View Full Version : RuoExtraxi versus Desolation: a Venus drama, a special guest appearance by Apocalypse

08-24-2011, 08:53 AM
Long time ago on July 30th of 2009, an aspiring blader named xReaverx and his girlfriend Zelria started a new guild called RuoExtraxi. The guild was created because the creators' former guild master (who will remain anonymous) set an unfair rule that an epic dropped in the guild must belong to him when he didn't work for it.

Around June of 2009, another aspiring blader named Chippo stepped into this game named CABAL Online. Up to level ~100 he remained guildless. On one August day of the same year, he noticed a guild recruitment message by RuoExtraxi and decided to give it a try since the game had become hard for him.

The then members of RuoExtraxi welcomed him with open arms and extreme friendliness that rivaled that of any genuine familial environment. Chippo learned a lot about the game and through the progression of nearly next two years, he stuck to his guns and stayed true to the guild's one and only principle: this is a family guild; make everyone feel belonged without segregation.

In November of 2010, after a lot of changes with the game itself and having felt that the guild's members had thinned, Chippo made an absurd decision to leave the guild. That time, xReaverx, the true guild master of RuoExtraxi was going through a hard time with his real life and making ends meet. He entrusted the guild master to an up-and-coming and loyal member named SryBlader aka Craftinex/GoingToBoston.

He joined another wonderful guild named Apocalypse. There is still some bad-mouthing going on regarding that guild, but when he was in there, he really liked the well-structured guild hierarchy and people's shared goal for the game: strive to achieve greatness no matter what others talk about you. Chippo enjoyed running the then extreme dungeons, such as Radiant Hall of Illusion Castle, Altar of Sienna B2F, and liked reading the guild chat on the guild's beating of Forgotten Temple B2F, which was the most difficult dungeon of the game at that time. There is no denying that there had been quite a lot of dramatic episodes within that guild too, but the guild members respected each other and took care of the small dramas humanely. Gradually Chippo grew really attached to Apocalypse and when it became a level 5 guild, he felt belonged during the celebration.

Time did fly when he was having fun. After a few weeks, xReaverx, the true leader of RuoExtraxi made a lot of sacrifices in his real life to come back and nurture back what he and his then partner had begun. Even the other RuoExtraxi members who joined Apocalypse with Chippo returned to RuoExtraxi. Having not lost faith in xReaverx's words and moved by his renewed dedication to the game and the family guild, Chippo reluctantly returned after saying a bitter farewell to Apocalypse.

A number of new loyal players arose within RuoExtraxi upon his return and all seemed to be going well. Unfortunately, not having been recovered fully from the previous guild abandonment, Chippo left RuoExtraxi again due to a mood swing and joined JupponGatana. It was a relatively small guild compared to Apocalypse, but the members were still trustworthy and friendly. After another group pleading to Chippo by RuoExtraxi, he returned home once again and swore never to leave home again no matter what happens.

RuoExtraxi grew strong everyday because the members kept true to the principle set by xReaverx, the true leader of RuoExtraxi: this is a family guild; make everyone feel belonged without segregation. Sadly, xReaverx quit the game completely. Forgotten Temple B2F became conquered by RuoExtraxi as a result of the guild growing strong. The guild had become a force to be reckoned with.

Athian from a dead guild joined RuoExtraxi as a result of him being in Forgotten Temple B2F parties. Chippo still respects him for who he is and hopes there won't be any hard feelings between them.

About six months had passed after Athian's joining and a few more dedicated players. GoingToBoston, the then guild master of RuoExtraxi decided to call it quits and entrust the guild to Athian. Chippo was not online around that time and did not really want to take charge of the guild, had he could foresee what would happen. Chippo already had been a temporary guild master of RuoExtraxi in July of 2010 and he knew how difficult it was to manage a diverse community such as a CABAL guild. In fact, Athian approached another group of people who were not happy in their current guild and wanted to start their own. A number of these approached people had been running Forgotten Temple B2F with RuoExtraxi and had started to grow fond of each other.

Upon GoingToBoston's leaving, Athian took charge of RuoExtraxi. Then came the merge of the mentioned group of people and about 40 new members related to that group.

After the merge, RuoExtraxi suddenly grew weaker than how it used to be. Guild chat became flooded by new people with a bit too much sense of their belonging when they had only been in RuoExtraxi for a week or less. The merge had happened on the condition that the leader of that mentioned group take control of half of RuoExtraxi as co-leader. Little did RuoExtraxi know the repercussions of this acceptance.

Zarniwoop, a loyal and long-time member of RuoExtraxi and a number of like-minded members of previous RuoExtraxi left the guild after its name changed to Desolation, a result of a biased voting won because the merged group had more number than RuoExtraxi. Most new people assumed they were promised a good CABAL life just by being in the guild and not putting as much effort as the existing and previous RuoExtraxi members had been doing. Perhaps the standards were a bit higher than they should had been. The leavers of RuoExtraxi created a new RuoExtraxi guild as a way to retaliate this upsetting event.

Chippo remained in Desolation, with a tenacious mind to fix this split and bring everyone back together for the sake of xReaverx's principle: make everyone feel belonged without segregation. After a reluctant evening of Athian avoiding Chippo which led to a sleepless night, a plan to bring about structure to Desolation had been implemented. In Chippo's view, every guild member has the potential to have fun and be geared with end-game gears and run Forgotten Temple B2F together. To get there would require a lot of hard work, but if people were willing to help each other out and put individual effort, nothing seemed impossible. Segregation had to be eliminated, Chippo suggested. The newly formed groups were: Alts, 1-51, 52-79, 80-109, 110-139, 140-169, 170-180, and six Class Elite/Counsellor groups. The last groups were meant to be volunteering groups for experienced people qualified to give advice to up-and-coming players and lend helping hands. However, Officers group remained. This group has the power to invite/expel members, access guild warehouse, and withdraw guild fund. Most of the new Officers were chosen as a result of playing favorites by Athian and co-leader, who both used their not being on all the time as an excuse to let the Officers exercise what the guild master and co-leader can do. Segregation still remained in Desolation, and Chippo believes it will remain wedged in that guild as a malignant cancer.

Although it is a pity to deliver a then level 4 guild (now level 5) to someone not capable of holding true to RuoExtraxi's family-mindedness in a silver platter, Chippo has come to a conclusion that he is willing to let go of the cancer-striken guild called Desolation in which people will forever be segregated based on their gear, level, and relationships.

RuoExtraxi will forever be Chippo's home. The new RuoExtraxi, formed in August of 2011, will become even stronger, but will always remember to put family first rather than favorites first.

Thank you for taking your time to read this from-the-heart passage. Chippo appreciates your reading time and wishes every reader a luck-filled CABAL life.

08-24-2011, 09:34 AM
Well written.

Things like this happen all the time. It is never a good idea to give someone half of the rights to a guild just to join. First, you don't know how this person, or their following, is going to get along with the current members. Also, people a lot of times have different views on rules, drops, etc. These players should have joined the guild as regular members if they wanted to be a part of it. The original members worked hard to level this guild. They should not have been overrun by new players, esp after only a week you say?

LOL at I will only join your guild if I get half of its rights. That should be a dead giveaway the person probably shouldn't be invited. They only joined to have control over a high level guild.

We know who deserves the guild more. But, xreaverx did give the guild to Athian, and not the original members. It is hard to say who should get to keep the guild, but the original members always should have its rights in my opinion.

08-24-2011, 09:37 AM
We know who deserves the guild more. But, xreaverx did give the guild to Athian, and not the original members. It is hard to say who should get to keep the guild, but the original members always should have its rights in my opinion.

Thanks for the comment, but there's one misunderstanding shown in the quotation. xReaverx quit way before he even got to know (or met, rather) Athian. GoingToBoston, a good successor of xReaverx, entrusted the guild to Athian.

08-24-2011, 10:00 AM
Yes, thanks for the correction. :)

Well let me ask you this Chippo. Who do YOU believe should get rights to the guild? I know you don't believe yourself should, and I agree because you said yourself you didn't enjoy running it when you did and you also appeared to abandon the guild on a few occasions when things weren't going well. Curious if you believe Athian should be entitled to keep the guild, since he was entrusted it, or if you believe a particular individual should be more deserving of the rights (and wants them).

08-24-2011, 10:03 AM
well written and appealing story. think this can relate to almost anyone who shares a tight bond with any guild they become attached maybe just in different type situation. ups and downs will always occur in any guild. thx for sharing your story and experiences.

08-24-2011, 10:09 AM
Who do YOU believe should get rights to the guild?

no need for chippo to answer your question. answering it will probably bring more flame to this thread lol, it already happen. you simply just move on and learn from your experiences/mistakes and become a better and stronger person. after all, hes just telling you the story of his experiences in cabal.

08-24-2011, 10:18 AM
Bump for the chippo

08-24-2011, 10:24 AM
no need for chippo to answer your question. answering it will probably bring more flame to this thread lol, it already happen. you simply just move on and learn from your experiences/mistakes and become a better and stronger person. after all, hes just telling you the story of his experiences in cabal.

It may be better if he doesn't answer it. But, it is a hard question not to ask and maybe he does want his opinion heard.

08-24-2011, 10:28 AM
bump for my bud!!! @_@

08-24-2011, 10:51 AM
SlasherIndia joined the guild a good while back, around level 160x in the hopes of making quick alz from dungeoning since my guild had crashed after many people went to Merc for gear. (Yea, I know that wasn’t the best reason to join a guild but I was seriously bored.) But in Ruo, I enjoyed the nice atmosphere, people were constantly on to greet you, and I loved to read guild chat, interact and dungeon. I threw out my initial reason to join knowing that I made some really great friends, and stayed. (I still didn’t make quick alz but w/e lol). Everyone there always tried to make the best decision for the guild and I believe that Athian is not totally to blame for this.

1) It only started when some NWA guildies wanted to merge and Athian was thinking in terms of the goodness and growth of the guild. What everyone didn't bargain for people who just randomly entered the guild getting drops in dungeon then randomly leaving while people have put in the hard work over the time they were there.

2) Changing the guild name was huge. Like my alternate guild LiberiFatali, a name means alot to the guild. (and I had come to appreciate the guild history over the long while I was there) When the guild had become co-lead and heard about the changing of the name, it sounded like a good idea, but after only a few short days in which everyone wasn’t briefed, and the new guild name was chosen by mostly new people who joined, it didn’t feel the same anymore. The guild started falling to pieces.

3) I also understood the drop system of having epic drops stay in-guild to make the guild stronger but people took advantage of that taking things that weren’t theirs and basically pissing on the other guild members who worked their asses off. I saw many epic items that people just didn’t deserve handed to them.

4) At level 5 guild people celebrated, yea i understand that, but just because we get more space for guild members doesn't mean to randomly invite Tom, Mick (Cabal forum wouldn't let me post the other name >_<) and Harry into the guild. When i returned after 2 weeks of lvling my alternate character and enjoying the finer things of life (ask me no questions, i tell you no lies) guild chat was spammed with lower levels with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say, making it harder for higher levels who actually used chat for grinding parties and dungeoning virtually impossible which moves me onto my next problem.

4) I have no problem with low levels. We were all there once, and although Cabal has been out for goodness knows how long (yea I don’t keep track of those things) new people show up every day. What I had a problem with however were random people inviting alts and noobs with crappy gear and skills and absolutely no intention of trying to make themselves better, so basically they wanted a free ride. When SageMaster15 told me people rolling with 4 roc+4 I’m like ‘sigh…. Rof/s+7 cost 700k.’ Then to make it worse, people were getting free rides, getting epic gears and then leaving like nothing happened. Also, under level 150 you really aren’t any help to your guild. What can you do? You can’t grind, you can’t dungeon, you can’t hold your own in a Pk, PvP or a Guild War. Then tell me why when I logged on one afternoon, 16 out of the 18 people under level 150 at one time were just chilling in a town, spamming chat instead of leveling…

After many people who were the origin of the guild left, it seems too far gone to repair. I have given my opinions to the guild leader in the hopes that they will be heard. I miss all of the original people who have left: Goingbyby, SageMaster15, Amberrayne, Killermaha, Fearnotavi, Zarniwoop, ErikEverhard,Alakard, Aksaya, GoingToBoston and whoever else I missed (dam ur names are hard lol). The guild was close, strong and a force to be reckoned with.
This is only my opinion I have voiced in the hopes that RuoExtraxi will come together once more. (I love u all <3) SlasherIndia still remains in Desolation, holding on…

P.s. Why do I feel like I’ve forgotten something? T_T
oh yea, while i was reading Chip's post when he was talking about xreaverx, i was listening to Because of You- Kelly Clarkson. Talk about the perfect sentiment :D

Lv 170 SlasherIndia
";Child Of Fate, Don't Test Me...;"


Lv 133 Elun

08-24-2011, 11:05 AM
you forgot me slashyy...your t4 bud...bump for my bud chippo!!! @_@

08-24-2011, 11:11 AM
In Soviet Russia you are happy to have guild! Too many nubs oust the leader!!! Coup d' tat. Give us Desolation we name it back to RuoExtraxi you all go elsewhere if you don't like it. Give guild to Chippo.

08-24-2011, 11:28 AM
The thing is the guild was the most exclusive guild on Venus. More so than Tang. We were posted as the most choosy guild on Venus. Jenn may have huge knockers which blinds people to the fact that she does understand what Ruo was about. 0 policy for alz buying and hacking. And To mega shout recruiting anyone....was absurd and to change name without any voting is also absurd.

08-24-2011, 12:53 PM
Nice writing, hope you guys can solve the problems~

08-24-2011, 02:30 PM
Athian will never be a decent fb. Since beta his fb was weak, and still weak. LOL. That was a good story Chippo, sorry to hear that, sh*tty fb will always be sh*ty, remember that kids.

08-24-2011, 02:58 PM
rhytemz is hot

08-24-2011, 03:06 PM
rhytemz is hot

cheating on miavii?

08-24-2011, 03:40 PM
damnz wtf an essay for a game ? x.x

08-24-2011, 04:06 PM
wow just wow. not sure where to even begin honestly.

All I can say is there are 2 sides to every story.

Well for starters. Boston had given up on cabal and was quitting. Getting rid of his character which was the guild leader. NOBODY wanted the position period. So I figured ok I hear some nwa people want a new atmosphere and we enjoy playing with them as we do a lot of ft2 runs with them. So I talked to the main person leaving and offered we use Ruo since it was going to be a level 5 guild. I did talk to as many as I could about the 2 main changes, guild name and new people. That I made sure to mention to everyone. Yes I will agree I may have accomplished it a bit to quickly but without a guild leader and nobody wanting the spot, how is a guild to survive? So the new people joined and yes I did make sure to have a vote on new guild name to stay the same or change. It was a very close vote as desolation name wont by 1 vote. Believe me or not I don't really care at this point but that is the truth. So all was ok for a little while. Old players had a slew of new people to run ft2 with and keep leth and other epic drops within the guild. Instead of devising a rule where person with most runs gets first crack at epics or being in the guild longer put you first in line for such items. Who wants to join a guild that you run the hard dungeons but know your not going to get a return on it any time soon? So I devised let the dice roll handle it. If it was for your class you got to roll on it in the party and the item it replaced would be sold and split among the rest of the party. First drop we got was bof+7 which I won and party was happy for me. I sold my bof+6 and mailed them the alz. Second we got Leth which the co leader won. Third we got a bos+7 which a new member won. Btw that person is still within the guild and has not left. After that we got another leth ring with a new member also won but let me know his loyalty will be to this guild from now on. Now the other part of the epic drop rule is. If you have received an epic you cannot roll for a second one till the other people in the party have at least 1 for your class. Ie blader cannot get another bof+7 if a warrior in the party doesn't even have one. A way of spreading epic drops in the guild so no one person gets everything so if they do leave the guild will not take a dramatic loss. Now also there has been nobody to my knowledge that has gotten an epic drop and left the guild. They are still here in the guild. So i have no idea where this is even coming from saying that we have gotten all these epic items that have left the guild. Both leth rings and bracelets are still in the guild and there have been no other epic drops. Now during this time I did put a lot of effort with a lot of help from a friend to hit 180. During this time I did not hear any of these issues. So I figured all was well. Then all of a sudden certain players did leave. Crucial players. I hold no malice towards any of them as I do think they are a great bunch of guys. Was just hoping they would stick it out and help me make this guild into a family but a bigger one at that and weed out the dead weight. But unfortunately people felt the entire guild was to be put on my shoulders and I am to fail on all of this on my won. Pretty great isn't it?

I think a lot of people can agree that a leader and a co leader cannot be on at all times. So have officers to defuse unruly members is a must. Otherwise guild chat will just be spammed none stop because nobody can stop them by removing them from the guild. Which this did happen before when I was just a member within Ruo. I was promoted for what reason I do not know since I never requested any responsibilities within the guild. I just wanted to play and nothing more. One occasion did arise where 2 players where arguing none stop for over half an hour in guild chat and nobody stopped it so it kept going. All I heard is they have been going at it for so and so time. So yes imo officers are needed for such reasons as to help manage a guild so they can fill in the time gaps that the leader and co leader cannot be on.

Regarding the officers. I had left the previous people in Ruo with there rankings in the guild as I knew they where loyal and trust worthy. Did not make any new members officers till a few weeks in. Now that the other members have left yes the ones left in officer positions are mainly the new people. Which i have told them what I expect of them as officers. No slouching and help me keep order in the guild. If you dont want the responsibility then let me know and I will move you down. No ill will towards anyone.

I do appreciate your help chippo as I do feel you have give me the most constructive criticism as to how to improve things. But when you call the guild garbage that you are in in guild chat. Cannot expect to make a lot of friends in that guild. Never the less I stood up for you and told them not to give you any crap your trying to help me improve the guild and I do appreciate it. So the new changes have been implemented and will be notifying people that they do need to level and make progress. I do not and will not allow someone in this guild expect a free ride. I have worked hard to get the gear I have and expect the same of them. Anyone attempting to coax in this guild will be booted.

No guild can survive without new members joining rather it be a large or small guild. Heck tang being a great example as many of its veteran players quit to where tang name was not seen around as much. They also recruited new members and are alive again. Ruo was at this point. People where leaving faster than we where inviting. We did not have enough to even run a ft2 with full guildies. All I heard is that leth rings kept leaving and going to other guilds. Saw it as pointless. So I knew some of the new people joining would be higher level and the members here would have more members to run with. Great right?

I have spent countless hours talking with people trying to work something out. Lost many hours of sleep and taken on an enormous amount of stress. Nice to know the 1 person wanting to make changes and liven things up for a change gets nothing but crap dumped on him non stop.

Now I was not in any way trying to tarnish the Ruo name. If I was then I would have kept it and let it be soiled. But no I knew a lot was going to change and a lot of things where going to happen so I wanted the memory of Ruo to stay intact and we would all run together under a new banner. Make new changes, new rules, and over all a bigger family. Which only time will help us weed out to where we would become a close group of players helping each other but of a larger number than before. Sure some of the new people do play around in guild chat and joke around about random things. But there is no confirming that it will stay that way for good.

All I know is at first nobody wanted to step up and do anything with the guild, but now that I have they want to come and complain there not happy when they did not want to do anything in the first place. I did like Ruo and the players in it but I felt with the guild leader leaving and giving up on the guild that it was going to fall apart. So I made an effort to keep us together and bring some new people along for the ride. Maybe got a bit over zealous with letting a bunch of new people in but its kept the guild lively. Now time will tell who the dedicated players are that will stick around and make an effort to give Deso the kind of reputation that Ruo had. I in no way claim ruo and deso to be the same as it is now. Because it is not. Its a new guild with a new name. Ruo's name is not tarnished as none of the things that have happened have happened under Ruo name.

So it is what it is. The 1 person willing to try something seems will have to take on this burden.

I hold no malice for anyone that has been involved in any of this and will always state that there a great bunch of people. I hold the utmost respect for them.

I don't claim and have never claimed to be the best or even remotely decent. I don't play this game for anyone's approval and could careless if you think i am total garbage.

Thank you and have a nice day!

08-24-2011, 04:36 PM
miavii went w/ neiro... -sigh- heartbroken cow

08-24-2011, 04:42 PM
you guys all take this game too seriously

08-24-2011, 04:52 PM
miavii went w/ neiro... -sigh- heartbroken cow


08-24-2011, 04:58 PM
lol pos scamming guild will always b a pos. (Ruo) End of your story.

08-24-2011, 05:00 PM
SlasherIndia joined the guild a good while back, around level 160x in the hopes of making quick alz from dungeoning since my guild had crashed after many people went to Merc for gear. (Yea, I know that wasn’t the best reason to join a guild but I was seriously bored.) But in Ruo, I enjoyed the nice atmosphere, people were constantly on to greet you, and I loved to read guild chat, interact and dungeon. I threw out my initial reason to join knowing that I made some really great friends, and stayed. (I still didn’t make quick alz but w/e lol). Everyone there always tried to make the best decision for the guild and I believe that Athian is not totally to blame for this...

After many people who were the origin of the guild left, it seems too far gone to repair. I have given my opinions to the guild leader in the hopes that they will be heard. I miss all of the original people who have left: Goingbyby, SageMaster15, Amberrayne, Killermaha, Fearnotavi, Zarniwoop, ErikEverhard,Alakard, Aksaya, GoingToBoston and whoever else I missed (dam ur names are hard lol). The guild was close, strong and a force to be reckoned with.
This is only my opinion I have voiced in the hopes that RuoExtraxi will come together once more. (I love u all <3) SlasherIndia still remains in Desolation, holding on…

I understand you are being truthful, but we can still salvage this state of desolation. We shouldn't be antagonizing the merged group. If I have shown antagonism towards them, then shame on me. I was expressing what I have been experiencing in the past few weeks after the merge. Let's try to bring back everyone once again under a bigger roof this time.

In Soviet Russia you are happy to have guild! Too many nubs oust the leader!!! Coup d' tat. Give us Desolation we name it back to RuoExtraxi you all go elsewhere if you don't like it. Give guild to Chippo.

The thing is the guild was the most exclusive guild on Venus. More so than Tang. We were posted as the most choosy guild on Venus. Jenn may have huge knockers which blinds people to the fact that she does understand what Ruo was about. 0 policy for alz buying and hacking. And To mega shout recruiting anyone....was absurd and to change name without any voting is also absurd.

We need to set aside the differences and accept the inevitable changes. We do have been very conventional and maybe it is time to be a little bit more open-minded in order to accept and try new approaches. Please come back, amber. Desolation may seem adversarial now, but really think about the word's definition. It is a fitting name for RuoExtraxi's current state. For me, this is a transitional period. I'm sure we'll pull through, but only together we'll be successful in this hardship. We have become a desert, but hasn't the game itself become one also? Just because the name and a few frown-inducing episodes had occurred, it doesn't mean we should further segregate ourselves. After all, we are the symbol of avoiding segregation, are we not?

Nice writing, hope you guys can solve the problems~

Thanks, dear Apoc player~

Athian will never be a decent fb. Since beta his fb was weak, and still weak. LOL. That was a good story Chippo, sorry to hear that, sh*tty fb will always be sh*ty, remember that kids.

Please do not bad-mouth Athian. He is a great person worth of praises. He is very steadfast, and maybe a little bit too stubborn, but he is not the type of person to be made a mockery of. Please do remember that.

I hold no malice for anyone that has been involved in any of this and will always state that there a great bunch of people. I hold the utmost respect for them.

You should not try to do everything by yourself. We are there for you, if not right now, but we will all be together, hopefully. No, we will all be together for sure. Hang in there, man. I'm gonna log on now and we'll strive to carry on with our CABAL life better than ever before.

lol pos scamming guild will always b a pos. (Ruo) End of your story.
I admit there had been a few scammers in the guild in the past, but they have all been taken care of. If new scammers arise in guild, we'll try to deal with them appropriately. Please do not call the entire guild a scamming guild because of only a handful of people who have no integrity and do not understand being honest players.

08-24-2011, 06:10 PM
Just for clarification, I quit because I have finally saved enough money to be moving across country to attend school full time/work and wouldn't have the time to devote to maintaining a guild or really even playing games. It had nothing to do with "giving up" anything. I find it a real pity that the guild has gone this direction, but immediately after I handed leadership over I could already see the path it was heading, first hint being the name change. Next thing you know, I'm getting messages telling me all of the things that have happened. Not entirely sure why this is being brought to the public(other than potential damaging claims from other guilds, such as scamming). There were always "core" members, trusted, loyal people whom the guild was made around, as time went on, some left, new ones came(particularly from the acquired members from Apoc). I felt that other than a bit of an inactive time before I left, things were going well. The fact that people wanted to change pretty much everything we had set in place in a matter of days(without real consideration) was clearly an uneducated move.

I hope that things can be resolved, although I don't hold out much hope for it getting to where it was.

And to those with the snide remarks relating to being so serious about a game, etc. It isn't about a game at all, it's about the people. I can honestly say there are people within this guild that I would whole-heartedly trust with real life circumstances. Also, to note, just about every one of these core members that we've ever had have all been full time students/worked full time. We were just a group of people who commonly enjoyed a hobby in our spare time and tried to make it as enjoyable as possible. Being serious about something isn't a bad thing, it's a shame how society(particularly American) depicts particular behaviors.

PS: Hi all!

08-24-2011, 06:34 PM
*grabs popcorn*
I bet this is going to end in a group hug.

08-24-2011, 06:47 PM
way more entertaining x.x

08-24-2011, 06:52 PM
With all these different types of comments, I think I am ready to accept Evolutionism.

08-24-2011, 06:54 PM
No you are utterly wrong, u still didnt take care of , "greedy" (forum name) ign: Buttons (lv 163) and Zipp. (lv 166 wa)
Now i ant saying the whole guild is pos scammers, but the players in the guild do have a major impact on how the guild is viewed. And i am still majorly ticked off at both guilds.

08-24-2011, 07:17 PM
most ruoextari members i met were random nubs, never cared about those ppl..

(I got nothing special vs that guild just saying)

08-24-2011, 07:18 PM
Is there a tl;dr version of all them wall of texts.

08-24-2011, 07:22 PM
영어를 더 공부하세요. ^.^
There. All done.

08-24-2011, 07:25 PM
i'm with u athian. There are ppl do things and quiet. But also there are ppl who just complain but never done a thing. It's impossible to make everyone happy (just like politics, always 2 sides). so believe in yourself and never look back. "Change" won obama a president of the US. So nothing wrong with it. Do the best you can and I'm sure majority of ppl will appreciate it.

08-24-2011, 07:34 PM
영어를 더 공부하세요. ^.^
There. All done.


08-24-2011, 07:35 PM

08-24-2011, 07:38 PM
So, I'd like tips on how to be a half-decent bl and to be good at war.

08-24-2011, 07:43 PM
Not that I'm be posting here because a certain bl is here.

08-24-2011, 07:43 PM
So, I'd like tips on how to be a half-decent bl and to be good at war.

Well. How should I start this...
Ok. Set your alarm clock to go off at 5:13 am everyday and have at least one egg in the fridge.
When the alarm goes off, wake up. Don't change clothes. Go smash the egg and eat it raw.

Run 5 miles around your house shouting, "I CAN FLY. OH YES. I CAN FLY!" It doesn't have to be 5 miles everyday. Just do it until a neighbor throws his or her breakfast materials at you.

Then, start your CABAL day.

End of story.

[Edit] In Soviet Russia, Double Post does you!

08-24-2011, 07:52 PM
Ahhh guild drama, how I miss those days.
I remember when Ath first took over Ruo, I think Slasher wanted me to join the guild. I was like....I used to be Ath's guild leader, that is entirely too awkward, no thanks!

Oh and Chippo you forgot guest appearance by Subversion looool. Subversion was "allied" with Ruo. Seems like our guilds were more similar than I knew.

08-24-2011, 07:56 PM
i'm with u athian. There are ppl do things and quiet. But also there are ppl who just complain but never done a thing. It's impossible to make everyone happy (just like politics, always 2 sides). so believe in yourself and never look back. "Change" won obama a president of the US. So nothing wrong with it. Do the best you can and I'm sure majority of ppl will appreciate it.

Obama didnt change anything

08-24-2011, 08:12 PM
I just read "Although it is a pity to deliver a then level 4 guild (now level 5) to someone not capable of holding true to RuoExtraxi's family-mindedness in a silver platter, Chippo has come to a conclusion that he is willing to let go of the cancer-striken guild called Desolation in which people will forever be segregated based on their gear, level, and relationships." and i liked it :D. Even in NWA jenn likes segreagtion based on gears :), altho her gear I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ed till she got a sig GS as a drop in party and got help form guildies to raise her forcy craft :O. But this is jenns payback after all the help she recieves: t(',..,'t)

08-24-2011, 08:16 PM
I fell asleep thru the first 5 words

08-24-2011, 08:52 PM
I honestly dont understand why this had to be brought to the forums chippo. I do ask if a gm see's this thread to have this thread locked and removed before it turns into a bashing thread of some of the players within the game. There is no reason for any of this as not long ago we where playing the game as friends and having fun. Any comments that are directed to anyone but me, really its not even called for. If you guys hate me, oh well. Just find it that its a shame that it had to come to this over a game when we all where friends who enjoyed playing with each other. So with that I do apologize for any talks that we may have had but I am done with it all. Good luck to you all and hope nothing but the best for you all but peace.

This thread was the last straw for me.

08-24-2011, 08:52 PM
Thanks for putting this to awareness chippo, slasher and ath. Hope you can return the glory:)

08-24-2011, 08:54 PM

hi =]

08-24-2011, 10:32 PM
Well written Chippo lol. At first I was gonna be like the dude with the cool ass and so true sig. concerning forum posts being long enough to cover subject material short enough to keep people interested lol. I decided to give it a read... hopefully all gets resolved and everyone is cool o.o - lol didn't read any of the other long ass posts though. lol. f that x.x

08-24-2011, 10:33 PM

08-24-2011, 10:58 PM
oh my word seriously and i thought reading all the stuff for my courage tests was alot...someone pop this thread geez...

08-25-2011, 12:17 AM
chip u forgot to mention in ur first post that Ruo originally compose of a few members and the remnants of Velocy's guild Storm after Vel left for Aion and told the players that they were free to do what they wanted, but would hope for them to join Reaver's guild and help him out.
"Goingbyby, SageMaster15, Amberrayne, Killermaha, Fearnotavi, Zarniwoop, ErikEverhard,Alakard, Aksaya, GoingToBoston" so technically this statement made by slasher is wrong, these were not the original members.

btw didnt think there would be this much drama bout pixels in a dying game. GL chip hope u guys settle ur matters

08-25-2011, 02:34 AM
You know, I like how Venus has more drama than Mercury.

RuoExtraxi VS. Desolation
Fob Fierys VS. Venus Server


Immortal Dilemma
08-25-2011, 07:16 AM
Its cool to have or make a story for your guild but if u look at it no guilds have loyality and they're all the same. One goal getting stuff and getting out quick.

08-25-2011, 08:04 AM
No you are utterly wrong, u still didnt take care of , "greedy" (forum name) ign: Buttons (lv 163) and Zipp. (lv 166 wa)
Now i ant saying the whole guild is pos scammers, but the players in the guild do have a major impact on how the guild is viewed. And i am still majorly ticked off at both guilds.

Didn't AmberRayne get kicked from Apoc for trying to scam them and he got kicked from another guild for buying alz?

08-25-2011, 08:06 AM
Didn't AmberRayne get kicked from Apoc for trying to scam them and he got kicked from another guild for buying alz?

No. amber and the then guild master of Apocalypse didn't get along with each other too well. That's all I can brief you regarding that.

[Edit] Warning: a flood of quoted replies is imminent.

08-25-2011, 08:18 AM
You know, I like how Venus has more drama than Mercury.

RuoExtraxi VS. Desolation
Fob Fierys VS. Venus Server


gj u just proved why mercury's population is more than venus.

08-25-2011, 08:37 AM
Not entirely sure why this is being brought to the public(other than potential damaging claims from other guilds, such as scamming). There were always "core" members, trusted, loyal people whom the guild was made around, as time went on, some left, new ones came(particularly from the acquired members from Apoc). I felt that other than a bit of an inactive time before I left, things were going well. The fact that people wanted to change pretty much everything we had set in place in a matter of days(without real consideration) was clearly an uneducated move.

I hope that things can be resolved, although I don't hold out much hope for it getting to where it was.

And to those with the snide remarks relating to being so serious about a game, etc. It isn't about a game at all, it's about the people. I can honestly say there are people within this guild that I would whole-heartedly trust with real life circumstances. Also, to note, just about every one of these core members that we've ever had have all been full time students/worked full time. We were just a group of people who commonly enjoyed a hobby in our spare time and tried to make it as enjoyable as possible. Being serious about something isn't a bad thing, it's a shame how society(particularly American) depicts particular behaviors.

PS: Hi all!

I brought this matter to the public, because both parties were in a stalemate. We were getting nowhere. In guild chat, yes in guild chat because I always want my guild members informed of everything regarding the guild, I stated my opinions in a civilized manner and then I got the muzzle and ended up getting forcedly kicked, although I was re-invited after 15 min. The majority of the voicing of opinions was by the Ruos and not the ex-NWA's. Even with the help of the inter-guild channel chat, we were not making any progress. We ran out of our verbal ammunitions. So I turned to the forum and spilled my beans and let nature run its course. Honestly, there is no need to be secretive about anything in the game except personal information, we are always being monitored, if you didn't know.

No you are utterly wrong, u still didnt take care of , "greedy" (forum name) ign: Buttons (lv 163) and Zipp. (lv 166 wa)
Now i ant saying the whole guild is pos scammers, but the players in the guild do have a major impact on how the guild is viewed. And i am still majorly ticked off at both guilds.

I'm sorry to hear that, but he had been removed by GoingToBoston and an end had been put to scamming and tarnishing the guild.

most ruoextari members i met were random nubs, never cared about those ppl..

(I got nothing special vs that guild just saying)

I believe everyone starts as level 1 with training gears. Calling people random nubs is an uneducated gesture. No one told you to care about others. You stating that "I never cared" contributes nothing to just about anything. So try to be either constructive or comical, because I can't find either aspect in your comment.

Ahhh guild drama, how I miss those days.
I remember when Ath first took over Ruo, I think Slasher wanted me to join the guild. I was like....I used to be Ath's guild leader, that is entirely too awkward, no thanks!

Oh and Chippo you forgot guest appearance by Subversion looool. Subversion was "allied" with Ruo. Seems like our guilds were more similar than I knew.

Bro, first of all, hi. :P
We are still allied. Maybe I left out too many details from the history of RuoExtraxi. Yes, your dear Subversion played a major role (if it was only just you who I met in Mission Wars and ignited my passion for MW's). I give you the rights to create a spin-off. kaka

I just read "Although it is a pity to deliver a then level 4 guild (now level 5) to someone not capable of holding true to RuoExtraxi's family-mindedness in a silver platter, Chippo has come to a conclusion that he is willing to let go of the cancer-striken guild called Desolation in which people will forever be segregated based on their gear, level, and relationships." and i liked it :D. Even in NWA jenn likes segreagtion based on gears :), altho her gear I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ed till she got a sig GS as a drop in party and got help form guildies to raise her forcy craft :O. But this is jenns payback after all the help she recieves: t(',..,'t)

Oh hey, present NWA member. I had no idea about that. I need more NWA's voicing their opinions about the ex-NWA's because I am unable to coax anything out of them. You NWA members know better than anyone what happened in your guild that led to this current situation.

I honestly dont understand why this had to be brought to the forums chippo. I do ask if a gm see's this thread to have this thread locked and removed before it turns into a bashing thread of some of the players within the game. There is no reason for any of this as not long ago we where playing the game as friends and having fun. Any comments that are directed to anyone but me, really its not even called for. If you guys hate me, oh well. Just find it that its a shame that it had to come to this over a game when we all where friends who enjoyed playing with each other. So with that I do apologize for any talks that we may have had but I am done with it all. Good luck to you all and hope nothing but the best for you all but peace.

This thread was the last straw for me.

You kept telling me to shut up in guild chat when I was being informative to the guild and I was not being overtly rude, just rash. Then you eventually temporarily removed me from the guild. I am the last person to leave RuoExtraxi. That was not a smart move on your part. As I stated previously in my reply to GoingToBoston's post, I want more opinions from a wider range of audience, including the other side of this story: what really took place in NWA that led to the merge.

Thanks for putting this to awareness chippo, slasher and ath. Hope you can return the glory:)

You're most welcome. Take pre-cautionary measures in Deathblow so you can prevent this type of recoverable or irrecoverable disastor.

Well written Chippo lol. At first I was gonna be like the dude with the cool ass and so true sig. concerning forum posts being long enough to cover subject material short enough to keep people interested lol. I decided to give it a read... hopefully all gets resolved and everyone is cool o.o - lol didn't read any of the other long ass posts though. lol. f that x.x

I appreciate your time to read my message. I would appreciate it even more if you could help shed some light on the matter if you have any ties with the mentioned people.

chip u forgot to mention in ur first post that Ruo originally compose of a few members and the remnants of Velocy's guild Storm after Vel left for Aion and told the players that they were free to do what they wanted, but would hope for them to join Reaver's guild and help him out.
"Goingbyby, SageMaster15, Amberrayne, Killermaha, Fearnotavi, Zarniwoop, ErikEverhard,Alakard, Aksaya, GoingToBoston" so technically this statement made by slasher is wrong, these were not the original members.

btw didnt think there would be this much drama bout pixels in a dying game. GL chip hope u guys settle ur matters

Either you are Eric or BK, I think. Yes, I almost forgot about Velocy's influence of the guild's birth. He was a cool chill dude until he ditched us for Aion, but I don't blame him.

Its cool to have or make a story for your guild but if u look at it no guilds have loyality and they're all the same. One goal getting stuff and getting out quick.

Everyone has his or her opportunist moments. Yes so do I. One of my goals of remaining or trying to join a strong guild is to get better gears. However, people's hearts are designed to be caring regardless of circumstances. In times of trials and tribulations, I try to be optimistic, progressive, productive, and help out those who are distressed.

08-25-2011, 09:28 AM
Chippo, I talk to some of the NWA members frequently and I can say I know what happened.

Firstly, there was a fairly large party of NWA that had received a 72 dmg SIG GS drop DURING the safeguard event. Not only is this a great drop, but during this event made it an even higher price tag. The GS was PRACTICALLY given to JennsCA for free. JennsCA had told the members of the party and guild that she would give up on any epics dropped in future. Not long after she received this item she left the guild. Her reasoning for leaving this guild was because of two reasons.

Her one reason, she had said "I am now strong enough to run my own guild."
Her other reason, when the current guildleader "Blue?" went on vacation someone else was temporarily given Guild Leadership instead of her. The person given Guild Leadership was the original creator of the guild.

I was also told that not only did her and "her boyfriend" (not sure who that is) used the guild to get their crafting up, but they had also always attempted to run three man parties and roll for drops so JennsCA and said "boyfriend" had good chance of getting all the items.

What makes matters worse, after JennsCA was treated so well in NWA she had left and pm'd players to try and leave the guild with her. She had somehow convinced a large majority to leave. One of the guildies that had left NWA and joined Desolation was soon scammed off of a party drop and re-joined NWA.

08-25-2011, 09:48 AM
Chippo, I talk to some of the NWA members frequently and I can say I know what happened.

Firstly, there was a fairly large party of NWA that had received a 72 dmg SIG GS drop DURING the safeguard event. Not only is this a great drop, but during this event made it an even higher price tag. The GS was PRACTICALLY given to JennsCA for free. JennsCA had told the members of the party and guild that she would give up on any epics dropped in future. Not long after she received this item she left the guild. Her reasoning for leaving this guild was because of two reasons.

Her one reason, she had said "I am now strong enough to run my own guild."
Her other reason, when the current guildleader "Blue?" went on vacation someone else was temporarily given Guild Leadership instead of her. The person given Guild Leadership was the original creator of the guild.

I was also told that not only did her and "her boyfriend" (not sure who that is) used the guild to get their crafting up, but they had also always attempted to run three man parties and roll for drops so JennsCA and said "boyfriend" had good chance of getting all the items.

What makes matters worse, after JennsCA was treated so well in NWA she had left and pm'd players to try and leave the guild with her. She had somehow convinced a large majority to leave. One of the guildies that had left NWA and joined Desolation was soon scammed off of a party drop and re-joined NWA.

Thank you for your valuable information. Although this seems a tad bit antagonistic, but what can we do. Obviously great responsiblities did not come from great powers in this case. BlueArrow is the guild master of NWA and we, the RuoExtraxi, are in good terms with him. A similar thing had occurred in RuoExtraxi in the past, when xReaverx and a member had a type of power-related dispute. In the end it got resolved and everyone was happy. I understand that an end-game gear always seems to cause irrepairable damages to any guilds, but I hope like the past, we could set aside our differences and come out better and redemptive. Thanks again, BBarry, if it's not too much trouble I would like to know your Venus ign via private message.

08-25-2011, 10:13 AM
Members have told me that noone had problems with JennsCA receiving the GS. They had given to her in terms of good faith, in that she appeared to be a loyal member. JennsCA sole reason for leaving the guild was not in that she was treatly poorly (quite the opposite), but more so she wanted more power and to take control of NWA. Many say the GS corrupted her. She soon after appeared to be "y" and "felt superior" to everyone. The members of NWA treated her like family. They said to have been quite surprised when they logged in one day and TONS of people were out of guild, including her, without even saying anything to the guild leaders.

Immortal Dilemma
08-25-2011, 10:57 AM
(Kinda random) But you do indeed have excellent writing skills, but its sad that this forum site doesn't have a blog compatibility. I would love to read some of what the players of cabal have to say, and what the GM's would write up if they were to write up a blog. I'm currently writing up a "What IF" series for Cabal Online I look forward to read your thoughts on it.

08-25-2011, 03:11 PM
amber was only kicked b/c he called someone a bad nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee

08-25-2011, 03:15 PM
idk wtf is going on but. i saw a post that said jenn got the sig gs for free...thats a lie she sold her old +15 osm gs and paid the pt off. thats all i gots to say....DRAMA IS AWESOME KEEP IT COMING i need something to read while im in english..LOL

08-25-2011, 03:57 PM
I didn't see anyone say free, I saw someone say practically free and I guess that depends on whatever that means lol. But I will clarify what happened with the gs situation because I was in party.

It was a 5 person party. Jenn, Spud, Tri, Tookie, and myself

Jenn helped tookie pay for an account transfer, she gave tri an extra pair of sg boots she had because she crafted herself pc osm, and she gave me a voucher and some +5 stit wiz boots. oh and Spud is her bf he didn't get sht =]

So yeah, that is exactly what happened with it. I'm not sure what the gs would have even sold for at the time. But we let her take it and she payed us all a little bit for it.

The situation with Jenn really hurt the guild. But we all don't really talk about it. It's just water under the bridge for us pretty much, and a lot of us wish the best for her.

08-25-2011, 04:39 PM
I didn't realize there was so much drama in regards to that GS Jenn has, and with Deso, NWA, and Ruo. Quite interesting.

08-25-2011, 06:34 PM
marth ur a slow poke for being azn

08-25-2011, 07:46 PM
Chippo, I talk to some of the NWA members frequently and I can say I know what happened.

Firstly, there was a fairly large party of NWA that had received a 72 dmg SIG GS drop DURING the safeguard event. Not only is this a great drop, but during this event made it an even higher price tag. The GS was PRACTICALLY given to JennsCA for free. JennsCA had told the members of the party and guild that she would give up on any epics dropped in future. Not long after she received this item she left the guild. Her reasoning for leaving this guild was because of two reasons.

Her one reason, she had said "I am now strong enough to run my own guild."
Her other reason, when the current guildleader "Blue?" went on vacation someone else was temporarily given Guild Leadership instead of her. The person given Guild Leadership was the original creator of the guild.

I was also told that not only did her and "her boyfriend" (not sure who that is) used the guild to get their crafting up, but they had also always attempted to run three man parties and roll for drops so JennsCA and said "boyfriend" had good chance of getting all the items.

What makes matters worse, after JennsCA was treated so well in NWA she had left and pm'd players to try and leave the guild with her. She had somehow convinced a large majority to leave. One of the guildies that had left NWA and joined Desolation was soon scammed off of a party drop and re-joined NWA.

Jenn sounds like a cat

08-25-2011, 08:16 PM
Time did fly when he was having fun. After a few weeks, xReaverx, the true leader of RuoExtraxi made a lot of sacrifices in his real life to come back and nurture back what he and his then partner had begun

i dunno if im suppose to be inspired or if im suppose to laugh at it

08-26-2011, 12:48 AM
New to the forums so I dunno how to do all the cool quoting stuff, so read through the lines xD

Quote Originally Posted by Sina View Post
most ruoextari members i met were random nubs, never cared about those ppl..
(I got nothing special vs that guild just saying)

I believe everyone starts as level 1 with training gears. Calling people random nubs is an uneducated gesture. No one told you to care about others. You stating that "I never cared" contributes nothing to just about anything. So try to be either constructive or comical, because I can't find either aspect in your comment.


Quote Originally Posted by zhuai View Post
Thanks for putting this to awareness chippo, slasher and ath. Hope you can return the glory

You're most welcome. Take pre-cautionary measures in Deathblow so you can prevent this type of recoverable or irrecoverable disastor.

No worries there, Zhu & Yoshi are probably the two best gamers I've met in a substantial amount of time. I don't mean the best as in gear and level...(although they are certainly a force to be reckoned with) but players that can truly play the game for what it should be... A game. All the while holding their composure, integrity, and managing to remember their humble beginnings. I love these guys because they can smash me into the dirt, and still tell me it was just luck. It puts a smile on my face every time, but I digress. I don't know you personally Chippo, and I literally just joined the forum tonight after years of playing this game, but truly you seem like an educated, humble, and very composed individual. So when I say good gamers.. I know that you know what I mean. Sadly enough, a dying breed...I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Much to love to Zhu, Yoshi, and all of Deathblow...Lets not let this happen guys. Remember, regardless of your position now...You started playing Cabal to have fun and enjoy yourself.


08-26-2011, 01:35 AM
jenns was brought up to be a middle man for one of my trades with desolation, maybe if i allowed him to do it instead of athian i woulda loss all my money lol

08-26-2011, 01:47 AM
Chip u should've have took charge of ruo after sry left, u took charge during reaver's first 3 month "break" and even tho u didnt like it, and there were only a few of us on, i still say you were a good choice for that matter, u kept the guild going without its original owner, kept its policies, and help out the guildies when they needed it, even in being a grammar nazi on guild chat helped.

08-26-2011, 09:54 AM
jenns was brought up to be a middle man for one of my trades with desolation, maybe if i allowed him to do it instead of athian i woulda loss all my money lol

I wouldn't go this far as to say jenn is a untrustworthy person as I have lent her my bof+7 and got it back after a few days. Sure reputation goes a long way but wouldn't go as far as to say jenn would have run off with anything, just you trusted me and that's it.

Chip u should've have took charge of ruo after sry left, u took charge during reaver's first 3 month "break" and even tho u didnt like it, and there were only a few of us on, i still say you were a good choice for that matter, u kept the guild going without its original owner, kept its policies, and help out the guildies when they needed it, even in being a grammar nazi on guild chat helped.

Point blank and simple. Nobody wanted it. Some people suggested me since im always on for 1. Refused at first. Then saw an opportunity and rolled with it. Nothing always works out. But we are all making an effort to band together once again.

Now with all the comments about nwa. Hands down there a great bunch of people and would stand up for any of them in a pk fest or w/e. Sure things happen, people want change and move on. That's about it. I think we all have at some point moved from one guild to another for many reasons. Trying to judge someone by being specific on that reason makes it sound petty imo. Obviously your not always going to be friends with everyone in a guild or make people happy when you leave a guild you have been in for a long time, but when your just ready for a change then imo nothing should stop you from moving forward. We all want to enjoy our experience or try new things while playing this game. Leaving a guild being one of them. Sure we can all go into details why jenn may have left and think omg she was petty or greedy, but then should also look at yourself and consider the reason you may have left a previous guild. Was it because you didn't like a rule, wanted to run better dungeons, didn't like the people? Things some would consider petty or greedy. But in the end its everyone's choice to move on for whatever reason. I have done so for a few of the previously mentioned reasons left a guild to join another. We all want to enjoy playing cabal and if you are not then what is the point of staying where you are? Its all a game, people leave guilds for many reasons and just try something new in a new environment.

Bottom line. Just because people are in different guilds doesn't mean that you cannot stay friends. I have had many friends leave guilds i was in for others for many reasons, I wished them the best of luck and still talk to them from time to time. If they enjoy there time on cabal more somewhere else then what kind of friend would I be if I got mad at them for that reason? Not a very good one imo. There still my friend no matter what happens or where they go. I may not talk to them as much since they left but that bond as friends that we made doesn't die or diminish because they wanted to try something new somewhere else.

Thank you and have a nice day!

08-26-2011, 11:31 AM
Bottom line. Just because people are in different guilds doesn't mean that you cannot stay friends. I have had many friends leave guilds i was in for others for many reasons, I wished them the best of luck and still talk to them from time to time.

Funny how you mention this, yet you removed most(if not all) of your old friends(guildies)secretly from your buddy list. Contradicting if you ask me.

08-26-2011, 11:58 AM
Funny how you mention this, yet you removed most(if not all) of your old friends(guildies)secretly from your buddy list. Contradicting if you ask me.

With the amount of stress I am/was going through, last thing I wanted is someone else adding to it. I did it I wont deny it. But then again I also felt they where probably the angriest with me with how things turned out and did not feel like I was much of a friend to them. So yes I took them off.

08-26-2011, 12:16 PM
wtf ... guilds die, they're sold, they merge, they change .... how is this new?? and why does everyone else but the people that were in the party have an issue with the epic GS that dropped? seriously as long as the party is happy with the way things went down and they all agree it's no one's business .. it's gotta be jealousy. Jenn didn't leave guild b/c of that drop lmao she's still friends with everyone in that party and they still run dungeons together regardless of guild. and bashing Jenn and Athian? for what? they're both good and trustworthy people. you guys already remade Ruo .. move on. I don't even understand why Jenn and Athian are even still trying to make you guys happy ... more power to em. and the other thing ... chippo said when we merged he logged on to having like 40 new people ... guild holds 120 and it was full at the time of voting ... so there was 80 people in Ruo before the name change so how was Ruo out voted??? they even gave it an extra couple days after voting was suppose to be said and done just to make sure no one was missed. chippo writes this like it's his life story or something, and if it is ... lol ... give me a break! KILL THE FOCKING THREAD ALREADY AND STOP CRYING LIKE A I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥!


08-26-2011, 12:56 PM
wtf ... guilds die, they're sold, they merge, they change .... how is this new?? and why does everyone else but the people that were in the party have an issue with the epic GS that dropped? seriously as long as the party is happy with the way things went down and they all agree it's no one's business .. it's gotta be jealousy. Jenn didn't leave guild b/c of that drop lmao she's still friends with everyone in that party and they still run dungeons together regardless of guild. and bashing Jenn and Athian? for what? they're both good and trustworthy people. you guys already remade Ruo .. move on. I don't even understand why Jenn and Athian are even still trying to make you guys happy ... more power to em. and the other thing ... chippo said when we merged he logged on to having like 40 new people ... guild holds 120 and it was full at the time of voting ... so there was 80 people in Ruo before the name change so how was Ruo out voted??? they even gave it an extra couple days after voting was suppose to be said and done just to make sure no one was missed. chippo writes this like it's his life story or something, and if it is ... lol ... give me a break! KILL THE FOCKING THREAD ALREADY AND STOP CRYING LIKE A I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥!

-Scarlet this man is a genius

08-26-2011, 01:26 PM
icecreamman where have u been

08-26-2011, 04:23 PM
With the amount of stress I am/was going through, last thing I wanted is someone else adding to it. I did it I wont deny it. But then again I also felt they where probably the angriest with me with how things turned out and did not feel like I was much of a friend to them. So yes I took them off.

You want to talk about stress? The last thing I ever needed was stressing over a game. As the days pass, your piles of excuses just baffle me... Let's leave it at that and let the readers fit the pieces together.

08-26-2011, 05:32 PM
Ok and now to offer my actual two cents about all this considering the people in Ruo have always been close to me.

1. Though this thread does not tell me the entire story of the guild, I do know that when guilds merge, change names, change leadership, things are bound to go awry at some point.

2. Athian was a guild member of mine for quite some time, thus at some point in our Cabal history we were good friends. However, there was always a dark cloud looming over that friendship of which I will not go into. One day, the bridge was burned to where Ath blocked and deleted me both in game and on msn regardless of the fact that we had been good friends for quite some time.
This was the long standing norm until out of the blue, Ath apologized to me, seemingly turning a new leaf. Since then it has become water under the bridge, and I have given Ath the benefit of the doubt that some of his little personality quirks were ironed out.

3. Reading this thread, I have concluded that while people do change, there are some things that never will. I said before, that being Ath's "subordinate" would be too awkward. Having been his guild leader and close friend, I know Ath's little quirks. While a newly merged guild with a newly picked guild leader seemed like roses and sunshine at first, I knew there had to be more than meets the eye.
What people don't understand is that handling a guild, especially a big guild is not easy, and if you have personality quirks that don't exactly work with others, then being a guild leader is not exactly the best position for you to take. Remember that dealing with a guild is dealing with people, not lifeless computers on a game.
Anyway, knowing Ath, I know he can be stubborn, I know he has some anti-social tendencies, and I know at some point, he will decide it is better to block and delete people than to deal with their complaints, arguments, and negativity. Not having dealt with such a large group of different people, and not having been a guild leader for quite some time, I believe Ath dealt with problems the best way he knew how. Which as it seems by the posters in this thread, wasn't exactly the best solution for the guild situation.

4. Other than the obvious problems of a different mixture of people being added into a guild that was used to being small, it looks like problems in the hierarchy caused a major division. From what I gather it looks like there is or was a hierarchy of three: Leader, Co-lead, and Officers, just like in Subversion. Give this hierarchy to the wrong people and give them the wrong permissions, and things could go sour really fast. A hierarchy should never have too much power or too little power, but just the right amount.
a. These are my notes to Ath, so that he will hopefully have less problems. Never give anyone except Leader and Co-leader(s) kicking ability. Kicking someone simply for any little nonsense is ridiculous. Giving others kicking ability simply because the lead and/or leaders cannot is also ridiculous. If so many people are getting kicked at once, then it means either too many of the wrong people were invited, or someone is not doing their job properly.
I only kicked under extreme circumstances because I always tried to keep the peace within the guild FIRST. People won't always get along with each other all the time, but that's no reason to go separate ways or to slam the "ban hammer" right away. Settle the petty arguments and differences and create a better atmosphere overall.

b. This is also why I kept a relatively small guild. The more people in the guild, the less control there will be and the less harmony, unless you know how to handle the change. I had very strict invite requirements, and the people with invite rights had to uphold those requirements. I never liked the idea of invite whoever you want now, and let someone else deal with the problem later. It lowers the guild morale of veteran members.

c. Speaking of veterans, this is a lesson I learned from having had a guild for so long. Never hang your veteran guild members out to dry. They are the core, they are the ones that have stuck by the guild's side and they are the reason why the guild still exists. Hang them out to dry, and they will not be happy. They have every right to complain and their vote should count more than that of new members, merged in or not.

d. A merger is a difficult thing to handle, and it has to be made under the right terms. Everyone needs to be under agreement about it, and it cannot happen under shady circumstances or there will be drama surrounding it. The biggest problem about a merger is the new leadership that merges into the guild. Both leaders need to be in agreement about rules, and both former and new guild members need to know and abide by them. Like I said before, kicking doesn't solve the problem. Kicking is a last resort or a means of getting rid of the trash that should have never been in the guild in the first place. As a guild leader you HAVE to learn to be a mediator/babysitter to these "kids" running amok or else the guild will burn to the ground.

TL;DR version: What it boils down to is that Ruo was missing leadership, and in an attempt to keep the guild going, leadership was given to anyone that stepped up to the plate. Despite his best efforts, Ath was not ready to handle the sh1tstorm that was coming.
My recommendation: Ath AND the rogue members get their shi- together and either offer a fresh new start, or a get together of ALL the parties involved to work out some type of compromise.
However, I think with the state of the guild, the newly formed Ruo is better off remaining a separate entity if they want to keep their namesake and their "traditional values." Negotiating doesn't seem all too possible with the powers at work in Desolation.

08-26-2011, 05:38 PM
that was more than 2cents.. and.... you might need a tl;dr tl;dr version

08-26-2011, 05:41 PM
that was more than 2cents.. and.... you might need a tl;dr tl;dr version

LOL you're right it was, oops. Also if people cant read my TL;DR version then too bad for them!
I specifically didn't make my post purple so that it wasn't just a big wall of bright purple blindness.

08-26-2011, 06:14 PM
I keep the 2cents k

08-26-2011, 06:16 PM
This isn't closed yet?gg

08-26-2011, 06:26 PM
This isn't closed yet?gg

Why would it be closed? This is an excellent awareness thread for every player.

Also, I have not violated any of the forum rules. This is a dire issue and I have presented my opinions in an earnest way as an earnest person who enjoys CABAL. Even though it is not the best time of the best of all possible worlds, it would be a bigger crime to bury an issue like this without repairing the damages.

Speaking of damages, yes, they have been inflicted and I am suffering a lot due to them. However, I am not abandoning my earnest ways and using this happening as a means of motivation that can be applied in real life too, not just in game.

Honestly, this is the polar opposite of what anyone should be getting out of an online community, albeit a gaming one. I started out to find some senses of belonging and to ease loneliness, and the two years of dedicated playing (up to this point) have given them to me. Of course I am disheartened that things will not be the same anymore, but hey, who gives a chicken's beak.

08-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Ya, I'm not going to respond, going to get banned if I do...:(

08-26-2011, 06:40 PM
dam u guys write too much...this is not school T.T

08-26-2011, 06:54 PM
all the reading is going to give me a head ache

08-26-2011, 09:08 PM
This is just a game.

08-26-2011, 10:10 PM
I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥ happens just have to move on from it :/

Immortal Dilemma
08-26-2011, 10:23 PM
If u cant read this then look on google for a read/spell check, and make it read it for you. I have to say the grammar that you guys cook up is hilarious when it read's what you guys write up.

08-27-2011, 05:23 AM

08-27-2011, 06:54 AM
it missed florida yay ^^.....idk y but if theirs guilds with loyalty nd such on venus i might as well come their cuz besides Seirite i dnt see any othr kinda boorin nd unfair playin with a guild you know will only have ur bck in pk but anywhere else such as gear drops GL...#goin to venus Apocalype can i join ^^

08-27-2011, 11:54 AM
wtf ... guilds die, they're sold, they merge, they change .... how is this new?? and why does everyone else but the people that were in the party have an issue with the epic GS that dropped? seriously as long as the party is happy with the way things went down and they all agree it's no one's business .. it's gotta be jealousy. Jenn didn't leave guild b/c of that drop lmao she's still friends with everyone in that party and they still run dungeons together regardless of guild. and bashing Jenn and Athian? for what? they're both good and trustworthy people. you guys already remade Ruo .. move on. I don't even understand why Jenn and Athian are even still trying to make you guys happy ... more power to em. and the other thing ... chippo said when we merged he logged on to having like 40 new people ... guild holds 120 and it was full at the time of voting ... so there was 80 people in Ruo before the name change so how was Ruo out voted??? they even gave it an extra couple days after voting was suppose to be said and done just to make sure no one was missed. chippo writes this like it's his life story or something, and if it is ... lol ... give me a break! KILL THE FOCKING THREAD ALREADY AND STOP CRYING LIKE A I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥!


Why don't you move on and stop feeding your sugar-coated version of everything to the readers?

[Edit] You may want to change most of your statements, becuase they are fallacies borne and construed from your emotions.

08-27-2011, 01:07 PM
Should of hit florida :<

08-27-2011, 03:29 PM
they always hit florida but this time :(

08-27-2011, 04:06 PM

08-27-2011, 08:53 PM
solution to all your problems. 1. uninstall cabal 2. Get a job 3. reconnect with ur family members 4. get a GF 5. quit taking yourself so seriously 6. have a life. all i have to say. The end.

08-27-2011, 09:29 PM
solution to all your problems. 1. uninstall cabal 2. Get a job 3. reconnect with ur family members 4. get a GF 5. quit taking yourself so seriously 6. have a life. all i have to say. The end.

love how you made a new forum account just to post that

08-27-2011, 09:36 PM
o nvm not a new acc fu

08-27-2011, 09:53 PM
this is a new account. im just new to cabal forums defending the guild im in...

08-28-2011, 12:54 AM
apoc misses chippo

08-28-2011, 06:41 AM
venus drama I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s

08-28-2011, 06:42 AM
did the issue get resolve yet, or is it still going on?

08-29-2011, 10:57 PM
Chippo, I talk to some of the NWA members frequently and I can say I know what happened.

Firstly, there was a fairly large party of NWA that had received a 72 dmg SIG GS drop DURING the safeguard event. Not only is this a great drop, but during this event made it an even higher price tag. The GS was PRACTICALLY given to JennsCA for free. JennsCA had told the members of the party and guild that she would give up on any epics dropped in future. Not long after she received this item she left the guild. Her reasoning for leaving this guild was because of two reasons.

Her one reason, she had said "I am now strong enough to run my own guild."
Her other reason, when the current guildleader "Blue?" went on vacation someone else was temporarily given Guild Leadership instead of her. The person given Guild Leadership was the original creator of the guild.

I was also told that not only did her and "her boyfriend" (not sure who that is) used the guild to get their crafting up, but they had also always attempted to run three man parties and roll for drops so JennsCA and said "boyfriend" had good chance of getting all the items.

What makes matters worse, after JennsCA was treated so well in NWA she had left and pm'd players to try and leave the guild with her. She had somehow convinced a large majority to leave. One of the guildies that had left NWA and joined Desolation was soon scammed off of a party drop and re-joined NWA.

partly true but mostly she just got pis sed that she couldnt get what she want = control and leadership over all.. we gave her a position and her ego got so big she basicly think she owned the guild bossing ppl around like she is now in deso and we wasnt havin that shet anymore. so we did what we had to do and she got all spazzy, QQ and raged cuz she couldnt get what she wanted so she left with all her a.s.s kissers that followed her about 10-12 people total.

we never merged with ruo we were only allyed so all this merge nonesense is rumors. only her and her puppet followers left to join ruo. her plan was to try take over ruo so she wont have to make a new guild from scratch and have a high lvl guild to use warehouse etc. basicly shes just a super spoiled dumb white girl that wants everything her way and thinks she gets what she wants like shes the queen of cabal

08-30-2011, 12:11 AM
This makes me laugh a lot. I hear people complaining about how much people write and about too much reading gives them a headache. This is nothing, people. I can write as fast as I speak my mind out.

Let's get to the point(s), shall we?

Alright, by what I finished reading, I see a lot of details about a player's experience in depth. Chippo took this from just a fun, joying experience to something personal. Look, a lot of things happen when you're not good being selective; adding people to a guild to build it up is a lot of work, but rewarding. However, when there is no structure and goal, there is no motive having a guild. If I create a guild, besides meeting new people, I create a guild to help not just myself to where I want to go, but get there together as a TEAM. A team best defines a guild, and in order for a team to work, there has to be a set of rules that has to be followed: structure.

One thing that makes a guild attractive is a guild that is willing to help out their members. However, a lot of people have abused this; many join, get the benefits of the guild, and then leave. On the contrary, a guild has the option to give certain members the right to obtain those benefits depending how well they behave and contribute to that guild. It can be said that the occurrence of a decent guild is moderate depending who is managing it.

Another thing I want to point out is regarding who should have the most rights. Yes, the guild master, but he or she should meet a standard requirement to occupy that position besides he or she being the one starting the guild in the beginning. For example, if it takes only 10 million alz to make a guild, I don't like the guild I'm in, and I believe I can make a better one, then I would create my own. Period! It's that simple.

Yes, high level players (level 150+) can make more contributions than low level players (level 100 and below), but they can be completely inactive, deceiving, and disoriented to the guild rules as well. I rather have one low player that follows rules, contributes, and is a team player than a high level player that doesn't do anything at all.

This is me speaking my mind out, so I'm just saying. If you don't agree, I totally really respect it. This is what I believe and what I follow. It's that simple.

08-31-2011, 02:07 PM
lols xreaverx still playing?

08-31-2011, 02:44 PM
Well written.

Things like this happen all the time. It is never a good idea to give someone half of the rights to a guild just to join. First, you don't know how this person, or their following, is going to get along with the current members. Also, people a lot of times have different views on rules, drops, etc. These players should have joined the guild as regular members if they wanted to be a part of it. The original members worked hard to level this guild. They should not have been overrun by new players, esp after only a week you say?

LOL at I will only join your guild if I get half of its rights. That should be a dead giveaway the person probably shouldn't be invited. They only joined to have control over a high level guild.

We know who deserves the guild more. But, xreaverx did give the guild to Athian, and not the original members. It is hard to say who should get to keep the guild, but the original members always should have its rights in my opinion.


10-19-2011, 10:44 PM
Didn't know so much had happened since we left... Breaks my heart to know all this had happened... Everything that xReaverx and I had created changed like that, and that it broke up for a while. I remember when I logged on one day, saw that I was in "Desolation", and having no clue what happened, and didn't see really any of the old members I grew close to. So I didn't pursue anymore in the game at that point, just logged back out and went back to real life.
Actually, makes me proud that some of the people are actually keeping the original goal of Ruo. :) I actually miss Ruo, but, honestly, it's just not the same with out my ex running it, like I'm used to... Eh... Maybe I'm just writing this out of pure tiredness... IDK... But Ruo, I really do miss you guys, don't think I abandoned you. Like I said, just doesn't feel the same...
And to answer questions... No, xReaverx does not play anymore. Got rid of all his characters and account. Has no intention on coming back.

10-27-2011, 07:22 PM
to all the ppl that seem to think im the one that posted the info about storm nope sorry this is my forum name and honestly i left ruo cause it became exactly the guilds that i hate nothing happens they do nothing and it was useless iv honestly quit playing this game for the time being and when this was posted i was on an indefinite brake. i wasnt the favorite guild member of ruo i only really talked to tox willow and zelria the rest of you normally wanted nothing to do with me due to the obvious dislike at the time between me and reaver and for everyone who keeps mailing me about it reaver and i are cool so F#$K OFF

10-28-2011, 10:37 PM
RuoExtraxi for life :')

10-29-2011, 09:00 AM
RuoExtraxi for life :')

how about you do santa a favor and shut up ok?

10-29-2011, 10:30 AM
how about you do santa a favor and shut up ok?

10-29-2011, 06:29 PM


11-14-2011, 11:13 AM

no won't let you!

11-14-2011, 02:33 PM
no won't let you!...

11-16-2011, 08:59 AM
trollers will troll

11-16-2011, 09:00 AM
This thread won't dieeee

11-16-2011, 09:19 AM
This thread won't dieeee
Neither will Santa :D

11-16-2011, 12:24 PM
I enjoyed the read :).

Is the Venus apocalypse by any chance the same one that was on merc about 4 years ago? I remember being a part of the merc one.

11-16-2011, 02:18 PM
Santa Will Live Forever

11-16-2011, 03:02 PM
Santa Will Live Forever
Pass on your suit some day