View Full Version : 123 hit combo?

12-16-2011, 04:45 PM
sorry i dont buy it at all, especially since hes only using a few skills.


12-16-2011, 05:13 PM
lol you can made 60 combo but is u make 123 you are hack you hypocrite much ?

[GM] Stormcrow
12-16-2011, 05:30 PM

We are aware that a 123 combo is unusually high. Please note: This particular issue is currently under investigation. Once the legitimacy of this victory has been determined, it will be handled accordingly.

Providing a fair and competitive environment for our players is an important priority for us.

Thanks for your concern!

12-16-2011, 05:36 PM
Says the one who can chat while comboing *cough* (No really I'm sick)

12-16-2011, 05:42 PM
whats so special about pic

12-16-2011, 07:38 PM
go get em storm!!!

12-16-2011, 07:52 PM
sorry i dont buy it at all, especially since hes only using a few skills.


Whats DoS2? A sequel of a text based game called Darkest of Sins? How come your picture is hosted on tha website? You own it? You own a fail game's website so you own the game? You know how to program one? You used your skill at programming to hack cabal? with that hack you make your high combos during the events? They allow you to talk while comboing? ( I saw you talking and doing a landing a 50+ combo 5 seconds later )


It's late and i'm bored

12-16-2011, 09:28 PM
its quite obvious "walkintherain" is only a noob alt used to abuse the combo hacks, look at him to the bottom left corner of the picture, makes me go ROFL, bluestin? he clearly knows himself the percentage of getting bann is high....so he use a noob.

12-16-2011, 10:25 PM
if you took the time to just put in www.dos2.net and find out maybe you will see what it is. its a new game i made on a website, for text based games. meaning you click everything. its dos 2 because the first dos the framework was shaky and it was my first experiment. it failed because of the framework was bad so i decided to completely write a new one.

Dos2 is still in its beta version and is still beign worked on so you cant call it fail just for having a few players online since i didnt officially release it.

How do you make a connection with dos2 and cabal? web programming is not the same as hacking an online game.

you must hack too sicne i remember you scoring a 66 in combo...hmmm. as i remember i only got a 70 and 85 hit combo. guess you must be a hacker to come close to a hacker.

yea its called ctrl+combo button. it allows you to press the combo button and remain your chat open. multi tasking at its best.