View Full Version : Gm's please look

09-03-2011, 08:49 PM
Look at this i have been waiting for u guy please look at Ticket #29840
i turned the ticket in on 6-23-11 ... it was over my acct getting hacked and all my alz / Gear was taken can i please get my stuff back .....im sick of waiting

09-03-2011, 11:00 PM
Hacked accounts take sometimes 1+ months to resolve properly, especially if the gear was scattered by being sold off.

Posting here doesn't speed the process up.

09-03-2011, 11:37 PM
Hacked accounts take sometimes 1+ months to resolve properly, especially if the gear was scattered by being sold off.

Posting here doesn't speed the process up.

its been over 2 months now im sick of waiting <.< everyone else i know that got hack have all there crap back now

09-04-2011, 01:22 AM

Try to be helpful and still get blasted.
Stated plain as day, some ticket issues take on "Average", that is average, 1, 2, 3 months, possibly longer depending how far items got scattered about, severity, and difficulty of the ticket. May sound simple to find an item by its unique identifier in the megabytes, possible gigabytes sized database, but it does take "Time". Each time just one moves to another account adds that much more difficulty pinpointing where it went. Just because it didn't take that long for the G.Ms to find your buddies' items, doesn't make you that much more special than others with account issues that have been waiting 6+ months to a year or more on their's.

Go pick up a book and read the true meaning of Murphy's Law, be a good lesson for you on life away from a computer screen, in fact when it comes to computers, Murphy's Law is tied at the hip with if it can go wrong it will more so than in true life. Feel for you about getting hacked, I know it is never a great thing to have happen to you, been there when I first started playing online games. Maybe learn the lessons of learning about strong account passwords, unless you know the person you call a buddy in real life, don't ever give out your login the next time, heck I don't even share logins with my folks, brother, or real life friends. Moment you entrust someone with your login, best be expecting to kiss your account goodbye sooner or later, sorry for the bluntness, but that is the 90% cause of any account getting hijacked.

Pulling an adolescent tude with those you are asking help from generally makes them not want to help you as quick or as helpfully as possible.

$#%T happens, patiently deal with it or move on.

Anyway, you should have an email contact or some addendum feature on your ticket to correspond with the G.Ms directly, if not, then PM them about it, posting it on the general forums here is pretty much a waste of time.

09-04-2011, 01:43 AM
its your own fault to give info away
so deal with it sir

09-07-2011, 05:57 PM
still awaiting a response from your ticket've been waiting over 3 weeks by the response of 1 ticket and no answer to my character I deleted the maintenance after a wait I only say that the ticket will respond according to the order submit a ticket yesterday another account and I already answered but my account that I deleted the 180 character called Piercito have hope even more attention gm but its worse to have if users respond em my ticket # 35001
atte. Piercito

09-08-2011, 11:24 AM
you know how ppl feel if they buy ur hacked item and upgrade it to 15, then GM take it back for u?

09-08-2011, 11:39 AM
g.ms can create items but that will ruin the economy so idk...