View Full Version : Force kick is the worst skill in the game

11-29-2011, 12:56 PM
cd s and it's not very strong

11-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Here we go again......

11-29-2011, 01:02 PM
sigh here we go again

11-29-2011, 01:07 PM
>Low stun
>low damage
>high cooldown
>can't use without melee weapon

Garbage skill is garbage.

11-29-2011, 01:17 PM
Oh look, it's this thread again.

11-29-2011, 01:21 PM
its a melee classes blink that is a 1/90 cd skill :) lmao can blink every 90 secs

11-29-2011, 01:23 PM
its a melee classes blink that is a 1/90 cd skill :) lmao can blink every 90 secs

Exactly, fk should have same cooldown as blink.

11-29-2011, 01:33 PM
ok let me just end the thread by saying this:

-2nd if not best dps in the game due to 1s cast
-lets melee class decrease space between him/her and the ranged class

just because you got finished by a force kick doesn't mean its garbage,

and dromar wouldn't know about how it works...his combo =
SS, SG, SS, SG, SS, SG, SB, SG, SS, SB, Storm Crush.

11-29-2011, 01:34 PM
ok let me just end the thread by saying this:

-2nd if not best dps in the game due to 1s cast
-lets melee class decrease space between him/her and the ranged class

just because you got finished by a force kick doesn't mean its garbage,

and dromar wouldn't know about how it works...his combo =
SS, SG, SS, SG, SS, SG, SB, SG, SS, SB, Storm Crush.

you forgot guilotine after ss

11-29-2011, 01:39 PM
2nd if not best dps in the game due to 1s cast
-lets melee class decrease space between him/her and the ranged class

Just dash and impact stab. Same distance closing capability and damage.

11-29-2011, 01:44 PM

11-29-2011, 01:49 PM
ok let me just end the thread by saying this:

-2nd if not best dps in the game due to 1s cast
-lets melee class decrease space between him/her and the ranged class

just because you got finished by a force kick doesn't mean its garbage,

and dromar wouldn't know about how it works...his combo =
SS, SG, SS, SG, SS, SG, SB, SG, SS, SB, Storm Crush.

dps means dmg per sec. Fk is has a 30+ sec cd. Bad dps is bad

11-29-2011, 02:04 PM
Just dash and impact stab. Same distance closing capability and damage.

or, with the push of 1 button do that same thing without the risk of breaking (lag, etc) and THEN use impact stab.
and the last time i checked force kick has a range of 12 or something, i for sure know its range is further than dash

dps means dmg per sec. Fk is has a 30+ sec cd. Bad dps is bad

nah, you aren't worth the time.
fail troll is fail.

11-29-2011, 02:07 PM
or, with the push of 1 button do that same thing without the risk of breaking (lag, etc) and THEN use impact stab.
and the last time i checked force kick has a range of 12 or something, i for sure know its range is further than dash

nah, you aren't worth the time.
fail troll is fail.

lol ur new to cabal huh?..guess u dnt no xi kk

11-29-2011, 02:09 PM
or, with the push of 1 button do that same thing without the risk of breaking (lag, etc) and THEN use impact stab.

Calm down, Fk is way laggier than dash + impact stab. Plus if you break on impact stab you can use it again in a few secs. Break on fk and you're done for.

11-29-2011, 02:10 PM
santa trolls never fail

11-29-2011, 02:23 PM
Calm down, Fk is way laggier than dash + impact stab. Plus if you break on impact stab you can use it again in a few secs. Break on fk and you're done for.

lol dromar let him be he can wait out the cool down during the pvp im sure it doesnt take that long right...

11-29-2011, 02:40 PM
This is the funnies

11-29-2011, 02:40 PM
or, with the push of 1 button do that same thing without the risk of breaking (lag, etc) and THEN use impact stab.
and the last time i checked force kick has a range of 12 or something, i for sure know its range is further than dash

nah, you aren't worth the time.
fail troll is fail.

Just shows how I'm right since you can't say anything back to it.

11-29-2011, 02:41 PM

11-29-2011, 02:45 PM
lol dromar let him be he can wait out the cool down during the pvp im sure it doesnt take that long right...
I've been playing cabal since 2007/08. Just because I call out xi on his bs makes me new? And if anything I would be new to the forum (which I'm not), in which case I could still have been playing cabal itself longer than you.

Calm down, Fk is way laggier than dash + impact stab. Plus if you break on impact stab you can use it again in a few secs. Break on fk and you're done for.

I'm not a mental patient. I think I can handle the timing of pressing more than one button consecutively.
Since when did your computer not being able to run a low spec game make a skill bad in dps?

I've raped kids like you in pvp because you are the type who have no idea how to get the best dps in a combo. This game isn't even challenging on in game skills like the pvp the way it is.

Enough wasted time. I'ma go eat.

11-29-2011, 02:50 PM
u sound mad. lol inb4 1 shot

11-29-2011, 02:52 PM
I've been playing cabal since 2007/08. Just because I call out xi on his bs makes me new? And if anything I would be new to the forum (which I'm not), in which case I could still have been playing cabal itself longer than you.

I'm not a mental patient. I think I can handle the timing of pressing more than one button consecutively.
Since when did your computer not being able to run a low spec game make a skill bad in dps?

I've raped kids like you in pvp because you are the type who have no idea how to get the best dps in a combo. This game isn't even challenging on in game skills like the pvp the way it is.

Enough wasted time. I'ma go eat.

Seems to me like you're too scared to use real dps skills because you're afraid of being proven wrong. Obvious coward is cowardly.

11-29-2011, 02:53 PM
dkmopper idk who u r but if u think fk is the best dps well fail is fail k nite

11-29-2011, 02:53 PM
my dps is pro 1k dmg every 90 seconds


11-29-2011, 02:54 PM
Tera break is #1 dps because right after you use it it do da big damage and you can use it again quickly

11-29-2011, 02:55 PM
Tera break is #1 dps because right after you use it it do da big damage and you can use it again quickly

fk> tera > level 20 ww = win combo

11-29-2011, 02:56 PM
wait tell me who u r mopper tell me now!!!!!!!!!!

11-29-2011, 03:03 PM
FK is the best skill ever.. i find its the most useful skill in all sword classes

11-29-2011, 03:04 PM
FK is the best skill ever.. i find its the most useful skill in all sword classes

That's because you paid for your character and have no knowledge of game mechanics. FK is so 2009.

11-29-2011, 03:07 PM
err highest dps skill in the game?

11-29-2011, 03:15 PM
That's because you paid for your character and have no knowledge of game mechanics. FK is so 2009.

loooooooool, you still butthurt about my video?

11-29-2011, 03:18 PM
loooooooool, you still butthurt about my video?

The one I'm not in? Come @ me harder bic boi. You're just mad because you use F tier skills.

11-29-2011, 03:20 PM
DarkD comes in....: ONE SHOTTTTT

11-29-2011, 03:41 PM
Just dash and impact stab. Same distance closing capability and damage. or just use charge then impact stab

11-29-2011, 03:50 PM

11-29-2011, 03:53 PM
SG SS finshes the job with the 5 range

11-29-2011, 04:08 PM
The one I'm not in? Come @ me harder bic boi. You're just mad because you use F tier skills.

whatever noob, just get some vaseline for the pain in your ass

11-29-2011, 04:19 PM
whatever noob, just get some vaseline for the pain in your ass
woah woah woah calm down >_>

11-29-2011, 04:32 PM
I'm also mad because I can't quote properly.

Thanks for the pro tip!! 3509

11-29-2011, 04:33 PM
dat dromar legacy.

11-29-2011, 04:33 PM
dat Mr. Scholar. agagagaga

11-29-2011, 04:37 PM
ahuehuehueheueheuehueuhe u take ap bio? so h4rdddd

11-29-2011, 04:42 PM
harder than understanding why fk is no0b? Naah.

11-29-2011, 04:43 PM
harder than using fk ?

11-29-2011, 04:48 PM
no one uses fk. get with the times.

11-29-2011, 04:51 PM
i use fk on my blader during war and sometimes in pvp, its useful

11-29-2011, 04:52 PM
i use fk on my blader during war and sometimes in pvp, its useful
Don't lie to yourself.

11-29-2011, 04:57 PM
Don't lie to yourself.
stop trolling -.-

11-29-2011, 04:58 PM
i use fk and im FA. show how much dps it got I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥. better den shadow shot

11-29-2011, 04:59 PM
Regardless of its cooldown, theres no reason not to use fk. Its a good skill.

11-29-2011, 04:59 PM
i use fk to go flying from square 1 to 9 sup

11-29-2011, 05:00 PM
FS just use 2 skills and they win :)

11-29-2011, 05:04 PM
FS requires 2 buttons to play

11-29-2011, 05:08 PM
u stupid? u only need need 1 button, combo. lvl 9 SG and lvl 9 SS

11-29-2011, 05:15 PM
u stupid? u only need need 1 button, combo. lvl 9 SG and lvl 9 SS

he was talking about combo start, and aod. DUH.

11-29-2011, 05:16 PM
only noob fs use aod.. u cant reach ppl duh!!!

11-29-2011, 05:17 PM
mfs duh!!

11-29-2011, 05:18 PM
real fs like father handoi walking aod

11-29-2011, 05:37 PM
Just dash and impact stab. Same distance closing capability and damage.

Sometimes you not be facing enemy and dash the other way. lololol.

11-29-2011, 05:44 PM
No mana freeze is the worst skill in game. An FB uses mana freeze on me but then I had 1600 mana so it was k.

11-29-2011, 05:46 PM
curse remove is the worst 1
pretty much useless -.-

11-29-2011, 05:47 PM
dash is most useless. why use dash when u got a kred board?

11-29-2011, 05:51 PM
dash is most useless. why use dash when u got a kred board?
wut if ur broke and dnt have a board?

11-29-2011, 05:53 PM
why dash when you can walk ?

Why walk when you can roll

11-29-2011, 05:54 PM
y walk wen u got prem and can warp?

11-29-2011, 05:54 PM
y walk when u can just aod there like noob fs?

11-29-2011, 06:19 PM
why force kick is bad (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+detect+sarcasm)

11-29-2011, 06:44 PM
close thread tis pointless and just becoming like everything else flame war

11-29-2011, 07:08 PM

11-29-2011, 07:15 PM
dash is most useless. why use dash when u got a kred board?

I was like, RW3 +15 is faster than kRed, but then

y walk wen u got prem and can warp?

And I was like, oh yeah, you're right, but then

y walk when u can just aod there like noob fs?

And I was like, you're a stupid @#%@#$@ but then

y u mad if u not FS?

And I was like, oh yeah....

11-29-2011, 07:25 PM
this sh*t again?

11-29-2011, 08:15 PM


11-29-2011, 08:15 PM
n3m 4 lyf

11-29-2011, 08:24 PM
Looool you guys are funny they say fm isn't good that's cuz you don't know how to use it

Immortal Dilemma
11-29-2011, 08:56 PM
You should take it off ur skill list bro.

11-29-2011, 10:14 PM
exchange that fk for a terrabreak

11-29-2011, 11:09 PM
Allz ya dumazz needa phudup ya.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni7HwPcwlkM&amp;feature=results_video&amp;playnext =1&amp;list=PL9EC73BCB56C549F8

and then SUP



This game don't even require skills anymore mang, its all about 1 or 2 or 3 hit kill, and my force kick will own yallz nuts. You can run but you better watch out, cuz force kick is comming to your nuts!

Before you try and say its the worst skill in game, go and hide yo wife, yo kids, and yo daddy, yo mammas, and yo whatever cuz you embarassing their asses.

11-30-2011, 04:45 AM
Allz ya dumazz needa phudup ya.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni7HwPcwlkM&feature=results_video&playnext =1&list=PL9EC73BCB56C549F8

and then SUP



This game don't even require skills anymore mang, its all about 1 or 2 or 3 hit kill, and my force kick will own yallz nuts. You can run but you better watch out, cuz force kick is comming to your nuts!

Before you try and say its the worst skill in game, go and hide yo wife, yo kids, and yo daddy, yo mammas, and yo whatever cuz you embarassing their asses.
i agree this game doesnt take much skills
and fk isnt useless at all -.-

11-30-2011, 10:42 AM
lol@ gamers who think fk I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥s cuz they think power is everything

11-30-2011, 11:24 AM
lolol@ ppl who think FK is good. cuz they obviously can't blink.

11-30-2011, 08:55 PM
i bet u cant blink with ur eyes closed. (get it??!?!?!)

12-01-2011, 12:26 AM
its a melee classes blink that is a 1/90 cd skill :) lmao can blink every 90 secsHmm i "blink" every 45 seconds. You're stupid if you have it at lvl 20. It's already a low hit skill, it's designed for fast starting combo mainly in war application or GvG (which like never happen these days) or ch20. Pvp meh...it's ok. So why would you have it lvl 20 if it's already a "low dmg" and "high cooldown?"

Also, dromar meant using dash(range 7) + the 4 range skill (every class has one, the skills are all patternized if you never noticed) = 11, pretty much as good as 12.

12-01-2011, 12:58 AM

12-01-2011, 05:24 AM
Dps means how much damage you do per second with THAT skill....this means you go by it's cooldown to determine it's DPS as a single skill because you can only cast it again once the cooldown is done.

DPS in a combo string is way different because cooldown isn't the gauge by which you judge DPS...it's the casting time of the skills in the combo string + how much damage it does due to the cycling of skills (which is why faster cast is usually better in pvp). For melee classes, they all have other fast casting skills that are close to the same damage as FK and you can use them in your combo while FK cools down....when you have those skills + FK, you just get an extra quick attack from FK if you use it in combo...it's not a skill meant to be the staple of your damage.

Overall, every skill in the game has a use...everything is not just for damage or dps.....since we are talking about FK, It's not about the damage and it has many great uses...it's a skill that is used to stop/catch a runner, to close distance instantly, to stun and/or delay enemies combo, to escape when near death (only WI should be able to catch you then) and lastly you can use it in your combo string for quick added damage....

Overall, there is no need to have a shorter cooldown on FK...it works well for this game....if you don't use it at all, then too bad...it's a nice skill when used in the right place and at the right time...at .4 second cast time in combo, it's definitely a highly useful skill.

Oh and for those who can't use it in combo because it breaks...well too bad, we can't get you a better pc, better timing/read and recognition skills, better ISP or better latency....those are the only things that make you unable to combo with FK...so it's not a useless skill just because you don't have the things needed to make use of it. All I can say is practice, watch vids of others using and pay attention how others use it.

12-01-2011, 05:56 AM
Dps means how much damage you do per second with THAT skill....this means you go by it's cooldown to determine it's DPS as a single skill because you can only cast it again once the cooldown is done.

DPS in a combo string is way different because cooldown isn't the gauge by which you judge DPS...it's the casting time of the skills in the combo string + how much damage it does due to the cycling of skills (which is why faster cast is usually better in pvp). For melee classes, they all have other fast casting skills that are close to the same damage as FK and you can use them in your combo while FK cools down....when you have those skills + FK, you just get an extra quick attack from FK if you use it in combo...it's not a skill meant to be the staple of your damage.

Overall, every skill in the game has a use...everything is not just for damage or dps.....since we are talking about FK, It's not about the damage and it has many great uses...it's a skill that is used to stop/catch a runner, to close distance instantly, to stun and/or delay enemies combo, to escape when near death (only WI should be able to catch you then) and lastly you can use it in your combo string for quick added damage....

Overall, there is no need to have a shorter cooldown on FK...it works well for this game....if you don't use it at all, then too bad...it's a nice skill when used in the right place and at the right time...at .4 second cast time in combo, it's definitely a highly useful skill.

Oh and for those who can't use it in combo because it breaks...well too bad, we can't get you a better pc, better timing/read and recognition skills, better ISP or better latency....those are the only things that make you unable to combo with FK...so it's not a useless skill just because you don't have the things needed to make use of it. All I can say is practice, watch vids of others using and pay attention how others use it.

95% of your post is wrong.

12-01-2011, 07:42 AM
Also, dromar meant using dash(range 7) + the 4 range skill (every class has one, the skills are all patternized if you never noticed) = 11, pretty much as good as 12.

Actually I was trolling.

12-01-2011, 07:48 AM
Actually i have force kick at level 1. Lowest cd time low dmg but i can go flying at a faster time

12-01-2011, 07:57 AM
Level 1 isn't the lowest cd noob.

12-01-2011, 07:59 AM

12-01-2011, 08:01 AM
Level 1 ftw anyways because anything else is noob:)

12-03-2011, 10:02 PM

FK ftw

enjoy in HD