View Full Version : war lvs should be redone

12-11-2011, 05:01 AM
70 to 99
100 to 129
130 to 159
160 to 180
what do you guys think :D keep it flame free plox :<

12-11-2011, 05:06 AM
160 to 180 is a huge gap of leveling

12-11-2011, 05:08 AM
kinda but i mean alot people in 160s hav plus 15 sets lol i think theyd be fine XD
would make tier 5 bigger to hehe they should jus bring back guardian and 1bringer per class ^_^

12-11-2011, 06:07 AM
kinda but i mean alot people in 160s hav plus 15 sets lol i think theyd be fine XD
would make tier 5 bigger to hehe they should jus bring back guardian and 1bringer per class ^_^

yeah some 160s do have +15 sets but thats only because they stay 160 to farm t4. If you made t5 160-180, then there would be much less 160s. And then you'd see more and more 150s farming t4 with +15 gears. Regardless of level, there will always be people farming t4 and staying out of t5.

I think the war tiers are good as they are. 140-169 can all double stack buffs, and 170-180 can triple stack. The difference between 160 - 180 rank ups is too big. I don't think 160s could kill 180s... for people like trap and burningraven, most 160s would be hitting 11s and 12s on them, and they'd get 3 shot.

But I do like the idea of bringing guardian titles or class bringer back :p

12-11-2011, 07:26 AM
I agree with Cathy. The current war set up is perfect for T4 and T5. The main reason is because when it was 150-170 for T5 the amount of time it took most of those 150s to get 30 was outragious.

You're not going to be able to stop war farmers from staying in their tiers. There will always be farmers and they will always reroll if they out level it.

12-11-2011, 07:41 AM
yeah some 160s do have +15 sets but thats only because they stay 160 to farm t4. If you made t5 160-180, then there would be much less 160s. And then you'd see more and more 150s farming t4 with +15 gears. Regardless of level, there will always be people farming t4 and staying out of t5.

I think the war tiers are good as they are. 140-169 can all double stack buffs, and 170-180 can triple stack. The difference between 160 - 180 rank ups is too big. I don't think 160s could kill 180s... for people like trap and burningraven, most 160s would be hitting 11s and 12s on them, and they'd get 3 shot.

But I do like the idea of bringing guardian titles or class bringer back :p
dam cathy way to hit every nail on the head :> well said XD

12-11-2011, 07:43 AM
But I do like the idea of bringing guardian titles or class bringer back :p
yes u and many of my followers agree lol :rolleyes:

12-11-2011, 09:19 AM
why not raise the lvl cap to lvl 200 and open tier 6

12-11-2011, 12:33 PM
why not raise the lvl cap to lvl 200 and open tier 6

Are you asking for more grinding!!! no!!!!!

12-12-2011, 04:11 PM
160 to 180 is a huge gap of leveling

110-139 is a bigger level difference. Alot of the 160's are in similar gear to the T5 people but are just too lazy to level while farming the easier NW. I'm all in favor of making it 160-180 :D

12-12-2011, 04:59 PM
110-139 is a bigger level difference. Alot of the 160's are in similar gear to the T5 people but are just too lazy to level while farming the easier NW. I'm all in favor of making it 160-180 :D
i meant grinding wise :)

12-12-2011, 09:47 PM
70 to 99
100 to 129
130 to 159
160 to 180
what do you guys think :D keep it flame free plox :<
no? because santa falls in the category of 160-180...

12-13-2011, 06:11 AM
So.........You wanna take war away from 52-69? That doesn't sound fair.

Sir Hiss
12-13-2011, 06:39 PM
and how is a lvl 80 supposed to kill a lvl 99? i already get owned by people 5 levels higher then me :/

12-13-2011, 07:05 PM
War is fine the way it is now.

12-14-2011, 05:18 AM
70 to 99
100 to 129
130 to 159
160 to 180
what do you guys think :D keep it flame free plox :<i agree with that but 160 to 180 should be 160 to 169 and then 170 to 180 this will be better
70 to 99
100 to 129
130 to 159
160 to 169
170 to 180
they must be 5 tiers no less or they should increase the lvl gap to 190
70 to 99
100 to 129
130 to 159
160 to 180
180 to 190