View Full Version : Gms please do something about nation war. Its unfair

08-07-2011, 11:34 AM
Theirs ALWAYS the same peple sagemster and a couple othrs calling the game within 15 mins, So how are low lvls supposd to get their 30 points when theirs always same people ruining the fun for everyone. Atleast 10 peple say in shouting Dont call game Dont call game let peple get their 30 points first but they dont listen. atleast make it so people that have been waiting all hour get their 30 or something

08-07-2011, 11:46 AM
Qqqqqqqq ur complainit cuz u dont get in b4 waitlist, and ur blaming gms for ur I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ty lvl and skills :( im sorry u want gms to hold ur hand?

08-07-2011, 12:20 PM
learn 2 red dot com. i said people its hard for them to get their 30 points when war ends so fast

08-07-2011, 12:23 PM
Learn 2 type.

08-07-2011, 12:31 PM
lemme gus t1

08-07-2011, 01:01 PM
Hi gaise im from da t1 impact stabbin like a bawssss

08-07-2011, 01:03 PM
I think they're talking about T2.. If so, you just need to get a hold of some decent gear. I always score more than 30 during those 15 minute games. All you have to do is run into a big group of them, and just spam aoe's. It gets me points reallly fast. Faster than hitting guardians and building.

08-07-2011, 01:08 PM
sup bro i quit my main and farm t2 to call game in 15 mins, u jelly belly like sexy melly?

08-07-2011, 03:27 PM
lol? you complain.. when me and sage get over 110+ points in 15 mins and 60% of procs cant reach 30? how is that our fault? and also we didnt call the war.. it was someone else so get it right

08-07-2011, 03:28 PM
I've had a big problem with wars on Venus. Apparently all of my skills will be doing the same amount of damage as if I were attacking a mob, I believe that part of the damage amplifier buff was to do 5x.
So I don't know what that is about but I don't like it.

Another thing is that people should not be able to continually twink in a single bracket. But people will just do that for honor or miracle cubes. What they should do is roll up all three rewards from WEXP and just make those a standard reward at the end of the war. Like part of the screen where you hand out the capsule cubes.
Then people can just use their WEXP for shineguard or sigmetal cubes.

That way people can't stay in a single bracket forever, and instead they will get moved up to the next bracket from the exp they get eventually.

08-07-2011, 04:27 PM
lol? you complain.. when me and sage get over 110+ points in 15 mins and 60% of procs cant reach 30? how is that our fault? and also we didnt call the war.. it was someone else so get it right

Oh hi how long have you been playing and what gear are you wearing? Not everyone in that tier has a main and has been playing for 2 years +
You forget that in these lower tiers there are literally people that have just started playing a month ago. Not everyone that starts playing automatically has epic gear DERP.
How are they supposed to learn how to war when people that have mains and gear take advantage of the lowbies in lower tiers?
People that farm lower tier and call it 15 minutes later is the reason why new players know NOTHING about war. All they know is that one side rushes all the bases and calls the game. It's not always like that in higher tiers.
Calling nation war 10 minutes later is not a war, it's a bunch of aholes with mains taking advantage of the system. Stop being a selfish noob because it's not a new player's fault they don't have good pvp gear yet.
If someone can't get 30 in a full hour then fine, that's their own fault. Though, how is someone who just started to play expected to get points as fast as a person that's wearing T4/T5 gear on a T1/T2 character.
They might as well go back to chaos arena wars, at least that way it didn't require any gear or skill. Just BM, kill, and gain wexp.

08-07-2011, 04:41 PM
Oh hi how long have you been playing and what gear are you wearing? Not everyone in that tier has a main and has been playing for 2 years +
You forget that in these lower tiers there are literally people that have just started playing a month ago. Not everyone that starts playing automatically has epic gear DERP.
How are they supposed to learn how to war when people that have mains and gear take advantage of the lowbies in lower tiers?
People that farm lower tier and call it 15 minutes later is the reason why new players know NOTHING about war. All they know is that one side rushes all the bases and calls the game. It's not always like that in higher tiers.
Calling nation war 10 minutes later is not a war, it's a bunch of aholes with mains taking advantage of the system. Stop being a selfish noob because it's not a new player's fault they don't have good pvp gear yet.
If someone can't get 30 in a full hour then fine, that's their own fault. Though, how is someone who just started to play expected to get points as fast as a person that's wearing T4/T5 gear on a T1/T2 character.
They might as well go back to chaos arena wars, at least that way it didn't require any gear or skill. Just BM, kill, and gain wexp.

+1 and so true XD

08-07-2011, 04:58 PM
uhm i dont have a main? all my chars are t2 and i never wared in t4/5 and it isnt all our fault? everyone is pushing fast and hard so you cant blame it on 2 players. We dont even call it.. its someone else who doesnt know what they are doing

08-07-2011, 06:08 PM
Theirs ALWAYS the same peple sagemster and a couple othrs calling the game within 15 mins, So how are low lvls supposd to get their 30 points when theirs always same people ruining the fun for everyone. Atleast 10 peple say in shouting Dont call game Dont call game let peple get their 30 points first but they dont listen. atleast make it so people that have been waiting all hour get their 30 or something

Just build your 30 first right away. No point in pushing with the crowd if the whole map is gonna go down that quick.

08-07-2011, 06:45 PM
Oh hi how long have you been playing and what gear are you wearing? Not everyone in that tier has a main and has been playing for 2 years +
You forget that in these lower tiers there are literally people that have just started playing a month ago. Not everyone that starts playing automatically has epic gear DERP.
How are they supposed to learn how to war when people that have mains and gear take advantage of the lowbies in lower tiers?
People that farm lower tier and call it 15 minutes later is the reason why new players know NOTHING about war. All they know is that one side rushes all the bases and calls the game. It's not always like that in higher tiers.
Calling nation war 10 minutes later is not a war, it's a bunch of aholes with mains taking advantage of the system. Stop being a selfish noob because it's not a new player's fault they don't have good pvp gear yet.
If someone can't get 30 in a full hour then fine, that's their own fault. Though, how is someone who just started to play expected to get points as fast as a person that's wearing T4/T5 gear on a T1/T2 character.
They might as well go back to chaos arena wars, at least that way it didn't require any gear or skill. Just BM, kill, and gain wexp.

People that farm lower level tiers usually don't call it so they can get max wexp. The ones who call it are the low levels because they don't know =] that's their own fault.

08-07-2011, 06:49 PM
just go to higher tier