View Full Version : Magic FB

08-26-2011, 11:19 AM
I am currently working a magic fb...she has 29% m amp...but 54/54 cr, 125% cd buffed...When she crits, it's massive on both s skill and cannons...should I try to work in s amp? Current s amp is only 5%:( Any suggestions??

08-26-2011, 11:46 AM
Reborn? Is that you?? And oh, forgive me for forgettin' this forum is for ppl to be insulting not to actually give ppl advice!!!!!

08-26-2011, 11:49 AM
Not everyone is mean...Wish i could help but I do not have an answer to your question

08-26-2011, 11:53 AM
ty, stacie...I know not everyone is...I'm just genuinely interested in knowing...and my 1st comment is from db!!!!

08-29-2011, 07:13 PM
Hey can i get a Pm ING mercury (mfb) lv 75 HmongVaj. i need help to :D magic base 423, def 514, 45cr, 86dmg, 23s.amp,46m.amp
and no none of my gears r +9 T.T