View Full Version : End Game?

11-30-2011, 08:08 AM
So, just wondering what every one would prefer. An end game wi or an end game fa. Both have similar gear and hr rankings and all that. So yea, id make this a poll if i knew how or if that is even possible? Anyway, post which you would prefer with end game stuff.

Also, this is off topic but w/e. I cant seem to find the button in my profile to change my sig anymore, did they remove that?

11-30-2011, 08:46 AM
end game wiz just for blink and bm2.

also, don't know what they did with the signature thing either. tried looking for it too :/

11-30-2011, 08:49 AM
So, just wondering what every one would prefer. An end game wi or an end game fa. Both have similar gear and hr rankings and all that. So yea, id make this a poll if i knew how or if that is even possible? Anyway, post which you would prefer with end game stuff.

Also, this is off topic but w/e. I cant seem to find the button in my profile to change my sig anymore, did they remove that?

I think they changed where it was, but you can still edit your sig by

click on Forum actions -> edit profile -> edit sig should be on the left side of your screen

11-30-2011, 08:52 AM
Also, this is off topic but w/e. I cant seem to find the button in my profile to change my sig anymore, did they remove that?


11-30-2011, 08:54 AM

1 upp'd me with your fancy screenshot =[

11-30-2011, 08:56 AM
1 upp'd me with your fancy screenshot =[

you were 3 minutes faster, tie game

11-30-2011, 09:27 AM
wiz is much better

11-30-2011, 09:37 AM
Fa with level 20 drill shot and prismatic arrow owns wiArd

11-30-2011, 10:02 AM
Well thnx for letting me know what i needed to do to edit. Also so far wiz is the way to go end game, not really seeing why. If its just for blink and bm2, i dont think that's enough to choose what would be better. But as i have not had either at end game, guess i cant really say much.

11-30-2011, 10:08 AM
Well thnx for letting me know what i needed to do to edit. Also so far wiz is the way to go end game, not really seeing why. If its just for blink and bm2, i dont think that's enough to choose what would be better. But as i have not had either at end game, guess i cant really say much.

Wiz is easier for pve. More aoe and dps in bm2. I guess FA puts out more dmg in combo if pvp is a big thing for you...

11-30-2011, 10:11 AM
Wiz is easier for pve. More aoe and dps in bm2. I guess FA puts out more dmg in combo if pvp is a big thing for you...
No, pvp isnt that big of a deal for me, i hardly do it actually. I occasionally war though. But yea i guess i can see the better dps for bm2 on wiz and bigger aoe. So yea i can see why it would be better end game for better vamp and stuff. My big thing against wiz though, is that they are a magic class without much range. I mean a lot of their skills are like 5 or less in range so in order to have that dps in bm2 you would need to be close enough to use all those skills.

11-30-2011, 10:50 AM
So, just wondering what every one would prefer. An end game wi or an end game fa. Both have similar gear and hr rankings and all that. So yea, id make this a poll if i knew how or if that is even possible? Anyway, post which you would prefer with end game stuff.

Also, this is off topic but w/e. I cant seem to find the button in my profile to change my sig anymore, did they remove that?

The button is still there, its just hidden. There is a very small spot to click between my profile and log out. Its hard to find, but its there.

11-30-2011, 01:29 PM
No one else wants to add there opinion about which one is better end game?

11-30-2011, 02:40 PM
you can also send private message to yourself and then click on that

11-30-2011, 07:31 PM
Thnx to all who told/showed me how to edit things but back on topic. Any one else wish to add to the discussion about which is better end game, fa or wi?

11-30-2011, 07:34 PM
Thnx to all who told/showed me how to edit things but back on topic. Any one else wish to add to the discussion about which is better end game, fa or wi?

Srsly, don't be an FA. FA s.

11-30-2011, 07:38 PM
Srsly, don't be an FA. FA s.
Honestly, they have there use, just cant really solo much end game without really good gear. But if an almost end game fa is saying they I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥, i guess they do. Oh well, end thread.

11-30-2011, 07:44 PM
Honestly, they have there use, just cant really solo much end game without really good gear. But if an almost end game fa is saying they I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥I love you >.<♥, i guess they do. Oh well, end thread.

I play FA cause i think it's fun, but it's not very useful compared to wiz. If you are going for practicality, wiz is better ~_~

11-30-2011, 08:57 PM
So, just wondering what every one would prefer. An end game wi or an end game fa. Both have similar gear and hr rankings and all that. So yea, id make this a poll if i knew how or if that is even possible? Anyway, post which you would prefer with end game stuff.

Also, this is off topic but w/e. I cant seem to find the button in my profile to change my sig anymore, did they remove that?

wizard hands down.

12-01-2011, 07:02 AM
Fa not useful? how could someone construe such a defamatory statement!!! >:O


No, people will call a class weak and fail if its not working for them I believe. :) FA has uses....and I think its a "DUUUUH" to everyone who knows why.

However, Wiz is also a fun class like

Chasing an enemy DOOOOOWN!!!! and I mean chase him down until he falls to the ground and eats SNOW, Sand or whatever type of land thats on the ground


Okay!!!! So picture enemy is running away from you...and you are the mighty WI with uber mobility!!!! You as a player have precision with retargetting enemies in duels using a mouse.

1.) Initiate Combo mode then press whatever offense skill

2.) Your wi starts to run towards the target enemy

3.) press dash u close in on ur target

4.) then press blink ur beside and on range with the target

5.) press another offense skill and swoooooosh you hit the target (swoosh because u press aqua lance and it has 9 range so its kind of like a water sound)

6.) Target enemy continues to run and your force to chase him and youre still on combo so PRESS Energy Field or Burning Hand offense Skill so you can move closer coz his distance is like equivalent to two blinks away.

7.) Press Dash again

8.) Then Blink

9.) Then press another offense skill and you hit your target 2 times Fwooooosh and Krrrrrrrrrk (Fire lance and Stone Cannon thats how they sound like right?)

10.) His hp is like 25% now because ur lances and cannon hit him for 1.2 - 1.3k per crit and all ur skills critted because ur just lucky with critting.

and he tries to escape (dash and fade style) so press dash then blink and hit Meteorite!!!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAM it crits


so yeah if you ask me about end game, Id choose that kind of play style (which only Wizards can do)

coz FA, its fun but since the range is like over, theres no excitement, all you can do is kite in pk, and im sick and tired of it

12-01-2011, 07:10 AM
Sigh im quiting fa LOL

12-01-2011, 07:12 AM
Fa not useful? how could someone construe such a defamatory statement!!! >:O


No, people will call a class weak and fail if its not working for them I believe. :) FA has uses....and I think its a "DUUUUH" to everyone who knows why.

However, Wiz is also a fun class like

Chasing an enemy DOOOOOWN!!!! and I mean chase him down until he falls to the ground and eats SNOW, Sand or whatever type of land thats on the ground


Okay!!!! So picture enemy is running away from you...and you are the mighty WI with uber mobility!!!! You as a player have precision with retargetting enemies in duels using a mouse.

1.) Initiate Combo mode then press whatever offense skill

2.) Your wi starts to run towards the target enemy

3.) press dash

4.) then press blink

5.) press another offense skill and swoooooosh you hit the enemy (swoosh because u press aqua lance and it has 9 range so its kind of like a water sound)

6.) Enemy continues to run and your force to chase him and youre still on combo so PRESS Energy Field or Burning Hand offense Skill so you can move closer coz his distance is like equivalent to two blinks away.

7.) Press Dash again

8.) Then Blink

9.) Then press another offense skill and you hit your target 2 times Fwooooosh and Krrrrrrrrrk (Fire lance and Stone Cannon)

10.) His hp is like 25% now because ur lances and cannon hit him for 1.2 - 1.3k per crit.

and he tries to escape (dash and fade style) so press dash then blink and hit Meteorite!!!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAM it crits


so yeah if you ask me about end game, Id choose that kind of play style (which only Wizards can do)

coz FA, its fun but since the range is like over, theres no excitement, all you can do is kite in pk, and im sick and tired of it

FA can be useful but when you have to choose between an equally geared FA and equally geared WI, WI is more practical.

You'll always have somebody to dungeon with as a WI because you'll never have to look for a WI for sp.

FA heal is really only needed in MO these days. Other than Marquinas and ft, I can't think of any dungeon where an FA would be a better choice than a WI.

WI can solo bosses easier than FA can, and overall WI contributes more to party dps than FA does.

12-01-2011, 07:21 AM
Who wants easy? You go for hard! thats the way to find fun in this game.

12-01-2011, 07:22 AM
Who wants easy? You go for hard! thats the way to find fun in this game.

Which is why I play FA ;o If i was gonna reroll I'd have done it by now haha

I play FA cause i think it's fun, but it's not very useful compared to wiz. If you are going for practicality, wiz is better ~_~

12-01-2011, 07:24 AM
Which is why I play FA ;o If i was gonna reroll I'd have done it by now haha

You are! you keeping a secret weapon fb. I know you do!

12-01-2011, 07:24 AM
Which is why I play FA ;o If i was gonna reroll I'd have done it by now haha

Chop chop twinny im 80% hahah

12-01-2011, 07:28 AM
Chop chop twinny im 80% hahah

I'm 68% :[

You are! you keeping a secret weapon fb. I know you do!

I've been compromised! D=

12-01-2011, 07:29 AM
Gasp! I knew it!!! =O

12-01-2011, 07:31 AM
Hurry up or imma beat u!!!!!!

12-01-2011, 07:57 AM
Well this got some what interesting.

12-01-2011, 11:06 AM
I feel like changing things up now. Fa, Wi, OR FB. Lets see what you think now.

12-01-2011, 07:27 PM
ahaha an equally geared wiz killing me is preposterous.

12-01-2011, 07:30 PM
ahaha an equally geared wiz killing me is preposterous.

kay you've proven the 2nd half of my statement right. Let's see you prove the 1st part wrong.

Wiz is easier for pve. More aoe and dps in bm2. I guess FA puts out more dmg in combo if pvp is a big thing for you...