View Full Version : For those who are responsible, please read this!

08-12-2011, 03:07 PM
I just got my character "meLikey" disconnected from the server after the MWAR before the last weeks M/A which is Aug 3 2011. I was in GD and wearing my items back on then boom, i got disconnected. That thing never happened to me before. After i use my cousins laptop, that disconnection problem happened.

So i sent a ticket to the support team. Ive waited and waited. for about a week. After a week of waiting in vain, i decided to delete my ticket of disconnection problem, becoz i thought that they are not working on it. And i sent a ticket for Character deletion (coz my main"Zweindler" just farmed enough for my T1"meLikey"-which is the one having the disconnection problem in login) and i was surprised coz they respond as fast a lightning, that they will delete my character on the next shed M/A.

Then after that day, which is this morning.. i cannot login to the server, i bought a game card to refill my ecoin, but i cannot, becoz it keeps on sending me i cannot refill because of my account was blocked :why in hail i got blocked?: and i was about to send another ticket, but i cannot send a ticket bcoz, something poped out of the screen, i think its korean but it says "2097152 byte". so i decided to post this here hoping that they can read this problem that i am encountering right now.

here are the screenies of those problems:
This is the shot when i was trying to send a ticket to the support team:<BR>http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/mrkillersmile/SENDINGTICKET.png
And this is the screenie for my character "meLikey" when i was trying to login to the world:http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n615/mrkillersmile/Disconnected-1.png
This is the thing when i was trying to add ecoin: !#!@#$# I AM BLOCKED?!@#$@#$

08-12-2011, 03:11 PM
Have you tried making a different account and logging in?

08-12-2011, 03:12 PM
yes i already did that. but still i cannot connect. the bar keeps on loading and fail to connect.

[GM] Lorkan
08-12-2011, 05:11 PM
Have you already submitted a ticket? If you have, please post the ticket number here. If you haven't, please submit a ticket and post the ticket number here. We will investigate the issue as soon as possible.

On your ticket, please provide the following information.
Your location: Country
Internet Service Provider:
Have you uninstalled CABAL and reinstalled CABAL using a new installer?

08-12-2011, 06:01 PM
Yes sir lorkan, i already did... heres the ticket number: 34601
Thank you for your response!

08-12-2011, 06:02 PM
btw, i already re-install cabal, i downloaded teh full client few hours ago and uninstall the old client, then install the downloaded one. but still i cannot connect, still failed.

08-12-2011, 06:29 PM
GM Lorkan, here is the screenshot of connection failed,
