in bad user report as reporting a players warID is just as effective as reporting the non war id.

im not against GM coming into war but logistically speaking i dont know if thats realistic in the GMs daily protocol. It would be interesting if you had atleast 1 GM a day ingame but realizing NW schedule and the schedule of a GM dont really sync well, unless he wants to play in his pjs in the office with no sleep for work the next day... get my drift? I dont think its too realistic but would be nice to have in a perfect world, lol.

Deviant Sonata
07-27-2011, 10:50 PM
awesome attitude. gotta love the enthusiasm -_-

07-28-2011, 05:50 AM
I say +1 to this idea. The moderators don't necessarily have to be in the war, maybe just spectate over? Follow people around, just keep an eye on things, Cabal can disable their attack mode im sure, developers/publishers have that right, and the power to do it. So good idea...to have them there, just not "in" the war like the game users. :)

07-28-2011, 11:59 PM
what makes u think they're not there? invisible mode anyone? and they can choose which nation to win at the flip of the coin lol, lesee...heads, cap wins, tails, proc wins. lol

07-29-2011, 12:27 AM
what makes u think they're not there? invisible mode anyone? and they can choose which nation to win at the flip of the coin lol, lesee...heads, cap wins, tails, proc wins. lol

Lol wat if they are the reason it seems like hacks..... As In they are invisible and accidentally auto attk around mob of caps/procs and they get one hit.. The player standing there atm would seem like a hacker.

Deviant Sonata
07-31-2011, 05:01 AM
Lol. If its the case where the GM's really are hiding. I would laugh my ass off.