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View Full Version : Wizard up

11-19-2011, 08:49 PM
ouu hello i know this theme is used much but i need help with my wizard i want have a good set and defense for pvp and pve (just pvp xD!) if you can help me you have more exp in this game i've many questions............

what can i up to my wizard for more defense and if i down str and dex with estract potion, for more int is right?
what is better for wizard amp or cd

and my set i good or is trash im lv 100

osmium helm critical rate 4% (2slot - critical dmg 20%)
osmium suit hp 90 (2slot - hp 100)
osmium boots magic skill amp 4% (2slot - hp 100)
osmium gloves max critical rate 1% (2slot "i dont know if buy other gloves")

aqua orb +6 (2slot - critica dmg 20%)
aqua orb +6 min dmg 6% (2slot - critica dmg 20%)

3 rings of luck with critical rate 10%

thank u for ur help