View Full Version : Teragrace Battlehelm Options (which to choose?)

09-07-2011, 11:46 AM
I'm looking for TG helm in agent shop, and I was comparing what this options would give me,and w/c is better
TG helm of fatal 7amp +1 slot
TG helm of outrageous 16 cdi +1 slot
TG helm of outrageous.8 crit rate + 1 slot
All character binding

I'm lvel 109... Any tips and advice for me? Thanks

09-07-2011, 11:53 AM
no. go for 36dmg osm helm

09-07-2011, 12:19 PM
ya, else if i got super lucky i could craft you a 1 slot pc non binding helm. FB should Never have an amp helm.

09-07-2011, 04:53 PM
ya, else if i got super lucky i could craft you a 1 slot pc non binding helm. FB should Never have an amp helm.

That's not true. At high attack and crit dmg, and amp helm may be a good choice, especially pve. I know I don't really pvp, and when with my current stats a 7 amp 20 dmg helm was a better choice than a 36 dmg.

Anyways, for a 109, a 36 dmg should be better because your base attack is most likely pretty low.

09-08-2011, 12:29 AM
For a balanced FB, they should have a pc cd helm and sword, and a pc 2 slot amp orb/crystal, and the regular other amp gears. If it was like a pc forci amp helm then yea i'd consider it :).
Basically high CD is better dps for pvp and high amp is better dps for pve. By high amp I mean like near 60+. I've tested with 72% amp and i did better in pvp with the 201% cd instead of the amp. But it sure looks awesome to have like 60+ amp and still have like 140 cd (which 170+ Fb aint hard)

Until like I'd say the 150s or so should FB consider an amp helm because the def/ atk base difference. It's similar to the BM1 stats I was talking about in the other thread with the def.

09-08-2011, 02:52 AM
Ok., so I should stick on 36dmg, but the problem is low on alz :( any options like osm 5rate/20dmg or osm 27dmg... I'm saying this coz 30dmg/36dmg is pretty expensive I only got 50m in my inventory ... So poor xD

09-08-2011, 07:22 AM
which server are you?

09-08-2011, 08:25 AM
For a balanced FB, they should have a pc cd helm and sword, and a pc 2 slot amp orb/crystal, and the regular other amp gears.

Counting you said to have an amp craft orb/crystal, let me ask you this. What is the difference between having what you said, and having a crit sword and crystal but amp craft helm?

09-08-2011, 08:35 AM
Counting you said to have an amp craft orb/crystal, let me ask you this. What is the difference between having what you said, and having a crit sword and crystal but amp craft helm?

Interchangeable between the 3. There is no dif :o

09-08-2011, 11:57 AM
amp is good for bm2 and fast casting skill, CD is for long casting skill. choose what ur uisng more to build ur char.

09-09-2011, 01:39 AM
which server are you?
I'm in Venus..
IGN: papaLarz lv 109

Will you craft for me?

I'm on a war type/I mean I'll stack my lvl on 109,ill grind more in nation war... :)

09-09-2011, 03:38 AM
Interchangeable between the 3. There is no dif :o

I guess technically it wouldn't matter. It mainly comes down to availablity though.
PC helms as CD are alot cheaper as well as readily available compared to weapons for one. It's easier to find a pc amp weapon of redosm grade than a pc amp helm of osm or higher (2 slot). So wouldn't that make them cost more?

09-09-2011, 06:59 AM
I guess technically it wouldn't matter. It mainly comes down to availablity though.
PC helms as CD are alot cheaper as well as readily available compared to weapons for one. It's easier to find a pc amp weapon of redosm grade than a pc amp helm of osm or higher (2 slot). So wouldn't that make them cost more?

Actually amp craft helms are quite a lot cheaper than crit dmg ones.

09-20-2011, 03:01 AM
Actually amp craft helms are quite a lot cheaper than crit dmg ones.
yea I sold an osm 4% one i made like 1.5 yrs ago like a year ago for like 10m, but they're still not common or wanted that much. Personally I'd only get a pc amp 2 slot sig+ grade. Otherswise stick to pc cd as they're much easier to find/ purchase (i have like 3 osm ones in my bank atm in fact)

I'm in Venus..
IGN: papaLarz lv 109

Will you craft for me?

I'm on a war type/I mean I'll stack my lvl on 109,ill grind more in nation war... :)

Well that's a bummer. I fairly recently moved from Venus. Wish I had caught you like 2 months ago (if at all possible to get on). Sorry :S

09-21-2011, 10:47 PM
Oh no Val. Venus misses you D:
With this current update, 7 amp/ 20 dmg TG/sig helms may not be a bad idea. You can still keep 50+ amp and have decent base if you go two 40% sig/redos weps...

09-22-2011, 04:05 AM
Oh no Val. Venus misses you D:
With this current update, 7 amp/ 20 dmg TG/sig helms may not be a bad idea. You can still keep 50+ amp and have decent base if you go two 40% sig/redos weps...
True, I know alot of ppl in Venus...

Hmm... Yea you do have a point there. The added HP now-a-days allows ppl to take a hit extra in pvp and perhaps a couple in war. Didn't consider that. I gained almost 1300 HP after the update (in my lame def set) and have 4500 instead of 3400 as a base. That's quite alot, though in the end I guess it matters whether you want to be stronger crit hits or overall every hit. I think for FB BM1 amp would be better since you will crit a little bit less often, unless you swap a ring and max the rate of course. Losing 16 cd for 7% amp isn't too bad a trade. I still think it's easier to get a 24/7 weap than a 24/7 helm, especially seeing as I can make the helm if i get lucky with slotting crit into a blank helm and random scrolls (bet I could do it though in a couple weeks after I get back if I spent the alz)