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08-24-2011, 10:10 AM
i would like to know for future references,how does honor rank work?(i don't know yet),does it activate at the start of the pvp/pk? oh when they hit you?...also when pvping FB most hated class...FA what do we do? what combo? to kill them fast.

08-24-2011, 10:46 AM
Get honor rank 20, force kick impact stab assinate dead.

08-26-2011, 01:56 PM
What do you mean by honor rank? I will accept the verbal assault from other members cuz I may be wrong...but I think honor rank is only good for buying better jewelry (4 or higher, lvl specific) and titles (once you hit rank 10 honor or higher) I don't think it influences a pvp or pk...as I said I may be wrong. Depending on your lvl, ManaFreeze, Execration and Enervation (use debuffs to your adv in war/pk) then see above post... p.s. I don't think rank 20 is required to kill an FA...tho it would be nice :)

08-26-2011, 02:16 PM
As stated before, honor rank allows u to wear better items, specifically, bracelets and earrings. the higher ur honor rank, the better the accesories u can equip. Another thing honor rank affects is ur stats, after attaining honor rank 11 u get titles that give u pretty nice boosts to ur stats (like dmg, critical resistance, critical rate, etc) The higher the honor rank, the better the boost u get from the title.

Now, to increase ur honor rank there are a wide array of option u've got, such as doing quests, nation war, using plates of honor, pvping, war channel (i'm not sure abt this last two tho... don't remember), an so on. But the best/easiest (in theory) is by doing Nation War, if u manage u score at least 30 points during war, u get points by attacking Legacy Guardians, attacking enemy players, etc. After attaining ur 30 points or more, u receive W.Exp (U can check ur W.Exp in ur Character screen [press the C kay]) keep in mind that the more point u manage to make, the more W.Exp u receive.

To increase ur honor rank using W.Exp, u must speak with Officer Morrison in Port Lux, he will give u the option to exchange ur W.Exp for honor points, experience, or skill experience (these last 2 are a waste).

Honor rank increases with honor points, the more honor points, the higher ur rank is. u start with 0 honor points and the mximum amount of honor points is Honor. To see a chart describing how much honor points are needed for each rank or learn more about honor, go here:
Cabal Wiki: Honor Guide (http://www.cabalwiki.com/wiki/Honour_Points#Honor_Class)

Hope this helps

08-26-2011, 05:54 PM
As stated before, honor rank allows u to wear better items, specifically, bracelets and earrings. the higher ur honor rank, the better the accesories u can equip. Another thing honor rank affects is ur stats, after attaining honor rank 11 u get titles that give u pretty nice boosts to ur stats (like dmg, critical resistance, critical rate, etc) The higher the honor rank, the better the boost u get from the title.

Now, to increase ur honor rank there are a wide array of option u've got, such as doing quests, nation war, using plates of honor, pvping, war channel (i'm not sure abt this last two tho... don't remember), an so on. But the best/easiest (in theory) is by doing Nation War, if u manage u score at least 30 points during war, u get points by attacking Legacy Guardians, attacking enemy players, etc. After attaining ur 30 points or more, u receive W.Exp (U can check ur W.Exp in ur Character screen [press the C kay]) keep in mind that the more point u manage to make, the more W.Exp u receive.

To increase ur honor rank using W.Exp, u must speak with Officer Morrison in Port Lux, he will give u the option to exchange ur W.Exp for honor points, experience, or skill experience (these last 2 are a waste).

Honor rank increases with honor points, the more honor points, the higher ur rank is. u start with 0 honor points and the mximum amount of honor points is Honor. To see a chart describing how much honor points are needed for each rank or learn more about honor, go here:
Cabal Wiki: Honor Guide (http://www.cabalwiki.com/wiki/Honour_Points#Honor_Class)

Hope this helps

Thanks for your comments but..what you both are talking about is not what i meant...read what i put.

08-27-2011, 08:03 AM
Then, I guess your question is too vague. Honor rank doesn't "activate". You do; however, earn honor points if you win a pvp or pk another. Is that what you mean? You earn honor from map mobs, such as Forgotten Ruin and up....But, honor is not "activated" it is earned!
You are a force blade? or a force archer?....I'm not sure what was missing.