View Full Version : Creativity behind Guilds : "Just saying most guilds out there aren't Creative"

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 04:46 PM
Yeah, keep posting if you like to think this is a chat box

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcDM8xUMOKkdZISBENue7cHYfdQP2AR coLkG_HjpzpIXrU3USKgQ


09-27-2011, 05:06 PM
people join guilds for different reasons the main 3 are to make new friends, joining cause a friend is in the guild, and to make themselfs fell powerful (mainly when they join a high lvl guild with top tier players) myself i stay away from the top tier guilds for one important reason DRAMA. I'ld rather not be known then to be in a top tier guild and deal with the drama. as for creative its kinda hard to come up with unique guild names since the game has been around for as long as it has.

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 05:16 PM
Yeah, I agree with you on that dark people do join guilds for reasons to benefit them not the guild. Creating that void between plays from the top guilds to the "want to be the top guilds" then not so popular guilds is what these type of players are doing if you look at that way.

09-27-2011, 05:38 PM
let me see you come up with a guild name: i can probably bash out all kinds of crap to whatever name your picking.
Good Example: DEATHBLOW(why deathblow when fatal is better? kakakakak, CD prob. sounds better than yours)

what you trying to say is why cant everyone be perfect and have a perfect guild? you should know by now that haters/scammer/etc exist everywhere and you shouldnt trust any person rather than yourself and certain people in an online game...no point of this thread

09-27-2011, 05:38 PM
That's 100% true... trustworthy people...one of them is not CollateralDamage...example...something drop/party member runs off with it(Slot Extender High) leaves guild after she in it for 8 months...funny?

09-27-2011, 05:42 PM
u don't know tang dynasty?? !!! from chinese history yo

purgatory u coulda googled it

09-27-2011, 05:43 PM
u don't know tang dynasty?? !!! from chinese history yo

yep....i heard that name in the book...genghis khan about him...other than that Chinese ppl

09-27-2011, 05:44 PM
tang dynasty was one of the strongest dynasties in chinese history. their greatest leader was tang taizong

09-27-2011, 05:52 PM
han dynasty was better though

09-27-2011, 05:53 PM
seireitei is a....bleach...thing.

09-27-2011, 06:02 PM
google is ur friend if you really dont know what any of those guild names meant lol

09-27-2011, 06:40 PM
Hello, welcome to the universe of a dilemma :p Just sharing what I and many more players are thinking out loud. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but that's lame...


Guilds in Cabal that are created by players generally speaking, people that think their guilds are going to become epic one day (wish this was true). Actually in some cases some guilds make it out of the slims of being a "start up guild" eg. A guild that is started up by a person that isn't accepted into a guild, and wants to build one of their own depending on getting anyone at random. Most guilds are formed many ways ,but the common start up guild is what i hear the most when i ask the simple question "Why did you start a guild up" they often give me that answer, either they're successful or they flop after getting a handful of members.


isn't in the code of honor in these circles, what i mean is that the concept of the "guild rules" aren't what they really mean irreverently not by all. Almost all guilds are like a fad ,and the sad truth behind the rules idea is to make it seem like their guild is structured when its not. For example before i took a leave from Cabal bout four months ago the one of the top guilds in Venus was Tempest, and now its existent like dino. The truth issues in guilds are a huge factor in almost every faction, wish everyone wasn't a bounty hunter&fantasizer (eg. a person who is out for dungeons and always seem to know what player is doing what at anytime, secretly plotting when to leave your guild or any guild) right? Well that's not the factor here that person just don't care.


One of the major issues behind trustworthiness is activeness, and most of us can relate to this problem. "I know that person haves other out of game deputies to forfill and playing a online game on the daily bases is acceptable to him or her" I can understand this, but at least give the guild leader a notice that your going to be inactive for awhile. Many cases that player just disappears on the guild and he or she was really helpful. Activeness is a huge factor that every guild must have a rule or a backup plan for, if you don't then be prepared to fail.


If you look it up in the dictionary you'll get the ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. I don't see that in most guilds, its the same thing in that persons places just a little tweaked, and its funny to me that most guilds run this way. Example all the players that join the guild are in groups that is contrary to the guilds name, most inactive or just playing with another character in a other guild. "How is that loyal, i know how can you stop that person from doing that"? Its easy if you take two aporches at it. Sticking to your requirement of joining your guild in the first place, if its open to any level then you shouldn't care for multiple characters in your or any other guild. Coming up actives for your guild other then going on a guild dungeon run, and more ideas for your guild to keep the members there could be a start. Any idea could help your guild become very active and know to be down to earth, maybe a hunt for something? (the list goes on)

Keeping this short

Its rare for me to say to myself "this guild has a creative name" usually the guild has a name that is contrary to the concept of the game or the guilds purpose.(originally not even having a concept to begin with) "Why not think logical and original like most did in the past"? Not to be a judge, but most of the community can agree on is that the "Top Guilds" are not creative with their names. Here's some guilds and a small feedback on their guild names, like always this is just an option this does not reflect on your outlook to what you think is acceptable.


"Your Creative juice needs some upgrading People"

Just some guilds I think aren't really creative in naming their guilds, and i know their might be more out there that are less creative then the names that i stated. (stating the "Top Guilds" is what people expect so here you go" or whatever...

Names i don't get?:confused:

1. Tang Dynasty (Whats a tang?)
2. Apocalypse (of what?)
3. RuoExTraxi (What the **** is that a band? and Whats the meaning behind that?)
4. Purgatory (like....? i don't know what to say here)
5. Epidemic (extremely prevalent; widespread...i doubt it)

I never been in Mercury so don't get mad at me if i don't know any old names. :confused:

1. AioN (really?)
2. VIETUNITED (racist much?)
3. Seireitei (Really wish i knew what it meant)
4. CollateralDamage (this is a RPG game not FPS...just saying)
5. ThelSoul (what can i say here....)

What are some of your thoughts or outlook on Guilds in cabal?

I don't think these are good reasons for picking on guilds' names lol

09-27-2011, 07:04 PM
What are my thoughts..?
I think you're very ignorant.

09-27-2011, 07:24 PM
i like how hes criticizing other guild names. Why didn't u add Deathblow? what does it mean? u give a blow job to someone and they die? See what i did there

09-27-2011, 07:27 PM
i like how hes criticizing other guild names. Why didn't u add Deathblow? what does it mean? u give a blow job to someone and they die? See what i did there

that's epic..

09-27-2011, 07:33 PM

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 08:30 PM
let me see you come up with a guild name: i can probably bash out all kinds of crap to whatever name your picking.
Good Example: DEATHBLOW(why deathblow when fatal is better? kakakakak, CD prob. sounds better than yours)

What your (correct your grammar dude:p) trying to say is why cant everyone be perfect and have a perfect guild? you should know by now that haters/scammer/etc exist everywhere and you shouldnt trust any person rather than yourself and certain people in an online game...no point of this thread

I wasn't picking on guild names I was just stating that they're not creative yet non-original, so making it seem like i was picking on them is just thinking stupid. Deathblow is apart of the game isn't it? Last time i checked more then a handful of us have it labeled on our gears. (Please be more rational then this next time:o)

I don't think these are good reasons for picking on guilds' names lol

Every guild isn't perfect that's the reason behind this thread, yeah i know stating them is embarrassing to you, but thinking about hiding it is just idiotic.

What are my thoughts..?
I think you're very ignorant.

Ignorant? Really i laugh at that comment suggesting issues is ignorant because it might be about you? Most of us see most of the things i stated above everyday in almost every guild in Cabal so stating some issues that you see, and coming up with some suggestions or asking a question is ignorant, now that's a good one! But thanks for your thought ;)

i like how hes criticizing other guild names. Why didn't u add Deathblow? what does it mean? u give a blow job to someone and they die? See what i did there

Yeah i see what you did there your a flamer that's the best you can do kid,"umm your asking why did i criticize them on their non-creativity?" Well isn't it obvious that most of these people who come up with these names are just putting names that are a rip from something? If your not going to be creative then either people are going to call you out on it, or they're going to be in denial like most of you guys are in this thread.

(I did some research , and i figured what Tang meant so i guess i know now) ;)

I'm pretty much done here keep posting if you want, and i know i know troll me because your obviously mad. Thanks for the read i have to say that i didn't think you guys were going to give a crap about this thread or any thread that is telling the truth. Like most of the time you people only post on stupid threads to create a flame war, either that or spam one word 'ers. Have a good life if you have one outside this game:)

09-27-2011, 08:37 PM
just because deathblow is a reference to cabal doesn't mean it's creative. you still took that name from a game, as did other guilds. are there rules to only using names from cabal?

09-27-2011, 08:37 PM
I wasn't picking on guild names I was just stating that they're not creative yet non-original, so making it seem like i was picking on them is just thinking stupid. Deathblow is apart of the game isn't it? Last time i checked more then a handful of us have it labeled on our gears. (Please be more rational then this next time:o)

Every guild isn't perfect that's the reason behind this thread, yeah i know stating them is embarrassing to you, but thinking about hiding it is just idiotic.

Ignorant? Really i laugh at that comment suggesting issues is ignorant because it might be about you? Most of us see most of the things i stated above everyday in almost every guild in Cabal so stating some issues that you see, and coming up with some suggestions or asking a question is ignorant, now that's a good one! But thanks for your thought ;)

Yeah i see what you did there your a flamer that's the best you can do kid,"umm your asking why did i criticize them on their non-creativity?" Well isn't it obvious that most of these people who come up with these names are just putting names that are a rip from something? If your not going to be creative then either people are going to call you out on it, or they're going to be in denial like most of you guys are in this thread.

(I did some research , and i figured what Tang meant so i guess i know now) ;)

I'm pretty much done here keep posting if you want, and i know i know troll me because your obviously mad. Thanks for the read i have to say that i didn't think you guys were going to give a crap about this thread or any thread that is telling the truth. Like most of the time you people only post on stupid threads to create a flame war, either that or spam one word 'ers. Have a good life if you have one outside this game:)

he think his guild so kewl thats why he made this long dumb as.s fail thread

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 08:45 PM
just because deathblow is a reference to cabal doesn't mean it's creative. you still took that name from a game, as did other guilds. are there rules to only using names from cabal?

Deathblow could be a reference to the game, and to you or anyone else it could be creative or not i never said Deathblow above so that makes it seem like im stating that its creative? Like how you only got that, congratulations seriously. Obviously i didn't say that every guild in the game only the ones people seem to only be worried about. I never said all the guilds in the game should be named after something in the game, i'm just saying that most of the guilds that i see around Cabal aren't original to me. The guilds that i stated above are the ones that get attention the so called "Top Guilds" so if i didn't put any of them i doubt you'll be posting on this thread will you?

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 08:49 PM
he think his guild so kewl thats why he made this long dumb as.s fail thread

Okay, Doctor ;)

09-27-2011, 09:00 PM
I wasn't picking on guild names I was just stating that they're not creative yet non-original, so making it seem like i was picking on them is just thinking stupid. Deathblow is apart of the game isn't it? Last time i checked more then a handful of us have it labeled on our gears. (Please be more rational then this next time:o)

Every guild isn't perfect that's the reason behind this thread, yeah i know stating them is embarrassing to you, but thinking about hiding it is just idiotic.

Ignorant? Really i laugh at that comment suggesting issues is ignorant because it might be about you? Most of us see most of the things i stated above everyday in almost every guild in Cabal so stating some issues that you see, and coming up with some suggestions or asking a question is ignorant, now that's a good one! But thanks for your thought ;)

Yeah i see what you did there your a flamer that's the best you can do kid,"umm your asking why did i criticize them on their non-creativity?" Well isn't it obvious that most of these people who come up with these names are just putting names that are a rip from something? If your not going to be creative then either people are going to call you out on it, or they're going to be in denial like most of you guys are in this thread.

(I did some research , and i figured what Tang meant so i guess i know now) ;)

I'm pretty much done here keep posting if you want, and i know i know troll me because your obviously mad. Thanks for the read i have to say that i didn't think you guys were going to give a crap about this thread or any thread that is telling the truth. Like most of the time you people only post on stupid threads to create a flame war, either that or spam one word 'ers. Have a good life if you have one outside this game:)

You're kind of dumb. You think guilds aren't perfect (well no duh) so you make a thread about how guild names aren't creative... yeah...

09-27-2011, 09:02 PM
as if i really cared. just stating that your guild name isn't as creative as you think

09-27-2011, 09:06 PM
He acts like you have to be super creative and original when making a guild name... it's a game, people can name guilds whatever they want. It's not as if they're naming a novel. If you're gonna write an essay on "issues" that need to be addressed why don't you go complain about the national deficit or rising gas prices, instead of talking about how cabal guilds have a frightening lack of creativity?

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 09:11 PM
You're kind of dumb. You think guilds aren't perfect (well no duh) so you make a thread about how guild names aren't creative... yeah...

Concept of the thread (its like writing a essay if you what that is

Introduction - Outlook of how guilds are, and what we all come to know them as
Body 1
Body 2
Body 3

, and the reason I didn't write this thread like a full essay because i'll get replays like "i cant read long bro sorry" so i broke it so the little kiddies can read it)

LOL, i'm done pretty much making yourself look stupid.

09-27-2011, 09:14 PM
Brah I'm pretty sure this 1st post here made you look more stupid than anything else in this thread.

Hello, welcome to the universe of a dilemma :p Just sharing what I and many more players are thinking out loud. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but that's lame...


Guilds in Cabal that are created by players generally speaking, people that think their guilds are going to become epic one day (wish this was true). Actually in some cases some guilds make it out of the slims of being a "start up guild" eg. A guild that is started up by a person that isn't accepted into a guild, and wants to build one of their own depending on getting anyone at random. Most guilds are formed many ways ,but the common start up guild is what i hear the most when i ask the simple question "Why did you start a guild up" they often give me that answer, either they're successful or they flop after getting a handful of members.


isn't in the code of honor in these circles, what i mean is that the concept of the "guild rules" aren't what they really mean irreverently not by all. Almost all guilds are like a fad ,and the sad truth behind the rules idea is to make it seem like their guild is structured when its not. For example before i took a leave from Cabal bout four months ago the one of the top guilds in Venus was Tempest, and now its existent like dino. The truth issues in guilds are a huge factor in almost every faction, wish everyone wasn't a bounty hunter&fantasizer (eg. a person who is out for dungeons and always seem to know what player is doing what at anytime, secretly plotting when to leave your guild or any guild) right? Well that's not the factor here that person just don't care.


One of the major issues behind trustworthiness is activeness, and most of us can relate to this problem. "I know that person haves other out of game deputies to forfill and playing a online game on the daily bases is acceptable to him or her" I can understand this, but at least give the guild leader a notice that your going to be inactive for awhile. Many cases that player just disappears on the guild and he or she was really helpful. Activeness is a huge factor that every guild must have a rule or a backup plan for, if you don't then be prepared to fail.


If you look it up in the dictionary you'll get the ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. I don't see that in most guilds, its the same thing in that persons places just a little tweaked, and its funny to me that most guilds run this way. Example all the players that join the guild are in groups that is contrary to the guilds name, most inactive or just playing with another character in a other guild. "How is that loyal, i know how can you stop that person from doing that"? Its easy if you take two aporches at it. Sticking to your requirement of joining your guild in the first place, if its open to any level then you shouldn't care for multiple characters in your or any other guild. Coming up actives for your guild other then going on a guild dungeon run, and more ideas for your guild to keep the members there could be a start. Any idea could help your guild become very active and know to be down to earth, maybe a hunt for something? (the list goes on)

Keeping this short

Its rare for me to say to myself "this guild has a creative name" usually the guild has a name that is contrary to the concept of the game or the guilds purpose.(originally not even having a concept to begin with) "Why not think logical and original like most did in the past"? Not to be a judge, but most of the community can agree on is that the "Top Guilds" are not creative with their names. Here's some guilds and a small feedback on their guild names, like always this is just an option this does not reflect on your outlook to what you think is acceptable.


"Your Creative juice needs some upgrading People"

Just some guilds I think aren't really creative in naming their guilds, and i know their might be more out there that are less creative then the names that i stated. (stating the "Top Guilds" is what people expect so here you go" or whatever...

Names i don't get?:confused:

1. Tang Dynasty (Whats a tang?)
2. Apocalypse (of what?)
3. RuoExTraxi (What the **** is that a band? and Whats the meaning behind that?)
4. Purgatory (like....? i don't know what to say here)
5. Epidemic (extremely prevalent; widespread...i doubt it)

I never been in Mercury so don't get mad at me if i don't know any old names. :confused:

1. AioN (really?)
2. VIETUNITED (racist much?)
3. Seireitei (Really wish i knew what it meant)
4. CollateralDamage (this is a RPG game not FPS...just saying)
5. ThelSoul (what can i say here....)

What are some of your thoughts or outlook on Guilds in cabal?

09-27-2011, 09:14 PM
Firstly, my home guild, RuoExtraxi of Venus server is Latin for Fallen Dragoons. The maker came up with the name based on an old school game called The Legend of Dragoon.

What is with this thread about being creative with naming intangible entities such as mmorpg guilds? Names are meant to be arbitrary; they individualize anonymous entities. Meanings can be attached to these arbitrarily created beings. These meanings are up to people's interpretation.

So, in short, (yes, indubitably short, oops, have I typed a bit too much here!) guilds' names and what they mean to each one are only a matter of different interpretations.

On a side note, catch ya peeps soon when I find some free time. :D

09-27-2011, 09:15 PM
Concept of the thread (its like writing a essay if you what that is

Introduction - Outlook of how guilds are, and what we all come to know them as
Body 1
Body 2
Body 3

, and the reason I didn't write this thread like a full essay because i'll get replays like "i cant read long bro sorry" so i broke it so the little kiddies can read it)

LOL, i'm done pretty much making yourself look stupid.

And sure, I guess I don't what a essay is. durrr.

09-27-2011, 09:19 PM
yea when i told my friends my ign was strikeabyss they were like what does that mean? hit the deep ocean water?

09-27-2011, 09:20 PM
Creativity behind Name Just saying most name out there aren't Creative

09-27-2011, 09:21 PM
Yeah, well, my guild name is Perfection. Nuff said :D

09-27-2011, 09:23 PM
I have one piece of advice for you, Immortal Dilemma.

Materializing one's creativity through an outlet such as writing/typing with harmless intentions is a brave and noble gesture. Nevertheless, always know that as my old friend has said, "words should be weighed, not counted." Writing precisely with the least number of words is the best. No one likes to read a bunch of words with either an insufficient thesis or supporting arguments.

Immortal Dilemma
09-27-2011, 09:29 PM
I have one piece of advice for you, Immortal Dilemma.

Materializing one's creativity through an outlet such as writing/typing with harmless intentions is a brave and noble gesture. Nevertheless, always know that as my old friend has said, "words should be weighed, not counted." Writing precisely with the least number of words is the best. No one likes to read a bunch of words with either an insufficient thesis or supporting arguments.

Chippo, i'm not trying to create a flame war or any type of misconception on myself or any person that posts on this forum site. Suggesting an idea or saying something that most are afraid to say is taboo now? I'll take your advise, and believe me i will ill try and think about peoples feelings next time i post seeing that i caused an injure.

09-27-2011, 09:30 PM

09-27-2011, 09:32 PM
Chippo, i'm not trying to create a flame war or any type of misconception on myself or any person that posts on this forum site. Suggesting an idea or saying something that most are afraid to say is taboo now? I'll take your advise, and believe me i will ill try and think about peoples feelings next time i post seeing that i caused an injure.

It wasn't that this thread did any harm to people. It just felt out of place and most people simply questioned the reason and purpose of the thread rather than its content.

09-27-2011, 09:35 PM
Chippo, i'm not trying to create a flame war or any type of misconception on myself or any person that posts on this forum site. Suggesting an idea or saying something that most are afraid to say is taboo now? I'll take your advise, and believe me i will ill try and think about peoples feelings next time i post seeing that i caused an injure.

You need to get past your ego, and the idea that you're 'exposing' an issue that people are covering up. People name their guilds whatever they think is fun. Not to be original. Your thoughts aren't hurting anybody but yourself, because frankly nobody cares if a name like TangDynasty or AioN or VietUnited isn't original. All you're doing is showing how ignorant you are in saying you don't know what a Tang is, or saying the name VietUnited is racist, and accusing people of not knowing what an essay is when you can hardly use punctuation and syntax in your posts. Some people put more thought into guild names than you think. TangDynasty is based on something pretty famous, and if you're not aware of it I'm surprised you could pass high school world history.

09-27-2011, 09:39 PM
im go make a guild name KKK is that racist???got to make sure be for someone call me a racist

09-27-2011, 09:40 PM
Concept of the thread (its like writing a essay if you what that is

Introduction - Outlook of how guilds are, and what we all come to know them as
Body 1
Body 2
Body 3

, and the reason I didn't write this thread like a full essay because i'll get replays like "i cant read long bro sorry" so i broke it so the little kiddies can read it)

LOL, i'm done pretty much making yourself look stupid.

You're flaming someone about being stupid when you're not even typing correctly LOL.

09-27-2011, 09:41 PM
ily doomer SharpieSniffers 4evakay?

09-27-2011, 09:42 PM
ily doomer SharpieSniffers 4evakay?

Kay gurlfrann.

09-27-2011, 11:26 PM
sigh, plz stay in venus, dont want to see your punk as.s here on merc. such an embarassment. nuff said. all of your post are just as fail as the 1st post of this thread. go eat s.hit.

09-28-2011, 12:12 AM
not sure if this guy is stupid or trolling

09-28-2011, 01:31 AM
AioN is number 1 woohoo! and our guild was actually created in 2008... so if you're thinking that the name is a rip off of the game then you are hugely mistaken. =D

09-28-2011, 03:11 AM
AioN is number 1 woohoo! and our guild was actually created in 2008... so if you're thinking that the name is a rip off of the game then you are hugely mistaken. =D

hi wiz =o. and yeah people who think AioN refers to the game just aren't versed in greek mythology. but nothing you can do about those kinds of people (immortal dilemma) eh :>

09-28-2011, 06:51 AM
We so creative

09-28-2011, 07:25 PM
i agree and disagree with immortal . . . i disagree when she talking about originality and creativity but i do agree that its kinda annoying to see like 100 noob guilds like everyday thats not really doing anything :/ i wanna see strong guilds actually guild warring and ect not 100 diffrent noob guilds that all they do is run eodb1f and hang out in ch8 . . . i wanna see guilds like ones during beta that actually stand for something . . . sei,apoc,tang are prime example of good guilds that we can learnfrom

09-28-2011, 07:36 PM
guild like that dont take noob so noob have to make a guild that take noob and we can learn from them by scam/hack

09-28-2011, 07:40 PM
i think the lv. req for guild creation should be raised

09-28-2011, 07:42 PM
it already costs 10m to make em thats bad enough :D

09-28-2011, 07:48 PM
lol but make it so lv150+ can make guild not lv40 noobs lol they dont need to worry about spendin 10m haha put that 10m to good use

09-28-2011, 08:23 PM
Immortal, I hardly think the guild names you presented were good examples of your point. Tang Dynasty and Seireitei actually do live up to their names. If their names were not indicative of the type of guilds they are/were then I would understand why their guild names weren't that "creative."
Ruo Extraxi, like Chippo mentioned, are two Latin words that are apparently based off of an EPIC RPG, so I consider this pretty creative as well. (Btw Chippo, I looked up the meaning of Ruo extraxi and it doesn't mean fallen dragoons. Ruo means ruined or fallen, extraxi means well...extracted lol).

Neither of the guilds you mentioned are ragtag inactive guilds either, so I don't see how they portray any of the other points in your post such as activeness.
I've seen WAY worse guild names though. When I say worse I mean their names were dumb, written in "1337," or were as uncreative as something like "icup."

I understand what you mean though. I find it ironic when a guild is called something like "Holy Knights" and all they do is cause drama and Pk. However, consider how easy it is to form a guild, and then consider the type of people that play the game (younger/immature), then you can understand why guilds don't exactly hold up to such great standards.

As to your theory on why people start guilds, let me offer a quick tale about mine. When I started in open beta, I started with a few friends. We wanted to form a guild as a means to keep in contact with each other easier. The history and name of the guild, though, stemmed all the way back to Euro beta. We were unhappy with the tyrannical leader of the guild we were in, so one of us secretly saved for and created a guild, appropriately named Subversion (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/subversion). We left the guild and based Subversion on having a more laid back attitude.
The guild had a good run and lasted a couple years, but the guild fell, twice, due to subversion. Lol, how ironically appropriate.

P.S. Yeah I think the character level for making a guild should be raised. At least level 100 to make one

09-28-2011, 08:32 PM
i think the guild price should go up to lol i have enough to make 800 guilds lmao 10m is too low make price 100m . . . more challenging . . like in beta it wasnt ez to get 10m back then

09-28-2011, 08:53 PM
if its 100m no one would even want to make a guild thus making ppl more independent and less cooperating in game

09-28-2011, 08:57 PM
well there are people that is willing to spend 100m 4 guild and like u said not that many ppl will make guild thus they wather join an existing one . . .which its good

09-28-2011, 09:20 PM
Raising the guild creation fee would prevent having a lot of small guilds with short life-expectancy.

Also many people take guilds for granted and treat them as groups of people from whom they can extract benefits, but not expected to give something in return. From my experience, it's safe to say that staying true to the guild's vision and purpose, under numerous circumstances, shows integrity and brings people closer together genuinely.

Perhaps implementing a more strict system of contracts with a guild might help foster integrity and trust. One contract could be that if you make or join a guild, you can't disband it or leave for a certain duration of time. Another contract could be for guild privileges. Sure, a guild master is 100% in charge all the time, but the game itself should have a commission-based ranking system based on the contributions from the guild members. So every member has an equal chance of being the best contributor instead of being unmotivated and playing favorites. Although, this might cause another issue, which is one member could be putting on an act to gain trust and then exploit it at pivotal moments, when the guild's authority is contested.

In addition, I understand the GM's would not even bother to care about which guilds disband or form, but it would be nice to have some GM interventions when things go out of hand beyond players' powers.

09-28-2011, 09:37 PM
aion was a guild before the game came out

09-28-2011, 09:39 PM
aion was a guild before the game came out

aion was a word before cabal came out o.o

09-28-2011, 09:45 PM
that's epic..

nah deathblow is sub-epic now :D

aion was a word before cabal came out o.o

ohya dat too

09-28-2011, 09:54 PM
I agree with raising the amount of alz + raising the level requirement for making a guild. I was just thinking how this isn't beta anymore and the level cap isn't 50 or 80. It's so easy to create a guild, that guilds ARE taken advantage of as others have pointed out. If a stupid bike color thing and other frivolous things that don't matter as much are 100m, then 100m for a guild would definitely make it more valuable.
No, I don't think it would make people want to solo more. I think it would do the exact opposite. One, it would actually make people more willing to join an existing guild, thus helping existing guilds thrive.
Two, it would make only those who really have the drive to create a guild, create it. Other Mmo's usually require some annoying or long or specific quest to create a guild that often makes it hard to obtain. Thus, completing the quest for it can become a task between a group of people (to make it easier), and it makes having a guild a little more important. Cabal only asks some low leveled newb to cough up 10m and they can make a guild. No wonder the integrity of guilds can be so low.

09-28-2011, 10:22 PM
Hello, welcome to the universe of a dilemma :p Just sharing what I and many more players are thinking out loud. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news , but that's lame...


Guilds in Cabal that are created by players generally speaking, people that think their guilds are going to become epic one day (wish this was true). Actually in some cases some guilds make it out of the slims of being a "start up guild" eg. A guild that is started up by a person that isn't accepted into a guild, and wants to build one of their own depending on getting anyone at random. Most guilds are formed many ways ,but the common start up guild is what i hear the most when i ask the simple question "Why did you start a guild up" they often give me that answer, either they're successful or they flop after getting a handful of members.


isn't in the code of honor in these circles, what i mean is that the concept of the "guild rules" aren't what they really mean irreverently not by all. Almost all guilds are like a fad ,and the sad truth behind the rules idea is to make it seem like their guild is structured when its not. For example before i took a leave from Cabal bout four months ago the one of the top guilds in Venus was Tempest, and now its existent like dino. The truth issues in guilds are a huge factor in almost every faction, wish everyone wasn't a bounty hunter&fantasizer (eg. a person who is out for dungeons and always seem to know what player is doing what at anytime, secretly plotting when to leave your guild or any guild) right? Well that's not the factor here that person just don't care.


One of the major issues behind trustworthiness is activeness, and most of us can relate to this problem. "I know that person haves other out of game deputies to forfill and playing a online game on the daily bases is acceptable to him or her" I can understand this, but at least give the guild leader a notice that your going to be inactive for awhile. Many cases that player just disappears on the guild and he or she was really helpful. Activeness is a huge factor that every guild must have a rule or a backup plan for, if you don't then be prepared to fail.


If you look it up in the dictionary you'll get the ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. I don't see that in most guilds, its the same thing in that persons places just a little tweaked, and its funny to me that most guilds run this way. Example all the players that join the guild are in groups that is contrary to the guilds name, most inactive or just playing with another character in a other guild. "How is that loyal, i know how can you stop that person from doing that"? Its easy if you take two aporches at it. Sticking to your requirement of joining your guild in the first place, if its open to any level then you shouldn't care for multiple characters in your or any other guild. Coming up actives for your guild other then going on a guild dungeon run, and more ideas for your guild to keep the members there could be a start. Any idea could help your guild become very active and know to be down to earth, maybe a hunt for something? (the list goes on)

Keeping this short

Its rare for me to say to myself "this guild has a creative name" usually the guild has a name that is contrary to the concept of the game or the guilds purpose.(originally not even having a concept to begin with) "Why not think logical and original like most did in the past"? Not to be a judge, but most of the community can agree on is that the "Top Guilds" are not creative with their names. Here's some guilds and a small feedback on their guild names, like always this is just an option this does not reflect on your outlook to what you think is acceptable.


"Your Creative juice needs some upgrading People"

Just some guilds I think aren't really creative in naming their guilds, and i know their might be more out there that are less creative then the names that i stated. (stating the "Top Guilds" is what people expect so here you go" or whatever...

Names i don't get?:confused:

1. Tang Dynasty (Whats a tang?)
2. Apocalypse (of what?)
3. RuoExTraxi (What the **** is that a band? and Whats the meaning behind that?)
4. Purgatory (like....? i don't know what to say here)
5. Epidemic (extremely prevalent; widespread...i doubt it)

I never been in Mercury so don't get mad at me if i don't know any old names. :confused:

1. AioN (really?)
2. VIETUNITED (racist much?)
3. Seireitei (Really wish i knew what it meant)
4. CollateralDamage (this is a RPG game not FPS...just saying)
5. ThelSoul (what can i say here....)

What are some of your thoughts or outlook on Guilds in cabal?

Understand what you are stating in ur post, but just a note on how we came up with the name, A group including myself were all from a guild called "Hell" back in open beta (2008) and decided to leave because our gm was never on. So when about 5 members left that guild it seemed that all the members decided to go also, One of the people that left with us said well i guess that is just Collateral Damage since from that point on the guild was no longer. So to us it was unique never heard of the Rpg but I did see the movie.

09-28-2011, 10:23 PM
That's 100% true... trustworthy people...one of them is not CollateralDamage...example...something drop/party member runs off with it(Slot Extender High) leaves guild after she in it for 8 months...funny?

Wow when did we get a SEH lolz not true get ur stories right.

09-28-2011, 10:26 PM
And sure, I guess I don't what a essay is. durrr.

More like his homework assignment <3

09-29-2011, 07:57 PM
what's in a name? a rose would smell as sweet...as long as there's emblem, all good :)

and what makes it unique (http://www.angelfire.com/hi/littleprince/framechapter21.html)

PS: they should put an age requirement...u can't join a guild under 13 ;) that's why little princes need foxes in their lives, and vice versa.

09-30-2011, 06:59 AM
What happen to immortal, he like vanished :(

09-30-2011, 08:07 AM
pulled a lethal

Immortal Dilemma
09-30-2011, 10:37 AM
What happen to immortal, he like vanished :(

Fighting on a thread is quite useless to me, plus i had more important things to do. Can't be on forums forever you kno o.O

09-30-2011, 11:24 AM
Fighting on a thread is quite useless to me, plus i had more important things to do. Can't be on forums forever you kno o.O

kid, just man up and say your whole thread was lame n you were being stupid already lol. love that excuse tho lol cuz thats what she said hahaha. nvm you dont need to man up, your just a kid.

Immortal Dilemma
09-30-2011, 11:34 AM
kid, just man up and say your whole thread was lame n you were being stupid already lol. love that excuse tho lol cuz thats what she said hahaha. nvm you dont need to man up, your just a kid.

So what your saying is that i should have missed worked, and come on here fighting people on a game forums? Well if that's your logic of stepping up and being a man then you need some serious help. People just didn't get what i was stating, which is fine. Have a good life man

09-30-2011, 08:56 PM
So what your saying is that i should have missed worked, and come on here fighting people on a game forums? Well if that's your logic of stepping up and being a man then you need some serious help. People just didn't get what i was stating, which is fine. Have a good life man

more excuse kid, keep them coming

09-30-2011, 09:23 PM
Immortal, I hardly think the guild names you presented were good examples of your point. Tang Dynasty and Seireitei actually do live up to their names. If their names were not indicative of the type of guilds they are/were then I would understand why their guild names weren't that "creative."
Ruo Extraxi, like Chippo mentioned, are two Latin words that are apparently based off of an EPIC RPG, so I consider this pretty creative as well. (Btw Chippo, I looked up the meaning of Ruo extraxi and it doesn't mean fallen dragoons. Ruo means ruined or fallen, extraxi means well...extracted lol).

Neither of the guilds you mentioned are ragtag inactive guilds either, so I don't see how they portray any of the other points in your post such as activeness.
I've seen WAY worse guild names though. When I say worse I mean their names were dumb, written in "1337," or were as uncreative as something like "icup."

I understand what you mean though. I find it ironic when a guild is called something like "Holy Knights" and all they do is cause drama and Pk. However, consider how easy it is to form a guild, and then consider the type of people that play the game (younger/immature), then you can understand why guilds don't exactly hold up to such great standards.

When I started in open beta, I started with a few friends. We wanted to form a guild as a means to keep in contact with each other easier. The history and name of the guild, though, stemmed all the way back to Euro beta. We were unhappy with the tyrannical leader of the guild we were in, so one of us secretly saved for and created a guild, appropriately named Subversion (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/subversion). We left the guild and based Subversion on having a more laid back attitude.
Starting this guild up in NA created some loyal members that will never forget what a good guild it was. It had a good run and lasted a couple years, but the guild fell, twice, due to subversion. Lol, how ironically appropriate.

P.S. Yeah I think the character level for making a guild should be raised. At least level 100 to make one

ok i am not gonna flame or anything but,ARE U BEING FREAKING SERIOUS? LOL. first of all go and google the meaning of seireitei and compare it.they are not that pure at all.
btw:they should update the entire guild together with the name.they aint caps protectors since they ran to proc cuz they qqed alot about the wl and couldnt handle to fight the t5 procs.

09-30-2011, 09:28 PM
request to lock thread this isnt going anywhere

09-30-2011, 09:36 PM
ok i am not gonna flame or anything but,ARE U BEING FREAKING SERIOUS? LOL. first of all go and google the meaning of seireitei and compare it.they are not that pure at all.
btw:they should update the entire guild together with the name.they aint caps protectors since they ran to proc cuz they qqed alot about the wl and couldnt handle to fight the t5 procs.

Lol? I don't need to Google anything. Their guild name is specifically based off of the anime/manga, Bleach. From what I've seen, their guild is set up like the squads in the anime and their latest video has also mimicked the anime. At the very least, they've done that. It's not like they selected a random name just for the hell of it.
Considering this is a game that has nothing to do with Bleach, how could I even compare what they do in game to the things that happen in the anime? That would be ridiculous.

09-30-2011, 09:46 PM
Lol? I don't need to Google anything. Their guild name is specifically based off of the anime/manga, Bleach. From what I've seen, their guild is set up like the squads in the anime and their latest video has also mimicked the anime. At the very least, they've done that. It's not like they selected a random name just for the hell of it.
Considering this is a game that has nothing to do with Bleach, how could I even compare what they do in game to the things that happen in the anime? That would be ridiculous.

court of pure souls;pretty sure they are not even close from being pure lol.
they are supposed to help and keep the soul society clean and you can say legit and nice.when they are a bunch of cheaters,alz buyers,and on and on(every1 knows the details of seireitei history on the game).
just saying they live up to their name is just fake and mess up.
you should know their history,so tell me: are they pure? lol

09-30-2011, 10:19 PM
My comparisons have nothing to do with the term "pure."
I'm comparing their guild to other names based on anime. Most other anime inspired names are nothing more than nominal; the guild itself usually has absolutely nothing to do with the anime it is named after.

Like I already said, at least Sei, has some semblance to the anime so that it's not -just- a name. Which is more than I can say about all the hundreds of guild names that have nothing to do with anything, or guilds that just have nothing in general. That is my point. In fact my orginal post was mainly to tell Immortal that his choice of examples weren't very good. It was not to make a strong point about Sei and its dealings, which I really couldn't care less about.

10-01-2011, 09:51 AM
coco just tore your ass a new one

10-01-2011, 10:58 AM
this guy should probably take into account that there are a few different meanings for almost every word. even though my guild is basically dead now (most of the originals were very long time players and have since moved on) he still decided to mention the name. All the guild names you liste probably have a story that is unique to the players that started them. In my case, we were all in a guild that would frown upon pking other players, we didn't feel like playing that way, i was getting myself into a war with a certain guild and left so it wasn't taken out on everyone. Many also followed and agreed that we wouldn't limit members to non-pking, if there was a good reason. (were pretty lenient on the "good" part of the reasoning). So i made a guild, which after a vote, was named Epidemic.

as for your definition, ok, that part could have been partially true back then, as we grew fairly fast when it was formed 2 years ago. but we were more along the lines of:

World English Dictionary
epidemic (ˌɛpɪˈdɛmɪk) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— adj
1. attacking or affecting many persons simultaneously in a community or area

as pertaining to our "no rules against pking" policy.

now if in fact, your guild name is "deathblow" and thats what you're comparing all other names too, you should google the definition of "original" i dont see how a word that you pulled from the game, and see every day, is original. but thats just my opinion.

10-01-2011, 11:02 AM
I wasn't picking on guild names I was just stating that they're not creative yet non-original, so making it seem like i was picking on them is just thinking stupid. Deathblow is apart of the game isn't it? Last time i checked more then a handful of us have it labeled on our gears. (Please be more rational then this next time:o)

his definition of original

Immortal Dilemma
10-01-2011, 12:09 PM
My comparisons have nothing to do with the term "pure."
I'm comparing their guild to other names based on anime. Most other anime inspired names are nothing more than nominal; the guild itself usually has absolutely nothing to do with the anime it is named after.

Like I already said, at least Sei, has some semblance to the anime so that it's not -just- a name. Which is more than I can say about all the hundreds of guild names that have nothing to do with anything, or guilds that just have nothing in general. That is my point. In fact my orginal post was mainly to tell Immortal that his choice of examples weren't very good. It was not to make a strong point about Sei and its dealings, which I really couldn't care less about.

Yeah, the examples that i stated above weren't good ones i get that, but players that are on this thread aren't getting that people make mistakes. They still think that i want to fight them over a online game forums site which is sad. I don't really care what you think about me not responding to you or the trolls on here. If they close this thread or keep it going, all i know is that flamers are just going to keep this going because most of them can't find anything in real life to do. Shortly when i as making this thread i wasn't taking peoples emotions to account, and i see that now most of you only want to fight. Its over, its done...

Case closed.....to anyone that replays to this thread in future reply that think "oh let me flame this guy because everyone else is doing it" think twice because your just making yourself look stupid. Trolls get a life.

Immortal Dilemma
10-01-2011, 12:10 PM
his definition of original

Keep adding to the fire it only makes you look stupid

10-01-2011, 03:57 PM
Keep adding to the fire it only makes you look stupid
hes just stating that ur not original meng why so butthurt?

10-01-2011, 06:44 PM
Keep adding to the fire it only makes you look stupid

Hi sped.

10-01-2011, 07:54 PM
obviously butthurt ):

Immortal Dilemma
10-01-2011, 07:56 PM
Case closed.....to anyone that replays to this thread in future reply that think "oh let me flame this guy because everyone else is doing it" think twice because your just making yourself look stupid. Trolls get a life.

10-01-2011, 07:59 PM
Case closed.....to anyone that replays to this thread in future reply that think "oh let me flame this guy because everyone else is doing it" think twice because your just making yourself look stupid. Trolls get a life.
what? :confused:

10-01-2011, 08:03 PM
what? :confused:
idk what cheap grass he smoking :(

Immortal Dilemma
10-01-2011, 08:05 PM
Case closed

10-01-2011, 08:14 PM
idk what cheap grass he smoking :(

Yo, I want cheap grass.

10-01-2011, 08:14 PM
Case closed
sup you so butthurt

10-02-2011, 12:04 AM
Case closed

you still haven't decided to apologize to everyone u insulted yet? ahahaha...someone grow a pair of balls on this kid

10-02-2011, 10:26 PM
Case closed

That's a nice anime.

10-04-2011, 07:15 PM
okay bic boi lemme teech u
Tang Dynasty mang how can u not knlo did u fairl chaineese history? its duh angchent. Apahcolips is wen duh zombies cum out and they eat brain u knlo? Say-ray-tay is duh thing in duh breach 死神你懂不懂?是那个动漫…呃

Lol "VIETUNITED" is racist? That's like saying a group of Viet people hanging out is racist lol e_e
do u knlo wut duh consept of duh racist is? 这小孩真有点二。 认真上学好不好。

dats right bic boi googorl transrate

10-04-2011, 07:20 PM
okay bic boi lemme teech u
Tang Dynasty mang how can u not knlo did u fairl chaineese history? its duh angchent. Apahcolips is wen duh zombies cum out and they eat brain u knlo? Say-ray-tay is duh thing in duh breach 死神你懂不懂?是那个动漫…呃

Lol "VIETUNITED" is racist? That's like saying a group of Viet people hanging out is racist lol e_e
do u knlo wut duh consept of duh racist is? 这小孩真有点二。 认真上学好不好。

dats right bic boi googorl transrate

LOL nice Innovation +1

10-04-2011, 07:22 PM

10-04-2011, 07:41 PM
kinda what i look like in the mornings before i have my coffee lol

10-04-2011, 08:02 PM
Lol that dude looks like hes high hahaha

10-04-2011, 08:05 PM
lmao yeah now that you mention it he does lol

10-04-2011, 09:28 PM

10-04-2011, 10:11 PM
My comparisons have nothing to do with the term "pure."
I'm comparing their guild to other names based on anime. Most other anime inspired names are nothing more than nominal; the guild itself usually has absolutely nothing to do with the anime it is named after.

Like I already said, at least Sei, has some semblance to the anime so that it's not -just- a name. Which is more than I can say about all the hundreds of guild names that have nothing to do with anything, or guilds that just have nothing in general. That is my point. In fact my orginal post was mainly to tell Immortal that his choice of examples weren't very good. It was not to make a strong point about Sei and its dealings, which I really couldn't care less about.

word- we all know their history and how they r the same up to today thats not the point of the thread

purple girl- ur right,as it may not be 'pure', especially alot in character, it is based on bleach and they do things like 'bankai' and other dumb stuff like that to relate to it. i mean w/e floats ur boat and what u like i guess. im personally not a fan of animes at all, i think they r dumb lol.

10-05-2011, 12:08 AM
han dynasty was better though
Want a great stroy related to it? The Three Kingdoms. I've started reading it and it's pretty good. If you've played any of Koie's Dynasty Warriors you'll recognize alot of the names since the game is based off that book (it's like a 2.5k pg book)

and my Venus guild is Centerpoint, which does have something it's based off of, but only a few ppl would know. Otherwise it's a great name I think. Catchy yet simple.
Edit: and it's very pure :P Though I think you know why Coco :)

10-05-2011, 03:23 AM
thats like my old guild in mercury when i made it i named it ProjectX2 then about a yr later renamed it to DiStUrBeD it got nothing to do with the game from either of the names and i personally think that both the names are creative myself lol

10-05-2011, 07:08 AM
thats like my old guild in mercury when i made it i named it ProjectX2 then about a yr later renamed it to DiStUrBeD it got nothing to do with the game from either of the names and i personally think that both the names are creative myself lol

plz tell me u named it after the band xD and yah my original first guild was BlackSouls,idky my buddy lenk named it that. prolly had to do somehow with the breaking of DeathGate.

10-20-2011, 12:16 AM
oh, and just fyi, idk if it has been answered or not (i am not bothering going through 11 pages of this thread at 3 am in the morning), but RuoExtraxi is latin for Fallen Dragoon (dragoon being a type of warrior). Lol... I thought that that was one of the weirdest things about the guild, was the name. But, me being the guild leader's girlfriend, I didn't want to be brutally honest, and told him it was a good name. But the name actually grew on me, and I started to like it. :)

10-20-2011, 12:54 AM
wow... people actually care about what guild names mean? God d.... I mean seriously... I've been in some of the guilds on the list or given invites honestly I didn't see anything wrong with Collateral damage... the CHICK running the guild is nice, her 'ranked' people are OBVIOUSLY loyal in one form or another... as far as I know none of her guildies are 'inactive'... she sticks by ALL of her rules she adds... Sadly I myself am a guild hopper but I tend to stick to Torque... and might stick with CollateralDamage should I decide to be more active on merc... sadly my heart is in VENUS... which is apparently more chat active then merc from the few times I've been on and merc is like a graveyard... On venus... lulz... the guilds I've been on venus... where do I even begin xDDDD.... Ruo's ranked members are loyal... as far as I could see... Apocs ranked... again loyal... Purg comes and goes like a tide... btw if I'm not mistaken purgatory is where you went when hell wouldn't take you and you were banished from heaven (christian thing don't really care for it and you bible thumpers can lick one kkz I'm not interested in ur Book...) NWA... again back in the day(sorry chris hunny but ur guild is dying <3)... loyal... REVENGE (as much as pan and I might have beef) His ranked are loyal... Tang/Seiretei(sorry for the spelling don't really pay attn cuz I really dont' care)... Umz... if you play 17 on venus, you know TaintedReign... I have been a guild hopper since EternalChaos fell LONG before EST took over cabal... I always manage to go back to TR though... I'm ranked.. and to the guild leader I am loyal... there are a few others I'm loyal to but that list is very small... doesn't mean I don't help guild but there are times I think the guild shouldn't have as many people as it does...